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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
HM's you have quickly forgotten
cologne 1 I got them mixed up once or twice. And have completely forgotten about them. [ more ]
~Lee~ Reference: Conspiracy theory - they were one and the same. (Actually my eyes are so bad that I used to mix them up sometimes) A few times when she'd changed her wig I thought who is that . [ more ]
Demantoid Ife - and I think the HMs were the same. No-one missed her. Five minutes after she left, it was like she'd never been there. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Words we don't use much anymore
brisket Checking the time I too often say "5 and 20". Does that make me old-fashioned? I also refer to people "canting" sometimes when they are talking in a huddle. It seems a few of us have a vital role in saving treasured parts of our language. You have all given me such pleasure in this thread. Lovely! [ more ]
Demantoid Reference: Curmudgeon. I call my father that affectionately I use that word and I love it. I know a few, too. [ more ]
Mount Olympus *Olly* oooooh what a gay day we're all having. .doesn't sound quite the same as it used to anymore [ more ]
See all 79 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Tonights HL show (spoiler)
Fairfax Reference: but his own bruised buttocks - well that's a different story! Is that the same as little skinny ar*e. [ more ]
Blackpudlian Reference: But it was Nathan who was going to kick his Ass Other people's hurt feelings mean nothing to little Crab Eyes but his own bruised buttocks - well that's a different story! [ more ]
Former Member Reference: Apologise to Rachael, shes the one you insulted! But it was Nathan who was going to kick his Ass [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The Crab takes it a snip too far..
Fairfax Reference: Senora I'm stunned that he's got to the age of 24 without learning about consequences. I'm stunned he's got to age of 24 and still standing [ more ]
suzybean I said I wasn't sure, not that you were, so just laugh [ more ]
Ducky So because I was serious in a previous post you believe I would seriously say I would love someone to record my telephone calls to trip me up. Suzy!!!!!! I know it's sometimes difficult with the written word to know for sure when someone is joking........ but to say that seriously would make me insane! I'm not sure whether to laugh or be insulted. [ more ]
See all 36 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Betting Odds: Sam's dropped to 3rd, Dave's moved up to 4th!!!
Fairfax Reference: John James tweenies Does he still have their support Spidey [ more ]
kimota Reference: I find it astonishing that JJ2 is not in the 4 to go tonight. That's what you get with a vote to evict ! Even though a vote to save would give The Nasty Boys Club (J.J, JJ2, Dave and Sam) a ticket to the final, I for one would have preferred that. As it stands whoever wins will have a slightly hollow victory, with no real competition! [ more ]
Blizz'ard Reference: Supes Rawky you're looking at the 'next to be evicted' i.e. first out. You need to be looking at the next tab along four to be evicted *** feels a bit better *** [ more ]
See all 47 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
John James did not say....
Fairfax Reference: Kimota I watched it several times and at first his sarky tone of voice implied that he did think she would sell herself. It was only when she told him how horrible that his comment was that he backtracked to ' well, that's about the only thing you'd draw the line at'! He is a truly horrible person. I have likened him in the past to Dale or Kris, but I apologize to them, he's actually worse Million times [ more ]
Senora Reyes Reference: I have likened him in the past to Dale or Kris, but I apologize to them, he's actually worse! 10x worse [ more ]
kimota I watched it several times and at first his sarky tone of voice implied that he did think she would sell herself. It was only when she told him how horrible that his comment was that he backtracked to ' well, that's about the only thing you'd draw the line at'! He is a truly horrible person. I have likened him in the past to Dale or Kris, but I apologize to them, he's actually worse! [ more ]
See all 60 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Would you rather ....
monkey13 Reference: Steve went than Dave? I WOULDNT!!! GET DAVE OUT!! GET DAVE OUT!! GET DAVE OOOOOOOOUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT NO NO NO! Get that Cretin Dave out! My TV will die if he doesn't go. [ more ]
Monobrow (Sam is a legend) Reference: Sam and Dave before Steve, defo! *** runs away *** [ more ]
See all 16 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
In support for Corin, and in REVENGE for Ben
kimota I have voted J.J out but will toss a few votes Dave's way as well and possibly 1 for Sam as well! [ more ]
The Devil In Diamante Reference: surreptitiously I Love that word! [ more ]
Bursar Reference: and there were free votes in the early days via the web.. unless I dreamt that part but am sure you could do a web vote back then... brains deaded so I may be wrong... No Olly, you're not wrong, I remember that too. I didn't have the internet at home then, and I remember surreptitiously casting a vote when I was at work. [ more ]
See all 12 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
What monumental events are you predicting when Corin dons the wig
kimota Have we seen this mighty artifact before or has she been saving it for eviction? I hope it hasn't been damaged by Sam's 'harmless' prank! [ more ]
Senora Reyes Sam Pepper referred to it as the "Holy Grail" I tend to agree, therefore I think it's best that Dan Brown never, ever sees that wig. [ more ]
grannyg Reference: With any luck, Corin will douse it in rocket fuel, stuff it up Sam`s backside, put a match to it and woosh him off into the night sky never to be seen again I wish [ more ]
See all 17 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I am really worried
Fairfax Reference: that is if he allows an interview to go ahead. LL you have just hit the nail on the head.."IF HE allows an interview to go aheasd" , not BB but him. He has been pandered to from the day he walked into that house and he is right, BB does exactly as he wants, when he wants. They have been a disgrace this year. [ more ]
justafriend thanks Mrs H [ more ]
Liverpoollass Reference: Isadora online 2,259 Forum Posts Today at 11:50 AM Last Edited: Reference: Totally agree Isadora. He is going to get away with alot tonight - that is if he allows an interview to go ahead. The stupid moo has already said she finds him "fit" ( grow up woman you are 40 something not 16). I predict she will be gurning to the crowd and simpering all over him. When you think of past interviews, when she has glossed over HM's bad behaviour and at times actually laughed with them over it... [ more ]
See all 19 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Live Feed now...John James hahaha!
Scotty Reference: He sure is Scotty JJ2 does NOT have a personality... JJ1`s bravado`s taken a huge tumble DD but he`s grinning through it. He`ll have lockjaw by the time he gets booted out tonight. JJ2 bores me to tears. He`s just said that he doesn`t respect anyone who`s come into the house just to get magazine deals. He`s a JJ1 clone. [ more ]
The Devil In Diamante Reference: He`s absolutely cacking it! Loving the fixed grin! He sure is Scotty JJ2 does NOT have a personality... [ more ]
Scotty He`s absolutely cacking it! Loving the fixed grin! [ more ]
See all 82 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Gw'an Corin!
Yogi19 Reference: Me too hun, I will be truly gutted if she gets evicted tonight by his braindead fans...She was the only person who stood up to him and hasn't kissed his arse in thr house..For those two things alone, I'd very much like to see to her pip Farmer Giles to the winning post. I completely agree, Senora. [ more ]
Fairfax Reference: Me too hun, I will be truly gutted if she gets evicted tonight by his braindead fans...She was the only person who stood up to him and hasn't kissed his arse in thr house ..For those two things alone, I'd very much like to see to her pip Farmer Giles to the winning post . [ more ]
Senora Reyes Reference: That was beautiful, just the right side of (understandable)gloating and I hope that the old voting audience is still out there and vote accordingly! Me too hun, I will be truly gutted if she gets evicted tonight by his braindead fans...She was the only person who stood up to him and hasn't kissed his arse in thr house..For those two things alone, I'd very much like to see to her pip Farmer Giles to the winning post. [ more ]
See all 25 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Dave... 40 year old man... Trashing the lounge with bags of rice
Blackpudlian Reference: The man is a disgrace. All that food wasted too! He shows so little respect for food yet he brags that he wants to build a school for poor children in India [ more ]
Fairfax Reference: Utter muppet. See him do a water slide in the puddle on the living room floor - then moan during the evacuation that he needed more 'clowves' cos his were 'sowking' love when you do his accent ..I can hear it loud and clear [ more ]
Demantoid Utter muppet. See him do a water slide in the puddle on the living room floor - then moan during the evacuation that he needed more 'clowves' cos his were 'sowking'? [ more ]
See all 19 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Evictions in pairs
Ev (Peachy) Argh i hate it when they do that.. .How will they know who's booo's are who's? Now i shall read back and see if anyone agrees. [ more ]
Fairfax Reference: LEE The whistle alone,that piercing whistle would do the trick Now you're talking [ more ]
~Lee~ Reference: then..Skippy the Kangeroo played at ear splitting volume..c'mon Lee you know it makes sense The whistle alone,that piercing whistle would do the trick. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The Pros and Cons of the Quadruple Eviction
Liverpoollass If Sam goes tonight, it is going to be more of a bore then it has been [ more ]
Marguerita I admit it will be a boring final but having said that it will only be four days to the final and they will all be gone with the exception of one ..the winner [ more ]
Fairfax As long as John James & Dave are out tonight and Josie doesn't win That will afford me some form of compensation for the dire pile of muck that BB has descended into. [ more ]
See all 6 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
John James, the man, the legend...
Former Member Leg end..... he's more of a bellend [ more ]
~Lee~ Reference: He's a narse! Always has been, and always will be. Time for him to go down under and dust off his Barbie collection! Sooner the better I bet his favoured dark haired Barbie will need extra attention paid to her,then again Corin has dark hair that one may conjure up bad memories for him,the woman who dared stand up to him. [ more ]
Former Member He's a narse! Always has been, and always will be. Time for him to go down under and dust off his Barbie collection! Sooner the better [ more ]
See all 43 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
OT - routers
Dirtyprettygirlthing We have a netgear too. I've had it over 5 years... only had a problem once and that was rectified by upgrading the firmware. my parents bought a different brand - it buggered up within months, then they bought yet another brand... that one lasted a year... finally they listened to my brother & me and bought a netgear and its still going strong! [ more ]
squiggle Spider if you go to Amazon and search for router you can see reviews which will give you a pretty good idea of a reliable one. You don't need to buy from them if you don't want to but it will provide you with a good idea of the best. [ more ]
Croctacus We've also got a Netgear one but i dunno which seems ok. [ more ]
See all 5 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sam hyperactive
~Lee~ Reference: Nah the Lord cleans it up I bet Helped by a legion of angels,I wish they'd drop by mine on the way back. [ more ]
Karma_ Reference: Would Dave make that mess in his own house?....I doubt it very much Nah the Lord cleans it up I bet [ more ]
Yellow Rose For whatever makes Sam hyper, whether sugar, coffe, ADHD, ADD etc he can be funny at times but mostly he's a very annoying, very immature for his age, and a spiteful brat [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
So he basically called her a Prostitute?
Karma_ Reference: Otherwise you sound like you and your mates are from the Hounslow Posse, innit! Oh God it gets worse Hounslow on a Saturday is like one long dole queue. Waifs, strays, nasty, shitty animals (and the pigeons too). It's rancid. My son wears a scarf over his face if we have to go there and grumbles the entire trip [ more ]
Xochi Reference: Some of them did live round that way Xochi, but they used to call it East Windsor Hounslow to East Windsor! That takes some creative relocation! [ more ]
suzybean Reference:ditty you didn't feel the need to stay for one quickest drink in the world just to save face then? Nope! We weren't their kinda people [ more ]
See all 164 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Which John James quote did you enjoy the most tonight?
~Lee~ Reference: I wanted a genuine Tiny Tears but my Dad said he aint spending 25 quid when he could get a replica one from Macros for 15 quid AND the bloody tears wept out of her fingers not her eyes It was like having a rather macabre tranny doll of Jesus Karma if I'd known this a fortnight ago I'd have mentioned it to the Pontiff when I was on the phone having Josie beatified. [ more ]
~Lee~ Reference: Psst...Suze You gonna tell that JJ has inspired her She's filled with glory over JJ1 Cosi. I haven't seen Lee this riled since Luke/Scrot Oh sweet JC ,even Scrot didn't annoy me like Barbie Boy does, and that's some feat. [ more ]
Karma_ Reference: That's flipping miraculous I'm surprised my Catholic mother wasn't on the phone to half of Ireland and Scotland and setting up a shrine [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
POLL: Fizzy drinks!
♥PinkBabe1966♥The Angel under the tree! I voted Pepsi although Pepsi Max wasn't on there which is what I drink mostly, although I do have to admit to a fondness for Asda own brand diet cola which was brought by Kayleigh last week in mistake and is surprisingly ok. I want to try that alcoholic Ginger Beer as well.. every time the advert comes on I say to Mr Pink I want to try it, will get round to it one day. [ more ]
monkey13 Gotta be Dr Pepper Pepper power! [ more ]
Moomin I voted Coke though I prefer Diet Coke which is not on there. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
he's only gonna make it to the final isn't he ?
Prometheus Reference: I put £10 on Corin to win about 7 weeks ago when she was 12/1. After tonight's HL's I think your money's safe [ more ]
Yellow Rose Doesn't bother me if Dave gets to the final, he's made me laugh many a time. Yes I can see through what he does and why but it still makes me laugh, and he's entertained me more than some there. I'll never meet or know any of them so go by who's entertained me [ more ]
SpiderMonkey I put £10 on Corin to win about 7 weeks ago when she was 12/1. I'll be disappointed if I get a few more days of Dave instead........ [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Senora Reyes Reference: I really enjoyed the show tonight - JJ's behaviour and the fact that he's been allowed to get away with it has driven me nuts for ages and has been one of the main reasons I haven't enjoyed this series. Watching him crumble and being shown for the bully he is, at least made me feel there is justice in the world. [ more ]
Dame_Ann_Average Reference: I really enjoyed the show tonight - JJ's behaviour and the fact that he's been allowed to get away with it has driven me nuts for ages and has been one of the main reasons I haven't enjoyed this series. Watching him crumble and being shown for the bully he is, at least made me feel there is justice in the world. [ more ]
Former Member Built nicely into a crushing crescendo [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Who wins? (I have decided now...)
Dame_Ann_Average Reference: Corin. That is who should win now IMO. Anyone agree???. Nice genuine sweet girl, says 'I'm buzzing' a bit much, but that is her worst fault LOL. Corin is my winner now! she's more empathy in her little finger than the rest of em [ more ]
Blue Diamond (Ben's Buddy 11) Reference: SIR SAMUEL PEPPER ESQ [ more ]
cockney-chick Thanks everyone. I have work in the morning, so I better fly now. Night. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
sam and the girl with one leg at auditions..
spongebob squarepants Re: sam and the girl with one leg at auditions.. [ more ]
~Lee~ *Screams* Aww holy mother of jesus, the day I'd go looking for that specimen I give you permission to flog me. [ more ]
spongebob squarepants get out of it lee!!......yer not researching h/mates on you tube....yer know full well you're going to 'fit i don't give a rip'.............. [ more ]
See all 66 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Crab eyes and the phone call to Nathan
Katerina Reference: [Jeggo (Ben`s Buddy/Member of JJ`s LS]] Jeggo (Ben`s Buddy/Member of JJ`s LS] offline 1,287 Forum Posts Today at 22:53 Last Edited: Says a lot to me when he only apologised to Nathan - doesn`t Rachel deserve an apology? Oh, of course not, cos she`s only a woman. I think the translation of John's apology was basically 'pwease pwease don't beat me up Nathan' Although if he thinks Rachael couldn't punch his lights out, he's sorely mistaken. [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) BB covering their own backsides . [ more ]
Jeggo (Ben`s Buddy/Member of JJ`s LS] Says a lot to me when he only apologised to Nathan - doesn`t Rachel deserve an apology? Oh, of course not, cos she`s only a woman. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sam needs to leave Corin alone really
brisket Reference: Sam, JJ1 and JJ2 are all going to share a flat in London after the show Why do they say daft things like this when they are in the house. Strange circumstances are partly responsible for strange decisions. The idea of those 3 flat-sharing beggars belief. It'll all end it tears. I guess that as soon as the real world hits them the idea will disappear. [ more ]
suzybean Sam, JJ1 and JJ2 are all going to share a flat in London after the show (that's why Sam got upset and cried when he heard them bitching about him the bathroom). The 3 Amigos are all back together since then and doing JJ1's bidding. Sam's the joker, and JJ2 is the muscle [ more ]
SpiderMonkey Reference: fookat Sam JJ1 and JJ2 are so vile to her I didn't understand either fookat, although Kattymieoww has offered a compelling explanation. John James dislikes Corin, and Sam and JJ2 are simply jumping on the bandwagon. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Come on guys this is JOSIE! We're talking about...
Senora Reyes Re: Come on guys this is JOSIE! We're talking about... [ more ]
SpiderMonkey Not bothered reading the thread, but I hope it's been mentioned that Funtime Sam Pepper also threatened to leave and then remarkably disappeared. Maybe he meant he'd leave the bedroom. [ more ]
Senora Reyes Josie claimed to be sticking up for her mate Corin...and said she wouldn't be with a bloke who disrespected women....Did you all see her cuddling up to him just now? Empty words, Josie. [ more ]
See all 20 replies...

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