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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
What do you find entertaining in a BB HM?
Soozy Woo Reference: That said, the BB house always needs a good mix of characters, baddies to boo and lovely Hms to cheer! that's it in a nutshell. It's not really all about individuals - it's all in the mix and how they react/relate. I hadn't really made my mind up re John James until .............he had that face to face with Rachel ...........yes I know the majority were offended by it but TBH - I was offended by her sneering at everyone and walking round in her drawers like she was Gods gift. [ more ]
kimota Reference: Which is why Aisleyne is my favourite HM of all time. I'm so sure she 's going in I'm restarting the FAKERS tomorrow! [ more ]
kimota As an 'old school' BB watcher, I believe like the majority of the old audience, that nastiness shouldn't prosper and generally it didn't until this year! I like Hms who are friendly, upbeat , but not scared to take on an idiot HM when called for. A minimum of bitching is good too, or if your going to be bitchy at least be funny with it! Really giving your all in tasks is a plus as is doing a bit of housework now and then. It may not be entertaining, but it shows that you are prepared to pull... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Just put live feed on...
Yellow Rose Mario having his hair cut, I recognise the hairdresser, can't remember his name. Josie also having hair done [ more ]
Aimee Reference: lee stafford going in too cut and colour their hair Am I supposed to know this person? he did celebrity scissor hands and he cut Bens hair on BBLB [ more ]
Moomin Reference: lee stafford going in too cut and colour their hair Am I supposed to know this person? [ more ]
See all 25 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sam and John James shouting over the wall?
Demantoid I can't stand this 'smooth over' crap. [ more ]
Blue Diamond (Ben's Buddy 11) Reference: she said, before commenting that she would like to slim down to a size 12 for John James. "When I smooth him over, I’m gonna say, ‘How does it feel having sex with a finalist?’” she She is doing it for the big girls Someone tell her he is not interested .. [ more ]
SpiderMonkey Oh Jeez I wish they would just disappear with the little shred of dignity they have remaining. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Not once have I ever ever....
longcat Reference: At least when the "controversial" HM's were in there, even if you didn't like them, it was something to discuss on here. Now it's a back slapping snooze fest. [ more ]
Liverpoollass Reference: longcat offline 2,650 Forum Posts Today at 12:27 PM Last Edited: I will never understand why they did it. LF is boring. I have no idea what they will show on the HLs. Even the forum as died because there is no-one to talk about. Nothing is going on, ergo nothing to talk about. At least when the "controversial" HM's were in there, even if you didn't like them, it was something to discuss on here. [ more ]
Scotty JJ2 talking about the colour of milk bottles tops and the difference in price between skimmed and full fat milk....was rivetting. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Oh joy! Josie and JJ talking about John James erect member.
SazBomb Reference: I'm sorry to inform you that <---------------------> is not 9 inches [ more ]
DanceSettee Reference: gosh ive never heard of sugaring your fanny, i wish id watched now me too......i think i did it wrong....there's a swarm of bees at my window trying to get in the house and i'm beginnining to feel scared [ more ]
Liverpoollass So glad I haven't watched it since Friday night. [ more ]
See all 28 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Clothes, shoes etc thread
SazBomb I have my heart set on mulberry now I think I may have swayed from this: to this: [ more ]
Karma_ Yep that's them! Ohhh I got a lovely Osprey messenger bag the other day - you should check them out, they're really good quality and not badly priced [ more ]
SazBomb Are they like hareem pants? I think they only look good on tall slim types... no one with hippage could wear those... drawing attention right where you don't want it [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
John James Interview re Josie
Blizz'ard Reference: Ducky She really did Tates! But that's what I love about Josie, she can make you laugh intentionally AND unintentionally. Indeed, and I'd rather have a beard than a willy! [ more ]
Ducky Reference: She sincerely meant that and it was nothing to joke about....... She really did Tates! But that's what I love about Josie, she can make you laugh intentionally AND unintentionally. [ more ]
Tayto. Why did BB choose to make fun of Josie with this? She sincerely meant that and it was nothing to joke about..............and they say she has got good edits. pifft [ more ]
See all 74 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Why do people wear those daft glasses
Aimee Reference: But, but...........I need to see things stop drinking the lager then, we are on about fake glasses not bear glasses [ more ]
SazBomb Reference: Sunshine and Shabby wore them too ......................I know their fashionable but ...........I too think they look quite ridiculous. Me too, I think they look stupid on about 95% of the people who wear them [ more ]
Former Member But, but...........I need to see things [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I'll say one thing for Dave...
Aimee Reference: see i think dave is the dark horse.......he's survived all those evictions and last night too.....he has lots of support somewhere...........i reckon he'll be top 2 i agree, i think he may even win it [ more ]
Prometheus Reference: I would PAY to see Sam Pepper v's Nikki and Charley I never saw the one with Nikki in but she's been annoying enough in her BB cameos. I think I'd cringe if Sam went up against Charley. He'd give it large then be crying under the duvet after she told him what's what lol. [ more ]
Triggers Reference: Prometheus The show is more or less over for me now till the ultimate thinggy kicks in. There is definitely a feeling of anti-climax for me . As for this Ultimate BB, I don't feel enticed in any way to watch it. [ more ]
See all 20 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Which BB's have been your favourites?
Aimee Reference:suzy really liked BB3....but the one I was almost crazy about watching was the CBB with Barrymore, Galloway, Burns etc... I loved every minute of that That was the best CBB, my auntie was in love with galloway [ more ]
Aimee Reference: least favourite BB8, ruined by the awful Charley. That one was ruined for me by Carol there's always one cretin left till the final, marcus last year was another [ more ]
Lockes BB7 fav [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sam and John James DS interview!
Dame_Ann_Average Reference: Poor Andrew...Odd he didn't say Corin though,he went on about her enough in there, I don't think any of them are fake Lee, it's all in that daft tossers head [ more ]
Lockes good read that, I especially liked the bit were JJ said ' People can believe what they want, but as long as Josie and me know where we stand, that's all that's important to me. As long as she knows how I feel, that's the main thing' [ more ]
~Lee~ Reference: Who do you think was fake..... maybe Andrew No mention of Corin now, I hope she kicked him in his goolies Poor Andrew...Odd he didn't say Corin though,he went on about her enough in there, [ more ]
See all 8 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
"John James loves Josie"
suzybean Reference:VD A really tender moment. They should have focussed more on those two deffo more airtime [ more ]
Yellow Rose Reference: A really tender moment. They should have focussed more on those two I agree it was a very nice moment Those who don't believe they really care for each won't change their mind, just as I won't change mine [ more ]
Karma_ I still need to watch his eviction (which I will do in a min) - but in tonight's HL's when theyb were talking in the bedroom and he suddenly turned non-committal, she picked up on it straight away. I think her heart is hoping for the love affair of the century but her head's telling her it just may not happen. Problem is if JJ's is hated in the UK and Josie ends up winning there's a chance he may use her to try and gain back popularity with claims of undying love, and will try to generate... [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
so will tomorrow nights show be 15 mins long
Ducky They usually do LOTS of tasks in the last few days, to fill the HL's. To be fair (even though it pains me to be) the last few days are always boring! [ more ]
Marguerita They will struggle unless BB do something to make it worth watching. [ more ]
cologne 1 Reference: How ever will we all cope? You are watching the show as much as the rest of us. It's a legitimate question after all the 'personalities' have been voted out. It's a snore fest now for 2 days. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
How do you think Corin handled
Former Member Reference:Lee Losing her husband the way she did could play a huge part in how some folk see her as being cold and being fake for putting on a happy face all the time....She may not be cold at all,she may have been so hurt she became desensitised to things which previously she'd have handled differently, thing's which she'd have reacted to differently,less emotional ,a whole list of things could apply. yes i agree, i think Steve understood that, plus i thought it unfair that Davina said "we... [ more ]
Starfleet Admiral hoochie Reference: Instead she decided to humiliate her gf by getting into bed with JJ. It would've been kinder to have finished it before she went into the house, or how about not doing what she did? I'm not sure what the implications of putting a relationship "on hold" are as Corin's profile...... not something I've ever done or known of others doing .... but it doesn't suggest " committed and going well " to me. I suspect the agreement was that she could do what worked for her, and they'd talk... [ more ]
Tayto. I don't think it registered with her at all. She was still buzzing from listening to the cheers and posing for the paps that it seemed to go over her head. I agree with Isadora. I won't judge her on here. I liked Corin and accept that she changed her game once nominations were finished. She is going to lap up all the attention and good on her if that's what she wants. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sammy Pepper is this years winner!!!
Former Member Re: Sammy Pepper is this years winner!!! [ more ]
monkey13 Its a shame she left so early because she is well remembered for that short time she had, imagine if she'd stuck it out. [ more ]
Ducky If I could have a free choice (all by myself without you other voters RUINING it for me ) of winner from ALL this years HM's....... winner would be Shabby. With Sam/Josie tied in second place. [ more ]
See all 43 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Former Member Why he is there is a mystery to me, he is boring, dull and a bit unpleasant. A vote to save wouldve seen him gone IMO Why is he hiding Andrews slippers?? They are so childish in there... [ more ]
Fairfax Reference: I see that JJ has hidden Andrew's slippers. The slippers he adores. Andrew is upset. JJ doesn't reveal anything, in spite of the fact that Andrew is disturbed by it. Why do that? Even though I liked Sam I hated when he hid Corins make-up. It's not funny and causes distress [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) I don't mind him . [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
O/T Pen & Paper v Computer
brisket Lovely Pengy. An ink pen person. A dying breed. [ more ]
Former Member I do love my computer for writing certain things on although I do think my spelling has deteriorated because it's so much easier to use the spell check rather than looking up a word in a dictionary. However, nothing for me can replace paper and an ink pen I have about 10 ink pens all with different coloured inks which I use varyingly during my course work. I love the smell of ink but I don't like washing it off my fingers [ more ]
El Loro Re: O/T Pen & Paper v Computer [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Liverpoollass If I was Andrew, I would've shoved his testicles where the sun don't shine [ more ]
Karma_ What's the beef about a huge testicle then? Anyone? [ more ]
longcat Awww they are all in on it now and have talked him into waxing his legs they have run out of wax strips now Dave and JJ are telling him they will shave his legs so he doesn't look stupid. [ more ]
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