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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
What is your favourite chinese meal?
kattymieoww There's one Chinese take away that does a great Chicken Satay on skewers with onion and green peppers and the stay sauce seperate,I get a portion of beansprouts with it and fried rice...yummy,I'm getting it tomorrow. [ more ]
~Lee~ Reference: I know! If you ask for a tea spoon they give you a ladle! Ahh but every cloud has a silver lining Karma,as soon as your feet hit the tarmac you're 2 dress sizes smaller ,I love clothes shopping in NY for that reason. [ more ]
~Lee~ Reference: I would love to go to New York, but i hate flying and its a bit too long for me Long flight yes but so worth it...Sky the aircraft is huge so you can get up and walk around etc,a few mags a Nytol or two and you're there before you know it. [ more ]
See all 46 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Victor is still a BB legend.
Liverpoollass Reference: Senora Reyes offline 11,808 Forum Posts Today at 7:29 PM Last Edited: When fight happened someone showed me the unedited live feed...Lets just say, Emma called Victor a name did a very disrespectful action with it, he went ballistic(Rightly so). Emma deserved to be booted out on her ignorant arse, and she's lucky BB along with Victor, covered up what she said and did, that is why Victor stayed and Emma went. They also hid the fact that Nadia was physically aggressive with Jason, a... [ more ]
Senora Reyes When fight happened someone showed me the unedited live feed...Lets just say, Emma called Victor a name did a very disrespectful action with it, he went ballistic(Rightly so). Emma deserved to be booted out on her ignorant arse, and she's lucky BB along with Victor, covered up what she said and did, that is why Victor stayed and Emma went. They also hid the fact that Nadia was physically aggressive with Jason, a definate rule break, but yet she stayed and moreover she won. I'd say Nadia has... [ more ]
Soozy Woo Reference: In fact I dont think Emma was kicked out for that alone, it was because they had to give her pills to calm her down and they could see that if she stayed she would have been a danger to herself. I actually loved her but there's no denying she was a bit of a loon. [ more ]
See all 49 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
O/T Would you like to see my baybeeeee wabbits
Demantoid They both look as if they're muttering: "Oi... gerroff! And who's this freak in the middle?" [ more ]
cockney-chick Reference: They are soooo cute I thought you had put slippers on the middle one till i had another LOL Skylark. i actually thought 'someone is taking the piss, they are toys!' because i saw the middle one first...' [ more ]
cockney-chick OH MY GOD, that is the cutest thing I have seen for AGES! Thanks for sharing this with us. [ more ]
See all 22 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Marcus Bently has Tweeted Sam to go in
Former Member Reference: Oooooohhhhhhhh yeeeeesssssssss, Skylark -wonderful idea!!!!! Someone tweet him then, i am not on Twitter, Bentley to go in !! [ more ]
Former Member I read Pete Burns was to go in but failed all the tests, a bit loopy perhaps ... [ more ]
Croctacus Reference: Kaffy it would be cringeworthy. He cried his eyes out when John James told him off. Imagine what he'd be like of Nadia kicked off at him. Sam wouldn't stand a chance. Aah but see how he was with Corin...he only got upset with Johh James cos he cared about his opinion.... [ more ]
See all 25 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
O/T Wasps! What's your tactic?
Garage Joe I wasn't complaining Soozy. Lets hope that the people who find it offensive didn't catch the main Guardian cartoon, where they managed in a bold salute to Bricolage to draw fat cats putting the Milibands in. Osbourne putting a kitten into a wheelie bin with rotating blades and several other atrocities. [ more ]
Croctacus I got by text yesterday.... 'Just opened my wheelie bin and a wasp flew out.....what kind of sick person would put a wasp in the bin?' [ more ]
Soozy Woo Reference: t's the way Soozywoo tells 'em. I got a lot more laughs when I said it. Didn't see it sorry it's not the way soozy Woo tells em ...............i fear it's simply because it's Soozy Woo .. [ more ]
See all 38 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
cockney-chick I have to agree Brisket. It's really crap and I couldnt care less if I watch it, nor do I care who wins. The only ones I like are Chantelle Preston and Nick, and Brian is growing on me a bit. Coolio is OK, but I am starting to find him a bit of a desperate dirty old man who thinks he is still a 'wow' with da laydeez. Unfortunatley, he is making a fool of himself, slobbering all over Chantelle and all..I detest Makosi with a passion and Nadia is a stupid cow too. Both of them DELIBERATELY... [ more ]
longcat Reference: Very true ..............but - to coin a phrase 'I'm loving it'. Me too because we can see what they are doing [ more ]
Soozy Woo Reference: They are all a bunch of luvvies kissing each others arses. Getting little digs in at each other and passing it off as humour. Very true ..............but - to coin a phrase 'I'm loving it'. [ more ]
See all 11 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
John James as non-committal as ever on BBBM
Karma_ Reference: I think you're 3 quarters intelligent at least. I think you are 3 quarters and a bit intelligent! (lol rofl lol lol pmsl lol) [ more ]
Former Member Reference: with all them camera's and millions watching You might have a point there - afterall, it was completely private in the BB house. There are cameras? Does he know? [ more ]
kimota I'm just laughing to myself wondering how on earth hes going to escape having to actually sleep with her [ more ]
See all 34 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Has Preston
brisket Victor says to Michelle: "I don't fink me and Preston are going to gel......I don't fink we are going to gel......He's so dry, and just err,aaagg,uuuggheeeuurr(meaningless sounds)......Noffin against the guy.... I will force myself to try and chat to him...... I don't fink I wanna work 'im out.......I hope I'm wrong." Well how ungenerous and closed-minded is that? "Noffin against the guy" - doesn't sound like it to me. "I will force myself to try and chat to him." - how very big hearted I'm... [ more ]
MrsH Reference: I think the expression is, he's flying under the radar. I think he will be Victor's next target now Coolio has gone Victor aint impressed much [ more ]
PeterCat Reference: Has Preston spoken today ?? Would we notice if he had? [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Josie and Coolio both gone, we need 2 replacements
SpiderMonkey Reference: If BB put Rex in, I will forgive them for all their past mistakes. He is going in on Tuesday, but as a task related guest. Probably the shock task again. [ more ]
Marguerita I loved Cameron Davina has always said he was her favourite winner, he went into the house expecting nothing when he left saying he would go back to his job which he did [ more ]
Mathematics If BB put Rex in, I will forgive them for all their past mistakes. [ more ]
See all 21 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Seriously Nikki, just..
Blackpudlian Loving how Brian has just sorted out the musical beds situation Nikki was creating in a fun but firm way. The poor lad had very little sleep sharing with her but she was wanting to sleep in different beds to check out which had the best aura and she was expecting him to remake beds whenever it suits her. [ more ]
Baz I can't stand her..... and have had enough already...... and I never even saw her in whatever other BB she was in...! [ more ]
Blackpudlian Reference: She threw all the bacon in the bin this morning because she doesn't want to smell it cooking everyday because she is a veggie. The HMs should keep boiling up cabbage & sprouts [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
BBBM has turned into the Twitter JJJ fanclub.
kimota One of the audience even used the vomit inducing 'triple J' to describe them. This is the twitter teenie's term for the Nomance! [ more ]
Yellow Rose Reference: Reference: Erm... calm down? I'm perfectly calm. Just can't understand how any sane person could think he gives a flying shit about her. I'm sane despite what views you may have of me or others about their relationship. I could use the opposite view and wonder why some think he doesn't care about her. What I and others have observed is different from what you and others have observed, that's all it is, a difference of opinion [ more ]
Prometheus Reference: Erm... calm down? I'm perfectly calm. Just can't understand how any sane person could think he gives a flying shit about her. [ more ]
See all 37 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I can't stand to see Nikki eating!!
Scotty Reference: Soozy TBH - she does have a really strange way of eating .............she rolls it all round her mouth before sort of smacking her lips. I find it revolting but at the same time mesmerising ...............I've never seen anything quite like it. and she almost swallows her fork [ more ]
Soozy Woo TBH - she does have a really strange way of eating .............she rolls it all round her mouth before sort of smacking her lips. I find it revolting but at the same time mesmerising ...............I've never seen anything quite like it. [ more ]
Baz I don't like her full stop...... she takes *sour faced* to a whole new level!! [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Festival advice needed...
Former Member Oh lordy - she rang last night -- she is okay but had been sick . The only thing I can think of is that she had some sort of chickeny thing from one of the stalls. I advised her to go veggy for the weekend. [ more ]
Trixy Reference: Now I am worried - she hasn't taken anywhere near enough food. ( Don't worry there is plenty of food available there! My bro is just a cheapskate haha [ more ]
SazBomb Reference: apparently drinking the water he had taken hadn't crossed his mind! [ more ]
See all 43 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
How lovely to see Victor and Michelle having a laugh together.
MrsH thank you - wasnt watching just heard both of them exclaim! and then what Victor said [ more ]
longcat Reference: and would love to know what they just saw that made Victor not knowing where to look - my guess it was something to do with Coolio It wasn't Coolio he was in the diary room. It was either Nadia or Makosi. [ more ]
Former Member Reference: would love to know what they just saw that made Victor not knowing where to look - You mean when he put his sunglasses on Mrs H? If so, I think it was watching Nadia laying in the garden with her legs open, flashing her knickers, ( that was what was being shown on lf immediately beforehand) [ more ]
See all 12 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Nadia threatening to leave
Tayto. Reference: Hi Marguerita Without a doubt. He`s desperate to win. I have mixed feelings about Brian. He can be "slightly" amusing but I don`t trust him. His concern when others are upset seems insincere to me. Hi Scotty. Brian has never changed over the years and I've seen him doing lots of TV stuff and is exactly the same in everything. He is sincere in my opinion albeit a tad hyper. [ more ]
~Lee~ Oh gawd that video is sooooooo funny. [ more ]
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing It's too early to tell if we really like or dislike any of them, this time round. [ more ]
See all 53 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Has that Nick bloke done owt yet then?
Ev (Peachy) Reference: Oh and he's brought four pair of shorts in with him I hope he hurries up and wears one pair of them before next week. [ more ]
longcat Reference: None of them have done or said anything really interesting Exactly. At least Coolio doesn't have to be a part of this love in fest. He will never see any of them again so he can wind them up. The others are scared of offending each other because they all move in the same circles. [ more ]
Former Member He's twisted and contorted his face q a bit and err err, I think he cooked some bacon and eggs and washed up. Oh and he's brought four pair of shorts in with him [ more ]
See all 8 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Nikki spends ages in the bathroom mimicking Imogen
kimota There was talk on DS yesterday of Imogen being nasty to Nikki after BB7, but I don't know if that's true or not! Even if it was that was a long time ago. Nikki needs to move on! [ more ]
Smarting Buttocks Reference:Marguerita I did not like Nikki before and doubt I will change my mind I find her very manipulative. I didn't like her before either. She isn't even a good housemate, her reactions are sooooo predictable and for camera time only. [ more ]
Kaytee Reference: Nikki "thats sooo immature, how childish, boys used to do that to me at school." Oh heck! [ more ]
See all 23 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK, what's the point?
Shizzlex yes its a bit pointless but he is a fab dj even if i he is known as a bit of a numpty ive been to a few clubs were he has been playing at and always had a fab night [ more ]
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities Reference: stonks Sorry I just don't get him, I know nothing of his rap, I only know he chats faux street and shouts about crap cars.... Now that is exactly the way he comes across to me. Sounds like a wannabe gangsta. It looks and feels a bit sad in a man of his age. He also looks a bit ill. Can't say he is someone who I have had any experience with as rap is not and has not been a major part of my life (just dipped my toe now and again). No one has explained what the point of his slot is. [ more ]
Kaytee Reference: Sorry I just don't get him, I know nothing of his rap, I only know he chats faux street and shouts about crap cars.... Bit like Victor then? ...I've never heard of him [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Former Member She did look lovely, but I dunno, that dress and the way she'd had her hair curled, seemed to make her look much older than her years to me. Anyways, SHE WON BB11, who cares what she looked like! [ more ]
Yellow Rose Reference: We are indeed the minority. What the Hell .......josie won BB11. We had the last laugh We sure did Soozy and 77.5 of the voting gp agreed with us say no more lol [ more ]
Soozy Woo We are indeed the minority. What the Hell .......josie won BB11. We had the last laugh. [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
aw naw
Former Member Reference: I never did find out how he smuggled in that pencil. ......There was talk that he smuggled in a mobile phone too and that he was getting texts from the outside world, don't know how true they were mind! [ more ]
Former Member Reference: I've watched since Series 1 and sometimes I wish I was a bb fanatic that could remember everything about everyone lol I know what you mean YR!!! This might help to jog your memory: [ more ]
Former Member Reference: Nick was the only thing about BB1 worth watching. The millions who watched after he left mid week 5 obviously felt differently Vids! Big brother ratings series 1 [ more ]
See all 11 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Victor will be like Sam Pepper without the tears
Yellow Rose Sam was very immature for his age, Victor is totally different, as I said in another post I wouldn't have time for people like Victor in real life, but as it's just a show hope he creates something to liven them and the show up as so far it's not my idea of what an Ultimate bb should be [ more ]
Elkie Re: Victor will be like Sam Pepper without the tears [ more ]
Loney&Sad Oh god no, if I'd actually been in the BB house I would have cried at least a hundred times. But that makes me sound less tough and cool. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Now John's out it's got to be Chantelle to win.
Prometheus Reference: Brian shows some intelligence and wit. So does Nick (though he's rather boring). Can't agree on Brian. I'll give you Nick though, in fact yes, please please take him [ more ]
PeterCat Brian shows some intelligence and wit. So does Nick (though he's rather boring). [ more ]
Prometheus Reference: I said intelligence! Is there anyone vaguely intelligent in there? Who have I missed? [ more ]
See all 37 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I don't like clowns at the best of times but Mr. Snuggles is SCARY!!
Yellow Rose I really don't like clowns either but I was surprised at how they all screamed hysterically with him just walking through the door, even some of the men seemed freaked out. Not sure yet if it's made me feel my fear of them isn't as bad as others which is a surprise to me as I didn't realise so many people had the same problem with clowns [ more ]
sandra my big sister hates tigers and it all stems from an advert when we were younger lol about esso petrol . she cant explain it but cant look at a tiger she freaks out [ more ]
Leccy Steven King has managed to give a lot of people a really weird phobia. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Oh my word!
Former Member Reference: I was young, I was foolish..... I drink black tea now nutter [ more ]
Starfleet Admiral hoochie I was young, I was foolish..... I drink black tea now [ more ]
Former Member Reference: I didn't want to swallow them But why did you put them in your tea in the first place,Its usually a combination of milk/sugar. [ more ]
See all 8 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Live feed ,why is Nadia upset?
Kaffs Reference: I'm going to get MULLERED right now, but I hope to God Coolio isnt getting hauled over the coals for upsetting a woman.. Nah.. I doubt it.... I think he might have pissed off a lioness, that's all. [ more ]
BARMYBRUMMIE - Slickman to WIN! Kaffy . I'm going to get MULLERED right now, but I hope to God Coolio isnt getting hauled over the coals for upsetting a woman.... [ more ]
Katerina Ulrika said 'he knows he's got to go' meaning to the Diary Room for a telling off, not be ejected from the house. [ more ]
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