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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
And still the BB connection continues...
Moomin My name is Moomin and I'm a reality TV-aholic. I shall need help to get over my withdrawal symptoms in the next few weeks. And yes, I too am ridiculed for my addiction, and very ashamed to admit it in public circles, [ more ]
Cariad Reference: I watch the 12 or 13 weeks and love all the interaction. Sooz - my son was 5 when BB started. He's just turned 16 and wants to be a behavioural psychologist. I can't help but worry BB every year might have helped turn him. [ more ]
Cariad Absolutely Isadora ... I was having a natter about it with my hairdresser today (she watches, sorry she used to watch it too - got to use the past tense now I guess conscious of the rolling eyes from the bloke in the chair next to us. In short, some of the smartest, most interesting, funniest people I have ever met either online or in RL have been staunch BB fans. And many of them are now friends of mine regardless of any BB link but I'd never have met with without BB. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
O/T Rabbit questions
charlisock ROFL Katty! I've only ever had one rabbit at any time but your story's just hilarious [ more ]
kattymieoww Girl bunnies hump too,it's a dominance thing. We had our neutered boy ,he was three years old when my niece bought a baby girl bunny. He 's a laid back bunny so he accepted her no problem,they are now husbun and wife. When cleo was getting sexually mature she would spray pee over the boy bun and me! She also literally threw herself at him,rolled over on her back and would nip his nether regions,trying to get him interested in her.The slattern! He of course being neutered just looked bemused... [ more ]
Former Member thank you peeps. will keep them off the veg for a little while yet. thanks again for the advice xx [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I'm gutted it's finished
cologne 1 Reference: wish i was nearer you cologne, i have a tv going spare...i know that sounds just stupid..but hope you get one soon. or get it sorted Yhank you Skylark. [ more ]
Former Member Have a lovely hol Sooz....wish i was nearer you cologne, i have a tv going spare...i know that sounds just stupid..but hope you get one soon. or get it sorted [ more ]
cologne 1 Reference: Oh no Can't you get it fixed.... or is it well and truly broken.... I think both of them are well and truly broken, just because they weren't expensive enough to think of fixing them. Maybe I should start a 'fixing TVs' job. I'm quite good at technology and I have two already. [ more ]
See all 49 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
How can anyone hate Davina?
Former Member I don't hate her; wouldn't waste the energy tbh but I can't stand her - although she never crosses my mind unless BB is on She pathetically promotes any hint of a showmance, her biased interviewing, and that bloody gurning she does really wind me up. One of the biggest pleasures I have had in not watching BB this series is not having to watch her [ more ]
cologne 1 I don't think she's the greatest interviewer (sp) of all times, but she loves the programme and I think that's more important. [ more ]
Green&Pink Reference: I don't rate her as a presenter/Interviewer at all,even if she does love the show. I wondered if she even watched the show at times. Her bias was outrageous. [ more ]
See all 69 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Baz Reference: I am finding the "Time to Say Goodbye" video strangely addictive I cried at that [ more ]
Former Member I did during the Jade bit - I didn't actually like her but I thought the tribute bit was very moving and you'd have had to be a right cold hearted so and so not to be moved by it [ more ]
brisket I am finding the "Time to Say Goodbye" video strangely addictive. I keep repeating it, and I do find it touching. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Facebook message from Bea
Cold Sweat Reference: Bea Hamill: would actually like less mail thanks - keep it necessary people x Alison Lockley: Nothing worse than too many messages, specially when u are expecting an important one x John Keogh: be grateful u even have fans Bea Hamill: Im not "grateful" in the slightest John - Ive always said if people dont like me they can do one. If people DO like me then thats great, but i wont be losing any sleep over it, the moral whirlwind of BB10 is over, although there may still be a few... [ more ]
Former Member Stupid woman, some HMs should never be seen or heard of again....if she hated BB that much she shouldnt have taken all the freebies she got on the back of it! Plus Nadia knew the score, its not like she hadnt been in before .... [ more ]
DING DONG! THE WITCH IS DEAD. Reference: It's unbelievable how many people you come across that do that, it's all about me me me. its catching [ more ]
See all 25 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Other than Chantelle, I think the order of evictions was pretty decent
monkey13 Reference: I'd have had Chantelle out after Preston for it to be perfect. So glad Nikki beat her. That was some justice at least. Totally agree Spider. [ more ]
Green&Pink Reference: I don't think Chantelle should even have been in it Disagree. She held her own (in both of the shows she was in) and never brought into any bitching and back biting. She has a lovely self deprecating witty sense of humour. I am really glad she was there and I agree with Bolton fan that Chantelle should have come 2nd to Brian. Preston should deffo not have been there. [ more ]
DanceSettee i'd have preferred Brian , then Victor, then, much as I can't stand her, Nikki...she deserved her place there really [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Am I the only one glad to see the back of Big Brother?
Garage Joe I think BB needs a good kick up the arse and mebbees C5 will do just that. The idea remains good but the last couple of series have been a bit stale. I would be quite happy for Davina and Mr Bentley to remain. [ more ]
Clumsycat the only thing that will be good about BB ending is that i shall be able to go to bed early if i am tired... but i will miss BB. I watched it from series 1 and have loved it ever since, the launch nights were the best, bottle of wine, chips n dips... pizza.. oh yeah baby [ more ]
brisket Reference: me At 11.50 tonight I'll be watching the wonderful "The History Boys" so life will go on. I am watching it. It gets better with each viewing. A really good film. [ more ]
See all 34 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Coolio being there
Kaffs Reference: he only asked Nadia once about her 'bits' and that he was genuinely curious about transgender people I did see him do that... and he did it quite respectfully imo. I also doubt they'd have used him in the 'Time to say goodbye' video if he was everything that's been claimed. [ more ]
kimota Coolio did an interview for 'Voice' this week in which he denied being transphobic, claiming that he only asked Nadia once about her 'bits' and that he was genuinely curious about transgender people. It all read a bit like he was reciting something from his PR people though. But that's just my opinion! [ more ]
Former Member Much as i dislike Coolio, if he hadnt been there it wouldve made him look guilty of the things Nadia has accused him of. He is a clever guy, but the producers let him, so perhaps he wasnt so bad as Nadia said he was? If Nadia succeeds in getting all the footage released we may know then....i doubt if they will be tho, Coolios lawyers will probably stop it. I doubt if she has the money to take Coolio and BB on. [ more ]
See all 17 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I have a confession
TrueBlue I joined channel 4 after watching BB one night. I can't remember the year but it was the one Nikki was in, she made me so fucking angry and at the end of the show the voice over guy said some shit about having yer say on the forum so after about 27376542216 attempts at an ID I finally got accepted as notanikkifan I mailed CH4 and asked them to change it when I stayed on the forums when BB finished. [ more ]
kimota Does anyone know when the channel 4 BB forum started? I lurked during BB6 but didn't join till BB7! [ more ]
Yellow Rose Reference: Prometheus Religion, fake guilt, seperated at birth. Even now I can't laugh about it. If that's what happened to you Prom I can relate [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Big Brother 11 Discussion Thread!
liverbird I did thank you Baz, although there was one person there (no one I knew) who talked through some of it [ more ]
Baz Reference: just got in! So pleased Brian won I will now read back - thanks all for a great thread xxxxx Hope you had a nice evening LB [ more ]
prettycocoaeyes Reference: So they can claim BB is like a phoenix....and will rise from the ashes. I can totally see that happening lol. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I have a confession to make.
stonks Reference: had a conversation with my reflection in a restaurant. I walked in and thought that the woman standing opposite me was a waitress and asked her for a table. I was amazed for a split second that she looked so much like me OMG.... .. [ more ]
Former Member It is so true.,... and there was that moment when I could not compute that the person in front of me was not a waitress. It was a very clear mirror though. [ more ]
Loney&Sad ha ha ha [ more ]
See all 34 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I have loved Blizzie!
Xochi Reference: Feck..thats good for me..have you seen my Polls?.... Nope. But you never saw the one I tried to set up. Utter shambles! Never tried it again! [ more ]
stonks Reference: Erm. You spelt it wrong at the end of each line stonks. Unless it was intentional. Or wiv da kidz, innit. If not, you make a lousy groupie! Feck..thats good for me..have you seen my Polls?.... [ more ]
Xochi *Pauses to proof-check stonks spelling.* Erm. You spelt it wrong at the end of each line stonks. Unless it was intentional. Or wiv da kidz, innit. If not, you make a lousy groupie! [ more ]
See all 70 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Does anyone have any exciting plans now BB has finished?
Loney&Sad ace! My friend once won one for making a polar bear mask. You would not believe how jealous I am. One of the videos I am going to record of me singing is to try and win an ipod. They might send me one to shut me up. [ more ]
Triggers Reference:Blizzie I'm going to need a bigger orifice, if I'm expected to share! [ more ]
Former Member Reference: I'm going to need a bigger orifice, if I'm expected to share! Oo-er missis! [ more ]
See all 48 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Is nothing sacred anymore!
Former Member Oh, Oh, I've just thought of one! When I was very, very much younger, someone told me to pull my knickers down and have a wee in the back lane...........I did it and mam came out and caught me [ more ]
Blizz'ard I confess, I've led a blameless existence, until now. [ more ]
Former Member I have to confess that I don't like full fat coke and that is all my silly OH likes and I really want some more wine and I have to get up in the morning [ more ]
See all 6 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I hate Davina
RiverRock Reference: OK ..............lets take it back to page one ..................OP - go wash your mouth out with soap! No offence Soozywoo, but I am entitled to my opinion and I think Davina is a knob. [ more ]
Former Member Hiya Dame Ann don't worry I've brought a crate of Blue Nun...dip in [ more ]
Dame_Ann_Average Reference: Removes voddie bottle from Ann Looks for back up from Baz and Hoochie [ more ]
See all 106 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Get a grip people!
Rexi Reference: Me too, the prog itself was a peg to hang a coat on for want of a better summat or other. Nah Bunns ... I think people will still come because they enjoy the company and the banter. Obviously some people will drop off the radar, and that is sad ... but there will still be enough of us here to have a laugh and an enjoyable time [ more ]
Karma_ I suppose it depends what affiliations people have with the programme as to how they feel about it. The positive for me is I'm grateful for the friends I have now that I have met through the forum who I have known for nearly 8 years and I still speak to them nearly every day, but I never came to BB cos of the programme anyway, I was dragged over by Cigs and Steps [ more ]
Former Member Reference: You've been wearing those undies for 3 whole weeks now... You're just jellus cos I wouldn't lend them to you yesterday [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Blue Diamond (Ben's Buddy 11) Very true RiverRock, I hope for her sake that BB is not the end for her. I hope she finds something else to keep her feel wanted and special. Brian is my winner, but I do hope if Nikki wins it she is not forgotten. [ more ]
RiverRock I know some are cynical but I think that speech the other night in the diary room came from the bottom of her heart. BB is her life, its what made the girl, like she said when she was sick she never got qualifications, and couldn't get a job and BB has help her to gain the confidence to get out there. As for her childlike mannerisms, you have to remember she never had a childhood really, her entire adolescent years were one big blur spent in hospital, I think she is only really experiencing... [ more ]
Former Member That's what started me off [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Who'd have thought aBB forum would be such a part of your life?..
sunny dayz to you baz.. all!! Who do we want to win? Im not fussed now that chantelle is out! I think Brian or Nikki would be very fitting!! [ more ]
Baz Reference: wanted to come on and say Hi and Bye, cant believe big brother is ending. Im gutted!! Hopefully big brother will go on to somewhere else! I have loved chatting with you guys over the 8 years and had some great laughs and been part of great chats. Will miss this forum and big brothe Sunny dayz [ more ]
Former Member ohhhgawwd.. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Just bawled my eyes out!
Mary Seacole Reference: She is/was the ultimate housemate in my eyes. god bless you jade. mine also. yes god bless you Jade. [ more ]
forgetmenot I was so glad to see a tribute to jade. I always so admired her that she used the experience to turn her life round from really rough difficult bginnings. She was barely literate yet she became an astute business woman and huge success. I often think of her and her amazing bravery as to how she dealt with her cancer and helped so many othersat the same time. She is/was the ultimate housemate in my eyes. god bless you jade. [ more ]
Mary Seacole With Jade you got what you saw, she could have been the girl next door.( oh that sounds like a song) [ more ]
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