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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Nice work Nadia and John.
Liverpoollass Reference: Tiddly~Wink offline LiveCloud VIP Membership 6,870 Forum Posts Today at 3:41 PM Last Edited: They were only saying what some of her friends will be telling her. She said herself she couldn't introduce him to some of them, because they'd rip him to bits. [ more ]
Liverpoollass Hopefully, Josie will see this for herself now. [ more ]
prettycocoaeyes Even a blind man could see that JJ aint that into her or is love really that barking mad? [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Josie walks out of UBB house
Yellow Rose Reference: I am glad John James was there for her Blue. Now perhaps they can find out what is between them and they can make their own minds up about it. Agree Longcat, hope all her anxieties are eased now and they are both happy, whatever happens. I agree also hope they have a great time together, bet she's so relieved to be out of there [ more ]
monkey13 Reference: I am glad John James was there for her Blue. Now perhaps they can find out what is between them and they can make their own minds up about it. Agree Longcat, hope all her anxieties are eased now and they are both happy, whatever happens. [ more ]
longcat Reference: Good link longcat I am glad John James was there for her Blue. Now perhaps they can find out what is between them and they can make their own minds up about it. [ more ]
See all 5 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Do You Think Josie
monkey13 Reference: BB should never have allowed the UBB hms to talk to her about BB11 im Totally, 100% agree Super. BB balls up! [ more ]
Kaytee She's really gone WOO HOO! . Now as Dave WAS the runner up, if someone from BB11 is to replace Josie then it should be him tbf. This doen't mean that I want to see that revolting piece of work ever again [ more ]
monkey13 Looks like someone will be getting a smoothing over tonight [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Has Josie just left????
Leccy Official Big Brother BBLB have the FIRST interview with Josie since she's left the House! She'll be telling us why she left so don't miss it. E4 at 6pm! From the BB fb. [ more ]
Former Member Reference: probably too busy being worried what the awful John James is up to I reckon so especially after McCrirrick and Nadia's chat to her [ more ]
Shizzlex im sure he wouldnt pass the pyschological tests again Lee [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Josie on the "poor me" act again
The Devil In Diamante Maybe spongey....though I do think they all secretly want to win it..... [ more ]
spongebob squarepants i doubt that'll come into it tbh dids.............some will share the same agent........some mix in the same circles socially..........two of em were married........why would they bother about josie winning and the public?......its a pay packet to them........a job...........if they don't nominate her then they don't.......if they do they do....... [ more ]
justafriend the horrible laugh is back so im sure shes ok again now. i think its all about not being able to use the same game plan. tactics shes used before int going to work with alot of these. and theres no jj to tell her what she should be doing. [ more ]
See all 10 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Green&Pink Reference: Sick of the sight of Josie....just wiss off and don't come back...ever!! I can't stand the little huddles around her.. everyone chipping in to help her. She is still playing Cinders. [ more ]
Green&Pink Reference: The 'Celebs' are in a tricky position really if you think about it. Josie has just won BB, therefore they know the nation (apparently) loves her, will they dare put her up? Indeed. [ more ]
Kaytee Sick of the sight of Josie....just wiss off and don't come back...ever!! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Makosi crying again..
The Devil In Diamante OH, and on the Makosi note. There's a video on the Big Brother page of her showering this the 'unattainable body that other women strive for' she referred to in a recent magazine quote????? She's got big boobs, big deal..she also has a big everything else including her opinion of herself...... [ more ]
The Devil In Diamante SHe's now just announced to Coolio she's been crying and upset, and is letting him smoozy many more of the HMs will she tell she's been upset, just before nominations of course... [ more ]
Videostar Reference: She's not at the moment VS she has them all sympathising with her in just the way she likes it, its all me me me me me as per usual It's Josie who has them dancing to her tune right now on LF. [ more ]
See all 16 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Leccy Afternoon Chicken [ more ]
Videostar GOOD NEWS....the Cricket is now on. [ more ]
brisket It would be lovely if you could face these anxieties only when you really have to . Would be good not to be whittling unnecessarily. And of course you may never have to face them, because what sometimes seems like a major problem eventually turns out to be nothing of the sort. I would love to give you a magic wand Chicken. I have, though, faith that one day you will be shrugging them off Chicken. [ more ]
See all 17 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
LF thread (Thursday).....
Blackpudlian Reference: Josie is talking to Nikki right now, she has been told that John James has signed up for an agency by one of the other HMs....she has just stated that 'maybe she never really knew him at all' as he's gone against everything he ever said to her... she finally getting it???!!! Perhaps she is realising that the John James she thought she knew was a real as the tooth fairy. [ more ]
The Devil In Diamante Josie is talking to Nikki right now, she has been told that John James has signed up for an agency by one of the other HMs....she has just stated that 'maybe she never really knew him at all' as he's gone against everything he ever said to her... she finally getting it???!!! [ more ]
See all 2 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
My New Brain
Mathematics I watched it. It was very good. Happy, sad, disturbing at times. His whole fascination with Spider the dog was an eye opener, because he seemed so transfixed on the dog for no apparent reason. I think my favourite part of the documentary was when he and his friend visited the wall behind the club. It brought home how such a silly and careless decision (jumping a security fence) can lead to such dramatic change for a family. [ more ]
Fairfax I watched it and was bawling by the end.His speech at his birthday had me in tears. What a lovely family, I really hope he goes on to gain more independence and acceptance of himself. Great programme. [ more ]
Moomin I saw the last few minutes while waiting for UBB, and it made me cry - must try and watch it on 4 OD [ more ]
See all 12 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Josie, you are the W@nker.
Green&Pink Reference: and soon started slating coolio to ulrika cos she knew ulrika had had a problem with him before, she knows what shes doing. [ more ]
Demantoid Fair enough, spongey [ more ]
spongebob squarepants Reference: I'm damned if I can see why I should think Josie is so wonderful, just because she's on telly. no one is saying you should think she's wonderful deman......well i'm not any're entitled to your opinion of her and to dislike her.......that's what the show is all about..........but ppl are entitled to like her too without being told that they will suddenly see the light and realise how horrible she is like all non josie fans do.........there are aspects to her... [ more ]
See all 145 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
"Wouldn't it be lovely if you could be Josie's friend".
Demantoid There's a reason for it being on at 10pm. It's because it's NOT a children's programme. [ more ]
Liverpoollass Reference: ~Lee~ offline 5,805 Forum Posts Yesterday at 9:26 PM Last Edited: Why was a 10 year old child watching BB?...IMO that's too young to watch a show like BB. Absolutely agree. I wouldn't let a child of mine watch BB. [ more ]
~Lee~ Reference: God I wish she wouldn't. Her newly adopted totally over the top cackle is trés annoying. OTT......,I had said last night I like Chantelles laugh,I find it infectious,Josies cackle makes me cringe . [ more ]
See all 31 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Josie`s Laugh
Liverpoollass Ok it is official - Josie's laugh is getting right on my last nerve [ more ]
Green&Pink Reference: Seeing her and Dave the last two in the house both doing their fake laughs was gruesome. [ more ]
Green&Pink Reference: its as fake as fake can be - she did this hysterical fake laughing also whilst pretending she didnt give a shit that crab-eyes was getting close to Keever [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
What age do you think is best for children to go to funerals?
LGS When my FIL passed, my children were 14 and 10, I gave them a choice, I asked if they wanted to go. My son who is the eldest came and my daughter didn't come to the funeral, but came to the wake afterwards. I think it is personal choice and depends on the relationship involved. It is good that she is asking questions though, as its as though she is processing the information through her system and vocalising it, not bottling it all up [ more ]
Demantoid MMmmm. tarts... [ more ]
Leccy Reference: FLOOZY Yeh? And? Tart *licks a breakaway* [ more ]
See all 33 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Blimey! It's chucking it down outside!
Liverpoollass Still raining down here I love it when I am indoors and it is pouring with rain - everything smells so fresh. Just annoys me that I can't get my washing dry, the poor cats have to sit cross-legged cos they won't go out in the rain and my front door leaks at the bottom [ more ]
Karma_ Reference: It just took us 4 hours to get from Heathrow to Essex (should have been a 1hr 40 min journey)... Bloody hell that was M25 I take it?! [ more ]
Karma_ Reference: I drove down the M40 today in the pouring rain ... and I didn't like it one bit When I used to drive to the West Mids it was the most bizarre experience sometimes with the weather. One minute it would be sunny, a few miles on chucking it down, then sunny again, then the end I didn't give a frig, I'd drive along with the window down, the wipers going and my sunglasses on I think I may be in a huge minority here but I love it when it pours down outside [ more ]
See all 37 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
On BBLB: John James wants to live with JJ2
brisket Oh dear. It sounds like a bad idea to me. I always think they are silly to make plans for outside the house (and that includes Josie and John James.) Just because Joe-John and John James managed to "get on" in strange, unnatural and artificial circumstances, it doesn't mean they would "get on" in real life. [ more ]
Demantoid Considering JJ's supposed to be a boxer and John James has less muscles in his arms than I have, that's some minder.. JJ is going to regret scouring the TopMan rails for that matching hat - that's one limpet he'll find hard to shake off. [ more ]
Former Member JJ sees a minder. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I'm liking them all so far
Green&Pink The new comers all seem OK. [ more ]
Prometheus I hate them all. Bring on another flood, and some thunder and lightning, that sort of thing. Yes. That would sort them out. [ more ]
Aimee There seems to be a few of them that don't like coolio (think he has said a few things) even josie thinks she will have words with him. IMO Brian was a great winner, he's got them all laughing in there, i can't make out whose laughing all the cackling sounds the same, Josie, Chantelle and nadia i thought nadia would grate on me but even she's made me laugh today [ more ]
See all 11 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ultimate BB Discussion Thread
Moomin Reference: And the other one is a deluded freak who thinks she should have won last time. I would hate it if Nikki won [ more ]
Moomin Reference: TOT calling John Womble [ more ]
Demantoid I want any of them to win apart from Josie and Nikki. Because one of them is a smug cow who thinks this whole thing has been set up for her to win it. And the other one is a deluded freak who thinks she should have won last time. [ more ]
See all 140 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Oh Coolio
Kaffs Reference: he is well creepy We'll never agree Skylark... he just makes me laugh. [ more ]
Kaffs Reference: I could be wrong, but wasnt Chantelle whispering to Coolio telling him where his fags were? Well done, Sherlock! That makes sense... they were definitely whispering rather than him accosting her. [ more ]
Former Member Reference: yeah - she was yes she was !! but not the point, he is well creepy [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
This website is running very slowwwwly tonight...
SpiderMonkey Reference: Leccy Its a bit slow for me, not as bad as it can sometimes get though Yeh it's not disasterously slow, just... annoyingly slow. [ more ]
Aimee is it my internet then thats running slow? when i press on last reply it takes ages to load and then i post a comment and it takes ages and then when i press to go back to the front back it takes ages, so all in all it takes about 5 mins everytime [ more ]
Leccy Its a bit slow for me, not as bad as it can sometimes get though. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
So that's Makosi, Chantelle and now Ulrika and Nikki
Liverpoollass I agree Fairfax, although I would've thought they had done a psych test on her? [ more ]
Fairfax If Niki is unwell with anexoria the Big Brother house is no place for her. [ more ]
jackassfan Reference: Oh and man I've had to watch "Spartacus,blood and sand" on occasion Because my niece and her boyfriend like it..IT's bloody dire shit! Sex and gore..that's it. Give me Derek Jacobi and John Hurt and a wonderful cast in "I Claudius" ahem My dad likes that, I agree with you it is dire shit [ more ]
See all 31 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Josie is currently favourite to win UBB
darloboy (Play The Game!) Reference: The largest percentage of voters in BB history would disagree with you there Vid I voted for her so definetly disagree too Spider . I'm just glad that Josie decided to do this as it's a one in a lifetime opportunity that will never happen again, it's only another 2 weeks depending on how long she lasts and is already a winner regardless . [ more ]
SpiderMonkey Reference: Vid Only because Josie shouldn't even have [won] BB11 The largest percentage of voters in BB history would disagree with you there Vid. [ more ]
Liverpoollass Reference: Marguerita ** Mario to win ** offline LiveCloud VIP Membership 52,556 Forum Posts Today at 7:28 PM Last Edited: I have a gut feeling Josie will walk . Wouldn't blame her if she did (although I don't think she will). She's already a winner and has nothing really to prove by staying. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The Prime Minister and Mrs Cameron have named their daughter Florence Rose Endellion
Leccy Mine would be Camerons We've come full circle. [ more ]
SazBomb Reference: The Endellion thing is cause she was born in my daughters middle name should be Hartlepool then Thats proper classy Mine should be Durham... or possibly Dryburn, for something a bit more exotic [ more ]
Leccy The Endellion thing is cause she was born in my daughters middle name should be Hartlepool then [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
From DS: Josie is Davina's friend from before the show.
SpiderMonkey Reference: those pics were posted on that site You mean the photoshopped pictures where someone had crudely pasted Josie's head onto someone else'e body? Like I say, bizarre the lengths Josie haters will go to. Really weird. [ more ]
Former Member Dont believe any of it, plus Davina is very anti smoking so she wouldnt have her looking after her kids [ more ]
~Lee~ Reference: It sounds like drivel made up by Josie haters. Probably the same people who made the profile on that acting website, trying to make out she's an actress. TBF those pics were posted on that site on 8th June,why would there have been haters then?...Poor old Sunshine got the blame for posting the link to it on Twitter apparently. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Charlie Brooker sums up 10 years of BB
Katerina Marco, a homosexual ghost-train skeleton so implausibly camp he makes Mr Humphries look like the Terminator. LMAOOOO Charlie Brooker cracks me up. [ more ]
Baby Bunny Thanks for the link. Series six - 2005: Charlie Brooker on Anthony, Maxwell and Craig If you sketched a diagram denoting the exponential growth of contestant idiocy levels throughout Big Brother history, you'd start low, run out of space at the top during series five, and be scrawling demented swirls all over the page by the start of series six. Because this lot scarcely qualify as fully sentient humans - they're people-shaped amoebas existing on raw narcissism. Series eight - 2007: Charlie... [ more ]
Demantoid "Mario looks like a Spitting Image puppet of Sly Stallone crudely whittled from a gigantic boiled ham by a madman in a hurry. His neck is 10 times wider than his skull and resembles a weightlifter's sunburned thigh atop it sits the head of a cartoon Roman locked in a permanent "O-Face". Thanks to his expression, Mario looks faintly smug and self-righteous, but this is an illusion: in reality, he's VERY smug and self-righteous. And obsessed with health and safety issues." Brilliant. That's... [ more ]
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