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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
AMAZING bit of rapping for BBBM intro just now.
prettycocoaeyes Reference: Yep, and there's always the opportunity to come on here and moan about the injustice of it all I suppose your right its a democrazy afterall [ more ]
Cosmopolitan Reference: Maybe they are trying to be "down wiv d kids init" Yeah, but they ain't got a chance of gettin' back up again! [ more ]
Prometheus Reference: There is always the Mute button ya know? Yep, and there's always the opportunity to come on here and moan about the injustice of it all [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
There is nothing endearing about that man whatsoever
RiverRock Reference: Were you not backing John James though? The guy that bullied Rachel and made her cry in the first week? John Jame backed up his thoughts, and he did not tell people everything he though. JmcC just comes out with the most vile outbursts, and he treats his wife appallingly. [ more ]
Former Member And he has excellent taste in headgear. [ more ]
MrMincePie Reference: I never said he wasn't honest, but if we were all honest like the way he is imagine the sort of world we would live in. Were you not backing John James though? The guy that bullied Rachel and made her cry in the first week? [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
BB are taking the piss...
Former Member Reference: Now we get her completely sucking up to Josie - who walked After winning Big Brother as opposed to throwing her toys out of the pram a couple of weeks into the programme. As I said further up - not comparable at all. [ more ]
Videostar Reference: Davina in an interview with Emma Willis said that she was unhappy about doing the Caoimhe interview - and stated that she didn't think walkers deserved one. I recall at the time thinking this was somewhat hypocritical as she hadn't complained about interviewing Shabby. Now we get her completely sucking up to Josie - who walked. Yep, it was quite sickening to watch tonight, shes totally a Josie fan. [ more ]
Videostar Reference: To be fair she did win BB11 , and done her time And had her interview. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Imogen v Nikki...
Dirtyprettygirlthing Reference: Pete Doherty of Babyshambles Nooooooooooooooooooo! Of all Pete's bad times... & hard times... & misadventures... that would have to be his lowest point! [ more ]
cologne 1 Reference: she did a welsh one and it was about nikki having a tantrum and the other Hm's being fed up with it, Chantelle asked who it was she was doing and Brain said it's Imogen, i was Luting at the time i could have heard it wrong but i guess thats why Imogen has retaliated Sorry Aimee, that was the only bit of LF I saw today and it didn't feel like they were rowing, Nikki was doing accents and one of them was Welsh and supposed to be Imogen. Nobody told her off, they were laughing and... [ more ]
Carnelian Reference:Videostar OMG, who would pay to spend the night with Nikki.?? It's weird the arguments between former BB HM's who never appeared on the same shows. lol Pete Doherty of Babyshambles, allegedly IIRC [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Michelle Bass is so greedy.
Former Member Reference: As everyone knows I hate to argue and arguments in general, but what do you mean by hypocracy.?? Leave it Vids, if Col wants to accuse me of being a hypocrite, so be it [ more ]
Videostar Reference: I'm not after an argument, but I can't help picking up on hypocracy As everyone knows I hate to argue and arguments in general, but what do you mean by hypocracy.?? [ more ]
cologne 1 I'm not after an argument, but I can't help picking up on hypocracy. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Who do you want to go tonight?
Former Member We have all been taking for mugs over the years Sup , but hey ho ............. [ more ]
Former Member Reference: He is a betting man Sup, I know, which is why I want him to lose his bet [ more ]
Former Member He is a betting man Sup, of course he will be putting bets on himself, or got others to do it [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Funny how JJ1 just happened to be there as Josie walked.
Former Member There is a book, cant at the mo remember the author, but its called "Women Who Love Too Much", Josie should have a read. She may not "get it" now, but i have a feeling she will in a few months time...... [ more ]
Former Member Reference: e did that all the way through their budding romance. He'd call her stupid or clueless whenever she didn't see the world according to his masterly insight. Yep - I noticed that and I have also noticed how she apologises to him all the time. [ more ]
watcher1 Anyone seen my duvet? [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Josie to head down under with John James!
forgetmenot well I am very sorry she has gone; she couldhave won again imo. I did not vote for her as i only wanted ben to win butI have nothing against her.I also think some ofthe "celebs" have it in their own interest for her to leave..hope she goes backin. [ more ]
Baz Reference: His turf,his terms,isolation for her,bad idea imo. I agree Lee.... [ more ]
Videostar Reference: Does it mean she's just going for a visit or actually moving there? Well, after several weeks of John James making excuses and having plenty of "headaches" to get out of having sex with Josie she'll get the message and come back. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
NICE Nick.
Videostar Reference: But didn't you say yesterday that the 'normal' ie 'bland' HMs aren't entertaining for the viewer and that the more *contraversial* HMs are?.....or was that someone else? BUT he played the game, he did something that stood him out from the dross....if he was normal and did nothing such like Rachel (BB9) then thats boring. [ more ]
Former Member Reference: I forgot about that Me too Marg, I was trying to remember why I disliked him so much and knew it couldn't have just been about the influencing noms issue. We talked about it on here yesterday [ more ]
Blue Diamond (Ben's Buddy 11) Reference: When you look all the BB since BB1 it was so over the top calling him Nasty Nick he was a pussy cat. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I bet BB are glad they hired John
Blue Diamond (Ben's Buddy 11) Reference: but the likes of Brian Dowling did quite while out of it last time and i should think he's hoping the same happens again, he looks up for a laugh and seems to be enjoying it in there, most of them are moaning about every little thing OK, I should have said they are all one trick ponies whom have acquired a taste for finer things in life. [ more ]
Aimee Reference: i thought they would use the opportunity to revive their career I understand what you are saying Aimee, but we are talking about one trick ponies. i know what you mean but the likes of Brian Dowling did quite while out of it last time and i should think he's hoping the same happens again, he looks up for a laugh and seems to be enjoying it in there, most of them are moaning about every little thing [ more ]
cologne 1 Reference: i think i'd prefer Coolio to stay Could be interesting with Victor coming in. I can see some locking of horns there. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Task: The Scoop!
Yellow Rose Reference: more like a borefest I am bored watching them At least I'm getting more jobs done around the house than I was with the previous hm's lol [ more ]
Kaffs Reference: Kaffy I get the feeling Coolio is being snubbed or am I just imagining it I don't think you are Marg.... [ more ]
Marguerita Reference:Kaffy (yes, I DO mean Coolio Kaffy I get the feeling Coolio is being snubbed or am I just imagining it [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Nikki set for a tantrum
Marguerita ReferencePinkBabe r if she is having problems with her anorexia? There was a thread about this I have been watching her and she seems to be eating quite well even taking second helpings, I think it is very easy to assume she still has eating problems because of her past. [ more ]
Marguerita Reference:Kimlota Nikki has been bitching about her to She was bitching about Aisleyne to brian Makosi and Nadia I think there were a few others there, you could not hear a lot as they were dipping the sound quite a lot I wish they would send Aisleyne into the house [ more ]
♥PinkBabe1966♥The Angel under the tree! Reference: She is not a well girl that one. I didn't used to like her now I just feel very sorry for her. This ^^^^. When she went back in on Tuesday, I thought she looked awful, really thin and ill, wonder if she is having problems with her anorexia? [ more ]
See all 20 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Josie Interview
~Lee~ It could have been exaggerated,taken out of context or worse case scenario it were lies or her latest statement about him is lies,I know for sure if someone made comments as she suggested he did there's not a chance on gods green earth I'd be saying he was the loveliest, sweetest guy you will meet,not a chance. [ more ]
Blizz'ard Reference: Lee That says it all imo!....We had her allegations what Sam had said to the disabled lady at auditions,day after day thread after thread we had her allegations used here to try and discredit Sam,if someone did be so offensive as it was alleged Sam was you'd hardly then make the above statement about him . We heard her and Mario talk about it. BB chose to air it. Are you suggesting that they were lying? If he didn't say it, he can now put out a denial, surely? [ more ]
spongebob squarepants Re: Josie Interview [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Love in the BB house?
Aimee Reference: I fell in love with my husband to be when I was 17 and loved him more on the day he died than on the day we married. That is the niciest thing i've heard in along time [ more ]
brisket I think Marguerita (above^^^) captures it. On reflection I think what I should have said in my Opening Post was something like:- Maybe housemates think they are in love - or as much as they can tell in such strange circumstances. But it can only be truly tested in the ordinary everyday outside world. [ more ]
Mount Olympus *Olly* I think BB romances are no different to holiday romances some work on return to RL some don't.. Oh except those that only work til the Mag deals run out... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
OT ~ How do you write a CV?
SazBomb Gawd Ditty The latest status is now he;s off to a fitness training camp for a couple of days [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing they are sooo bloody boring, his status updates are all "new PB" or "shoulders burning from skulling" blah de blah blah! [ more ]
SazBomb Reference: than someone who was medal winning member of a rowing team (recently discovered how dull this can make a person... my brother has recently started rowing... his FB status's are soooo dull), It's the same for pretty much all fitness/exercise fanatics... they are sooo bloody boring, all they talk about is the gym etc an ex on fb is now dead into gym stuff, trained at a Personal Trainer and is looking to open his own gym, which is great... but 90% of his status updates are about what... [ more ]
See all 22 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Coolio 'perving' over Chantelle
Kaffs Aw Supes - I didn't know you weren't well! Hope you're better soon Darthy - I get so annoyed when flirting with someone is called sleazy, when it seems pretty obvious nobody involved is actually offended - and can only put it down to the fact that he's older than her. Fine if she was a teenager - but she's 27! [ more ]
Former Member Reference: Could you keep me up to date, Supes? The camera cut away from it Kaffy and now the moment seems to have passed...will let you know if there are any developments. I'm not well, and have to rest as much as poss and keep my badly infected leg elevated, so lf is keeping me company in my bed! [ more ]
Darthhoob what has age got to do about it? so he appreciates a young lass? and??? he's hardly going to go gaga over Nora Batty is he!...well....he might, some do..but you know what i mean they are both adults and she doesn't seem to mind much so why is he a sleaze or perv? he's just a bloke who likes a nice view imo lol. chantelle is not a child or teenager, she is a grown woman and i am sure she can handle it [ more ]
See all 61 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Johns rant on religion
SpiderMonkey People critising big mac should remember that it was Makosi and Nadia who brought up the subject of religion. John was merely pointing out that they were being stupid for arguing about the idea of being offended for talking about the second coming because it is very likely that the whole idea of religion is man made nonsense designed for the elite to control the masses. [ more ]
Shizzlex my take on it was Makosi didn't really know what the hell she was talking about and couldn't answer him back [ more ]
Marguerita Reference:Soozy Actually I think religion is a very personal thing I agree Soozy [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Im i the only one that didnt know Josie had left
RZB Reference: ...are we going to have a bore fest in magazines only if you go out of your way to read them, But I think it is avoidable. [ more ]
watcher1 So true, Scotty. Now, will Sam Pepper be proved right...are we going to have a bore fest in magazines and the media on the 'romance' that never was?. [ more ]
Scotty Reference: Karma I second that emotion! I was grinning like a Cheshire feline upon hearing the wondrous news! I don't think she left solely cos she was missing people, I think it's cos she wasn't the centre of attention and wasn't hearing what she wanted about that grunting cockhead John James Absobliddylutley! It`s understandable that she missed people but if John James was still in there with her..she wouldn`t have walked. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Makosi crying because she's bored
Marguerita I liked Makosi when she first went into BB then she started messing with everyones heads including her friends it put me off her,then going into the diaryroom and asking for a pregnancy test the rest is history she always gives me the impression she is looking down her nose at everyone ..I dont like her. [ more ]
Liverpoollass I can't bear to look at her either or listen to her. [ more ]
The Devil In Diamante darlo I have a completely rational hatred of her....get her out asap, I turned off last night because I can't even bear to look at her....... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Smarting Buttocks Reference:♥PinkBabe1966 ....... Bet she is loving the time away from him at the moment, along with his wife. Lets give those women a well deserved break and keep him in. [ more ]
Former Member Reference: I think he's simply a very rude and unpleasant individual. i don't find him in the least entertaining. Hi Soozy I posted last night that many people felt this to be true about John James- myself included. And yet some people insisted that he was entertaining. I just think that with John M he says it for effect and actually will back down whereas worryingly John James could never see what was wrong with his behaviour. [ more ]
Soozy Woo Interesting post Pink Babe. I think some people think it's all an act and he does it for a laugh. I think he's simply a very rude and unpleasant individual. i don't find him in the least entertaining. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I'm missing....
Kaytee Reference: I'm not missing them - they have gone... just people on a TV show, I am never likely to meet them and they are not friends - so what is there to miss? Absolutely...onwards and upwards...and now that Josie has gone, it may even get interesting without the focus being constantly on her [ more ]
RZB I've never been a fan if CBB, so I'm at the weaning off BB11 stage, [ more ]
monkey13 I miss Sam. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
John McCirrick, I am what I am, and I'm not what I'm not.
Blackpudlian Reference: He seemed genuinely upset that he made Chantelle cry. That wasn't an act, no ToT at work there. He's a pantomime villain, not heartless at all. I suspect he does that villain thing to keep others at a distance. I don't think he likes people to get too close. [ more ]
Scotty Just spotted your avatar Growly. [ more ]
Former Member Or the devastatingly good looks and sex appeal [ more ]
See all 24 replies...

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