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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Two Things I'd Like To Thank Josie For...
Carnelian I often find it quite difficult to sleep on the warm nights of summer, so I'd like to thank Josie for all those refreshing little cat naps she's induced while BB was on. Thank you Josie for your lying down 20 hours a day, your thumb sucking and your commitment to keep JJ the topic of every conversation you had on Big Brother! Josie, the insomniacs of Britain salute you! [ more ]
monkey13 Reference: So can I use this conditioner on my beard? Yep, it works wonders [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) Reference: I will reserve my gratitude to the truely odeous Josie for when she finally returns to obscurity... with that a****ole John James. Pleased to see she's still provoking reactions from people even though it's over , oh well the 15 minutes ain't over yet depends what Neon want to do... [ more ]
See all 25 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Cor! In't it amazing!!?
Triggers Reference: Croc My mate had a pair of knickers pinched off the washing line....She's not that bothered about the knickers but she wants the 22 pegs back!!! Not exactly her "smalls" then Croc! [ more ]
Croctacus My mate had a pair of knickers pinched off the washing line....She's not that bothered about the knickers but she wants the 22 pegs back!!! [ more ]
Green&Pink It's great innit Rawks?.. Oooo... you have just reminded me that I need to do a load of washing... [ more ]
See all 12 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Want to stay in bed!
Marguerita Reference: mum died Tina [ more ]
Tina Reference: get up straight away if I dont I feel I will be sleeping my life away i never felt that way till mum died i hate sleeping in [ more ]
Marguerita I doze off so much during the day and at night also sleeping well through the night which I never use to, now when I wake up I get up straight away if I dont I feel I will be sleeping my life away [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
help needed.
El Loro Have a look at this link to their help page on problems with viewing, it may help. I alos don't get any vid, just sound but a still picture, but I haven't tried to sort it out as I'm not using the site. [ more ]
Yellow Rose Not sure what you wanted to watch there as I've not heard of the link before. I went to the link and can see lots of different screens to click on. I received a reminder about 2 weeks ago to update Flash so I did, not that I've had problems with Youtube or any other links that require it. Hope you find a solution as it's frustrating when things don't work. El Loro is one person here who can help with this kind of problem if you can get his attention. [ more ]
Karma_ Have you checked the system/flash requirements for the site you're trying to use? Some sites need you to be running the latest version of flash in order for it to work [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Movie Quiz: Find 100 Movies in the picture...
El Loro Reference: Rawky Thanks El Loro, but it just opened a black screen What I've done is to send you another link to a page which has a smaller version of the page I sent you. It may be that if you click on that picture you will be able to get to the larger picture. The larger picture does take some time to load, but I got a bar appearing whilst it was loading. It may be that your broadband is slower than mine or maybe it's because I'm using Firefox. [ more ]
Rawky-Roo Thanks El Loro, but it just opened a black screen [ more ]
jonono Big Fish Casino Chinatown, Green Eggs and Ham Bend it like Beckham Toy Story, Titanic, The Crow, Phone Booth? Taxi Driver Saw 2 The Birds Castle in the Air (is that a film?) Raging Bull The Cradle will Rick A Clockwork Orange Boomerang, crash, the hills have eyes, toy soldiers, dances with wolves, Strictly Ballroom, Full Metal Jacket? Napoleon Dynamite Mona Lisa ... the rest is too small (that's my excuse) [ more ]
See all 104 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
What's the point ....
Karma_ There are lots of meat substitutes around (Quorn, Linda McCartney stuff etc). MMD, I was born in the 70's so have no idea what happened in households circa 1950's I'm afraid, but I'm struggling to accept that there was no vegetarianism in the second world war. Re Africa and hunger, I will never ever understand why it is probably the world's largest and most donated to charity yet there are still people starving and desperate for water. Makes sense none. [ more ]
Former Member Reference: Do Veggie restaurants have a "Meat Menu" Soya, I'm guessing [ more ]
bateman Reference: to see the folk in africa scraping around in the dirt for grains of rice spilled from bags which they did not get, because they were too weak to stand. And to add a point, some of the celebs who go there to adopt/help folk makes me sickcoz they are veggies or vegans You do realise that to consume meat you consume many times more of the world's resources than a vegetarian does? Being as how all them pigs and cows have to eat vegetable matter to convert it to meat. In fact, if... [ more ]
See all 56 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
African Big Brother Scandal
ikataili I watched it. He took a liberty. [ more ]
Ninja Reference: And for the record he didn't 'punch' her he was stopping the bottle. You can't be watching the same video, as the rest of us. That punch was a right belter. In fact, it was KO equivalent. She might need a few stitches after that riot, I reckon. And am sure I saw him wearing Knuckle-dusters an' all. [ more ]
Karma_ Reference: And this makes her as bad as him? No, it doesn't make her as bad as him (IMO). He was the one who couldn't argue constructively to begin with and he's the one that put his hands on her. After seeing the video I can understand her reaction after he pulled her hair, but before that it was pretty obvious things were gonna get out of hand and I don't think she handled the argument very well. I'm not for one second condoning his behaviour, and I'm not saying she should have cowered and... [ more ]
See all 34 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Another thread with no reason
Ells Actually I didn't give in Yay me! Found some leftover chicken curry (SW friendly) in the fridge so that will do me [ more ]
Ells Reference: Don't look at his new thread, Ella - you'll be eating the screen I can't believe you did that! I think I am going to have to give in and order something and when I get on the scales at slimming world this week I will refer them to this thread so they can all blame you (I was waiting for any excuse to give in TBH) [ more ]
El Loro Don't look at his new thread , Ella - you'll be eating the screen [ more ]
See all 12 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sacha Baron Cohen to play Freddie Mercury
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities Reference: Although I can't stand his Borat or Bruno characters I love them. My only reservation about playing Freddie Mercury would be if he had to sing - not sure whether he could pull that off. Hang on - what am I saying - I don't even like Freddie Mercury or his music - so why should I care? [ more ]
Blizz'ard Sounds good! [ more ]
Karma_ At first I was like but then remembered that the Borat and Ali G stuff is only him playing a role and that there is a possibility he doesn't actually don green mankinis on a day to day basis. I just hope he does it justice - I think he will. Looking forward to it, Freddie was a genius [ more ]
See all 4 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
OMG! 98 Days till Christmas!
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities Reference: just wondering why last Christmas only seemed like yesterday Because too many people start banging on about it in August (yes I know it's September, but round our way shelves have been stocked since August). If I had my way, shops could only stock Christmas tat 30 days before Christmas Day. TV and Radio cannot start adverts for products or shows for the same period. Anyone talking about Christmas should be fined £1000 until 30 days before. December 26th - all talk of Christmas to... [ more ]
Tina Well im gald monkey put this thread up it means its not that long till my baby will be born [ more ]
Jones It's very naughty of you to even mention the C word in september, Monkey !! [ more ]
See all 12 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
monkey13 Oh by the way, Happy Anniversary! Congratulations to you both [ more ]
monkey13 When ever I don't know what to buy this web site usually sorts something out for me. Great service, quick and great quality. [ more ]
Former Member I think you've all come up with the perfect solution now! I will knit him a pearly king suit, which would look very fetching, especially with voluminous Y fronts underneath, and we can go out for nice romantic dinner of sprouts and jellied eels. [ more ]
See all 22 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
no reason for this
Moonbeams I love binary : blush: I used to give out in binary all the time. [ more ]
El Loro Reference: As long as you missed out the scottish verse we should be OK I can put your mind at rest - it's not there, I didn't know it existed until I checked a moment ago and saw it elsewhere, and I'm not going to repeat it here. And I'm not going to repeat various extra verses which some have tried to add over the centuries. [ more ]
Garage Joe Reference: it's rather well known As long as you missed out the scottish verse we should be OK. [ more ]
See all 22 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Preston and Chantelle to get their own show....
cologne 1 Reference: Preston: Drug rages ruined my marriage to Chantelle Yes, well, lets believe the crappy paper when it suits. [ more ]
DING DONG! THE WITCH IS DEAD. what will they call it?? "at home with the emotionally vulnerable woman and her sexually ambiguous fame hungry psychotic man" NO they should go into councilling (SP) together and we can watch YAY!!!!!!!!!! [ more ]
Demantoid Reference: Growly I find this really hard to believe. How could any TV company think that this pair of dullards could possibly host a vaguely interesting show? Preston has the charisma of a potato , and Chantelle would have given even Jade a good run for her money in a competition to find the thickest housemate ever. I don't think I've ever heard Chantelle string a coherent sentence together, and she must say 'dja know what I mean' at least every 10 seconds. I can't imagine any couple who... [ more ]
See all 36 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Brian to present on Channel Five
cologne 1 Good for him, but if I'm honest, I don't give a fig what any of them do after BB. [ more ]
Carnelian Reference:RZB Has Ian Wright left that show, not seen him on it in ages. Might be worth watching this Friday if Brian's on it. Got the push I believe and quite abruptly. Don't know the reason for his sacking, though. [ more ]
RZB Reference: Can't be more annoying than "Wrighty". Has Ian Wright left that show, not seen him on it in ages. Might be worth watching this Friday if Brian's on it. [ more ]
See all 12 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Anton and my lovely Ola were stitched up on SCD.
cologne 1 Reference: got another duffer That's a human you are talking about there darlo. I know you are very young, but give it a rest with the duffer please and show a wee bit of respect. I don't particularly want to see her dancing, but then I didn't want to see John Sargent either and I seem to remember you were up there with the ones saying he should stay. [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) Reference: Will Anton 'BRING ON THE WALL!' for Widders, and make it a solid brick one? All the kinghorses and kingsmen . [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) I'm not pleased that Anton has again got another duffer , why can't they give him a promising celeb?. As for Ola it's the right decision because she won last year so only fair she gets Paul Daniels, i'm more over the moon Kristina got Goldie . [ more ]
See all 8 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Jamie and Jools Oliver have
Yogi19 Reference: He is, mind his wife sometimes feels like someone who married into the royal family. Poor woman. [ more ]
cologne 1 Reference: sounds like a lucky man He is, mind his wife sometimes feels like someone who married into the royal family. [ more ]
Yogi19 Reference: I hope so yogi, my friend's life has been really quite enchanted by the love of his siblings. Sounds like he's a wuss, but no way. He sounds like a lucky man. [ more ]
See all 47 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Post a Joke, Thread..
Former Member PMSL!! Ninja [ more ]
Ninja Ain't Love Grand.. An 80 year old woman was arrested for shop lifting. When she went before the judge he asked her, "What did you steal?" She replied: "A can of peaches". The judge asked her why she had stolen them and she replied that she was hungry. The judge then asked her how many peaches were in the can. She replied "6". The judge then said, "I will give you 6 days in jail." Before the judge could actually pronounce the punishment, the woman's husband spoke up and asked the judge if he... [ more ]
Ninja DICTIONARY FOR WOMEN'S PERSONAL ADS: 40-ish..............................49 Adventurous......................Slept with everyone Athletic............................No tits Average looking.................Ugly Beautiful..........................Pathological liar Contagious Smile...............Does a lot of pills Emotionally Secure.............On medication Feminist...........................Fat Free spirit.........................Junkie Friendship first...................Former slut... [ more ]
See all 64 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Have you had a "Peak Experience"?
Yogi19 Reference: My partner and I were laying in bed one lazy Sunday morning. 6 months earlier he had spent nearly 2 weeks on conorary care with a particularly bad case of a viral infection. At that time I thought he was either gonna die or at least be severely disabled or even only have a few months to live. Laying in bed entwined in only the warmth of our bodies 6 months later, him recovering recovering mentally.......a pure peak experience.......personified. Lainy. [ more ]
SazBomb Reference: However. When I entered I had that peak experience. I'm not in the slightest religious, have visited many amazing churches and cathedrals, Venice etc. But when I entered Chartres cathedral I gasped... don't know why. But it became like walking into the Tardis! I had that transcendent sense of amazement and unimportance in the universe. I can still call on that memory. I spent hours there that day just absorbing that feeling oh I felt like that when I walked into St Peter's - dunno... [ more ]
Xochi Reference: yes, in the australian outback, dead of night...I got out of the car. looking up at the stars.. my god the stars were amazing.. milky way directly above, not a sound to be heard or a light anywhere. Then i spotted asteroids flying across the sky.. twas magical I had a very similar experience to that Clumsycat. Except I was a young teenager on holiday with my parents in the Caribbean. We went on a guided night into the canefields to see the stars. The guide brought telescopes and... [ more ]
See all 40 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
the bloody Pope is going to stop me getting to my allotment
Former Member ohh no i want to go to bed, but i cant stop looking look. LOOOOOK you can get the pope text straight to your mobile. He should advertise on late night telly right inbetween 'hot girls' and ;flirt text'. someone make me stop looking [ more ]
Former Member your official souvenir gifts you are 'avin a bloody laugh Its like something out of the life of brian "GET YOUR POPE KEYRING ERE" "CALENDERS OF THE CRUCIFIXION" i really need to turn this off now and sleep [ more ]
bateman How much are the tickets? £16.90?........*badoomtish!* [ more ]
See all 134 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Now that Big Brother has ended, I have a massive confession to make.
Baz Reference: Here goes. I don't like mathematics. I loathe mathematics. I got a D in mathematics back in school and I never looked back. I am a man of science and logic, but maths? I would rather study religion. I would rather study Paris Hilton. I would rather drink from my own toilet bowl than have to spend a year studying for a maths exam. If I was given a choice between maths or a ferret hanging from my bloody finger by it's teeth, I'd choose the ferret. This is Mathematics exposed and... [ more ]
justafriend and i thought maths was a genius, i got d for maths too. [ more ]
Blizz'ard Oh, and Maths? I'm disappointed, but I used to be Bizzie Lizzie and have always been rather lazy, so... [ more ]
See all 48 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I went for tea with my P2 schoolteacher the other day!!
jonono Get in !! Crunchy!!! [ more ]
Crunchy Nuts I snogged my art teacher on a night out last year. She remembered me. I was one of her best students and got a really high grade in art and I fancied her like mad but obviously back then she wouldn't have been interested even if it had been legal. Would have loved it to have gone further but think she found it a bit weird. [ more ]
Former Member Reference: I think that's a lovely thing to have done. We often don't get that sort of opportunity. Many things tend to just fade into history. So this was great! agreed. [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Anyone reading
Ev (Peachy) Reference: the new shopaholic right now ............ but a horror next i like to mix n match lol depends on the mood I have loads of horror's but i have to be in the right mood, i also have all the Martina Cole novels. Reading one lately called Angel's game by Carlos Ruiz Zafon.Its really good. [ more ]
sandra the new shopaholic right now ............ but a horror next i like to mix n match lol depends on the mood [ more ]
Ev (Peachy) Reference: yeah i think she is, she hasn't raved about them to me but ive found her sitting in her room engrossed. Shes on the first one. I have my 8 year old now reading Betsy May and Goodnight tales by Enid. Also the wishing chair.. which i loved. She loves Betsy May. [ more ]
See all 204 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
favourite revels
Former Member Reference: You do that, too?! Guilty ...i ensure lil gyps has one though so i dont feel so guilty Reference: Hahaha! only yoo!! Reference: My sweet shop did the under the counter ones address please of this sacred shop I am willing to purchase a hovis best of both if the chocolates can be concealed within [ more ]
smoothyourightover Reference: My sweet shop did the under the counter ones dodgey! [ more ]
Yogi19 Reference: My sweet shop did the under the counter ones Hello Velvet. [ more ]
See all 40 replies...

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