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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Andrew is going to be at the final!
Mentalist Reference: Yes, think I should be clear next time with my presumptions lmao You got my hopes up that the nasties had been booted over the wall Darlo [ more ]
cockney-chick Reference: Dave, John and JJ Thanks Aimee [ more ]
Blackpudlian Reference: I think Darlo means he will make the final as the bully boys will probably go friday Yes, think I should be clear next time with my presumptions lmao Shows just how respected your Posts are Darlo Everyone takes them as Gospel ('cept Dave of course) [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Whatever people think of John James fans...
monkey13 Reference: Not ALL John James fans are teenagers, he actually has quite a few in the older age group backing him here. Well said Darlo There a few I'd ike to see go before him! P.s. Great game last night eh! [ more ]
Mathematics Honestly, I don't think there is anything tactical (for the most part) about voting John-James out. Most people have wanted him out because they dislike him, not because it will save their favourite. Hence all of the dislike threads over the last several weeks. [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) Reference: so innocent Not when i'm out partying . [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Crab eyes you bloody hypocrite
cologne 1 Reference: I caught a glimpse of the Come Dine With Me that Ben was on earlier. He was helping Rafe (from the Apprentice) in the kitchen. They both utterly charmed the other guests I watched that. It was good despite them being the so called establishment. In the house, I just want to be entertained, I don't give a hoot about their policies, I so wish Ben was still there, the last few days would have been very different. [ more ]
forgetmenot so lets all pray he is out with sam 1st two, on friday. go on voters, make my day! [ more ]
Liverpoollass I loved Rafe [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Dave on LF: "If my wife never had her make-up first thing in the morning..
Blackpudlian Reference: Everyone has barriers to hide behind - it's part of being human. Corin's make up is important to her, To Corin, it is what defines her. It is not for some snotty nose bloke to decide whether she is fake or not or whether she wears too much or not. Neither should she be judged. She is what she is. I like her - she is a brave funny woman who makes mistakes I bloody well hope she wins. John James purports to hate anyone remarking on anyone's physical appearance but he has this... [ more ]
Former Member Reference: Well and beautifully said xxxxx Thank you Isadora, you are very kind xxxxx Everyone has barriers to hide behind - it's part of being human. Corin's make up is important to her, To Corin, it is what defines her. It is not for some snotty nose bloke to decide whether she is fake or not or whether she wears too much or not. Neither should she be judged. She is what she is. I like her - she is a brave funny woman who makes mistakes I bloody well hope she wins. [ more ]
Blackpudlian Reference: Well and beautifully said xxxxx Thank you Isadora, you are very kind xxxxx [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Said in the voice of Freddie...SAM YOU FOOOOOOOOOOOOL!
Eugene's Lair Reference Senora Reyes Today at 19:31: but I just think it's a bit rich people putting all the blame on Sam, when ALL the usual supects were involved in targeting and tormenting Corin..No one's hands are clean in what took place today least of all BB's. I agree: as with "crispgate", I don't think anyone's coming out of this with much credit... [ more ]
Senora Reyes Reference: Then it all kinda fizzled out. LOL's [ more ]
cockney-chick Of course, some stubborn 'got to be right' people will find SOME excuse for him or blame ANYone else but *little Sammy Pepper* for his appalling vile behaviour. Pathetic horrid little weasel he is! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Josie's Task LF
~Lee~ Reference: I'd better get some single beds for me and Mr Blizz then. For next time I don't condone his actions! If he behaves like Barbie Boy sod single beds get a divorce. [ more ]
Blizz'ard I'd better get some single beds for me and Mr Blizz then. For next time I don't condone his actions! [ more ]
Liverpoollass Reference: ~Lee~ offline 5,365 Forum Posts Today at 7:52 PM Last Edited: Reference: She's condoned it now? The minute she got in that bed snuggling up to him yes,she condoned it,actions speak louder than words,especially in situation like this . [ more ]
See all 146 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Don't hate the player, hate the game...
Senora Reyes Reference: Rachel treated everyone in that house to nothing less than a sneer, Funny I saw her as a beautiful fun loving girl yes she was vain, so is Corin who cares? Rachel got on with ALL her HM's and she actively made repeated attempts to clear the air with JJ1...In fact it was he was sneering and dismissive of her.... No matter what she may or may not have been like to me or you...No young woman deserved the relentless pre-meditated bullying and verbal attacks that JJ1 heaped on her,... [ more ]
Kaytee Reference: JJ's treatment of Rachel was vile and totally without rhyme or reason. I think he had a very good reason. Rachel treated everyone in that house to nothing less than a sneer, she was way up herself and although fairly pretty, had the personality of a haddock. It wasn't JJ or anyone in the house that evicted her. the public did, because the public didn't like what they saw [ more ]
Liverpoollass I remember that at the dining table, but I think it started before that and she wasn't the only one who said it. I wonder what he will think if Josie decides to do Nuts? [ more ]
See all 25 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Mario,his hands are not clean.
cologne 1 Nobody's hands are clean., but he's the least offensive in the whole debacle. [ more ]
Ducky I think sometimes we forget that the HM's don't see everything we see. Maybe Mario wasn't aware of how far it went. Having said that..... any HM who didn't stick up for Corin today is cowardly, but Mario is certainly not alone there [ more ]
brisket I acknowledge your points Super. I have to leave now for a while. Thanks for discussion. I like you all [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Day 69 (grow up) Highlights *SPOILER*
Former Member Sam was very thoughtful of Mario ,Sam defended Mario saying Mario was the most trustworthy HM . [ more ]
cologne 1 Reference: Nasty. So, since PEJ now says BB is a soap opera, are we meant to think the all-day victimisation of one person is 'fun' and 'entertaining'? Funny way you get your kicks, PEJ I was thinking that deman. They didn't stop going on about it until they were told to go to bed at 4am for maintanance work to be carried out in the LR and even then they attempted to take the bliddy board with them. Thankfully is was bolted down. (removing it was probably the maintanance work) [ more ]
Demantoid Nasty. So, since PEJ now says BB is a soap opera, are we meant to think the all-day victimisation of one person is 'fun' and 'entertaining'? Funny way you get your kicks, PEJ. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Expert manipulating cow sticking the knife into Sam...
spongebob squarepants i'm amazed sam has fooled so many.........he is part of the reason corin is now crying...........he spent days rummaging through her stuff.......hiding it.....and stating he wasn't happy he wasn't getting the reaction he wanted........well now he has......i'm sure he'll find it hilarious.......still......sam's just a playful pup eh? [ more ]
monkey13 Reference: Josie........................................Cinders.(Also plays Pumpkin, Bumpkin and Rat Mice.) Price not so Charming...............John James Ugly ugly sisters.......................Joe James or whatever his name is AND Dave. Baron Hard-up..........................Steve Fairy Godmother.......................Mario (budding dress designer) Buttons....................................Andrew Corin and Sam didn't go to the ball.. but had a ball in the BB house. They lived happily ever... [ more ]
Blizz'ard Reference: squiggle Monkey's post above ^^^^^^^^ exactly what I have always felt instinctively about Josie, I am amazed she manages to fool so many. Some of us aren't as clever as you! [ more ]
See all 104 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
LF: Sam, John James, Dave - Mission Successful
suzybean awww really good job! [ more ]
SpiderMonkey Reference: this is NOT entertainment It is for some viewers. Remember we've had numerous chances to evict John James. [ more ]
Fairfax Reference: can you imagine what her mum must be feeling watching this, Aimee, I thought this when they all ganged up on Ben, it's absolutely disgraceful. Glad BB is ending this year, this is NOT entertainment. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Finally Josie speaks up.
Liverpoollass What on earth does Josie see in a guy like JJ. She has seen him, bully, harrass, bitch and backstab someone who is supposed to be her friend in the house. Ok she has had a word or two with him, but then is seen cuddling and kissing him minutes later thus seemingly condoning it. Have a backbone Josie love. Get your head out of the bloody clouds and speak up for your friend and take those rose tinted glasses off [ more ]
Blizz'ard Reference: spongey aaaaaaaaaaaand!!......josie has told john plenty of times she doesn't 'like him when he's being like that'........when they did the game on the h/l show last night and mario(i think it was) said he's got 2 names cos he had 2 personalities.......john said 'yeah josie says that all the time to me'........she said 'yeah you're a prick or a nice guy'... We've been watching the same show, spongey. [ more ]
Fairfax Reference: Josie can speak up now. She no longer has to depend on the fauxmance to get her to the final. She's devious, is that one In one [ more ]
See all 66 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Andrew & Mario
Former Member That Mario has one slight mole. The Mario on live feed last night had three. Under his chin,the other one up and slightly to the right and the next one slightly to the right again . I paused my TV and you could take a ruler and starting on the mole on his chin,draw a diagonal line. [ more ]
brisket Reference: Shizzlex felt like Andrew was going to go in for the kill ...... [ more ]
Shizzlex i asked about it on another thread but no one replied i felt like Andrew was going to go in for the kill but Mario kept shutting his eyes [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Former Member Not defending him but this is something Australians have a habit of doing my cousins do it all the time with everything I've always hated the way Dave called Ben Fauntleroy and Mario Mole as he was being sarcastic and they weren't nick names but derogative terms [ more ]
Marguerita I dont mind anyone shortening my name as mine is a bit of a mouthful , my son in law shortens my daughters name and I do find myself saying that is not her name [ more ]
Demantoid Reference: Dave calls Mario Mole just to degrade him....... I've always thought so, too. Same with Ben and the 'Fauntleroy' crap. If I was in there, Dave would be known as 'that fat twunt' [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ohhhh FFS! STFU CrabEyes!...
jacksonb Reference: What did Josie say? i can clarify that for you bliz.. see below: "You and Sam have been having a pop at her over the past few days," Josie continued as John James promised it had not been his intention to bully anyone. David then joined the conversation and agreed with Josie that it had seemed like John James had been looking to take "a pop" at Corin ever since the task had been announced. "You've got one of the only girls in the house being ganged up on by two blokes, you should... [ more ]
Fairfax Reference: What nice, reasonable person would want to be friends with someone so awful? Deman, I think the same way. She has allowed him to trash other hm's for over two months, why on earth would you condone such behaviour, let alone want to be close to someone like him [ more ]
Demantoid Josie must either have a screw loose (or alternatively, just not be as 'nice' as her fans think) to even give this tosser the time of day, never mind all the attention she lavishes on him. What nice, reasonable person would want to be friends with someone so awful? [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Thankyou Mario.
brisket Reference: Fairfax I'll need valium if John James or Dave make it to next Tue. I'll need it too Ff. Double strength. [ more ]
Baz Reference: I think I'll need valium if John James or Dave make it to next Tue. Me too Fairfax In fact, I really don't think I could watch the final if those two are still in it...... [ more ]
Fairfax Reference: Cologne I feel that way a bit FF, but I have to say, I'd rather want him, Corin and Steve there next Tuesday, rather than any of the others. Cologne and Baz..I agree. I would love for Corin, Steve and yes, I'll admit it, Mario to get to the end. That would be the only fitting final for me. I think I'll need valium if John James or Dave make it to next Tue. [ more ]
See all 28 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Well done Josie for sticking up for Corin
Senora Reyes Reference: Hey you and SR, i'm feeling much better, got to go to outpatients next week for some more tests but my mom is taking extra care of me LOL. So glad you are ok... I miss you when you're not here.. [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) Reference: Absolutely! How you doing, today? Hey you and SR , i'm feeling much better, got to go to outpatients next week for some more tests but my mom is taking extra care of me LOL . [ more ]
Senora Reyes Good to see you back Darlo, I hope you are feeling better... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Corin's just called JJ1 a fake and they are all picking on her now!
Liverpoollass There is no point in making a stand and getting him told, if 5 mins later you are cuddling and kissing him. Silly girl. [ more ]
Scotty Reference: Supes Yeeeeahhhhh, the love sick puppy has finally left the building and the 'old' Josie is well and truly back. All change. They`re cuddling under the duvet. [ more ]
SazBomb Reference: He needs to get out of the house, watch himself back, reflect on his neurosis for a few months and join the real world again. [ more ]
See all 78 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sam's part in the task
suzybean Airtime? Did someone mention airtime? Ah! I don't give a rip, I'm real so I'm gonna sulk under my duvet [ more ]
Former Member The wee diddums has gone to bed on his own, while his queen is getting airtime. It's not about him anymore so he's obviously bored with the task already [ more ]
suzybean Just before I went out earlier I heard Dave say that he will change his behaviour by being obscene but he wont swear, just be obscene [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
This task...well, ALL tasks.....
SazBomb Reference: The only PART of a task I've laughed at was Corin in the Superheros one where she had to get the undies out of the ice She was a star... oh plenty of time *reapplies lippy* [ more ]
Former Member Reference: I loved the ignore one me too [ more ]
The Devil In Diamante The only PART of a task I've laughed at was Corin in the Superheros one where she had to get the undies out of the ice.....none of the other tasks have interested me at all, not even the Ignore Task.....what a shambles [ more ]
See all 8 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
More bent than a glamour model's hair extensions ...god I miss Lesley Brain.
Demantoid Reference: That's true but .......we dont get paid for our drivel Only because no-one's offered! [ more ]
Soozy Woo Reference: When was she in the house....was it before BB3? BB8 .......the one with Carol, Tracey, Ziggy, Chanelle - the won that was won by Brian Belo [ more ]
Soozy Woo Reference: Could say the same for all of us - That's true but .......we dont get paid for our drivel [ more ]
See all 29 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Bob Righter in charge today
Former Member Reference: Did Josie sleep in her clothes? She does that often! [ more ]
Liverpoollass Reference: suzybean (Corin Crib) offline 5,371 Forum Posts Today at 9:56 AM Last Edited: Squib Oh [ more ]
longcat Bob Righter drops a booklet that explains this week task. Bob Righter has made 15 predictions of how the housemates will act over the next three days based on what he has witnessed from their time in the house. These predictions are locked in a briefcase out in the garden and must be guarded by two housemates at all time. If housemates manage to avoid fulfilling at least eight of his fifteen predictions then they will win a luxury shopping budget for the remainder of their time in the house. [ more ]
See all 20 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The highlight of JJ's BB would be
SazBomb Reference: He has NEVER forgiven or forgotten that during their first row, when he started claiming he wasn't 'bothered', she told him he'd flown halfway round the world just to be angry, while she'd only come from half an hour away. hahaha! I didn't know she'd said that [ more ]
Fairfax Reference: Aussie BB turned him down several times, and it's become increasingly clear why. Paranoid, bitter, resentful mess of a human being. and again, Spot on wonder how proud his mum and Australia are of him now [ more ]
Demantoid Reference: Lee He was still harping on about that row last night,she hit him where it hurts, that is for sure. He really can't bear the idea of anyone getting the better of him - even when it's Josie and they're mucking about like on last night's HLs, he keeps on and on until he 'wins'. Aussie BB turned him down several times, and it's become increasingly clear why. Paranoid, bitter, resentful mess of a human being. [ more ]
See all 36 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
BB Allstars. If you could bring back 2 from this series
Fairfax Reference: I would definitely bring back Ben and possibly Rachel as I feel she didn't get a fair crack of the whip and just to see the smirk wiped off JJ's face. Good choices LL, I would do the same [ more ]
kimota Reference: I would definitely bring back Ben and possibly Rachel as I feel she didn't get a fair crack of the whip and just to see the smirk wiped off JJ's face. [ more ]
Moomin Ben and Sunshine [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Rate my mates.
Blizz'ard How did Dave get second least arrogant? [ more ]
Former Member Reference: Mario doesn't understand why Josie is rated so highly. Or why he is rated so badly! [ more ]
Former Member Reference: Josie comes out really well in all categories. And some of them aren't happy, oh no! [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
JJ2 (ennui personified) and Dave are helping Sam to blow his chances.
Rexi Reference: Prom He's not afraid to speak his mind. But we had all 3 seconds of that weeks ago... A strong contender for Post Of The Day [ more ]
Liverpoollass Reference: kimota (Corin's Crib #1) online 2,023 Forum Posts Today at 9:34 AM Last Edited: It occurred to me last night that Sam is tryingto gain acceptance from the other men in the house by targeting Corin as he knows most of them don't like her! Its all very sad and pathetic! Good point and indeed a possibility. [ more ]
kimota It occurred to me last night that Sam is tryingto gain acceptance from the other men in the house by targeting Corin as he knows most of them don't like her! Its all very sad and pathetic! [ more ]
See all 19 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sam Puppet - his new name
Shizzlex I honestly think he's bored sh*tless and just entertaining himself [ more ]
squiggle Here's a link to that Ninja vid (its very short) [ more ]
Liverpoollass I haven't seen it squiggle, but I have been saying that I think alot of folk are overreacting. Admittedly, I wouldn't like people touching my things, but you would think Sam was the devil incarnate the way some have reacted. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
O/T Blood Diamonds
SazBomb I have a diamond necklace I got for my 21st, I hope that is ok... [ more ]
suzybean I think it's a great way to be thinking Saz. I have a few diamonds (engagement ring, eternity ring and tennis bracelet) like many others, I suspect. It's an ethical way to get a little bling in your life, at least you'll be making an informed purchase. [ more ]
Former Member Reference: I just want to make sure that any diamonds I do buy aren't blood ones [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Let's all play "Rate the Housemates" as well :-)
kimota Desperate : Dave Entertaining: Corin, Sam (apart from nicking Corin's stuff) Forgettable : JJ2 Arrogant: J.J Fake: Dave again! Bitchy: J.J Devious: tie between J.J and Dave Attention seeking: Josie [ more ]
Green&Pink Desperate to win: All of them, but especially John James and Dave The Wanker Entertaining: Corin, Mario, Sammy Forgettable: JJ2 Arrogant: John effing James Fake: Grossie Dozie Mare Farmer Giles Josie ....without a doubt Also the most un-likable... Makes me switch off. Bitchy: Stand up John effing James ...aaaaaagain.. And Dave The Wanker Devious Dave The Wanker, JJ2 Attention seeking.. Grossie Dozie Mare Farmer Giles Josie .. [ more ]
Mathematics Trustworthy - Corin, Dave, Steve Desperate to win - Corin, Mario Entertaining - Andrew, Corin, Dave, Sam Forgettable - JJ Arrogant - John-James, JJ Fake - Bitchy - All of them Devious - John-James Attention seeking - John-James, Josie, Mario [ more ]
See all 12 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Well done Josie
SazBomb Reference: John's probably the only one in there who wouldn't enjoy being with the so called All Stars, he'd see them as fame hungry z listers. He'd fit right in then [ more ]
Liverpoollass Reference: ѕρι∂єямσηкєγ offline 7,201 Forum Posts Yesterday at 10:46 PM Last Edited: All the Sam apologists will be calling Josie a spoil sport now. Oi, don't put all Sam supporters into the same category! [ more ]
~Lee~ Reference: josie telling them now they all pick on corin cause they think she is the weak one She said that to JJ,he said there's nothing weak about Corin....He thought there was but got a right shock which he will never forgive her for. [ more ]
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