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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
O/T Hello...
skive Reference: i'll pm you on f/b xx ok xx [ more ]
spongebob squarepants Reference: Lol you should have seen Skivey boy, he swiped one of the dogs within seconds and made the poor thing run off howling then he sat on my lap and hissed if they moved an inch. If they got petted he'd lie full stretched out on the floor as if to say 'I own this place ok, in fact I'm so relaxed here I'm not going to bother even looking at you'. Poor doggies were terrified! [ more ]
spongebob squarepants Reference: ski I hope it's just teen hormone stuff and nowt serious! i'll pm you on f/b xx [ more ]
See all 31 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I wonder if they will do a BBLB final for BB11
darloboy (Play The Game!) Reference: I think there's supposed to be some special show that Dermot is hosting?! Something like that. Dermot's Last Supper has already been filmed and had a housemate from each series of the normal BB appearing . Ben the representive from this years bunch.. [ more ]
Soozy Woo What does that have to do with anything? Whoever won would have probably gone back in and my guess is ..................they probably wouldn't have stayed either. I think we have to accept and take it on the chin that BB11 isn't gonna get the send off that other BB's have as the Ultimaqate BB has overshadowed it. I suppose there will be those that'll blame it all on Josie . Poor girl has an awful lot to answer for. IMO. [ more ]
Aimee Thanks Liver you got what i mean't then [ more ]
See all 6 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Rawky-Roo Reference: Can I ask a question? You see when you write ROFL, have you actually been rolling on the floor laughing? [ more ]
Former Member Reference: An honours degree First class [ more ]
cockney-chick Reference: karma Can I ask a question? You see when you write ROFL, have you actually been rolling on the floor laughing? No, I am ashamed to say... I actually just chuckled a bit. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The Expendables movie...
Rawky-Roo Reference: But saying that... I don't think he even spoke in mean machine. Makes sense He just plays the same guy in every film.....badly. Transporter is so god awful I refuse to watch the sequels. [ more ]
MrMincePie Reference: It was alright, was expecting more to be honest. Plus Jason Statham still shows that he is one of the worst actors ever. His film "In the name of the king" was possibly the worst film I had ever seen... was good in Mean Machine though But saying that... I don't think he even spoke in mean machine. [ more ]
Rawky-Roo It was alright, was expecting more to be honest. Plus Jason Statham still shows that he is one of the worst actors ever. Scott Pilgrim next week though [ more ]
See all 3 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Live feed (spoiler)
Blackpudlian Reference: Now poor Nadia is getting ready to start her task and she has announced she has a camel toe (so she really is up herself Must not fall into cheap joke trap....must fight the urge. What cheap joke trap, Vids? It's not nice when you start to eat your own clothing [ more ]
Former Member Reference: Skylark At the moment i like Ulrika..she is "real" and doesnt suffer fools gladly. I wont be popular but i care not You're popular with me [ more ]
Former Member I dont support Nadia or Makosi ,I want them out Friday ,but I dont buy Ulrika's poor me ,I'm the victim. Ulrika can be extremely ignorant.. [ more ]
See all 64 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
daily poll, who do you think is the most famous UBB HM ?
Carnelian Reference: She hasn't though. The fact of the matter is that Ulrika is a nonentity. She is only known for the people she slept with. EG Sven, Stan Collymore, The Wright man, etc, etc. That's fame for you! Look at Posh Spice! What does she do apart from get photographed pouting in black dresses and change her hair styles? She could barely hold a tune in a pop group of mediocre talent. Yet, who in the country doesn't know who Posh is? How many far more talented female vocalists and musicians... [ more ]
cologne 1 Reference: Ulrika has done a whole lot more She hasn't though. The fact of the matter is that Ulrika is a nonentity. She is only known for the people she slept with. EG Sven, Stan Collymore, The Wright man, etc, etc. [ more ]
Former Member Reference: Ulrika would have to be the most famous by a country mile..... Poeple that have never watched BB know who she is, most of the others are only known to BB fans. That's what I think. I only know a handful of people who have ever watched BB. If I asked amongst family/friends/colleagues who Brian Dowling is I think maybe five or six would know. I think that they would all know who Ulrika Johnson is [ more ]
See all 19 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
O/T Forever Homes!
suzybean That's a really cute dog Gel...but I can't juggle any more plates at the mo. Something would have to give. I'll stick to getting vicarious, part-time doggy petting from my brother's mutt [ more ]
Gel Says you, hugging an enormous gsd! They are crying out for foster homes too, and I would love to, but the thing is with fostering them, they ALWAYS stay!!!!! we're looking after an elderly mongrel next week while the owner goes to germany for a week.... he's a bit doddery but as sweet as sweet can be The mongrel that is, not the owner! [ more ]
Clumsycat aaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww [ more ]
See all 11 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I just saw the ISS
SpiderMonkey No probs. Glad some of you enjoy star gazing as I do. Next sighting will be at 9:19pm tomorrow night but I'll probably forego it in favour of the BB eviction show. Future sightings (cloud permitting): Saturday 8:11pm Sunday 8:38pm [ more ]
Xochi I saw it really clearly in London Spidey! I'd phoned my SIL to let my nephews stay up to see it too! They were really excited after! Thanks for posting this thread! [ more ]
monkey13 I saw it last night Spider, amazing! Came back indoors to watch the HL show and poof! Power cut. It was so spooky, pitch black, no street lights, zilch. I thought something sinister was happening, I was even blaming it. , but I could see the ISS even better. [ more ]
See all 51 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Some topics and posts remind me
Former Member Ello Norwich My nerves couldn't stand her and Makosi in the same house - not to mention McCrirrick and Ulrikakaka. I can confidently predict that my head would have exploded in less time than it takes John Terry to pull a sickie just before an international [ more ]
Carnelian Veggieburger Machel - please stick around. I lurk a lot more than I post but I haven't seen much nastiness around lately. Then again I haven't been watching BB so probably haven't been in the threads where it gets heated. You should post some more of those cryptic quiz clues like you did on Chris's forum ( I hope that was you!!) x You're missing the lovely Nikki Grahame and her potential tantrums Veggie! [ more ]
Former Member Reference: Gel I miss the trolls pmsl, yeah me too Machel - please stick around. I lurk a lot more than I post but I haven't seen much nastiness around lately. Then again I haven't been watching BB so probably haven't been in the threads where it gets heated. You should post some more of those cryptic quiz clues like you did on Chris's forum ( I hope that was you!!) x [ more ]
See all 82 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Help please!
Gel Reference: I just asked Vin if he'd like a friend and he farted [ more ]
Karma_ I just asked Vin if he'd like a friend and he farted I haven't looked at any more doggies on there as yet, have sent the link for Riley on. Man that dog's really tugged at my heartstrings [ more ]
Croctacus Leon looks nice.... But I wouldn't have a big dog here....I'd want more space when i was a kid and we had 24 of the buggers running round....but only ever one house dog at a time. [ more ]
See all 57 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Is Nikki really that immature or is it all for the cameras?
Former Member Well i have tried to have compassion for her, but its very hard. She is so spoilt and rather nasty, even in the DR with her tears , there was a glint in her eye. Hope she goes on Friday [ more ]
Former Member Reference: She is very high maintenance and anyone getting into a relationship with her, would need alot of patience, tolerance and a medal And a childcare qualification! [ more ]
cologne 1 Reference: She heading towards 30,playing a whiny brat is well passe now I honestly don't think she will ever be different. I have a huge soft spot for her, but I understand that it's very difficult to like her. [ more ]
See all 66 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
O/T...PPI Reclaims....advice needed....
Gel They should only recover any 'late payments' they have no right to take any more [ more ]
kimota I claimed PPI back on a loan and the company only insisted I pay off some late payments. The rest was mine! I dont think they can insist on any more as long as you are meeting your regular payments! [ more ]
The Devil In Diamante Thanks Yogi & Saz....we're still waiting for them to get their fingers out their arses and write back as well.... [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Nadia on Brian's gender
Clumsycat she walks like a man, she has the face of a man, she sits down like a man (deck chair) and has the ass of a man.... but the morals and dignity of an alley cat (the coolio incident) sorry... dont like her at all she may have `womanly bits` and is a woman inside but she sure aint no lady [ more ]
Former Member Reference: Is she just categorising Brian as a non-man because he is gay? How is that? Dunno Cariad, maybe because he isn't a stereotypical 'macho' male? But that doesn't make him a woman! Who knows, but I still think it was a v strange 'mistake' to make, especially for one so understandably sensitive about her own gender issues [ more ]
Former Member Reference: Brian feels comfortable around the ladies and blends in so it's easy to just take him as one of the girls. Suzy, I know plenty of men like that, but I wouldn't then conclude that they were women! [ more ]
See all 12 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
nadias knickers
Ev (Peachy) Reference: People can't help their basic build, but Nadia needs a good Gok-ing I'm loving this thread.. Luvin' a! [ more ]
stonks Reference: On LF during the majorette task, she was just wearing her knickers and T shirt, she was sitting on the grass with her legs akimbo, it was not a pretty sight OMG I saw that, I said to mr stonks, *would you* his face was priceless.... [ more ]
Kaytee People can't help their basic build, but Nadia needs a good Gok-ing [ more ]
See all 23 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Is Brian hilarious?
Dirtyprettygirlthing Reference: although would prefer Victor to win me too! or ... even Nick (cos Nick keeps making me laugh... though I don't think he is being intentionally funny!) [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing I think he's alright... he has the odd one liner that is worthy.. but he just seems to be always trying too hard to me. I'd need to see him "tested" or have a mini-downer or something before I could say I wanted him to win... I need to see behind the joker... kinda thing. I think if I was in there with him... I'd like him.. .and like having a giggle with him.. but would need to escape him on a regular basis or he would start to get on me nerves! [ more ]
Kaytee Reference: Frankie Boyle was hilarious He always is. I saw him at Hammersmith a bit back and he was very funny indeed [ more ]
See all 33 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
3 things......then 3 other things
Liverpoollass Likes: My cats Sound of silence Food Dislikes: Smoking Noise People in general [ more ]
spongebob squarepants likes........... listening to the rain on the windows when i'm in bed getting into the bed when it's got clean sheets on not having to get up early at the weekend........ dislikes........ pasta cold tea bags anything to do with eyes [ more ]
Clumsycat oh and i also love starting a richard laymon novel i have never read........ [ more ]
See all 36 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Aww, Good old Sammy Pepper....
Dame_Ann_Average Reference: I'm sick and tired of hearing what Sam Pepper thinks. If he doesn't like celebrities, why is he trying his hardest to make himself one by giving constant interview and keeping himself in the public eye? Totally agree Moomin, selling his ring tones on twitter at 3 quid a go and asking fans to get in touch with his agent for personal appearances. he's in heat this week and Josie and JJ are making hay while it lasts, keep yer gob shut if you are raking it in instead of making... [ more ]
Moomin I'm sick and tired of hearing what Sam Pepper thinks. If he doesn't like celebrities, why is he trying his hardest to make himself one by giving constant interview and keeping himself in the public eye? [ more ]
pirate1111 Reference: Aisleyne is currently filming 'Anuvahood' a comedy take on all those 'kidulthood' type movies1 theres one to avoid [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I may be really insensitive
Clumsycat if it upsets her too much she knows where the door is, and hopefully pretensious preston will follow.... [ more ]
brisket BB have tried to throw everything into the mix for the last show, and it's been a big disappointment because they have set it up and meddled too much. [ more ]
pirate1111 i think the show should separate chantelle and preston in there make chantelle go to the south end of the house and preston, north end ive waited a while to slip that crap line in [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Preston - What in the name of God is he doing in UBB?
kimota Reference: How I laughed when Big Brudda took her... So did I but laughed far harder when Luke and co all got evicted one by one! [ more ]
Liverpoollass I like him. I think, though, he was probably put in there because Chantelle is in there. BB were hoping for another "romance". I do hope they get it together after the show though. [ more ]
RZB Reference: But both him and Chantelle are only there for the cheque. I'm sick of the will they won't they. Who cares! Aren't they all Monkey, I actually don't mind Preston, I know he's quiet, but with enough adults in there acting like kids, It makes a change, [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Rod Stewart to become a dad again at 66
Former Member An 66 year old former rockstar is having his annual checkup. The doctor asks him how he's feeling. "I've never been better!" he replies. "I've got a younger bride who's pregnant with my child! What do you think about that?" The doctor considers this for a moment, then says, "Well, let me tell you a story. I know a guy who's an avid hunter. He never misses a season. But one day he's in a bit of a hurry and he accidentally grabs his umbrella instead of his gun. So he's walking in the woods... [ more ]
monkey13 Reference: When all's said and done, I don't think it's any of my business how many kids people have, or how old they are when they have them, as long as I'm not expected to pay for them. [ more ]
Kaffs I don't understand how it's unfair... would you say to someone who lost their Dad at say, 10 years old "you should never have been born"? Of course you wouldn't. Yes, it's tragic to lose a parent and it hurts like hell whether you're 5 or 50 years old, but that doesn't mean your life's worthless and should never have happened? [ more ]
See all 37 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ulrika's agenda...
Liverpoollass Reference: watcher1 offline 698 Forum Posts Yesterday at 10:39 PM Last Edited: Don't care why she doesn't like Makosi, just want the supercillious, santimonious Ulrika out. Me too. Not sure who I want out the most her or Nadia or Makosi? [ more ]
Baz Reference: , just want the supercillious, santimonious Ulrika out. Me too..... [ more ]
watcher1 Don't care why she doesn't like Makosi, just want the supercillious, santimonious Ulrika out. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Josie's Sex Tape Secret!
Tayto. Unless I'm reading it wrong it says at the top of the article that she admitted doing it - "She admitted her horny obsession got the better of her when she stripped for the outrageous video" Further down it quotes her saying “I enjoy a beer and a party like everyone else. But I don’t remember this one.” Brilliant journalism that. [ more ]
DanceSettee Reference: It could upset young fans and Aussie lover John James Does Aussie lover mean he loves his homeland or that he has finally giving up fighting and has resigned himself to lying there thinking desperately of JJ2 while she pumps away in earnest i'd probably opt for the former! [ more ]
monkey13 Tomorrows chip paper. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
If Chantelle Can't bear to think of Preston in bed
monkey13 I'm sick of the whole "will they won't they" crap! From what I've seen and read the public are being conned, they got together weeks ago! I for one am not buying it and even if there were a small possibility of them re-uniting I think it's the worse thing they could do. I don't think either should be in there, there are so many better "ultimate" Hm's. Rant over sorry, woke up grumpy today. [ more ]
liverbird Ooh a man finally getting called a slag! excellent! Seriously he's not coming across well..... [ more ]
Demantoid Reference: He's a right manslag Yes he is! Dweeby glasses aside, he's exactly that. [ more ]
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