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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Details of the Government Cuts following their Spending Review
El Loro My opening post has now been amended to include links to the official press releases, the press releases for each region and the announcement for compensation to the Equitable Life policyholders. [ more ]
El Loro The main surprise in today's announcement was this: From the BBC: The state pension age will now rise to 66 by 2020 for both men and women, the Chancellor, George Osborne, has said. The plan brings forward by six years the plan that the previous Labour government had put in place. Mr Osborne told MPs that the increase from 65 to 66 would be phased in from 2018. This will also accelerate the existing plan under which women's pension age would have been equalised with men at age 65, by 2020. [ more ]
El Loro In the Government spending review paper (link at the top), details is given on the effect for each department. For those who have a particular interest in a specific department, this is a list of the page numbers in the report where you can find the detail. Education page 41 Health page 43 Transport page 44 Communities & Local Government page 47 Local Government page 49 Business Innovation and Skills page 51 Home Office page 54 Justice page 55 Law Officers page 56 Defence page 57 Foreign... [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I finally got it after 5 months!
SazBomb I was too tight to pay the post office check yer paperwork service... I checked them myself and hoped for the best [ more ]
Aimee I paid the £7 as well for my daughters (it was her first) and it took about 10 days and a courier brought it and the next day he brought all the paperwork [ more ]
Sezit When I wanted my passport renewing earlier this year, I went to the post office and took my documents in on the Friday, I paid £7 for them to check them and put them through their system. My new passport arrived on the following Wednesday lunchtime by courier. [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
stonks Reference: I had just accidently robbed a cash point. [ more ]
El Loro I saw this piece of news on the BBC a few days ago: An Iranian judge has sentenced a man convicted of robbing a confectionery shop to have one of his hands cut off, Iranian media report. The judge also sentenced the man to one year in prison. Police arrested the man in May after finding $900 (£560), three pairs of gloves and a large amount of chocolate in his car, Fars news agency said. [ more ]
Marguerita Reference: d just accidently robbed a cash point. Isadora I am doubled up here laughing [ more ]
See all 29 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Just recieved some bad news.
Former Member Reference: The best side to it is the young ones are looking forward to the "Party" afterwards. "the wake" coz when my OH went round one of the younger twins said" Are you coming to the party afterwards" , after telling her that their Mum will be showered and dressed before going to Heaven. Oh crikey! I guess that's the best way for them to deal with it at the moment MMD - Celebrating life and all that. [ more ]
Rexi I don't know what to say MMD - just so tragic. I hope it all goes well on Friday [ more ]
MMD Reference: So sad MMD - those poor children The best side to it is the young ones are looking forward to the "Party" afterwards. "the wake" coz when my OH went round one of the younger twins said" Are you coming to the party afterwards" , after telling her that their Mum will be showered and dressed before going to Heaven. I really hope nothing else happens to this family as they have gone through a lifetime of suffering in such a short space of time. [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The Devil In Diamante Reference ame Ann Rate I'm going it's probably the next one I'm gonna get ROFL [ more ]
Rexi Reference: slimfern I see 'all you can eat for a fiver!' sushi (raw meat) me too Reference: Dame I've not seen one for the coop undertakers yet Rexi me either - I really think they have missed a marketing opportunity [ more ]
Dame_Ann_Average Reference: I have nothing to add to this thread - I'm just posting coz I am interested to see what ads appear at the top of the page I've not seen one for the coop undertakers yet Rexi [ more ]
See all 22 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I am in a right old mood..
Crunchy Nuts Horrible days are the worst part of being a football fan. If your team loses (or even worse if the team you play for loses) it ruins the rest of your day. [ more ]
Karma_ Reference: Thats because you are More than a woman And not a New York Mining Disaster 1941? (I shit you not that is one of their songs ) [ more ]
brisket Wine and music are usually my best hopes for mood-lifting. (And my best friend of course.) [ more ]
See all 22 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Woman who dumped cat thought it was funny!
Marguerita Reference:Isadora What she did was stupid and cruel and there is no excuse. Isadora brilliant post [ more ]
Clumsycat dont agree with the death threats but we all have issues going on.. i am unemployed and there are family issues but do i resort to cruelty???? errr no.. she got what she deserved. [ more ]
Former Member Reference: Her father had been admitted to hospital 10 days before the incident and was in a critical state following a fall. He had since died. The solicitor said that Bales had been under tremendous strain and has since been diagnosed with depression. She has been vilified in the media and online, received hate-mail, abusive telephone calls and death threats. She has also resigned from her job which she had held for 27 years If that's all true then IMO she has suffered enough. So her... [ more ]
See all 249 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
News Reports
Garage Joe Reference: Aside from it's overseas income, where d'you think BBC cash comes from? Is it the same source as Sky and ITV's cash? [ more ]
Former Member Tommy Sheridan 'had three-in-bed sex', says SSP member . [ more ]
Blackpudlian Reference: Usually the reporter acts as though they are the only reporter who should be there and implies that all the other reporters are causing unnecessary grief to said person. Obviously they leave all sensitivity & empathy in their offices along with their wage slips. [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
X Factor week three theme(spoiler)
Former Member One Direction to perform Baby by Justin Bieber. [ more ]
Former Member Reference: What I like about this is... that they fail to mension that it was 15 million tuning in just to watch her f*ck it up Agree [ more ]
MrMincePie Reference: Nearly 15 million viewers tuned-in last year to watch Cheryl’s X Factor performance... What I like about this is... that they fail to mension that it was 15 million tuning in just to watch her f*ck it up [ more ]
See all 12 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Football - business or sport?
Garage Joe Reference: "Will money be football's downfall?" Not in the last 100+ years, so there is little chance now. [ more ]
Croctacus Reference: I expect to the owners/chairmen of clubs its a business. Maybe at the top end....tell that to the non-league blokes. [ more ]
MrMincePie Depends, I expect to the owners/chairmen of clubs its a business... to fans its a sport. I have always been in favour of a salary cap, works well in Rugby League and stops clubs from paying ridiculous wages to players. Clubs also come out making a profit aswell. Its just down to Platini and Blatter having the balls to step up and put it into action. [ more ]
See all 3 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Do you resemble your avatar?
Darthhoob Reference: [angelicarwen] angelicarwen online 3,136 Forum Posts Today at 08:46 Last Edited: Hoobs sweetie I'm not the worst! Hope you and your clan are well been better but getting there [ more ]
SazBomb Reference: I shall! I have been draping myself in new things anyway. Have to attract some new meat :fnar: [ more ]
angelicarwen Hoobs sweetie I'm not the worst! Hope you and your clan are well [ more ]
See all 116 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Should drug addicts be paid to be sterilised?
Darthhoob this just reminds me of when they sterilised disabled people... and thats what it will go back to, if this is allowed... first it'll be heroin addicts, then cocoaine, then alcohol, then smoking, then the fat people, then the jobless, then the disabled, then the people with low IQ, then the people who dont have blonde hair and blue eyes...sound familiar?? they say it's voluntary...but i dont think it is, what possible choice would an addict wanting their next big hit, being dangled £200 in... [ more ]
Darthhoob i wrote a huge reply then it went tits up and i cant be arsed to do it again... sigh... i'll just sum it up by saying it'll end up going back to the days where disabled were sterilised (and still are in some places) it's addicts and alcholics now, fat people and smopkers next, then the jobless, then the disabled then it'll be the people who are not blone with blue eyes.....sound familiar? [ more ]
Karma_ Reference: Should drug addicts be paid to be sterilised? After hearing all of the evidence and the arguments presented by both parties, I have reached the conclusion that the defendant's arse should be glued to a skateboard and she should be then escorted to the highest point in Bridgend at the earliest opportunity. [ more ]
See all 98 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Clumsycat btw they will probably give me a lecture as i left my last job in a call centre after 9 weeks as it was through an agency & was high pressure to sell breakdown as well as give insurance renewals... cant do sales ... then i broke ankle so didnt look for 5 weeks until i got my pot off. Doubt they will give me credit for working full time for the last 23 years tho ...... [ more ]
Clumsycat had to call them back today as the ignorant one yesterday said the systems were down n they would call me back.. well they didnt. On the plus side got a really helpful scouse lady who arranged jobcentre interview & details on 3 jobs... she was lovely [ more ]
Karma_ Well that's a bonus I'll see if anyone can offer you some basic tips or guidance x [ more ]
See all 17 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The man who discovered those beautiful fractal pictures has died
Blizz'ard The Royal Institution Christmas Lecture, a few years back, was all about fractals. It were fascinating! [ more ]
El Loro Reference: Miss S But what you posted about, El Loro, sounds intriguing. You can easily find these clips on Youtube by searching on fractals there, but some people may find them almost hallucinatory. [ more ]
Former Member Reference: But I have chosen not to post them here as they are very similar in effect to the famous portal scene in 2001 in the sense that they are hypnotic and may be disturbing for some. I can't believe I've never heard of this man or of fractals. I'm beginning to think I should have.. But what you posted about, El Loro, sounds intriguing.... [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Anyone read The Guardian's X Factor Live Blog?
Scotty Storm looks furious. "You haven't seen the best of me" he tells the world, and the world reacts by looking unsure about whether or not that was a threat. [ more ]
MMD As much as i hate XFactor- this type of show incorporated into a BB type of enviroment- where the HMs had actually to be good at something and perform it,could be the way forward for future BBs. Live coverage of the before/aftershow stuff-- could be interesting. [ more ]
Katerina Now it's time for Diana Vickers, who you may remember as the Amy Winehouse wannabe who had a brief romantic liason with the X Factor contestant from two years ago who looked like a crying potato. LMAO [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Cher ,original! my ASS .Look
Karma_ Reference: You always have a migraine you! I wonder why Reference: Like I've said before, a mild headache at the most it'll be. Oh shut up. You ain't even sprouted hairs yet and you wanna talk to ME about hormones? Meh [ more ]
Crunchy Nuts Reference: She gives me a migraine You always have a migraine you! Like I've said before, a mild headache at the most it'll be. [ more ]
Karma_ I have no idea. The backing track may have been different to Jay-Z's overall (a few bits added here and there) but the concept was nothing new. She's just a mix up of Lady Sovereign/Lily Allen to me. Maybe it's cos there's no-one who's got through to X Factor finals like her before, I dunno. She gives me a migraine so I try not to find the justification in her being there anymore [ more ]
See all 3 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Your computer screen (or desktop)
Crunchy Nuts On the subject of desktop images, did anyone play the classic desktop prank on anyone or have it played on them at school? I did it to someone and had it done to me. Proper cringeworthy!!! If anyone doesn't know what it is, basically when someone is away from their computer, go online and find a site that you wouldn't want a teacher to see you on... obviously choices are limited due to schools banning certain search terms and keywords, but it can be done through email or whatever... then get... [ more ]
Karma_ Reference: Not on my usual comp so cannot post my desktop, but you probably guess what/who is on it [ more ]
Jenny My desktop is the same pic as my avatar here. Sometimes I'll change it to the pic of Stonehenge that comes with Windows 7. I have 16 icons on my Desktop, but think I'll be whittling that down soon. [ more ]
See all 25 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Bad loser
Yellow Rose I'm not competetive so doesn't worry me about losing and I enjoy seeing others happy at winning. Maybe you need to think back as to the trigger of so much emotion about losing. Also take note of Cologne's post to realise what's really important and not. [ more ]
cologne 1 Reference: You must have spent most of your time being proud and scared Scared more than any thing else Isadora. He's home now and waiting to be posted somewhere. Big sigh of relief. (sp). [ more ]
Former Member Reference: My son used to be like you Crunchy, but now he's done a few stints in Iraq and Afghanistan and it's put things in perspective. I think these things tend to.. You must have spent most of your time being proud and scared [ more ]
See all 47 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
2 year old Indonesian baby on 40 cigarettes a day...
Carnelian Reference: And a lot of British politicians/businessmen got rich by heading companies that peddled ciggies to third world countries.Margaret Thacher for one. Are you sure? I knew Ken Clarke was/is on the payroll of British American Tobacco (BAT) but I don't recall Thatcher taking any fag company's money. [ more ]
Quimper Reference: I don't think my post implied that I thought it was OK and I don't think my post implied you personally thought it was OK. Your post made me chuckle that's all. [ more ]
Former Member Reference: oh, well that's alright then I don't think my post implied that I thought it was OK. I was responding to Croc's question about how the family could afford to pay for the child's cigarettes. [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Poll: Strictly week 3. Who goes? You decide... well sort of..
Yellow Rose For me Paul and Ola to go. I know Ann can't dance either but I find her very entertaining [ more ]
Green&Pink Oooooo... well that makes sense Briskit... There had to be a reason for all that praise. She certainly did not deserve it, not to that extent. Excellent point about Len giving Mat only getting two more points than Anne Scott and Matt dererved all 9's IMO. [ more ]
brisket There are a number of posts on the BBC Points of View Message Boards suggesting that Bruno and Craig are showing favouritism towards Pamela and that their praise is rather overly-gushing. There is a link which shows that Bruno has worked with Pamela before as a choreographer. A poster there also suggests she has worked with Craig previously. I must say I do not see what they see. I have tried, but don't see these extremely high marks and superlative... [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Song help....
El Loro The only other version I've come across sung by a woman is the Katie Melua one sung on TV with Al Murray, but I haven't bothered to post that one because it's obviously wrong. There is a singer called Juice Newton who did a version, but I have not been able to find a clip of her version on Youtube.I doubt if it is her though as she seems to be more country and western style. [ more ]
Quimper No, duchess, thanks but sorry it's not This is getting a bit embarrassing now I'll find it eventually. [ more ]
duchess I know its not exactlythe Queen song but just maybe it could be this???? [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Tesco (again)
Marguerita I dont like tesco's I do most of my shopping in M&S the brands I cant get from there I get from Sainsburys.. [ more ]
Former Member Reference: typical me ... not getting the jist of the thread .... many apologies *takes self over to norty corner* I think it has evolved into a" lets moan about supermarkets" thread so don't worry x [ more ]
Jones typical me ... not getting the jist of the thread .... many apologies *takes self over to norty corner* [ more ]
See all 36 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Slims thread????....
stonks Slim..I can't come in your stonks won't lend me the red knickers.... [ more ]
stonks Reference: have you cleared your cookies etc lately I've cleared all my history, cookies and add ons.... Reference: has you got ya red knickers on ?? Oh there you go, there's me problem..I thought it was no knickers required..goes to fetch red knickers.... [ more ]
slimfern has you got ya red knickers on ?? [ more ]
See all 4 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
HM's at it again on twitter...
MrMincePie Looks like its MrsB's big chance... Rex just tweeted "Call me 07919440066 !!" Don't know if its really his or hes just tryna get people to ring that Billis number [ more ]
charlisock Reference: I'm betting MrsB knows his pin number by now. [ more ]
Ducky Reference: *wonders if Mrs B or Ducky know Rex phone number* I'm betting MrsB knows his pin number by now. She has her ways that one [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
stonks OK seriously, I do prefer German opera to Italian opera but like anything not all German stands out and thats Der Kaiser von Atlantis..the composer and Librettist died in a consentration camp where they wrote it.... [ more ]
stonks Reference: You kinda missed the point dear You'd be surprised.... [ more ]
Marguerita Reference:Rexi Penzance next week Hi Rexi hope you enjoy it [ more ]
See all 33 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Simon McCorkindale has passed away
Former Member How sad, never knew he was ill, as others have said he looked so well last i saw him on telly . R.I.P xx [ more ]
stonks I did'nt even know he was ill..RIP Simon.... [ more ]
BARMYBRUMMIE - Slickman to WIN! what a handsome HANDSOME man, and such a nice bloke too, I'm quite saddened and shocked, I know he hasnt been around 'for a bit' and I just assumed he was 'resting up and getting better'. Saw him last week on New Tricks (which was filmed months and months ago) - he looked so well. I even recorded Horse of the Year show hoping to see him and guage how well he was looking - but, from what I saw there was no sign of him or Susan, which didnt bode well. I'm quite gutted to be honest, I thought... [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Liverpool. Injunction ping pong Worralaugh
stonks Thomas Werner exclusive 16th Oct 2010 - Latest News 0 Comments Email Print Share Mixx Digg Facebook reddit StumbleUpon Twitter Myspace Archive LFC To Go iPhone App LFC Podcasts LFC Toolbar Browser Add-On RSS Feeds After meeting the manager and players at Melwood this morning, NESV Chairman Thomas Werner gave an exclusive interview to What was it that attracted NESV to Liverpool Football Club? I think that Liverpool is one of the great clubs in all of sport, it's... [ more ]
stonks Re: Liverpool. Injunction ping pong Worralaugh [ more ]
slimfern Re: Liverpool. Injunction ping pong Worralaugh [ more ]
See all 112 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Good News!
Yogi19 Reference: I would love to see Cher out unless she has the lowest scores by the public she wont be going anywhere she will be saved by the judges.. Me too, Marguerita. [ more ]
Rawky-Roo Can't they just get rid of them all and crown the winner tonight? Get it over and done with rather than milking it for so many weeks. [ more ]
Former Member Reference: would love to see Cher out unless she has the lowest scores by the public she wont be going anywhere she will be saved by the judges I agree - I think she is here for the duration.... [ more ]
See all 8 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
What are you doing today?
Ev (Peachy) Your day sounds as if its going to be great, Issy and Rexi. I have a day to myself , been shopping, glad to get it out the way first thing, even present shopping Hopes the housework fairy does her magic soon. X factor etc with you lovely lot. A nice meal and wine. I will be carving pumpkins soon Tina. [ more ]
Rexi oh, and, love the pumpkins tina xx [ more ]
Rexi I have been shopping for dinner tonight - have two very good friends coming round. Came home and my wonderful computer man arrived with my laptop which he had sorted out coz it wouldn't connect to my new Sky broadband. Am going to spend the afternoon cooking, cleaning, laying the table etc ... then I shall eat, drink and be merry tonight [ more ]
See all 193 replies...

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