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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The person who puts Crabeyes and Monk Dave both in thier respective places will be my winner...
Liverpoollass In respect of Dave, I can only think that they are wearing blindfolds and ear plugs. I cannot for the life of me, understand why they all like Dave. Andrew in particular said to Dave that he thought he was very trustworthy I would love just one hour in the house to tell everyone what we see/hear/think and then see if they still feel the same way about each other. [ more ]
BARMYBRUMMIE - Slickman to WIN! where IS Corin whilst all this is going on?? I've got it on LF on the lappy and look at it occasionally. I can see Sam holding court with his origami n stuff - who'd have thunk it!!! Where's Corin? [ more ]
Former Member He's hardly stopped to draw breath, since the task finished. He really thinks he's the only one in there who has an opinion that matters! He's gunning for Corin, and he's not going to give her a minute's peace, until he gets booted out. Hope it's bluddy soon. That voice would grate hard skin on cheesy feet......wekkwekkwekkwekkwekk [ more ]
See all 22 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Rate my Mates task
Liverpoollass Sam being crowned the most attention-seeking, bitchiest, devious, arrogant and fakest housemate. I certainly wouldn't say Sam was arrogant or the fakest in the house. He is just an easy target for those in the house to vent their fury and disdain. For me, Dave is probably the fakest and the most devious. [ more ]
brisket I've had the news channel on for the last hour. I switch back to check. Unbelievably they are still going on about the task. *I would have put ______as most entertaining" "Most desperate is ______" They are unbelievably up themselves. (Or should that be unbelievably anxious?) Andrew, Corin and Mario are in the Nest and discussing something completely different. [ more ]
Former Member He's a narse, who really needs to STFU. Wish one of those eejits would get some stones and tell him to his face he's a fekking boring twat! [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sam Puppet's treatment of Corin is making me start liking her again
Ev (Peachy) Reference: I wish the two Gaylord feckers would just piss off into the sunset together ...So over them I just hope soon, when someone says remember Dave and JJ , i will go who? [ more ]
Senora Reyes Reference: Nooooo,not a priest we know,the guilt would be too much to carry knowing we'd inflicted that on him. A Witch Doctor then?....Goes off mysteriously wih Yellow pages, checks listings for the occult and suck like... [ more ]
~Lee~ Reference: Pity my Priest is on holiday...He'd be up for the task. Nooooo,not a priest we know,the guilt would be too much to carry knowing we'd inflicted that on him. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Do you know what?
Aimee i was thinking the same today, i wouldn't mind if he won, i loved him as the mole and at the time i said theres your winner, but then i went off him cause of his weird ways but i would be happier with him winning them some of them in there [ more ]
Tayto. I loved Mario at the start and thought Ben treated him badly just like he did to Rachael but I wish he would loosen up a bit. [ more ]
Prometheus Reference: He may have showed he is desperate to win does not mean the rest are not desperate I believe they are all not just mario. They probably are, he just seems to be the most desperate. He also seems to think he deserves to win for some obscure reason which I really don't like. I wouldn't be gutted if he won, not at all. There are far worse than him in there for sure. I just think other people deserve it more. [ more ]
See all 33 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Corin would rather spend time with `celebrities` than have £100,000
Rocking Ros Rose Reference: Lee/Ros I think we may actually be agreeing here! i [ more ]
Rocking Ros Rose Reference: .. but to her they are celebs true ditty - she is a simple soul - just loving the BB experience - i think she has ha d a tough life TBH - i am a manc and i can just tell she has not had any privileges or an easy life [ more ]
Former Member Lee/Ros I think we may actually be agreeing here! i.e. had he been interested in a fauxmance with Corin, she would have gone for it, not necessarily knowing that he was being disingenuous. Thankfully he didn't and the rest, as they say, is history! [ more ]
See all 73 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Flipping Heck Sam's gonna !!!!
~Lee~ Reference: He only goes after good natured targets. Nice to see Corins good nature finally recognised. [ more ]
spongebob squarepants i can see john james advertising his own face cream product in the future.... 'oil of scowl.......because it's worth being angry everyday'............. [ more ]
Karma_ Reference: Its those forum double standards again. Oh some would have your head on a stick for such words! [ more ]
See all 35 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Hair today gone tomorrow
Aimee Glad to see they shown everything that happened on the HL show [ more ]
Liverpoollass Reference: Ducky offline 20,433 Forum Posts Today at 8:47 PM Last Edited: Reference: I wonder why they call him by his full name? Just because it's an AMAZING name!! I can't even type it without sticking the Pepper on the end. It is a great name Ducky [ more ]
Liverpoollass Hahaha Scotty yes! I think that's probably what it is [ more ]
See all 320 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
"He's quite a passionate kisser."
fookat Reference: Who JJ perhaps? He kisses her like anyone would kiss the Elephant Man if he had hepatitis and had just gargled on a bowl full of wee [ more ]
Blackpudlian Reference: Who JJ perhaps? He kisses her like anyone would kiss the Elephant Man if he had hepatitis and had just gargled on a bowl full of wee. I think it was Lesley Brain who said he kissed her like he was a little girl kissing her dolly. [ more ]
SazBomb Reference: He kisses her like anyone would kiss the Elephant Man if he had hepatitis and had just gargled on a bowl full of wee. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Steve being taken away for x-ray
Former Member Reference: I reckon she'll knock seven bells out of him when he gets out but ................i don't do the sympathy vote. I simply don't like the guy. I wouldn't vote for him out of sympathy,. I admire his guts and determination. Doesn't mean I have to like him. [ more ]
Soozy Woo If I vote this week ..............he might get my vote. I know he's brave etc. etc. etc. Bloody hell he must be brave touching up all the girls in there ........have you seen his wife I reckon she'll knock seven bells out of him when he gets out but ................i don't do the sympathy vote. I simply don't like the guy. [ more ]
bateman Reference: I am glad he is back in, now we can vote him out on Friday There's a load of folk with hand painted signs saying, " F Off Steve Ya Fat Twat ", cheering right now and looking forward to attending Fridays eviction all over again. [ more ]
See all 62 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Does anyone know who voted for who
Soozy Woo Reference: Did Steve just point to himself? Probably you know what? I really don't like him. [ more ]
Former Member Ahhhh, so Steve voted for Josie.... he just said so on hls, and that if he'd had more time to think he wouldn't have because she would have made the final anyway [ more ]
Eugene's Lair Reference Supercalifragilistic Today at 23:47: Thanks we still don't know who Steve voted for? Sam said afterwards that he'd voted for Mario. Also, not sure about who JJ2 voted , he looked like he was about to vote for JJ1 but then realised that he'd already used his vote??? I did not see either Steve or Sam stick their hand up at all. (That's not to say they didn't : just that if they did, it wasn't - as far as I could see - broadcast live or on HLs.) On HL, they cut to a wide... [ more ]
See all 23 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Virtual holiday....for those of us not having a real one. :)
Dirtyprettygirlthing Reference: 35 years is coral,... so coral reef holiday?? BINGO! go for Sooz.. I would ! [ more ]
Soozy Woo Reference: 35 years is coral,... so coral reef holiday? oooooooooooooh thanks for that. might have to start making some plans.....................TBH though it seems a bit mercenary [ more ]
Former Member Reference: What a fantastic idea. We have been wed 35 years in Jan ................should I go for it or ......wait till 40? 35 years is coral,... so coral reef holiday?? [ more ]
See all 23 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
How stupid....
~Lee~ You forgot Mario Brisket,he was involved to remember. [ more ]
Croctacus But he Reference: Absolutely agree Brisket and yellow Rose. Who would want a vile loathesome little oik like Sam around them in real life. He is just YUK; he has the most awful irritating personality! Fugly little runt. But he speaks very highly of you! [ more ]
cockney-chick Absolutely agree Brisket and yellow Rose. Who would want a vile loathesome little oik like Sam around them in real life. He is just YUK; he has the most awful irritating personality! Fugly little runt. [ more ]
See all 4 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
If I could go in the house right now
Scotty I`d gaffa tape all of Corin`s wigs to Sam`s head and shove him in the cupboard above the oven. [ more ]
Marguerita Reference: what I'll go in with you [ more ]
~Lee~ Reference: I would tell them all this has been the worst BB ever has got terrible ratings and none of them are liked. Marg,tell you what I'll go in with you for moral support and if need be to confirm what you say. [ more ]
See all 47 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
There may be trouble ahead
Former Member Oh God thats all we need, more moaning, casting up etc [ more ]
Fairfax Reference: SUZY edited to add that BB is the biggest sh*t stirring bitch atm with this task I agree. Why the hell do this right at the need to create such ill feeling. [ more ]
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Reference: I can see this going the way of the nasty nominations i.e no-one really saying what they actually think. That'll depend, I think, on whether they know about the second bit when they do the first lot of ratings in the DR. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Betting now taking shape, gives us a more accurate picture of what might happen on Friday
Liverpoollass Tbh, I am surprised that JJ1 is up there to go and not make the final. Are the tweenies changing their mind? Is he no longer fit ? [ more ]
Former Member Reference: So he isn't good enough to win on his own merits then? Vote to save ,yes ,vote to evict obviously the big guns get targeted.We need to vote tactically remove Dave and Mario for Sam to get to the final.JJ2 is getting to the final ffs,if it was a vote to save he would be out! [ more ]
Former Member [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
BB Allstars ?
Ells Take Nikki out of the equasion and it's an ok line up but I would have loved to have seen Rex or Marco in there. And I really thought Victor was going back in, why pick Michelle Bass over Victor? [ more ]
Ev (Peachy) I thought she would be having to pay them, i really did. [ more ]
longcat Nikki is getting paid 20k while all the others are only getting 10k. Is she really worth it? [ more ]
See all 19 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
BB Survey Update!
Ducky Oooh that was very interesting! So by making it a vote to evict, rather than win, this week, BB are losing the second and fourth favourites. (Sam and JJ1) Tactically vote Dave and Mario to save Sam? I'm on it. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
What makes a deserving BB winner?
Former Member Reference: Someone I wouldn't mind giving £100k of my own money to, if I had it to spare. So no backstabbers, frauds, liars, bullies, etc. Oh I like that. I agree - that is a good way of deciding it. [ more ]
Demantoid Someone I wouldn't mind giving £100k of my own money to, if I had it to spare. So no backstabbers, frauds, liars, bullies, etc. [ more ]
kimota It varies, but I look for a fundamentally nice person who enjoys there time in the house, doesn't bitch too much and is entertaining ! Corin fits the bill this year [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Dave out on Friday .. and Sam
Demantoid Reference: I am disappointed in him because he allowed himself to be egged on to do something like this. I know it was his idea, but I am sure if someone had taken him to one side and had a word with him not to do it, I think he probably would've listened. I agree. But Dave's so hip'n'cool wit da kidz, innee? [ more ]
Ev (Peachy) I get where your coming from, but i would blame Dave , seeing as he is a wise old Monk, with everyone's interest at heart but his own [ more ]
Liverpoollass Reference: EvelynWilliams online 1,148 Forum Posts Today at 3:05 PM Last Edited: Reference: I am a little bit disappointed in Sam, Why are you dissapointed in Sam. Just because he is immature? I am disappointed in him because he allowed himself to be egged on to do something like this. I know it was his idea, but I am sure if someone had taken him to one side and had a word with him not to do it, I think he probably would've listened. [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Mario,s Secret........
Fairfax Reference: Now, now FF, you have to stop all the being sensible malarkey when there's a conspiracy theory about you know sorry just sick to the back teeth of the lot of them - I'm shame faced now [ more ]
Former Member Reference: talking about Prince Harry then oh you are naughty [ more ]
Kaytee Reference: Another attention seeking ploy from Mario Now, now FF, you have to stop all the being sensible malarkey when there's a conspiracy theory about you know [ more ]
See all 11 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
ok its the finale... who do you want there and why?
Liverpoollass Sam: Because he has livened the house up and given it a well needed kick up the butt. Steve: Even though he hasn't done that much, he has been quite a rock and has kept the house together. Also, despite his disability he has never moaned or complained and just got on with tasks and being in the house. For that he deserves to be in the final. Josie: Even though not a massive Josie fan, she has made me laugh at times. I think she would've been a much better HM without JJ1. Andrew : Still not... [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) Got my wish of Josie and would like anyone there apart from Mario or Steve. [ more ]
grannyg Reference: As long as Corin's there I'm happy, but I hope to see the back of all those involved in 'Operation hair Today' on Friday Me too [ more ]
See all 34 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
what a final eh!!!
darloboy (Play The Game!) I'm keeping my fingers crossed Steve will go, will probably be disappointed . Hoping Andrew makes it to the final too. [ more ]
kimota I am sure they planned for all the big characters to go; Sam, Corin, J.J and Dave. They know that a vote to evict does this as they made that mistake with their darling Nikki and here they are making the same mistake but multiplied by 4! Very fishy. I think they are hoping Sam and co's plan to goad corin into erupting would suit their plans to a tee! [ more ]
Former Member Nail-biter. Can Melon Man sneak it? [ more ]
See all 17 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
John James say's he used to go to under
Ninja Re: John James say's he used to go to under [ more ]
~Lee~ Reference: I think she's tougher than that. It'll take five minutes back home, with her friends asking what the HELL she was doing with that muppet.. I HOPE once she gets out she's tougher than that although tougher may be the wrong word,I hope she listens to her friends and or family and gets to hell away from him. [ more ]
Demantoid I think she's tougher than that. It'll take five minutes back home, with her friends asking what the HELL she was doing with that muppet.. [ more ]
See all 42 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
As it stands, Dave will be out on Friday (in the Glory)
Aimee will josie defo win then or is there a chance someone else could take it [ more ]
Demantoid The illustrated version has Dave's mugshot next to all that [ more ]
Former Member Reference:Blizzie Dave has just talked about the seven sins described in the Book of Proverbs. Basically, they sum him up - “There are six things the LORD hates, seven that are detestable to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies and a man who stirs up dissension among brothers” Sounds just like him ........ [ more ]
See all 42 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
"You're dumb as dogshit and you're head's as big as Shrek's"
Monobrow (Sam is a legend) Reference: I shout the c.. word loads of times.It's when Daves mug appears on my telly! Oh, you should hear the language here when he is on the TV...I think we make words up, it's that bad. [ more ]
kattymieoww I shout the c.. word loads of times.It's when Daves mug appears on my telly! [ more ]
Former Member Reference: Me and the missus call each other the C word all the time....does that mean we dont love each other? she must be a right lucky C word [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Dave's mate responds
The Devil In Diamante Hilarious...i especially like this bit... Dave isn't a conman, He has never asked for money for prayer, ever. Some of the events that he puts on have a registration fee but this covers mundane things like venue rental and flights for visiting speakers, hotels etc I wish I could get someone to cover my expenses for trips to the States.... [ more ]
Demantoid Reference: Dave was immobilzed by the presence of God, completely blotto. What a load of offensive bullshine. [ more ]
kattymieoww What a load of old bollix! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Dave whispering to Andrew
Liverpoollass Reference: kattymieoww offline 9,039 Forum Posts Today at 12:29 AM Last Edited: I feckin' hate Dave with a passion! The so called men left in there are utter bastards! This really is now for me the worst BB ever.So many eejits left in the final run in.What a pathetic ending to a once enjoyable show.Dave is a vindictive cnut! and..I'll say it ..a sadist! [ more ]
kimota Dave isn't gullible, he was the one fooling Andrew, who he knows likes Corin! He is fully in on this 'prank' [ more ]
DanceSettee Reference: Dave is a vindictive cnut! and..I'll say it ..a sadist! isn't he just...i bet his laughing isn't so fake when he's at home blowing the heads off passing wildlife for fun [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Italian word Gemello,means?
Soozy Woo I don't think it's the twin thing. I can't see the point - it would have been funny if 'we' were in on it but .................without us knowing - what's the point? [ more ]
Demantoid Reference: Lee Why did I think of ice-cream when I read thread title? MMmmmmmm, gelato! Where IS this supposed mole of Mario's? I've never noticed it. [ more ]
Elkie It's 3.30am Mario has got up out of bed to see why Sam is running around dressed like a ninja There is no sign of a scab on his arm and no mole on his face, the plot thickens.. [ more ]
See all 20 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
'Corin in Nuts'
Marguerita When BB finishes nobody will be interested in any of the HMS all they will get is to tell there story in Heat magazine, if Corin gets the chance to be in nuts and I am sure she will I suppose thats up to her its her life. [ more ]
Demantoid Wow, that didn't take long, did it? Nice one, Jake! (don't bite that thumb..) [ more ]
kattymieoww They will de-orange her and air brush her a bit. Hiya Deman,my baby guy "Jake" the hammy is now hand tamed,no bites,very gentle little guy. [ more ]
See all 8 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The Amish Thread
Blizz'ard Reference: Cosmo But not a lot of people know that. *taps nose* Nuff said! *** catches drips *** [ more ]
Cosmopolitan Reference: Say Paper Woses, or I'm not convinced! With these teef...? You're correct - she did say 'woses'. She also does a blinding "When the wed, wed, wobbin goes bob-bob-bobbin' along".... But not a lot of people know that. *taps nose* [ more ]
Blizz'ard Reference: Cosi Paper Roses!!! Say Paper Woses, or I'm not convinced! [ more ]
See all 391 replies...

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