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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
C4/BB blaming Corin
grannyg Yeeeahh she' handled that well good for Corin [ more ]
Baz Betting now puts Corin above Dave to go on Friday [ more ]
grannyg Reference:Mentalist No she probably shouldn't have said what she said but I'm not sure I would have kept my mouth shut if I'd had him banging on at me for weeks. He really does have an issue with her and for the life of me I don't know why. I can understand her.There's people got away with much worse in there. [ more ]
See all 55 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
john james follows his mum to the loo
Ev (Peachy) His mum pampered to his every whim when a child , so it follows that he follows her to the loo [ more ]
SazBomb Reference: can remember locking myself in the loo with a bottle of red wine... sitting there... tears streaming down my face... with her, aged 3... bashing on the loo door with an ornament or something else she shouldn't have... giving up when that didn't work... coming back, and me hearing a strange less destructive noise... [ more ]
Former Member aww kids, they can bring out the best in us Ive felt like that many a time when my daughter was little. [ more ]
See all 39 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
HM's to be evicted in pairs tomorrow.
The Devil In Diamante Unfair....I hate double evictions....... [ more ]
Monobrow (Sam is a legend) Reference: Hope that doesnt mean Crab eyes is coming out with Sam ,Sam will get a great reception and Crab eyes will think its for him sooooooo true! [ more ]
Eugene's Lair Well, I can't say this surprises me, considering the total Horlicks that BB has made of evictions this series, but really: this is totally ridiculous. Paired evictions has never worked all that well (except, IMO, CBB5, where it served as a sensible method of risk management). Interviews this series have often been cut short, but paired evictions will just make the interviews even more trivial (if that's even possible.) To do paired evictions on a night where there's a very good chance we're... [ more ]
See all 20 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
OT...A level results
DanceSettee well done GAGA kids... [ more ]
♥PinkBabe1966♥The Angel under the tree! Congratulations to all the GaGa exam takers! Hopefully they have all got the results they need and are off to uni. [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing Reference: Blizz Junior - BBD Yay! well done Master Blizz (you exceeded your muvva's expectations ) Reference: He needs to think hard about whether he's going to apply anywhere, as there's no point, if he doesn't want to study! *makes note of that speech for future use* Anyways... I was under the impression that M&S are bloody good to work for... people that work there don't seem to leave! [ more ]
See all 95 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Interesting poll results!
Monobrow (Sam is a legend) Reference: it don't make him nice or a worthy winne It does given what he is up against [ more ]
Soozy Woo I so don't want Sam in the final ....................nasty scheming little oik. If he'd have been there from week one -he'd have been out in week two to resounding boooooos. Just because he's gone in and shaken things up don't make him nice or a worthy winner.............IMO of course. [ more ]
cologne 1 Reference: Fingers crossed that Corin, Mario and Sam make it. [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Corin will be evicted tomorrow night and Dave will survive
Baz I've also just noticed that Steve has overtaken Sam in second place.... [ more ]
Baz Oh I see... thanks Spider..... [ more ]
SpiderMonkey Reference: Why are the next four, and the next eviction odds different Spider??? Next eviction means first out tomorrow night. The next eviction is the 9th eviction. Four to go covers 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th evictions. [ more ]
See all 38 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Dave: It's 'Mario' not 'Mole'
The Devil In Diamante Reference:watcher1 There's a bit of Dave that can't forgive Mario for being so clever (with the Mole task and generally). As long as he call's him 'Mole', he can remind Mario that he was once an outsider. I mentioned this the other day...and I agree with well said, it would have taken me about 10 paragraphs to word that I also agree with Eugene about the way he says it [ more ]
KeenViewer Reference: There's a bit of Dave that can't forgive Mario for being so clever (with the Mole task and generally). As long as he call's him 'Mole', he can remind Mario that he was once an outsider. Excellent point Watcher! [ more ]
Eugene's Lair Reference Mathematics Today at 18:22: I fail to see the difference between Dave calling Mario Mole, to the housemates calling Steve Baron, or housemates calling Corin Coz, or housemates calling Ben Bento, etc. They are all just nicknames that stuck, no matter how much people read into them. Well... "The Baron" could have been considered offensive, as it was originally a reference to Steve's appearance (i.e. he looked like Baron Greenback), but Steve reclaimed the nickname for himself. (I... [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
There is only ONE person in the house
Joyron Reference: You'll come round joyron Don't get me wrong. I quite like Sam. He has certainly bought energy back into the house. I just think Corin deserves to win more than he does. [ more ]
scatterby Re: There is only ONE person in the house [ more ]
Monobrow (Sam is a legend) Reference: it IS Corin. Nope, shes shot herself in the foot BIG time, shes a goner come friday! [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
How smug is John James acting
Monobrow (Sam is a legend) Reference: Unfortunately there are a lot more teenys who want to get Corin! I dont think thats unfortunate [ more ]
kimota Reference: I wonder if somehow we could get a message to Corin, to tell John James there is a load of forumers who wanna kick his head in Unfortunately there are a lot more teenys who want to get Corin! its like when Shabba Ranks got told what a twat he was by Mark Lamarr. Mark got endless stick from local kids over that! [ more ]
Baz Reference: If I could I'd be in it Baz LOL... I'll bring the popcorn Hi & Bye Granny.... hopefully see you for a *flying* visit later [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Buddy requests
Moomin That's a hell of a lot bigger than mine, Blizzie - should I be worried? [ more ]
Blizz'ard Reference: LL Was it impressive? [ more ]
El Loro The use of buddies can be useful if you want to create your own blog. When creating a blog, the default access level is World Accessible which can be seen by everybody. But you can change the access level to one of these: Just your buddies Certain buddies: either Friends, Business Associates, Close Friends, or Family or Just yourself. The buddies categories are chosen when you send a buddie request as you can select friends, business associates etc. [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Nathan & Rachael Interview
bateman She's been doing a bit of top shelf stuff too. [ more ]
grannyg Reference: It would have to be tasteful and artistic, mind! kimota you go [ more ]
grannyg Reference: under the collar about was the ref to Nuts magazine Don't know about everybody getting hot under the collar re Nuts mag yesterday Supes I think he said she was selling her body... BB are manipulating this ...they are the biggest twisters so would cut this out [ more ]
See all 17 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
OT - The DEC official appeal - Pakistan floods - update
El Loro Just to let you know that so far the DEC appeal has raised £19 million. On a world wide basis, the UN has released this - put on the BBC website a short time ago. The UN says it has raised nearly half the $460m (£295m) wanted for initial relief but the response remains slow. The Asia Development Bank said it had offered to loan Pakistan $2bn to help it recover, while the World Bank has agreed to lend $900m for long-term reconstruction. Speaking after visiting Pakistan last week, UN Secretary... [ more ]
El Loro Early evening bumo. [ more ]
squiggle Quick bump for the thread. [ more ]
See all 60 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Calm down everyone.
Ev (Peachy) Reference: I was on DS again today and they make us lot look positively fluffy in comparison. Lots of ranting in CAPITALS ect! I had to go for a lie down in the Corin Appreciation thread! loads I think i may head off there for a lie down after getting through these pages. [ more ]
SazBomb Reference: not since I got married ah feck it, I'll just have to stay unmarried then [ more ]
Karma_ Ducky, take it from someone who knows, I'd strongly advise it. The poor kid looked like Floella Benjamin [ more ]
See all 230 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
According to DS thread, John James spoke to Nathan.
Soozy Woo Reference: This is what happens when they stupidly allow outside info in Yes - it always ends in tears. Never a good idea, [ more ]
Blizz'ard This is what happens when they stupidly allow outside info in. [ more ]
Former Member Reference: this is such a million miles away from the reasons we started watching BB. its kinda sad really. Its nothing more than a semi scripted entertainment show these days, and while we all used to moan it was never ever as bad as it is now. I am almost glad its the end. I agree - the only reason I am watching it now is because I just feel I have to see it out to the end, But I stopped enjoying it ages ago. [ more ]
See all 20 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Final prediction in the "unpredictability" task
brisket I am truly gobsmacked by this. They were all so ready to make suggestions as to how to be unpredictable. Yet not one of them has twigged that what they really do most is talk about BB and who will win it. They've thought of so many things but have not mentioned the one constant. [ more ]
spongebob squarepants how long will the shopping last for?just til tuesday?.......with 4 of em being booted out even a budget shop would be ok [ more ]
cologne 1 Reference: I think they've totally blown it, but I can't see BB making them live off chick peas for the last few days I was just thinking the same. [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Exclusive: Titan Set to Return!
kimota I wish I could vote for Titan to win (only if Corin goes of course ) [ more ]
monkey13 Reference: Goodness BB are truly desperate to cause clashes aren't they. They're trying too hard to go out with a bang. Shame they didn't do this task 6 weeks ago! [ more ]
monkey13 Reference: I hope so monkey, they'll all be treading on eggshells wondering whose nominations he's going to read out next Now that would be funny! JJ1 will be cacking it, along with the Monk [ more ]
See all 25 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
John James and the crab/crab eyes comments
Former Member Re: John James and the crab/crab eyes comments [ more ]
Demantoid I thought he just complained about being bullied because he was short. Then took the pee out of Keeley for being 'the size of a smurf'. [ more ]
DanceSettee Reference: I thought I read somewhere it was a name the bullies at school used and he told Josie about it and she told Nathan and then everybody picked up on it. the bullies or the bullied? don't believe a word of his sob stories any more [ more ]
See all 21 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Wonder if BB will tell Hm's
The Devil In Diamante I don't really think that matters far as they were aware, they were doing it for the 'team'....the team they all make out they are team players in.... Yeh right... [ more ]
monkey13 It seems a little unfair that some hm's got nice tasks and others didn't. [ more ]
The Devil In Diamante They'll tell them, but that doesn't detract from the fact that John James didn't know that when he refused to wear the crab suit in the first the time he thought it was a proper task and was not willing to do it, blaming his reasons on Corin...the mind boggles....a shrink would have a field day with that cretin.... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Last nights HL show...
Moomin I thought I felt dislike towards him BEFORE last night's highlights, but since watching those, is is oh SO much stronger than that. I loathe the creature. [ more ]
Clumsycat him & josie under the quilt is geing tiresome.. neither deserve to win really [ more ]
Aimee Reference: Reference: i noticed they never shown John James climbing on the box and trying to rip down the briefcase because he didn't want to wear his costume Did he? Pathetic little twerp. I'm surprised that thunderstorm and flood wasn't Corin's fault as well. He had a hissy fit for quite a time with all the HM's shouting at him for being a tw-at and imo he only put the costume on after JJ came out in his and then Josie told him he was a good boy and the rest of the house forgot about his... [ more ]
See all 29 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
G'wan Sam!
monkey13 Reference: backtracking furiously to Corin I think we could also say he was grovelling and lying through his teeth Good ole Sammy Pepper! [ more ]
Liverpoollass Reference: monkey13 offline 2,510 Forum Posts Today at 11:04 AM Last Edited: Reference: What? What's he said and to whom and why? Sam quoted everything bad that Dave had said to him about Corin to Corin, in front of everyone. Totally blew his cover LL. Oh how wonderful! Thanks monkey [ more ]
squiggle Reference: Sam quoted everything bad that Dave had said to him about Corin to Corin, in front of everyone. Totally blew his cover LL. Dave was talking like a machine gun last night backtracking furiously to Corin and trying to prove he had nothing whatsoever to do with it [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Dont ask me why
Scotty Yep, anything could happen Rawky but I can`t see Corin going. I think Sam will go on Friday along with John James, Dave and possibly Steve. I`d rather JJ2 was in the mix but it`s not looking likely. He`s under the radar. [ more ]
Rawky-Roo Nah it was the same site Scotty. Last night going Corin was up in 2nd place and Sam had dropped to 4th. Its still looking pretty close though, so anything could happen. Would rather John, JJ, Steve and Dave leave first. [ more ]
Scotty Reference: Wow Scotty, that changed overnight. Unless I was on a different betting place, someones got the link somewhere. I didn`t see that link Rawky. I always go to oddschecker. They mainly get it right but they`re not spot on every time, so you never know. Good to see you back on the forum Rawky. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Wonder if JJ1 will walk.........
Blackpudlian Reference: I hate swearing but by God, I'm like a sailor here Are you splicing the main brace now? [ more ]
Liverpoollass Reference: Fairfax offline 5,215 Forum Posts Today at 11:47 AM Last Edited: What the he... BB allowing him to have a video link to Nathan/ Rachale. Have BB finally lost their minds. I hate swearing but by God, I'm like a sailor here Sorry but that made me laugh [ more ]
Blackpudlian Why can't Nathan & Rachael just watch some Live Feed and see him apologise in front of the HMs and all the LF viewers and the HL viewers tomorrow night? [ more ]
See all 63 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Corin doing herself no favours on live feed.
stonks I suppose its better than her running over someone with a broken foot.... [ more ]
The Devil In Diamante Reference: Or would he rather she adopted his own philosophy of being 'real' and acting as happy as she feels inside? Nail on head Deman.... [ more ]
Fairfax Reference: Would JJ1 prefer her to keep quiet and act morose at the thought of him going and getting a kicking from Nathan? Or would he rather she adopted his own philosophy of being 'real' and acting as happy as she feels inside Oh nice one Deman luvin it [ more ]
See all 35 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ben asks everyone whats been happening
Demantoid Why was Ben asking? Has he genuinely not seen any of it since he left, or was he just testing them to see what their version would be? [ more ]
Fairfax Reference: he was even gloating to Ben that he had stayed for 6 evictions, 2 he won in SAR and then he survived 4 Don't forget his goading Sam about how long he has been in the house and how short a period Sam has been there. Nasty git. If there is any justice, he will be kicked out on his fat ar*e on Friday and wee Pepperot will make it to the final. Love to see his smug, gappy toothed smile then. [ more ]
squiggle Reference: he was even gloating to Ben that he had stayed for 6 evictions, 2 he won in SAR and then he survived 4 I was willing Ben to tell him, go on Ben tell him just how much people love him and want him to stay in, but I know he couldn't. [ more ]
See all 8 replies...

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