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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I blame all the people who voted Jo out
monkey13 I blame BB and their cash making exercise of vote to evict Mono. [ more ]
forgetmenot I wanted Sam out desperately, as much as crab eyes actually. ben and Sunshine should still be there, nothing is fair in this world whether in a BB "Show" or real lif.. I am old, so i know thse things now. [ more ]
Former Member Maybe the format's got to change for some semblance of credibility. I dunno [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
THEEEEEEEEEEEEE most bestest Facebook group
Cold Sweat Reference: Im afraid i cannot join for my little sammy pepper, as much as i love him i cannot be disloyal to my shabby Awwwwwwwwwww! [ more ]
Monobrow (Sam is a legend) Reference: Joined and invites sent Nice one!! Gypepperie katchagoogoo - GERROUTA MY THREAD WIV YA SCABBY TALK [ more ]
Fairfax Not on Facebook besides BB haven't listened to the general public in years [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Aww. Josie's crying
Marguerita madamski sorry to hear of your sad losses please stick with this forum we all get heated when BB is on, this forum and FMS are all lovely they helped me through a very bad time in my life, I love reading your posts you are very much appreciated on here [ more ]
DanceSettee for madamski [ more ]
Moonbeams Let's face it they're all a bit fame hungry, no one would go into a house like that if they weren't! Mads :hugs: [ more ]
See all 119 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I was really hoping someone would tell Corin
Soozy Woo Reference: I was hoping someone would tell her what a selfish annoying bag she is. ROFL [ more ]
Blizz'ard Reference: Rawky One mans idea is only defined by the actions of others... and his own! [ more ]
Rawky-Roo Reference: Well, it was his idea, in the first place! One mans idea is only defined by the actions of others. Cor look at me, I just came up with that. I sound like a proper philospher philossipher feelosseefur clever person [ more ]
See all 23 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Time to decide: which four do you want to go?.
Smarting Buttocks Wow the the results on this poll were way different to the actual result. Andrew 17% Corin 13% Dave 86% Sam 34% Steve 63% Joe John 71% John James 80% Mario 23% [ more ]
Former Member Only 2 out of the bloody hell is Dave still there [ more ]
monkey13 Reference: Don't be daft Monkey Anyways, yours is different isn't it? This is who do you want to go, yours is who will go...might be interesting to see if there's a difference x Ahh I'm just so pleased I haven't offended you hun [ more ]
See all 56 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Only MARIO can stop Farmer Giles winning.
darloboy (Play The Game!) I've got my fingers crossed Josie will win, it's not a forgone conclusion yet and I certainly will be trying to help her to do that come Tuesday.. if Jose doesn't win i'll be losing no sleep over it and if someone else wins fair square because they had more votes. I've not always agreed with certain winners because I didn't like them or whatever but they had the support to win . [ more ]
spongebob squarepants thanks for the reply g& p xx.............see my arguement(for want of a better word!) to the comments sam allegedly made about this woman were......and still are........given how insulting he was in the house.....i could imagine him insulting this woman you say about josie and the vibes you get from her make you believe she shafted him......there are always two sides as you say......and i just wanted to raise the point that one can't be taken as gospel......the other... [ more ]
Green&Pink She is at it again.. performing for the camera.. thin breathy girlie voice... ever so sweet niece and considerate of everyone. .. It's all and act!!! [ more ]
See all 38 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
soooo was that actually what all the fuss was about
Monobrow (Sam is a legend) Reference: Sammy had his moustache, she had her wig Everybody has their crutch eh [ more ]
Former Member blasphemy Do not speak ill of the wig. I closed my eyes and wished upon the wig [ more ]
Fairfax Aww come on, I thought she looked very well. She doesn't need the wig but I guess if it makes her feel more confident, whats the harm. Sammy had his moustache, she had her wig [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Live Feed right now.
Blackpudlian Reference: Joe-John says that he and John James share the same morals. I would have thought he would want to hide that fact. I haven't noticed Joe-John bragging that he is disrespectful to everyone, not just women. [ more ]
Liverpoollass Reference: Mathematics offline 1573 Forum Posts Yesterday at 11:06 PM What a breath of fresh air. No swearing. No arguing. No goading. Nobody stalking around the house intent on upsetting people. Josie looks positively glowing for the first time in several weeks. Just five generally high-spirited personalities smiling and laughing together. Call it boring if you want, but I've had enough of the fighting. I've had several weeks of it and that became boring. Roll on the happy times to see us... [ more ]
Monobrow (Sam is a legend) Reference: What a breath of fresh air. No swearing. No arguing. No goading. Nobody stalking around the house intent on upsetting people. Josie looks positively glowing for the first time in several weeks. Just five generally high-spirited personalities smiling and laughing together. Call it boring if you want, but I've had enough of the fighting. I've had several weeks of it and that became boring. Roll on the happy times to see us out. yes, what wonderful entertainment that musta been! [ more ]
See all 46 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
It`s likely John James is suffering from BPD
Amythist I call it "doing a Makosi"......letting yourself down at the final hurdle. [ more ]
Former Member It looks like a florid episode of chronic Spoilt Brat Syndrome to me.. [ more ]
Ninja Reference: Don't assume that people who disagree with you have no understanding of mental illness, they might just be disagreeing with you Precisely. No amount of verbose and superficial knowledge speculative 'rationalization' will change that. Give it up OP - Crab boy will not transform into the 'Prince'. Fairy God Mother, Fail. [ more ]
See all 46 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
What a fitting epitaph to BB!
Carnelian Reference: But people say Josie is like that, and she's in the final. She isn't threateningly pretty so the jealous audience like her. If she was slim and busty she'd have been out by now. [ more ]
Fairfax Reference: That's because she got a free pass to the final. The public were never given the chance to evict her because she was never nommed Exactly. Hollow victory for her. [ more ]
Yogi19 Reference: But people say Josie is like that, and she's in the final. That's because she got a free pass to the final. The public were never given the chance to evict her because she was never nommed. [ more ]
See all 8 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
OMG - LF now!!!!!!!!
Fairfax He is one weird dude, no doubt about it, however someone likes him and I think that the final two will be him and dullard Josie. [ more ]
Liverpoollass l'm not sure if I am going to bother watching it until Tuesday. It is just going to be so boring with that lot in there. [ more ]
Mentalist Reference: and would want to be under the bed/at the end of the bed when his daughter consumates her marriage. No way. He didn't say that did he?? He did, he was talking about his daughter dating Sam and how there would be no sex before marriage and he would stand at the bottom of the bed when the marriage was consummated. Who talks about their children like that, I also find the constant references to his 'fully developed' 15 year old boy strange as well [ more ]
See all 36 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
why havent the percentages been released
Liverpoollass I love the way they left JJ until last - I was almost like a derange lunatic thinking he was staying [ more ]
Lockes Evelyn I think the UBB contestants go in then [ more ]
Lockes Ducky I know betfair have voided there bets, BUT all the other bookies have paid out on steve being the ninth evictee, well they would wouldnt they if you think of all the money they have made *angry smillie* [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Daily Star 15th August!!!!
Former Member Just think ,who needs a bookie when you have the DAILY STAR. 100% CORRECT 5 DAYS BEFORE THE EVICTION. [ more ]
Yellow Rose what a farce the lead up to the final is, interesting hm's booted out by the public and boring ones still there [ more ]
Former Member It could almost be todays headlines [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
BBBM the 'cookie monster'
Prometheus Reference: She was the most outspoken HM of all times and stood her ground against all the diffs She wasn't, and she didn't, and she was incredibly boring and quite incredibly stupid too, but she wasn't a bad person so I had no problem with her winning at all. [ more ]
Carnelian She was boring. I wanted her to win BB9(?) and she did put up with a hell of a lot of crap and bullying from that dick-head Ramsay wannabe Rex but she was quite a boring housemate overall. [ more ]
cologne 1 Rachel wasn't boring. She was the most outspoken HM of all times and stood her ground against all the diffs (including that wanker Rex). Let's get it straight for once. [ more ]
See all 11 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
BB Producers Kill the last BB
Eugene's Lair Reference Clumsycat Today at 00:05: it has always been a vote to save at this stage... idiots (BB not you lot) The penultimate week in BB5 was a vote to evict, with all HMs up. That's how Michelle got evicted. What really made the difference this time was having 4 evictions on the same night as well as a "vote to evict". It made it virtually impossible for the big "marmite" characters to survive. John James and Sam were doomed as soon as the evicition was announced, and Josie would probably... [ more ]
Former Member Reference: I can't even type I'm so angry! [ more ]
monkey13 I can't even type I'm so angry! [ more ]
See all 22 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Josie can't win BB. It's technically impossible.
Prometheus Reference: She actually said that getting a free pass to the final was like someone paying for your walk would be like pissing in their face Aww how sweet, true love out of the window for the viewers. It's touching really. [ more ]
cologne 1 Reference: You are joking yes? Nope, Mistress Josie is a sacrificial lamb. [ more ]
Soozy Woo Reference: Because she said she would, over and over and over again, t not at this stage she didn't. She actually said that getting a free pass to the final was like someone paying for your walk would be like pissing in their face ........................or words to that effect. So really your post is pretty invalid ............she was never gonna walk at this stage of the game ...........she said it herself. [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
BB 2010. Never mind 'who wins you decide' the big question has to be...
Prometheus Reference: lets have the final tomorrow and get those UBB HM's in. I'm right with you on that one Ducky . The stranger, more perverse side of me was hoping John James would win so Charley could tear him to pieces [ more ]
Ducky I would imagine most have made their decision about their own personal winner, lets have the final tomorrow and get those UBB HM's in. Then we can really have a good old argument! [ more ]
stoory There was never any other outcome with a vote to evict option. At least if Sam , or Corin had stayed we might have had a surprise.......Josie has it in the bag now [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Big Mouth
Cosmopolitan Reference: Nikki, Bello and South London 'it girl' Charley I can just about stand - yeah You've a stronger constitution than I have..! But like a moth to a lightbulb, I'll be watching the HL's and cursing every moment. (I'm so double standard - I'd be a fab housemate ) [ more ]
Carnelian Reference: What do you mean 'was'? She's still doing it now, the twat. She better not be in the finale show. Nikki, Bello and South London 'it girl' Charley I can just about stand - yeah, I can just about keep the food down! But the Cookie Monster! [ more ]
Prometheus Reference: The Cookie Monster was the most cynically fake and contrived housemate ever to appear on BB. What do you mean 'was'? She's still doing it now, the twat. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Davina to Corin "We never really got to know you"
Ducky OMG!!!!! I came in here to comment on Corin....... but I've just noticed you have JJ's Luurve Shack in your name Jeggo! I think you may be the only person on our list who ever did that! I feel all proud [ more ]
~Lee~ We never really got to know a lot about quite a few of the HM's,instead we were force fed the JJJ nomance and Duvet watch. [ more ]
Dame_Ann_Average There was loads to know, a happy marriage and four moths later her husband died, and devastation, Yet you make excuses for John James and can't see any empathy for any one else [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Marguerita I have not voted this year but will probably vote in the final. [ more ]
monkey13 BB has kicked itself in the nuts! [ more ]
Ducky Reference: To speculate would suggest I didn't witness it. I did, and so did many others. The culprets were to be found on the John James twitter page. You need numbers, amounts of votes, percentages of the voting public etc, if you want to call it evidence. [ more ]
See all 24 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
GBP elects deathly dull finalists shocker.
Carnelian OP, as you say, no shock at all. Same old insipid housemates flying under the radar as usual and a guaranteed boring finale. JJ2 is a typical coasting pretty boy who does sod all but is a guaranteed final week housemate. JJ2 is on par with BB4's Goss. Andrew, well haven't we had the innocent abroad virginal housemate done so many times on BB? Bless him, he likes the ladies but they don't like him as much as he'd like and TBH, who can blame them! A nice every-man guy adolescent nerd but BB... [ more ]
Fairfax Reference: How about if Mario had been given the pass to the final or Andrew?, there would have been moaning from some quarters still but obviously their fans would have been delighted. I wouldn't because I don't agree with it, even had Ben still been there, I don't think its right. [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) I say blame C4 and BB not the housemates, of course they end up showing their real personalities but they have the power to manipulate through the editing of course. How about if Mario had been given the pass to the final or Andrew?, there would have been moaning from some quarters still but obviously their fans would have been delighted. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Andrew & JJ2 have merely slipped under the radar
sandra if it was vote to save ............ what difference would it have made , i'm and [ more ]
Fairfax Reference: Mario to win as well, although I can't say whether I'll bother to watch this boring finale. I agree, it's been dreadfully dissappointing. [ more ]
Carnelian Mario to win as well, although I can't say whether I'll bother to watch this boring finale. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Tonight has worked out pretty well for Davina..
Fairfax Reference: Now that Mario admitted that he was wrong in nominating Ben and rightly apologised to him I guess he would be a decent winner. Spot Mario. Actually anyone but Josie - least deserving hm to win ever [ more ]
Videostar Reference: No, no and thrice no. Vote Mario Now that Mario admitted that he was wrong in nominating Ben and rightly apologised to him I guess he would be a decent winner. [ more ]
Clumsycat well, no worthy winner now, though duvet slug girl will probably win [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Could Dave win this?
Aimee well he says he's got thousands of friends so it wouldn't surprise me [ more ]
Carnelian Reference: If Josie and JJ2 is in the final then DAVE certainly deserves to be there, he's far more entertaining and real than the pair of them put together. I agree, but who isn't entertaining when compared to JJ2? As for Josie, she's certainly been a very boring housemate at times and I've turned the show off rather than watch another JJ1 themed conversation - usually with Corin. Despite this, Josie has had quite a few moments where she hasn't been boring. Rasputin is about as false as... [ more ]
cologne 1 I really hope it will be different now that it's vote to win. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
i was only like that cos i'm from australia and i didn't think i deserved to be there
DanceSettee Oh he's so humble isn't he Feck off you Fake, just cos you believe your own self delusions don't think that others can't see right through them.....Twat! [ more ]
spongebob squarepants Reference: Hypocrite to the very end,after all he said about and to Rachael he will do mag deals. yes but he passed the buck to josie......'if she wants too fair enough and i'll give the money to her'...... [ more ]
~Lee~ Hypocrite to the very end,after all he said about and to Rachael he will do mag deals. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
corin gone?
Starfleet Admiral hoochie Reference: however, at the very least she had a personality that didn't involve putting others down to make heself looko r feel better, or bitch, or be caught out to be a liar and fake. That's the girl I saw [ more ]
Dame_Ann_Average Reference: at the very least she had a personality that didn't involve putting others [ more ]
jacksonb she wasn't my fav that was shabs. however, at the very least she had a personality that didn't involve putting others down to make heself looko r feel better, or bitch, or be caught out to be a liar and fake. can't say that for the rest of them [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I know it's eviction night but chocolate shoes required...AKA Happy Birthday and WB AOTN
charlisock Re: I know it's eviction night but chocolate shoes required...AKA Happy Birthday and WB AOTN [ more ]
Former Member Reference: Where the sun don't shine? At least the chocolate won't melt there I beg to differ [ more ]
Jenny Reference: I left while I did my post grad dissertation (which I got a really good pass in), I am doing my full Masters now so I cant hang around, I rejoined LC and posted on the Ship recently but have come back for UBB...maybe. I havent watched an BB this year I dont know anything. Well done! It's nice to see you back, even if it's only for a short while. Best of luck with your full Masters! [ more ]
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