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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Twitter Campaigne: "Mission Deadwood"
Bojangles Crying out loud John James in the final NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [ more ]
Bojangles Trouble is we had all those boring days of Josie and John James under the duvet.It nearly finished the progamme in my opinion,say what you like about Sam he has saved the show this year. [ more ]
Eugene's Lair Update: The following is the "Big Brother Operation Deadwood" Facebook page's "Description": "Get out JJ, Steve, Mario/or Dave (there's split votes on this) and Andrew from this years Big Brother. We need to make sure John James, Sam and Corin and get into the final." So right from the start, there's no agreement on who they're targetting, and the wording suggests to me that there's already been some editing/changes of heart... On Twitter, recent tweets seem to have switched to targetting... [ more ]
See all 20 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
This weeks 4 out vote to evicit is a scandal.
Fairfax Reference: I've got an awful craving for Teewurst. Waitrose used to sell it, but don't anymore. Ordering online is really expensive Aww isn't it mad the things you still miss. I'm like a lunatic when I arrive, down to the Kiosk for my licorice and I stuff myself with all the gorgeous foods we don't get here.I always gain weight after a trip back. I'm in bread heaven!! Anyhooo...whats all this with liking Niki Graham... [ more ]
Ducky Reference: I really liked Pete Me too. [ more ]
cologne 1 Reference: I'm sticking close to you during Ultimate BB then Cologne. Reference: I liked her too! Oh and whilst we're doing confessions I really liked Pete Let's stick together. [ more ]
See all 37 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Josie's unique achievement
watcher1 Josie has played a blinder. Not much involvement in discussions etc unless they're concerned with JJ - just sailed to the final by staying on her back. Could advertise for D*S when she leaves. [ more ]
Soozy Woo Reference: Only JJ put his hand up for her. Reference: Dave put his hand up And Andrew, and I think, maybe JJ2 And JJ1 too .............funny how some people see what they want to see. I think that's why they decided on Josie although Corin was quick to chip in with 'she's gonna be in the final anyway'. probably though - some people didn't see that either. [ more ]
Fairfax Got to say I'm still glad Josie was awarded the honour in getting to the final over John James, Dave or Steve . They were absolutely GUTTED. John James face was a pure picture when he heard about the all stars.. [ more ]
See all 24 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Bookies update thread
SpiderMonkey Latest news is Andrew's crashing. He was 60/1 to go next Friday. He's now 6/1. So as it stands... Crabster is favourite to go on 4/6. Sam next on 11/5. Andrew third out on 6/1. Steve fourth out on 7/1. Also in the running are... Mario on 15/2. Corin 14/1. Dave 15/1. Only JJ2 is still safe on 45/1. [ more ]
Marguerita Thank you Supes Thank you Skylark [ more ]
Former Member Reference: How many is leaving friday is it a double eviction.. thank you. 4 out on Friday Marg x [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Oh STFU Sam!
Gouryella Reference: oh goury What?.If the truth can be told as to be understood.It will be believed!. [ more ]
Gouryella Reference: I hate the quote system on here. It's like something from the 1980's. [ more ]
cockney-chick Thank you Moonbeams. Have to go now as i am tired after stopping out at a party til 2am last night/this morning. SO take care all and thanks for being nice and understanding. NIGHT NIGHT! See you all again sooooon. [ more ]
See all 55 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The only consolation for Sam fans.
kattymieoww I'd love that evil Monk Dave to get booted first,alas I doubt it! [ more ]
Ducky Reference: Crab eyes getting the boot,thats our consolation as we dislike Crab eyes. No fair You said consolation for SAM fans, not JJ1 haters. I'm a Sam fan....... I'm reporting you to trading standards. [ more ]
stonks Reference: crab eyes and the evil monk going before sammy would be even better [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Fairfax Reference: I have to admit the words 'can you believe it' sprang out of my mouth repeatedly after I found out she was only 29 Yep, I think herself and Josie look like they've been around the block a few times. Can't believe they are both only in their twenties [ more ]
Bojangles Reference: That enough? Innit [ more ]
Karma_ I have to admit the words 'can you believe it' sprang out of my mouth repeatedly after I found out she was only 29 [ more ]
See all 21 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Will Fingermouse make the final?
Blackpudlian Reference: I think it was a general declaration of the state of play Like when I suddenly shout out, "Ohhhhh me foot's gone to sleep" [ more ]
Blackpudlian Reference: OMG, is that true? Who did she tell? I think it was a general declaration of the state of play [ more ]
Former Member Reference: According to Josie.John James had put his finger up her bum last night. OMG, is that true? Who did she tell? [ more ]
See all 68 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Crabster asked Josie if he can take her place if she doesn't want to re-enter the house for UBB
kattymieoww What a desperate arrogant prick he is. I loath him. [ more ]
Blackpudlian Reference: and please, please, please Josie, don't be so wet as to fall for this borlox and give up the opportunity for "love" That would be the first time Josie has got wet or even the slightest bit moist [ more ]
Monobrow (Sam is a legend) Like that would be up to Josie anyway? [ more ]
See all 29 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Well thats it, I'm given up for this last week.
Former Member I understand what you mean Ducky [ more ]
Ducky Ok...... I'm kinda aware that I've been posting I want Sam to win, and in other threads that I want Josie to win, and I'm getting all self concious about it now I am torn!! I want two winners this year! One to win the money (Josie), one to go into Ultimate BB (Sam). [ more ]
monkey13 Reference: I'll tune in for the Ultimate BB though BUT it better live up to the 'hype' I wouldn't count on it Rawky, this whole show has gone (o)(o) up! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Why is it 'OK' for SAM to be a total arse, but if it was anyone else (Dave/John James/whoever) they would be vilified?!
Monobrow (Sam is a legend) Reference: I am only on an hour or so a day, but after trawling through the threads I can see who is on all the time/on for hours and hours and hardly ever off. And no matter what time I come, the same people are here, and they are generally the ones that tell ME to get out more, which is hilarious! I'm not 'ere often, and I would tend to agree, that maybe others advice is sound [ more ]
Monobrow (Sam is a legend) why is it always the same troll, I am curious, very curious, to start the same boring poo [ more ]
Fairfax Reference: Depressing? Yes I find the shambolic show that is BB11 depressing Disgraceful end to a brilliant concept [ more ]
See all 148 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ben Revenge Squad (just for a laugh)
Former Member I want him to know, now!! Can someone shout it over the wall [ more ]
SpiderMonkey Bluey, John James is 75/1 to win BB 2010. Say that with me, 75/1. Feels good, yes? [ more ]
Blue Diamond (Ben's Buddy 11) I like your style Spider, there is no grin on Mario's face, but there is a big one on John James's face for all his achievements. So, if it is OK with you Spider we will get JJ out first. [ more ]
See all 11 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
JJ's going to get Sam out of the house.
Trixy Reference: Ahh yes, but I noticed a birthday thread was made in honour of your 21st on this forum about, say, 2 weeks ago? Are ya sure it's out of ya system So I hit 20 about 1 year and 2 weeks ago and yes it is most definitely out of my system...Sam Pepper does not float my boat [ more ]
Former Member Wish it was Dave's odds shortening [ more ]
Former Member His next eviction odds are shortening , and Jo's are drifting [ more ]
See all 27 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Amazingly good news!!
monkey13 Reference: This should have been made clear before the voting lines opened last night. They need to refund everyone, reset the votes and start again. It's a totally different ballgame now that we know there's 4 going. Agree Erinp [ more ]
Elkie IReference: Reference: Oh Elkie! I have been out most of the day Ducky I will read back, it seems a bit unfair though, poor Sam [ more ]
SpiderMonkey Reference: Now I've given up on the hope of saving Sam To be honest Erin, although Sam is very popular on this forum, I think there's a lot of viewers who strongly dislike him. And besides which, the FB tweeny JJ and Sam fan clubs seem hell bent on voting each other anyway. [ more ]
See all 63 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
FOUR to go.....
Former Member This should have been made clear before the voting lines opened. They need to refund everyone, reset the votes and start again. It's a totally different ballgame now that we know there's 4 going. With just 1 or 2 going I was quite happy to vote for just Crab eyes to save Sam. Now I've given up on the hope of saving Sam and I just want to get rid of the deadwood like Steve, JJ2, Andrew & Dave instead. Have BB waited to see where the votes were going before they changed their Agenda. [ more ]
Blizz'ard It gives Melon Boy a better chance, so I'm happy! [ more ]
Spy I can't decide if it's shit or not but I think I wish it was vote to win now rather than evict but I'm not sure! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
4 to go ,but will they all go next Friday?
Former Member This should have been made clear last night before the voting lines opened. They need to refund everyone, reset the votes and start again. It's a totally different ballgame now that we know there's 4 going. With just 1 or 2 going I was quite happy to vote for just Crab eyes to save Sam. Now I've given up on the hope of saving Sam and I just want to get rid of the deadwood like Steve, JJ2, Andrew & Dave instead. [ more ]
Ducky Reference: Grasping at Straws I know Have one of mine Erinp. [ more ]
Former Member If they go down this road,it will be the most unwatched final ever, what a way to go out indeed. [ more ]
See all 5 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Next Friday eviction.(spoiler)
justafriend its just not fair, its impossible to save yor fav this way. [ more ]
Former Member Phone lines opened ,no mention of 4 to be evicted ,BB producers have been given an indication of where the votes are going ,dont like what they see and change there original decision. It stinks WHAT THE HELL ARE WE GOING TO BE LEFT WITH? [ more ]
Mathematics On the plus side, if Dave escapes eviction on Friday (with John-James, Corin and Sam going), he is likely to be second or third favourite to win behind Josie. The viewing public is warming to Dave, and I can see more people voting him to win than the likes of Steve, JJ2 and Andrew. [ more ]
See all 21 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Tonights HL show (spoiler)
Former Member Thanks Erin looks like another JJ/J HL show so I'll give it a miss tonight [ more ]
monkey13 I'm sorry Erinp, its Dave first before i can think of anyone else, that vile man has to go first IMO. [ more ]
Former Member Crab eyes really needs to leave this week ,all Sam supporters please concentrate on voting Crab eyes out.Many campaigns are up and running ,the word is vote only Crab eyes,cheeers. [ more ]
See all 5 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
POLL: Do you like Sam?
Former Member Reference: But it wasn't his choice to make, he got one vote not all of them. If they wanted to waste their votes on Josie why is it his business? I kinda agree with you, but, BB didn't say it had to be done by a vote, they could have done it by discussion had that not been suggested, by Andrew I think it was? Also, when they decided on the three hms to bring in there was q a bit of discussion, and a re-vote, so I guess that was q similar Reference: Also what he knew upon entering the house... [ more ]
brisket Reference: Fairfax Seriously, each to their own Exactly! We agree. [ more ]
Fairfax Reference: Brisket No! A definite no. For me he's made an already dull series even duller. His (so-called) pranks are extremely immature and not even funny. His droney 2-tone voice with its camp inflections gets on my nerve. His droopy bottom lip gormless look only adds to my annoyance. His mouth is forever sagging open. A resounding NO from me. ohhhh Briskets you are hash. Best I don't labour on about Mario's pigeon toed gait, or translantic drawl then. Seriously, each to their own, but I... [ more ]
See all 70 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Monk Dave! J'Accuse! Your crimes listed Please feel free to add!
monkey13 Reference: I use the word "duplicitous" not only because I like the word I love this word too Brisket, just wish I could pronounce it [ more ]
brisket He has been insincere throughout the series. He has conned his way through. I use the word "duplicitous" not only because I like the word, but because it is true when applied to Dave, the Sinister Minister. [ more ]
Former Member I think our Monk has loftier ideas - he wants to be elevated to God like status as another Janus - well he has a two faced nature so I'm sure he'll fit right in, but I refuse to worship at his alter [ more ]
See all 31 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
They really don't care, do they?!
Bojangles and I hope the first one out is that Oz Tw-t [ more ]
Fairfax Reference: Last night JJ-Oz was saying he was going to dress up everynight and do his hair (not was it of course - that would be taking things too far) Makes no difference, he still looks like an 80's hobo [ more ]
kimota I hope its just two going this week and vote to save next week or we will lose a lot of the bigger characters (not that I mind some going) [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
i watched that crap tonight and couldn't believe my ears
Fairfax Reference: It's too late to save Big Brother now. The original idea has been changed beyond recognition. It's impossible to re-capture it. Such a pity it is bowing out and a very poor series. I thoroughly agree Brisket. I had to laugh when some of the hm's were in the kitchen discussing how wonderful it was to be on the last ever BB and Steve said, something along the lines of BB1 will be rememberd too even "tho it were rubbish ". For me it was the best ever. At least what you were seeing... [ more ]
brisket It's too late to save Big Brother now. The original idea has been changed beyond recognition. It's impossible to re-capture it. Such a pity it is bowing out and a very poor series. As for Joe-John getting cheers. I suppose most of the fans and voters are just for a housemate's looks. I think Joe John is ordinary and I think John James is bland and not at all good looking. But look at the competition..... [ more ]
Bursar I agree it would be much better if they went back to some of the original format. First of all they had routine things to do - they had to bake all their own bread, look after the chickens and a bit of vegetable garden. I think they had a limited amount of reading matter, and one of them certainly had a guitar. This meant that they had things to do and means to entertain themselves. All these things have been withdrawn so now the housemates have absolutely nothing to do and can only sit... [ more ]
See all 16 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
who on here is a Josie fan ?
Ducky Reference: Sometimes I like her....sometimes i think shes a twat. Pretty good summation of how I feel about most of the HMs this year. It's been good not to feel any really strong dislike for any HM this time though. I'll save that for the All Stars. [ more ]
Former Member I think she does too - I am really hoping the scales will fall from her eyes though at some point,. When she was first in the house she really stood up to him it was great. [ more ]
Croctacus I do think she appeases John james a bit much though [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Crabeyes says he doesn't want to win
Blackpudlian Reference: Crabeyes says he doesn't want to win Doesn't that contradict his remark that he would do anything to win? [ more ]
Baz Well, personally, I am more than happy to help him get his wish of not winning! [ more ]
~Lee~ If only he washed his hair as frequently as he changes his story ....The other day we had his Pete Bennett attempt now this,he's the HM most obsessed imo,he analyses and watches EVERY move of the others ,he never takes his mind of the game for a minute.he judges every action of the other HMs by his own warped obsessed standards. [ more ]
See all 12 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
O/T What ever happened to "Banstick" Steve???
stonks Reference: Anyone know if hes gone or still lurking? Im sure stonks was his number one fan... I HEARTS STICKY STEVE.... [ more ]
Kaytee Fickle that one...once they're gone they're gone and it's NEXT! (a woman after my own heart) [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing he left some time ago.... got another job elsewhere! Stonks was inconsolable... for ages... well.... about ten minutes... but you could sense her pain [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
CrabEyes doesn't look happy...
Senora Reyes Reference: You have decided to see what you want to see Or we interpret things differently..After all we ALL have our own minds right? [ more ]
Former Member I didn't see a fixed rigid smile on Corin She was very animated. You have decided to see what you want to see [ more ]
Senora Reyes I personally think it's great...It pissed me off when I heard him say that Josie wasn't clever and she didn't know what was going on...I also love the fact that Orangina and Mario's smiles were so fixed and rigid last night, I thought they're faces were going to crack....I would have loved to ask Orangina at that precise moment...."Are ya buzzin"? "Are ya loving it" [ more ]
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