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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Music Quiz: Find 74 bands in this picture... ANSWERS
El Loro Reference: Baby Bunny Wonder where these are though... 311 You didn't spot my post just before the Eminem one I don't know where the D12 one is though. I haven't had the time to search with a magnifying glass, and I'm not sure that the position has been found by anyone. The only thought which has gone through my mind is that D12 stands for Dirty Dozen, so it may be worth looking out for say 12 grubby items. not that I could see them. [ more ]
Baby Bunny Reference: El Loro Re 67 - Eminem. It's shown in the picture you posted with the answers. It's the spilt bag of M and Ms just to the right of Prince and below Scissor Sisters. Ah! Thanks! Wonder where these are though... 311 D12 I couldn't find the original Virgin web site so... my list may not be right! You're welcome lal [ more ]
lal Thanks for that Bunny....I enjoyed playing... [ more ]
See all 181 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
O/T Spooks (the TV prog)
Garage Joe Mrs Joe thought it was fantastic! I was a tad disappointed that hey didn't go for the double episode ( see the next part on BBC 3/4 now ) routine. We were able to see Ross tonight on catch-up Bouquet of Barbed Wire. Whatever was she thinking of btw? [ more ]
Former Member I think it was just the Virgin shops Pengy, but they're actually cheaper than Play (on this one) and I was wondering if I should set up an account [ more ]
Former Member Reference: Anyone ordered from Zavvi? I thought they went bust???? they took over all of the Virgin record shops and their online stuff as well but I thought they'd gone out of business or maybe it was just the shops that closed down??? [ more ]
See all 39 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Former Member Reference: I can multi task with the best of them. On the 'phone and on the forum, while cooking a mean dinner I really need to learn the art of this [ more ]
Ev (Peachy) The socks always manage to make it in my multi tasking stints. [ more ]
Baz Reference: . I can multi task with the best of them. On the 'phone and on the forum, while cooking a mean dinner [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
im getting horribly drunk watching the footie!
Former Member Reference: HeeHee Pamoola steps in doodoo agin Wouldn't be the bloody first time [ more ]
Former Member Reference: I'm getting drunk listening to Radio 2. I've had no TV for 2 weeks and I'm starting to feel quite liberated without the crappy thing in the corner of the room telling me what to do. I've been reading books I've meant to read for years, doing the crossword every morning, talking to my kitten much more and generally having much more time on my hand for nice things YAY! good for you. TBH, mostly my telly's only on as background stuff I'd miss the sport though, oh and Spooks if I... [ more ]
slimfern HeeHee Pamoola steps in doodoo agin! I knew you was Chick! [ more ]
See all 39 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Patients -V- Prisoners.
Smarting Buttocks Reference:Karma_ [Karma_] offline 9,141 Forum Posts Today at 12:05 AM Last Edited: So are you comparing the personal cost of tele watching between the two or the cost to the state? Me a bit confuzzled. I was comparing the personal costs of the TV mainly. [ more ]
Hazy Reference: i have long complained about the price of bedside TVs , plus if its paid on a 24 hour card, if the TV is off it still charges. I have been told for 2 years now, in the hospital i work in, that its being "reviewed". Phoning out and in, is very expensive too...and as for the parking charges I dont know much about the prison system but i would guess that the patient is by far the worse of the patient is far worse off. Yes the patient is by far the worst off financially, thankfully... [ more ]
Former Member Getting my nurses hat on now......sorry if it annoys some..but i work, as a nurse, to get folk better, i am sorry if some folks laptops and mobiles do not work in some on earth did we live before? If one is in hospital, it is because one is ill and needs medical attention? i never went thru my training to spend time with people who cant work their mobiles or laptops in hospital [ more ]
See all 16 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
10 babies by 10 women...
cockney-chick reference: Croc they think he's a catch and get themselves pregnant striaght away.. Well i think they deserve the nobel peace prize for this massive achievment of "getting themselves pregnant..." Clever stuff. Seriously, I agree while he is a nob of the highest order, these daft bimbos know what they're doing. The majority of women who 'accidently' fall pregnant, actually do no such thing; they plan it. I mean they must have wanted to get pregnant/have a baby, otherwise, if it is a total... [ more ]
Karma_ Well it looks like he has had no consideration whatsoever for the women he has got pregnant or what has happened to the pregnancies or the children. Instead he just continues to laugh in their face. Grade A cnut. [ more ]
Blizz'ard Maybe a 'Twatdad' tattoo on his dinkle? [ more ]
See all 61 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
monkey13 Reference: I thought this year I could turn my life around, instead it's just been turned upside down and inside out, It started out well (or so it seemed) I sought out a new life and found one... I felt alive but... it would not last.... it was meant to be forever... pffft. Comrade, I don't know what is wrong, but all I can say is that you changed things once, you can do it again. That takes strength and you did it. Did someone let you down? I can also only echo what all the others have... [ more ]
Comrade Ogilvy Thanks again everyone, Sorry to hear that Chicken Chow Mein. [ more ]
slimfern Re: Again.... [ more ]
See all 37 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
What is the criteria to make a topic 'featured'?
El Loro For a thread to be featured, it needs to be relevant to the forum which is why the BB threads were. As BB had come to an end, someone on Feedback suggested that the BB thread stickies could be removed, but Strictly and X-factor be put in their place. Strictly and X-factor both attract large audiences and mnay of the BB fans would also watch those. I also asked Seattle to make my security thread featured for a time. This was because the lhe thread was of importance to many users and because... [ more ]
Baz I would think the Footie thread would qualify Crunchy [ more ]
brisket As you said in your Opening Post, Crunchy, I think a major requirement is that the thread is well used with many responses, and also used over an extended period. [ more ]
See all 6 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Cuz I'm kind, here are the Judges categories for the X Factor *SPOILERS*
Yellow Rose I got the impression she spent far more time on her appearance and what she wore than rehearsing, not that could sing from what I heard anyway. She had an attitude problem also but somehow got through, some they put through just for ther controversy I think [ more ]
Crunchy Nuts Reference: Glad Cheryl doesn't have the girls, wouldn't want her morphing Cher into herself. I don't get all the 'she looks like Cheryl' talk. She looks absolutely nothing like Cheryl. Cheryl's 1 million times more attractive than Cher. [ more ]
kimota Reference: Anyone else watch snog marry avoid i do. She was on it Thats funny because the first thing I thought when I saw her was that she's be a natural for that show! [ more ]
See all 34 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Vesta Curries OMG
stonks Reference: I remember when I was first left home alone when my parents went on holiday....I thought I'd be 'domesticated' and I bought a Vesta was 'orrible, never touched one again August 1984 was my first and last Vesta curry.... [ more ]
Former Member Reference: Pengy I like it on toast So I'm not strange after all Marge [ more ]
Marguerita Reference Pengy I love Heinz Macaroni cheese - I have it with toast for my lunch sometimes Pengy I like it on toast [ more ]
See all 57 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Watch this . . .
Garage Joe Reference: Is that what they do with all old ships, boats etc? Sometimes they send them to less developed places where the poorly educated natives strip them of asbestos and other dangerous chemicals. Hartlepool for example. [ more ]
brisket It's very good to see you again Renton. I hope you are well. [ more ]
Former Member Moonbeams and anyone else that wants to - take a look at this [ more ]
See all 10 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Former Member Haven't seen it but it's got to be pants. Just what do people see in these two eejits? Hope it sinks with all who sail in her [ more ]
Former Member I have always been a BBC breakfast time girl and I can't see that changing. I hated GMTV - thought it was just mind bendingly awful and for that reason alone will not be tuning in to Daybreak. [ more ]
Kaytee I'm just pleased that Bleakley is off my tellybox, so I never have to watch her again, although that bint they have on The One Show is every bit as bad...where do they find these people and actually think we'll like them? [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The top 10 unanswerable questions
charlisock Reference: 7. What is love? Baby don't hurt me don't hurt me no more [ more ]
Blizz'ard If I owned a gun, I could probably answer no 10, for anyone that asked. [ more ]
El Loro 1 42 2 The Pope says "Yes", Richard Dawkins says "No", and Isaac Asimov's super computer said "There is now" 3 Than what? 4 A wide variety of everything in moderation 5 Yes 6 Santa Claus 7 Ask Prince Charles 8 A positive attitude to life 9 He never existed so couldn't 10 Long enough [ more ]
See all 3 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
PED Eggs
Kaytee I use the Body Shop's peppermint foot scrub, with a foot brush, then slap on a load of their peppermint foot cream to soften them up. Next day I give them a good going over with the old grater and do my feet over with a pumice daily after a shower...seems to work well. [ more ]
Karma_ Oooh I've been looking at that spa treatment! It looks ace [ more ]
Blizz'ard Anyone getting near my feet risks their life. These fish would not last long, tbh. [ more ]
See all 30 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
My one word Review of new film 'Devil'
Karma_ Reference: ut it certainly had its 'moments' mwahahaha.....mwaahahahahahaha.....MWHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA *cough, hack, splurt* [ more ]
Blizz'ard Re: My one word Review of new film 'Devil' [ more ]
Rawky-Roo I'd say good Quizzical Blizzie, not as scary as I thought, but it certainly had its 'moments' mwahahaha.....mwaahahahahahaha.....MWHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA *cough, hack, splurt* [ more ]
See all 5 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Life's little mysteries
Karma_ Funny you should say that Skylark, I've been in hospital quite a few times this year and that was the one thing most of the other patients complained about. Most of them thought it was to ensure said friends and relatives were included in the will [ more ]
Former Member One of life,s mysteries to me is....why when a person lives alone, never see,s one person from one day to another...suddenly breaks an arm/leg or needs to be admitted to hospital, "friends," neighbours suddenly appear or phone, usually at 7am to find out how that person is? Then when that person has been in hospital for a few days then goes thru discharge, there is no contact and they have to be taken home by the hospital volunteers?? The "friends" have all disappeared? It gets on my goat,... [ more ]
Former Member Reference:Karma Firstly, why does that annoying little sign language lady only appear on the tele in the early hours of the morning? Do they think deaf people only watch tele through the night? Yes they do, and also on a Sunday afternoon [ more ]
See all 42 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Now the Pope Show has left Scotland..
Blizz'ard Joe, it's true! Ze evidence. [ more ]
Garage Joe Apologies! I've thought long n hard about posting this.... However when Mrs Joe and I were out on the bikes today we were puzzling over which celeb's voice he had. It's the sort of discussion we have when we are miles away from onlookers or listeners. I can now reveal that it was Smallhausen the limping Gestapo agent from .'allo 'allo! The actor concerned died a couple of weeks ago. RIP. [ more ]
Karma_ Look at his eyes though, and sorry to say it but he does remind me of Hannibal Lecter a tad [ more ]
See all 144 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Has anyone done a speed awareness course?
Former Member Reference: Sorry Isadora not ranting at you just in general. I just get peed off myself when folk insist on speeding. There is a road near my house where it's very hard not to as everyone does 40 so if you don't get over 30 it's almost like you could cause an accident. I do try to be good though and I wasn't having a dig at you but realised after I wrote it it looked a bit nasty so apolgies. No probs -I feel the same but it is never them who get caught - just the ones who slip up once.. And... [ more ]
jonono Sorry Isadora not ranting at you just in general. I just get peed off myself when folk insist on speeding. There is a road near my house where it's very hard not to as everyone does 40 so if you don't get over 30 it's almost like you could cause an accident. I do try to be good though and I wasn't having a dig at you but realised after I wrote it it looked a bit nasty so apolgies. [ more ]
Former Member Reference: bloody hell how hard is it? Speed limit we all know it, stick to it!! I observe the speed limit and am constantly undertaken/ cut up by drivers who think they are so important/good at driving they deserve to get there faster. How I laugh when they have to slow down/stop for lights and I come along just as the light changes ! I am normally so good Jonono - I do a lot of driving ... but that morning, hands up, the road was clear, I was probably not concentrating on the speed and... [ more ]
See all 24 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I hoard mushrooms
Ev (Peachy) Make some more mushroom soup. [ more ]
El Loro Reference: Did he keep his mushroom cupboard padlocked? I wouldn't be surprised, he may have slept there in order to protect his hoard. He never taught me, so I kept out of his way. His name was Sinkinson I think - it's well over 40 years ago, so I could be wrong. [ more ]
Starfleet Admiral hoochie Reference: One of the teachers at my school was a mycologist Did he keep his mushroom cupboard padlocked? [ more ]
See all 6 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Anyone watching Phil Collins?
bateman Reference: To my mind, one of the few artists that 'has still got it live' Have you had a stroke? [ more ]
Karma_ Reference: rom childhood onwards I've loved all genres of music, whatever year, whatever style, cannot count the many ways music presents itself that I've enjoyed. A few years ago I came across the words of Nietche (sp) who said "Without music life would be a mistake" that's a truth for me Ditto [ more ]
Cariad Genesis were my first big band crush - didn't fancy any of them but loved their stuff. It went on for hours and had all sorts of pseudo intellectual song titles. Daughter is currently a Muse freak so I'm getting quite a lot of deja vu. I didn't mind the early single stuff he did - I do rate No Jacket Required - but not the later stuff and by then it had become apparent he was a complete twat so I went off him completely. [ more ]
See all 22 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
For Growlybear...
Blizz'ard Reference: Olly haha. .I kinda have to say who I am as tis not really obvious from my name . . I wish everyone would realise that! I have one request from someone who tells me that they are the nephew of two people that I've never heard of! I only joined FB, when we were on the channel 4 forum and I was in constant danger of expulsion. I thought it would be a good idea to have a back-up plan. [ more ]
Mount Olympus *Olly* haha. .I kinda have to say who I am as tis not really obvious from my name . . I don't do much on there other than click things here and there or play a bit of poker now and then [ more ]
Blizz'ard Olly! I've just been and seen and accepted, of course I rarely go on there and have a few requests from peeps I don't know if I know, if you know what I mean. At least you told me who you are. [ more ]
See all 24 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The pizza and politics thread.
Blizz'ard Carnelian! Let's just say, it won't be the upper crust which ends up stuffed. [ more ]
PeterCat Reference: If you think of this country as a say, a spicy meat feast pizza (or a pizza of your choice), then take off all the nice bits, embellish those bits with the best complimentary food you've got in the house to make a lovely satisfying meal. Then give that meal to the richest person you know - for them or their dog, or something. Then take what's left and throw it at the wall and then onto the floor, stamp on it several times, spit on it, shout at it, kick it around the kitchen until... [ more ]
charlisock I know I haven't [ more ]
See all 30 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Tea or Coffee
Blizz'ard Reference: lainy Blizzie, have you seen my response to your finger of fudge? That sounds so wrong! *** goes off to have a look *** [ more ]
Tina Reference: well antique restorers use it to age certain "new" stuff to old oh i know it is good for that [ more ]
MMD Reference: dont say that you will put me off well antique restorers use it to age certain "new" stuff to old ? [ more ]
See all 53 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I need a wee
LowonIQ Reference: Hello everyone. what will happen here now big brother has ended? this seems like a nice quiet place to chat. wish i had had found it sooner. will be watching the jungle celeb prog when it comes on, hope folk on here will be watching as well and chatting about it. You just never know [ more ]
MMD 1.2 thanks for the info. am liking this place better now i watch CDWM and repeats of topgear on dave. and also time team, american hotrod, occ [ more ]
Former Member MMD. We go 'off topic' and just chat mainly rubbish I don't watch the Jungle but I dare say there are peeps on here that do [ more ]
See all 26 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Cheryl Cole gets US X-Factor Role...
Crunchy Nuts I forgot to say that I don't want Cheryl to do US X factor. [ more ]
Karma_ Aww I've just noticed RiverRock's avatar An ex used to call me guinea pig and gerbil as nicknames and send me cards from the World Wildlife fund that were like that avatar. [ more ]
SazBomb I thought Katy Perry didn't write her own songs? Mind you, I think thats what Lilly Allen said in an interview [ more ]
See all 24 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Check this out!
Christmas Chicken Life is for living isnt it , cologne? I would love to make this dream a reality [ more ]
cologne 1 Reference: ill research into it There's also the good old VSO. It used to be very restricted as to what you can do, but the scope is much wider now. Worth considering too, but then, if you are studying, it's probably easier to take 3 months (raleigh), rather than much longer with VSO. [ more ]
Christmas Chicken Thank you cologne ill research into it [ more ]
See all 16 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Josie's winners party....
Croctacus I know what is in hers....Shit! [ more ]
Sezit Reference:Tiddliciuos There is absolutely NOTHING in his eyes at all is there? *shudders* Oh yes there is Tiddly...lots of these......£££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££ [ more ]
Former Member There is absolutely NOTHING in his eyes at all is there? *shudders* His hair is like straw hingin' oot a midden [ more ]
See all 14 replies...

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