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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Third Eviction
Former Member Reference: Still X factor tomorrow Something else I don't care a jot about [ more ]
Former Member God it is going to be a tedious couple of days. Still X factor tomorrow. [ more ]
cockney-chick Reference: croc I thought you said you were going out tonight? I am pleased and flattered that you pay so much attention to me and my life Croc. However, i have just come in ... about 2 minutes before SAM got the boot. I hope this explanation is a satisfactory one for you, as you do seem SOOOOOOO convinced that I *should* be out. I couldn't possibly have BEEN out and come back home could I? I am guessing you're a little bit sore and wounded that SAM has gone! [ more ]
See all 25 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Please let Corin be evicted tonight!!!!!
Former Member shocked and speechless? thrown at her? what do you not think it may have crossed her mind once or twice??? Not a hint of, oh god im so sorry for that. [ more ]
Aimee it's not a good night for me, i wanted corin to stay and dave to go [ more ]
Former Member Reference: see, her interview she was determined to keep talking so not to have to talk about the girlfriend and be held accountable. thats why i dont like her. she would rather laugh about jj and nathan. cold heartless ..... To be fair, that was thrown at her and she did not know how to react... you could see she was shocked and speechless. [ more ]
See all 44 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
ahhhh memories..
Croctacus I think Keeva dragged her first i thought it was the other way round but seeing how Keeva was after she went I changed my mind [ more ]
jacksonb i rather liked shabs. cant help thinking the howling mob look back and think, oh she wasn't that bad considering what we were left with... [ more ]
Croctacus It was....the whole things been pretty shit....and they managed to assemble the most unlikeable bunch ever, [ more ]
See all 3 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
We are forgetting the most important thing...WIG
Former Member Reference: I am a little disappointed i must admit did you make a wish though # when you wissssssssssh upon a wiggg......# [ more ]
Blue Diamond (Ben's Buddy 11) Reference: loved Sammy's reverence for the wig... . Lol.. and when he realised that he had got the second best wig or the 'pool wig' You are a genius Sammy.. [ more ]
DanceSettee I am a little disappointed i must admit [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Steve actually likes Monk Dave - is he deluded?
Fairfax Reference: Not deluded, Dave is a devious 10 faced weirdo, Dave may have deluded the house but he has to live outside now, and no normal person would give him the time of day IMO [ more ]
brisket Dave is a big con artist. I loathe him. [ more ]
Former Member Not deluded, Dave is a devious 10 faced weirdo, Dave may have deluded the house but he has to live outside now, and no normal person would give him the time of day IMO [ more ]
See all 3 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
John James handled
Tayto. Reference: What do you mean by re-launching herslef exactly Her word to John James during the massage Fairfax. [ more ]
Blackpudlian Reference: I was going to saythat too Skylark - BB seem to bend over backwards to give him exactly what he wants. He has been bragging about it to Josie too [ more ]
Fairfax Reference: Rachael is re-launching herself??? What do you mean by re-launching herslef exactly The girl. like other hm's was asked back onto the show. [ more ]
See all 20 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
No particular order.
Former Member Reference: Darling, I've downed three glasses of Pinot Grigo as we speak Have another for me [ more ]
Fairfax Reference: God i wish i could drink, dont have any in the house ! Darling, I've downed three glasses of Pinot Grigo as we speak [ more ]
Former Member I am having a tantrum at the moment Fairfax !! I will be calm soon , God i wish i could drink, dont have any in the house ! [ more ]
See all 19 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Andrew through :O Steve out
Jeggo (Ben`s Buddy/Member of JJ`s LS] I knew that would happen if it was a vote to evict - Andrew has slipped under the radar cos no one even thinks about him. The same will happen with JJ I expect and they`ve done nothing to deserve a win. It should have been a vote to save and then Andrew would have not even registered on the scale of votes. [ more ]
Ev (Peachy) I hope only the threads with Spoiler on actually have spoilers in them, i can't go to any other threads at the moment. [ more ]
spongebob squarepants if john james is going to be evicted......i reckon he'll be the last one called out........ [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
If Corin and Sam go out tonight..
cologne 1 Reference: Josie is a deserving winner because she has very much been down to earth throughout the show. Under the duvet? Not so much for me, I'm afraid. [ more ]
Smarting Buttocks Reference:Isa And also - what a boring few days left without Sam and Corin That is the fault of the voting public. [ more ]
Smarting Buttocks Reference:cologne Josie is the last person to deserve the win Reference:Fairfax Cologne, couldn't agree more. I would much prefer Josie to win over the HMs left. Josie is a deserving winner because she has very much been down to earth throughout the show. [ more ]
See all 12 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
O/T Going to court... any help?
MrMincePie Reference: If thats all it is, then it wont go that far, i dont think, dont worry Phew... *breaths* [ more ]
Former Member Reference: Spoke to my Dad other day and he says they won't take it to court over a scratch on a car and that they will just give her a warning... im hoping hes right though If thats all it is, then it wont go that far, i dont think, dont worry [ more ]
cologne 1 The only time I had to go to court was to get custody of my children and I nearly fainted with fright. I agree with another poster, if it's dealt with at the Magistrate's Court, you wont need to be there. [ more ]
See all 10 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
O/T wrought iron gates
Former Member Reference: He is in the pub at the mo...will catch him later for you! Ta much, no hurry's way down on my list of things to do [ more ]
Former Member Reference: Get a welder to put an upright in ,gates like these last a life time . Like I say Erin, I just dunno whether it's worth the bother, thankyou though [ more ]
slimfern Reference: That might be of some help please He is in the pub at the mo...will catch him later for you! [ more ]
See all 10 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Former Member Corin Reference: Sky, you and I know, "moral" and JJames are not bedfellows. One rule for him and one for others Indeed [ more ]
Smarting Buttocks Corin admitted she nominated John James a few times but took the easy option during the Messy noms by choosing Jo. [ more ]
Fairfax Reference: I wouldve thought he , being so "moral" would say.... Sky, you and I know, "moral" and JJames are not bedfellows. One rule for him and one for others. [ more ]
See all 5 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Big Brother..i'm going to miss it...
spongebob squarepants found this but dunno how true it is....................... Channel 5 signed up Big Brother? Day 73, 4:08pm · Updated 20 Aug, 7:59pm Channel 5 have signed up to air Big Brother next year after Channel 4 decided to drop the reality TV show after eleven series, according to insiders and internet speculation. Earlier today, insider Jacob revealed that Channel 5 had finally signed up to air Big Brother, this comes only weeks after Express Newspapers owner Richard Desmond bought the broadcaster. [ more ]
Blue Diamond (Ben's Buddy 11) Reference: X FACTOR STARTS TOMORROW!! YIPEEEEEEEEE!!!! [ more ]
Ev (Peachy) I havn't decided if i am staying on at gaga after BB has finished. [ more ]
See all 34 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sam and Dave
Ev (Peachy) Reference: I hate when people just free-wheel to the end because they are dull. Mario, steve and JJ2 all have done this. NO NEKKID FREEWHEELING ...Said Bass style [ more ]
slimfern I liked yer face & forthright! Shame she walked, would be a whole diff show if she hadn't! [ more ]
Former Member i agree, and although john james has made some mistakes i still think he has also done some nice things in there and given us loads to talk about. I always remember he was the only one who was nice to my shabby after the nathan row I hate when people just free-wheel to the end because they are dull. Mario, steve and JJ2 all have done this. [ more ]
See all 19 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Tonight might be bitter sweet
Baz I really fail to understand how Dave is managing to stay in, and the thought of him making it to the finals........... [ more ]
forgetmenot d, why would any like the pepper boy, he is immature and down right nasty. he also needs to grwo a pair, just as the Aussie need's to as well. I wish they would bring back national Service, do them both a power of good. [ more ]
cologne 1 Reference: John James could be saved God forbid. [ more ]
See all 21 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
If Sam goes down, he's taken Corin with him!!
monkey13 Sammy boy is staying! [ more ]
SpiderMonkey Corin might be going tonight, but at least she had the courage and satisfaction of telling John James that he is a horrible disrespectful man. It is this reason mainly that she will be going. The John James army did not approve. [ more ]
Blue Diamond (Ben's Buddy 11) Reference: If Sam goes down, he's taken Corin with him!! But, Sam is not going anywhere. [ more ]
See all 6 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
E-Bay Discussions/Chat
RiverRock Haha, I seen a picture on one of those 'fail' websites of a ladies item which had a dildo in the background! [ more ]
Smarting Buttocks I personally don't ebay but a few friends and family do. Having seen some of their listings I would say make sure you take a really good photo of the product (or nick a piccy from the internet if you can find your product) One of my friends who is incredibly untidy photographs her stuff and you can see all her clutter in the background of her pictures. [ more ]
See all 2 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Garage Joe Reference: Whatever happened to Joe Mc Wotsit? I'm sure that he is about to be relaunched. Just as a matter of interest is it X-Factor proper or do we go through the usual embarassing sector as Lavender Boy and Louis Walsh make fun of the gullible. Sad music, Happy music, Boot Camp, blah..... [ more ]
Moomin It only seems like a few weeks since the last one finished. Whatever happened to Joe Mc Wotsit? [ more ]
Christmas Chicken Tomorrow is the night guys [ more ]
See all 20 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
There are definately two Mario's(watch this)
Soozy Woo f we had video evidence of the different faces of the BB HM's and we took it that they were actually different people...............................Josie would be one of quintuplets wouldn't she? [ more ]
El Loro Reference: suzybean He is George Orwell's adopted son's grandson. That's my final offer If that's true, it would make seem logical to have someone connected with Big Brother (from Orwell's 1984) in the final Big Brother, but that would suggest that his being a housemate selected by a random draw was a fix or an extraordinary co-incidence. [ more ]
Former Member There is talk of him being related to Tom Jones....... [ more ]
See all 26 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Anyone else having trouble with DS?
Former Member Re: Anyone else having trouble with DS? [ more ]
Mount Olympus *Olly* woooooooooo it worked.. .thanks Monkey ..I'd cleared my cache thinking that would be sufficient but clearly not. . C4 need to get their techies from Jnr school not infants. .they told me they knew it was still an ongoing problem and were trying to sort it out. . all they had to say was a reboot fixes it. .twits.. [ more ]
Mount Olympus *Olly* Just rebooting me lappy Monkey ...fingers crossed it will do the trick. .tho I know the feed goes off during the C4 show I wanted it sorted before tomorrow.. [ more ]
See all 21 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Poll -Who do you dislike the most
Moomin Reference: Dave has been extremely 'lucky' with his edits That is true - how his vehement denial of not being bitchy or two-faced didn't make last night's highlights I'll never know - presumably because the crumbling of JJ1 was more entertaining!! [ more ]
Former Member Blondie [ more ]
Fairfax Reference: But even my hatred of Dave pales into mild dislike compared to my feelings for Crab-Eyes. Nail on the proverbial head [ more ]
See all 30 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Doctor Who - update - next pc game in series out soon
squiggle Reference: I thought the second game was somewhat easier than the first, but maybe I was just lucky in going down the right paths. I thought the second game was definitely easier. Was it the first or the second where you had to avoid the Daleks in that place with so many rooms? I kept getting lost and I got so fed up with being taken back to the same spot. Also that game where you had to guide the little things through the maze, drove me mad! You could get 2 in but if you bumped into a wall... [ more ]
El Loro My brother also had dreadful problems trying to get started with the first. My main problem with the first was at the climatic scene when the area starts shaking and there's a time limit. I was using mu old wired mouse and the response was so bad that it was impossible to avoid getting zapped. In the end I change the mouse to a new wireless mouse and was then quickly able to finish it. I thought the second game was somewhat easier than the first, but maybe I was just lucky in going down the... [ more ]
squiggle Reference: Just to let you know that the next pc adventure game after City of the Daleks and Blood of the Cybermen is due to be released on Friday 27th August. It's called Tardis. Thanks for that El Loro I thought it was never coming out, I have so enjoyed playing the first and second, although I was ages getting started on the first because I couldn't find a way to cross the gap I'm such a numpty! [ more ]
See all 62 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
For all of Josie's big words she still supports a the man who is nasty to women..
Former Member Nathan's fb ..the kick Aussie ass stuff hasn't been deleted mmmm [ more ]
Former Member Reference: I didn't particularly like Nathan or his swearing, but I do think that JJ would not have got away with it if Nathan had stayed. LL, I didn't see much of the early weeks of BB so therefore not much of Nathan, I got the impression however, that he didn't do or say much apart from swear and cook? Would he have taken JJ on? [ more ]
Former Member Reference: I do wonder if she realises he sees her as a substitute mother and whether she even minds that his intentions are non-sexual. I guess she hopes she can turn him round. Reference: he's a loser and a tosser with an potential Oedipus complex. Interesting, he was saying last night that she doesn't kiss him properly and he questioned if she really was sexually interested in him. They do v much behave like parent and child. She admonishes him when he behaves badly, 'sends him to his... [ more ]
See all 75 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Why deny paternity just because the baby is ginger?
Soozy Woo Reference: Where??!! Spill! well's all a bit scandalous really. My nan born in 1890 had two illegitamate children - to the same father but he was married and divorce was nigh on impossible especially if like the father you were Irish Catholic (that's the red hair connection). She went on to marry someone else and had my Dad. For many years I just assumed my dads brother and sister were full blood relatives. Things come out over the years .......................i guess it was... [ more ]
Karma_ Reference: Some people just love to have a scapegoat Ain't that the troof! [ more ]
Demantoid My family has the ginger gene, but not all of us show it. Mother's hair was reddish (she dyed it blonde) I'm naturally mousey blonde, one brother is dark and the other is ginge! I'm jealous, I would love to have flaming red hair. [ more ]
See all 21 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
POLL: The Famous Four, Who Will Go?
Baz I am praying that it will be John James, Dave, Steve.... and if I am pushed, I would like it to be JJ2, but think it will be Sam.... [ more ]
Smarting Buttocks Voted and bumped. [ more ]
monkey13 Reference: Mmmm, think it's going to be close for 3rd and 4th out. John James and Steve are definitely toast, Dave probably 3rd out, then either Sam, Corin or Mario in the 4th spot I'm getting to the point where I don't care who goes, so long as Sammy stays. I know its only four days, but we need someone in there entertaining. [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
One thing that has really niggled me through the whole of this series...
Karma_ I'm a right stickler for manners in kids. I find it repulsive when you see kids with their mums out shopping and they're spitting on the floor, talking to their mum like dirt and generally being little gobshites. It also grates right on my jacobs when I hear of these little gits on buses who wont offer their seat to elderly or disabled people If EVER I was told my son carried on like that I'd wring his bloody neck (so would his dad)! [ more ]
Baz Reference: I was virtually brainwashed [in a good way] as a kid to never ask for a favour without adding the please and to always say thank you. . it feels weird to not hear it from any of the HM's... it's like their sentence has ended too early cutting off the please.. Same here Mount Olympus..... My mum always said *good manners don't cost anything*....... something I have passed on to my kids... and they have passed on to the grandkids. [ more ]
~Lee~ Reference: Lee thank God it's just not me.I really thought I was alone regarding this. I've asked to change tables in restaurants if I'm facing a messy eater. If I'm ever in your neck of the woods and see someone else leave a restaurant because of a messy eater I'll know it's you. [ more ]
See all 78 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
can I ask your opinions on Corins behaviour?
Karma_ As much as I don't like Corin I think she would have been criticised whether she said something or kept quiet, tbh. Also, I did notice that on the HL she admitted that Nathan didn't actually say JJ1 would need security, but still implied that the situation was that bad that he might. If it were me, yep I would have told them too. [ more ]
Scotty Lee [ more ]
Scotty Reference: velvet She was well justified in bringing it home to the weasel that he is accountable for his obnoxious behaviour. It was up to him to draw his own conclusions from what she said and which he agreed with. He has it coming one way or the other and that's why he's shitting himself now Evening velvet [ more ]
See all 90 replies...

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