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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Life after death. Yes or no?
Carnelian It's life - but not as we know it! [ more ]
Yellow Rose Those interested in Reincarnation may like to watch the above, I saw it posted in another Forum a few days ago. The man in question is "possibly" the reincarnation of the artist Paul Gauguin. Watch till the end to make up your own mind [ more ]
slimfern Each to their own stated, I personally do not believe as yet..but would not mock slate or belittle anyone who does! I shouldn't pay any heed to those who do [ more ]
See all 92 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
comp help needed
Gel Re: comp help needed [ more ]
slimfern It's so touch sensitive Gel, I just have to hovver over it & the page shoots all over the place ...Thanks though! [ more ]
Gel Reference: God using the touchpad is sooooo annoying! use in conjunction with your arrow keys, it tends to be easier if you're not used to the pad, especially for scrolling up & down, and left & right, well it helped me when I first started using a pad... you soon get used to it. good luck [ more ]
See all 8 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
brisket Thanks for replying ANNOCA (and thanks foir your advice katty). I think from time to time a number of people have had the same problems with posting. However, it is canny of you to have responded in a new post. It is good to hear that all is well with Dante. We look forward to seeing the photographs. [ more ]
kattymieoww This has happened to me Annoca at times.Clear your cache/cookies. [ more ]
See all 2 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Endoscope of the throat...
Baz Mr Baz had a throat endoscopy a little while ago, and it seemed a lot more simple than the stomach one Katty.. which I have had done........ he just had the back of his throat sprayed...... Good luck with it anyway Katty [ more ]
Marguerita I had it done it showed I had an ulcer I asked to be sedated which really helped I can only remember being woke up good luck Katty [ more ]
PeterCat I once had both ends done at once (yes, I am talking about a surgical procedure!) As Karma said, take all the drugs they offer. I was knocked out for mine and didn't remember a thing. Good luck with it and I hope the results turn out well. [ more ]
See all 11 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The Commonweath Games.
Former Member Watching the swimming and I'm getting sick of hearing the Australian anthem already [ more ]
El Loro Some of the workforce getting ready for the Commonwealth Games. [ more ]
Yogi19 Reference: however one "wummin" ain't for shifting. According to the article, the council are only offering her £30,000 compensation. She'll no' be able tae buy a hoose wi' that. [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
What do you like on your cream crackers?
Clumsycat brie and cranberry, or slice of cheese & popped in the microwave for 5 seconds .. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm [ more ]
Yogi19 I like butter and cheese on my crackers. Gypsie, I like the sound of the Wenslydale with blueberries, I might try that. [ more ]
Former Member I love wenslydale with cranberry or blueberry, and smoked cheese or feta. I like digestives with cheese on them and always add a few to your usual cheese cracker selections when scoffing cheese and biscuits in bed on a sunday night [ more ]
See all 49 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sunday night feeling
Prometheus What exactly is the Sunday Night feeling? Think of Monday as a new beginning not impending doom is my tip [ more ]
Tayto. I love Sunday nights at the moment. Reference: I hate Friday Nights cuz I work all weekend! Love Sundays cuz I get a lie on on Monday! Same for me at the moment. I recently had to change the days I work and Sunday is now my Friday. [ more ]
Crunchy Nuts Reference: I get a lie on on Monday! Wish I could lie in with you! Edit: Just realised how that sounds. Well you know what I mean anyway lol, I wish I could lie in tomorrow like you! [ more ]
See all 5 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Community Service
MMD It all seems to boil down to cost nowadays with the Goverment. New prisons cost money, and they have to feed them and pamper for their needs with TVs and Games consoles etc. They run their empires from inside via mobile phones etc; Its a sad state of affairs and i can only see it getting worse. MPs look to their own needs nowadays and forget what the folk want who voted for them. [ more ]
Marguerita Reference:Velvet Donkey Build the jails and sod the cost. Far too soft in this country - no wonder it's gone to the dogs. I agree [ more ]
brisket That's interesting Pengy. I think that's pretty much what the person on the radio was implying - not only that it has little impact on the offender, but that many manipulate it and it is ultimately not effective. [ more ]
See all 8 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
*spoiler* X FACTOR FINAL 12
Croctacus I think she's seen how successful jedward have been and wants something wacky... [ more ]
Aimee Exactly Croc, i think Cheryl is just looking for the wacky one that will get all the headlines, bit like that Diana Vickers and her wavy hands from last year [ more ]
Croctacus has she ever actually remebered all her words or is she always too busy thinking about seeing her pic in hello magazine [ more ]
See all 52 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The Mattress Dominoes Toppling record
Former Member I know!!! What were the sticks for?! It looked a laugh though [ more ]
brisket How odd! They all seemed to be enjoying it though. It amused me that as soon as they had toppled people had a camera in their hands and seemed to be photographing other people with cameras. Also amusing that men wearing high-visability vests and carrying sticks were hovering threateningly, while running children tried to keep pace with the fallers. [ more ]
Gel One does wonder why tho? [ more ]
See all 3 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
12 X Factor finalists(spoiler)
Former Member Series Seven) 2010 (Series Seven) X-Factor 2010 Top 12 Contestants 2 Rebecca Ferguson By judge on <abbr class="published" title="Wednesday, September 20th, 2000, 2:03 pm">September 20, 2000</abbr> Name: Rebecca Ferguson Age: 23 Audition City: Manchester Audition Show: 5 Status: Top 3 Girls Mentor: Cheryl Cole Audition song: A Change Is Gonna Come Bootcamp song 1: If I Were a Boy by Beyoncé Knowles Judges houses song Owl City by the Fireflys Posted in 2010 (Series Seven) | Tagged... [ more ]
Former Member Reference: One big advertising con trick. I was so delighted that the X factor was challenged last year for the Christmas number one and lost!! [ more ]
Former Member Reference: Just my guess ,who are you backing? Not keen on it erin so no-one really. One big advertising con trick. [ more ]
See all 10 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Help needed from the men of the forum....
stonks Reference: Well, telling everyone you've got "flu" when it's obviously just a bad cold is the main one... Ah ha so I'm on the right track.... [ more ]
stonks Reference: Ask Mr Stonx to parade round in skimpy lingerie...usually does the trick No he may get ideas.... Reference: You know it's bad when the doctor takes photos I may need evidence.... [ more ]
Dame_Ann_Average Reference: *Wonders if VD has a cold*.. [ more ]
See all 19 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
BB Fight Bulgarian Style
Dame_Ann_Average Reference: hough I'm secretly glad the one doing the taunting of the guy in the stripey sweater got thumped hard. I was secretly cheering him on, I don't condone violence but..... [ more ]
kattymieoww Oh My! our offcom would be ringing off the hook. Though I'm secretly glad the one doing the taunting of the guy in the stripey sweater got thumped hard... [ more ]
Dame_Ann_Average Reference: *** phones OFFBULGE *** [ more ]
See all 6 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Arrests made re online thefts from UK bank customers
El Loro And from the BBC news today, this has become international now: More than 100 arrests, as FBI uncovers cyber crime ring The investigation kicked off when the FBI noticed a pattern of suspicious bank transactions in Omaha The FBI says it has cracked a major international cyber crime network after more than 90 suspected members of the ring were arrested in the US. The suspects worked as so-called mules for fraudsters based in Eastern Europe who hacked into US computers to steal around $70m. [ more ]
Trollop They arrested them online? How they do that then? [ more ]
Former Member I have too El and checked my security AGAIN [ more ]
See all 5 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
the best of big brother dvd........
spongebob squarepants jones..........i have to be's not exactly brilliant!!..........but for a saddo like me who just loves bb...........especially all the best was acers!!....... may be able to get it in hmv or somewhere......but its cheap as chips on amazon and they're a secure site........never had any problems with them.......... it and torture mr c!!.......... [ more ]
Jones Reference: watched it tonight and loved it I never bothered buying it because most who'd seen it on here, said it was crap. Thanks spongey glad you enjoyed!! .... I'll reconsider making a purchase now [ more ]
MMD Reference: I don't get either of those.... Why not? [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Equal pay for women from today.
Former Member Reference: NOOO not a good move. I think vigilantism is frowned upon in the public sector ... these days I could be subtle.. I have my ways.. [ more ]
DING DONG! THE WITCH IS DEAD. NOOO not a good move. I think vigilantism is frowned upon in the public sector ... these days [ more ]
Former Member I think I may have to go and bully a few men who are lower grades than me... That'll learn'em [ more ]
See all 22 replies...
TV ShowsThe Apprentice
The Apprentice - contestants
brisket So now we have 3 of them with a less-then-shiny history. Shibby Robati, Christopher Farrell and Joanna Riley. [ more ]
brisket A little advanced publicity of the unwelcome kind for one contestant. [ more ]
brisket Oooo Karma that's tricky. But, in the spirit with which you posed the question, I'd go for Raleigh and Shibby. [ more ]
See all 29 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
School Proms
Marguerita We had a School dance when I left school not quite the same as a prom, we all dressed in evening wear which felt like wearing a ball gown, I loved being all grown up in front of the teachers make up high heels etc [ more ]
Former Member It was brilliant brisket We used to see who could spin each other round so fast in strip the willow we all went flying on our bums heath and safety nightmare [ more ]
brisket Reference:Gypepperie I had a school 'dance' strip the willow, dashing white sergeant Canadian barn dance, and when you were feeling dead adventurous ....Canadian barn dance PROGRESSIVE Lovely! And had a great time I'm sure. Love that sort of dancing. [ more ]
See all 17 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
So sad :(
Smarting Buttocks Sad that he has almost 3.5 million followers. [ more ]
brisket Appalling stuff to say. I am not saying it applies in the case of 50 cent, but I do know that many of those who protest too much are scared about their own inner thoughts, desires and inclinations being revealed. Training the spotlight on somebody else can be a good distraction. They are often scared. But stuff like the 50 Cent twitter is vile hatred. [ more ]
PeterCat And then you get complete tosspots like this: 50 CENT [ more ]
See all 26 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The all new Bands You'd Like To Stab In The Face thread.
SazBomb Reference: They're great - lets embrace their greatness They always seem to make me smile [ more ]
Crunchy Nuts Reference: Can I throw the nation's sweetheart Cheryl Cole in too? You can throw her to me. [ more ]
Carnelian Reference netoo OK, what's the best one to 'Tube' so I can make my mind up? Any, they all sound the same. Listen to "She's So Lovely" (which has been so overplayed I'm amazed anyone hasn't heard it), "This Ain't a Love Song", "Heartbeat" they're all really the same song but with different words and practically the same musical arrangement. [ more ]
See all 343 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
lal Onetoo..... I want to ask you so many questions...but for now 2 will do...How much wine do you drink?and how often? I drink white wine almost everyday, mostly I have 2 or 3 glasses,some days it can be 4 or 5, I too started feeling this may be a problem, I had to go to the doctors last year just for a few checks, they asked me the usual question about smoking and drinking and I decided to tell her the truth,I was shocked to discover she didn't think it was a problem. I tend to pour a glass... [ more ]
Blizz'ard Big hugs onetoo and madamski! I have family who are the same with drink and, believe me, it's a huge step to talk about it. If you need help, seek it out, change doctors if you need to, but also try to limit yourselves to only certain nights, for a start. If you haven't got a serious problem, you'll get used to it fairly soon, and will feel more in control of yourselves. I wish you all the best. [ more ]
MMD Reference: Beware doctors and detox courses peeps. If the DVLA find out - and a doc may tell them - you'll lose your driving licence for a year. And the pills they give you... fecked me up i can tell ya. Worse than the booze. This was a while back- but still beware. [ more ]
See all 38 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Question Time
cologne 1 Reference: I wish Dianne Abbot would keep her right arm and hand still. She is genetically programmed to do this. What a dissapointment this woman is. From the dissident to the paying for schooling. What a twit. [ more ]
cologne 1 Reference: David Starkey thinks Neil Kinnock embracing Ed Miliband is equivalent to an embrace of failure. Well, Kinnock is shite, so who would want to be embraced by him? [ more ]
brisket I wish Dianne Abbot would keep her right arm and hand still. [ more ]
See all 15 replies...

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