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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
kattymieoww Reference: My cat hates them too Marg and it is horrible cos he tries to squash himself into the smallest corner possible. You can get stuff from the vets to help Isadora. [ more ]
kattymieoww Only heard a few so far,it can get loud on bonfire night,but no one right beside me sets them off,no kids.I used to be worried my two house rabbits would be scared of them,but they don't even twitch a whisker.Not fussed by them at all. Now outdoor rabbits would be a different thing. [ more ]
Rexi I am amazed at how cheap they are this year ... a shop by me is promoting 'but one box, get two free'. I'm guessing they had placed their orders ages ago, and are now frightened that people are cutting back and won't be buying them, and they are going to be left having to store them safely. [ more ]
See all 24 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Why is Ashley Cole being booed...
Crunchy Nuts Are you Ashley Cole? [ more ]
Prometheus Reference: I dislike him as a person, I think he's an absolute prick really, but when he pulls on that England shirt I forget all that as I only see him as a footballer and he is one of Englands best players. Cheers matey. [ more ]
Crunchy Nuts He's a twat, but he's a very good footballer. I dislike him as a person, I think he's an absolute prick really, but when he pulls on that England shirt I forget all that as I only see him as a footballer and he is one of Englands best players. [ more ]
See all 44 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Harry Hill's TV Burp
Karma_ No matter what he's still a qualified GP and can write prescriptions. Oh for that luxury, the only tough decision would be who to kill off first [ more ]
Garage Joe Harry Hill was a brilliant stand up way back when! He had a brilliant structural act. Alas! As with most products, it all went wrong when he took ITV's shilling. It has become repetitive ! IMO mind! [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) I love it , can't help but find him amusing. [ more ]
See all 8 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
In the Spirit of Halloween: GIANT KITCHEN SPIDER
Rawky-Roo Reference: What do spiders do that are so evil? I mean they are just trying to live. Now man is evil - spiders aren't. Don't you know that anything with more than 2 eyes is the spawn of the devil? .....ok maybe I just have an unhealthy phobia of them [ more ]
Clumsycat That was really funny..... love the cat jumping on his leg [ more ]
Former Member Reference: I have never wanted to intentionally kill a spider. Even as a child. I normally try to catch them in something and put them out if it distresses someone. Same here... and my youngest daughter is terrified of them but she will not kill them - just whimpers and asks someone else to remove them. I think it is because my Mum never killed spiders and instilled in me a respect for all living creatures. We had a huge house spider who she called "Charlie". And because she gave it a name,... [ more ]
See all 16 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I have my Take That tickets!!
Quimper Reference: And we will NEVER Forget where we're coming from Yeah. Troo And Issy, you can be sure that they'd Want You Back for Good (and the cats) I have to go before this becomes addictive - see ya x [ more ]
Former Member Reference: I knowwwwwwww Insane cat ladies - unite! "We Can ROOOOOOOOL The WOR-OLD" And we will NEVER Forget where we're coming from [ more ]
Quimper Reference: There's a lot of us about... I knowwwwwwww Insane cat ladies - unite! "We Can ROOOOOOOOL The WOR-OLD" [ more ]
See all 40 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
There. They're. Their. Difficult, no?
Blizz'ard They're, they're, Prom! [ more ]
machel they're = they are, their = belonging to them, there = everything else! [ more ]
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Reference: Oh really? I'm sure 'They're' is pronounced differently.....what the heck was I learning at school? Maybe it's a regional accent, but I was always under the impression that the 'confusion' about which spelling was used when was partly BECAUSE they all sounded the same. [ more ]
See all 16 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
can someone please tell me why rupert murdoch
Dame_Ann_Average Reference: On the other hand, why waste his valuable time doing the PM's job and earning a comparatively crappy PM's salary of around £150,000 pa and face criticisms when he and his son can just pull the strings from America! Remember they've got America to try to run as well as this country. How stupid am I, I'd forgotten how many countries his media empire rules his interests span [ more ]
Carnelian Reference: Dame_Ann_average Murcock for PM, he might as well be On the other hand, why waste his valuable time doing the PM's job and earning a comparatively crappy PM's salary of around £150,000 pa and face criticisms when he and his son can just pull the strings from America! Remember they've got America to try to run as well as this country. [ more ]
Dame_Ann_Average Murcock for PM, he might as well be [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Celebrity Juice?
Carnelian Keith Lemon is crap. I like Leigh Francis for "Bo Selecta" but his Keith Lemon character just seems so utterly boring. [ more ]
Ells IMO it's the funniest thing on telly at the minute! I do like older comedies like Faulty Towers etc but I love panel shows aswell and Celebrity Juice makes me howl. Everyones taste is differnt though [ more ]
Karma_ Celeb Juice is funny The N dubz one was good when Dappy got slapped with a fish [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Have you ever been hypnotised? What for, and does it work?
Jones I have .... it was about 15 yrs ago .... cost me £60 for an hours session, and no, it didn't work. I think you'd get a result if you could get an appointment with Paul McKenna though [ more ]
Ells Reference: I bet your brother in law was worried He's wary of being 'under' for anything now and has an op soon that he's freaking out about.....might have contributed to the fear! lol [ more ]
Clumsycat never been hypnotised, not that i have anything to hide you understand .. no skeletons in my closet thank you very much... no.. nothing to hide ,, not here , no siree move along now [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Have you got a netbook?
Rexi Thanks everyone - I can go for a good old google now I'm liking the price of yours Ella - Argos will be my first stop!! [ more ]
Ells After dropping my last one on the floor I had to get one kinda pronto so didn't have a big budget. Got a Zoostrom Freedom in Argos for £199 and although I only surf the net on it it is perfect for me. I don't mind the smaller screen (10.2") and keyboard and can take it anywhere in my handbag! The memory isn't massive but I don't download a lot of stuff so it doesn't bother me. Only had it about a month now but I've had no problems with it (apart from wireless not activating with the F2... [ more ]
Starfleet Admiral hoochie My last one which I've donated to hubby was an Advent and it was great times it felt like my best pal - I've only replaced it because CIV V has come out and there's no way it would play it. [ more ]
See all 19 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I have better taste than you. What kind of idiot says that?
Carnelian Reference: Damn right! The only thing we had to shout about when we languished in Division 2 was Kerry Dixon. We hadn't won the league in 50 years before Roman came along with all his dough. So yeah, I've done my time alright LOL, when they got average crowds of 13,000! I used to work with a Norwich based Chelsea glory hunter. I remember him coming into work all indignant when they lost the CL semi (or whatever) so I suggested that he go on a Chelsea forum to vent his spleen as much as he... [ more ]
Quimper Re the OP's thread title - I very rarely say it, so that doesn't make me an idiot. But I think it most of the time (and I know I'm right) [ more ]
Garage Joe I do so agree with yer last paragraph Promo! [ more ]
See all 38 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
El Loro!
El Loro Reference: Garage Joe I do hope that you are not suggesting that our private discussion was of an Ugandan nature! [ more ]
El Loro Tayto, my deleted post went on to refer to an article on Wiki. I took a small extract from it in my post, but the article itself reads: In the Republic of Ireland, Armistice or Remembrance Day is not a public holiday. In July there is a National Day of Commemoration for Irish men and women who died in past wars and on service with the United Nations Peacekeeping Forces . Remembrance Day is observed by the Republic’s citizens who are serving or who have served in the British Armed Forces and... [ more ]
Tayto. Reference: Took me ages to find your post El Loro, you shouldnt have deleted it. I have noticed a few Irish this week not wearing a poppy. It is a personal choice, and you are entitled to your opinion as well as others Thanks Skylark. I wish I had seen the post you are referring to. The Poppy is not worn in Ireland for reasons I have pointed out in The Poppy Thread and I am saddened by the bias that has appeared in this Forum in the last few months. Sorry Joe for bringing this up in your... [ more ]
See all 20 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Countdown to me falling asleep yet again...
Former Member Reference: Nearly 10 50 and I am still awake You have a new man as I understand? WTF are you doing in here...gedda way with you [ more ]
Former Member Reference: Nearly 10 50 and I am still awake You have a new man as I understand? WTF are you doing in here...gedda way with you [ more ]
Former Member Nearly 10 50 and I am still awake [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Troll Sent To Jail
Ev (Peachy) Reference: Excellent. Linky? *lolz* Oy no trolling allowed Reference: I wonder what kind of precedent this will set. It's the first case I've heard of. How are the judges going to gauge the degree of offence and set the punishment accordingly? Well exactly, what has it started, and where will it go onto. [ more ]
Former Member That bad boy would need a lot of ink [ more ]
DING DONG! THE WITCH IS DEAD. A sword can only kill a handful of people maxium in a moment, a pen can kill millions. I am of course referring to this pen if it came to life and went postal. [ more ]
See all 34 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Eastenders crap as usual.
Rexi I liked the ending ... I like a good cliffhanger [ more ]
El Loro But I think some viewers may be waiting for the next episode on Monday to see what happens next. And don't bother looking at Digital Spy Eastenders spoilers, because there is no clue as to whether any or all of them are killed other than they continue to be stuck there with the train approaching, and in later episodes the characters are not mentioned. [ more ]
cockney-chick It's just my opinion Mr Meat, and everyone is entitled to one. Corrie is WAY better IMO, but each to their own. I wish Clair would hurry up and leave though! And isn't Kym Marsh looking OLD?! (miaow!) [ more ]
See all 5 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Celine Dion's Twins...
Croctacus Wonder if its cos when they are older and she is callling theeeeem...they'll come back straight away. [ more ]
Ducky the rest of the thread. was accident then? Or was it? Maybe she's double bluffing us and trying to pretend she doesn't belong on the oldies bench? [ more ]
Ducky I had no idea what you were talking about Kaffy ....I had to google (I'm so proud.....first time I'm felt young(er) in aaaages. ). But now I know.......WHAT THE....? That's the kind of thing you do to your new rabbit and guniea pig....not two human babies. [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
pretty_p Reference: Are they not allowed too make another thread without being hounded about a preivous thread? Wouldn't be as bad if I actually said what he/she is accusing me of - aahhh well boredom really is crippling for some poeple. Thanks to everyone else for your messages - tis alot better today though still feel sorry for myself every time I look at it. And I have to talk from experience when I say standing on a plug really is painful - I would have to say on a par with this pain. [ more ]
Mount Olympus *Olly* Reference: Leccy Madam OVERRULED! I present:Standing on an upturned plug. oh yeah I did that.. well I jumped on one years ago.. not on purpose, was mad dancing and landed on an upturned plug... twas bliddy agony [ more ]
Yogi19 Reference: Evelyn one on my protruding belly when i was 8 months pregnant, i burned it on the iron. I couldnt get near enough the ironing board. They don't warn you about that one in the pregnancy books, do they Evelyn? PP, I hope your hand isn't too painful today. I keep some Flamazine cream to use on minor burns and scalds, it's very good. [ more ]
See all 28 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The most popular name for new born boys in the UK is
Former Member My niece's little un's called Maisie. At first we all thought, hmmm but over time the more we've used it it's fine [ more ]
Rawky-Roo If I ever have sprogs I will call em Ethan or Harrison for a boy and Lily or Isabelle for a girl. Won't be going down the chav route and calling em Alisha-kara-duvet-Man U-Roo. [ more ]
Blizz'ard I shall start worrying when I see Jedward creeping up the list. [ more ]
See all 44 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I'm soo happy!,I'm on holiday!
Former Member Try not to cane it and don't blow your wages [ more ]
Poolshark Right I've been to Tesco'done a bit of shopping (deodarant,razors, shaving cream,ect) tried to get a spare cut but no luck, apparently it's some sort of special security key. Now home watching Jerry Springer!. I'm gonna go out about 3, meet some freinds, then pub, it's my mate lee's feind Samantha's b'day tonight. I'm gonna do the pub lunch thing Monday, went to the pictures last night, I saw Paranormal Activity 2, not scarey, but it makes ya jump. [ more ]
Cagney I'm addicted Saz. I'm experimenting with new cheese sauces. I got some Seriously Strong spreadable and stuck it in the microwave then poured it over my chips and salsa.....mmmmmmmmmmmm [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The Million Pound Drop Live
Clumsycat i find it so funny when people lose... also i only watch the x factor results show to see who loses... am i a sadist??? am i a bad person.. *goes away & has a think* [ more ]
brisket He has just completely over-ridden and ignored his partner. Who wears the trousers in this relationship (as they say) A complete guess. ....and was right. Shame I so wanted him to lose. [ more ]
brisket What a cocky, up-himself, obnoxious man! [ more ]
See all 51 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ihad that Reggae Reggae sauce tonight for he 1st time!
Former Member Reference: *wonders what the point is in starting a thread and then not bothering to come back to see if anyone has answered at all* Sorry I have a habit of starting threads and walking away, not because I have a busy lifestyle, just coz I'm lazy like that. So why start a thread at all? Its a bit like asking a question in a group of friends and then wandering away without listening to the answer. Not really very polite... [ more ]
Poolshark Reference: *wonders what the point is in starting a thread and then not bothering to come back to see if anyone has answered at all* Sorry I have a habit of starting threads and walking away, not because I have a busy lifestyle, just coz I'm lazy like that. [ more ]
Ev (Peachy) Reference: *wonders what the point is in starting a thread and then not bothering to come back to see if anyone has answered at all I know a couple who do that. Issy. [ more ]
See all 17 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The Guardian's best films
Clumsycat the horror movie that scared me the most was The Howling... i know its not normally rated but that bit in the log cabin, when the werewolf reaches out over the girls shoulder to take a file from her............................................. fair had me shitting my pants [ more ]
jackassfan Reference: Hi jackassfan - long time no see - welcome back. I reckon you must have about 1000 films to post on the What was the last film you saw thread and reckoned you must see more films every day than anyone else outside professional film critics and video shop workers (though you may be one). Hi I have seen 100s of films since i last posted in that thread, i am not a film critic or video shop worker though I Will have to get back to posting in that thread again [ more ]
El Loro Hi jackassfan - long time no see - welcome back. I reckon you must have about 1000 films to post on the What was the last film you saw thread and reckoned you must see more films every day than anyone else outside professional film critics and video shop workers (though you may be one). [ more ]
See all 52 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The Beatles re-enter the charts once more.
Garage Joe Such a vast body of work it's so difficult to generalise. Like the curate's egg they are good in parts. There are some very good songs by both and some absolute stinkers! [ more ]
The Devil In Diamante Not a fan of the Beatles myself, though I do like a couple of their songs...John Lennon I liked very much, Paul'mealy mouthed' McCartney bugs the hell out of me... [ more ]
Former Member Reference: Fecking Beatles *mutters to self* overhyped lyrically challenged numpties Is it safe to say I'm not a fan? Yes its safe to say you're not a fan. BUT its not safe to say 'overhyped lyrically challenged numpties'. You know where the door is. I am afraid I am with Likeafire, No you don't need to like them but how you can say they are lyrically challenged is beyond me [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sam Pepper Video
Rawky-Roo Reference: Overhyped lyrically challenged numpty. Wonder if he`ll last as long as The Beatles? Touche But at least you know Sam Pepper is doing it for a laugh. [ more ]
Scotty Overhyped lyrically challenged numpty. Wonder if he`ll last as long as The Beatles? [ more ]
Rawky-Roo Free hats, Free Shoes Nice girls, Tom Cruise Ask Tom Cruise Ask Tom Cruise for his views I love the Pepper....I know I said I wouldn't buy his song...but that was before I heard it [ more ]
See all 3 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Rock Band 3 - Who's getting it?
likeafire I might just get it for the Sir Paul Mccartney songs on there. And plus they are going to have the whole Imagine album by John Lennon available as a download so I might get it for this.. Or I might just stick with Beatles rockband. Plus the keyboard is expensive. I can get a real keyboard for the price they are asking. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Garden Designers...
Marguerita Reference: Would you know how that £2,100 breaks down Marg Hi Meaty we never got charged for the drawing design we had a breakdown for the prices which included materials/patio slabs/ garden bricks for path ,fish pond/new lawn/labour= £2,100 he showed us a book with materials to choose from, the guy who was going to charge us £5,000 plus said the slabs I was picking were expensive and advised me to take the cheapest ones, I got the ones I wanted and more for my garden for less than half what... [ more ]
Moonbeams We got ours done last year. It took about a month from him coming, quoting and doing all the work. He replaced two paths put in decking a bin bay. stoned the borders and planted a mixture of shrubs and plants €2900 although he had quoted €400 more for the paths but forgot to put that in the finally price so we said nothing. took two guys a week to do the work. i love it and now the neighbors have gone we might actually get to enjoy it next year. [ more ]
MrMincePie Would you know how that £2,100 breaks down Marg? Is that the drawing itself or the actual landscaping carried out aswell? [ more ]
See all 12 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
On the cusp of insanity
lainy m Yo bateman, behave yourself!! [ more ]
Lori Reference: Had a bucket load of messages about said objectionable language, Lori? Really, did you? You do NOT want to challenge me on this, bateman. Please remember that you are a guest on these forums. [ more ]
bateman Had a bucket load of messages about said objectionable language, Lori? Really, did you? I posted about Munch and Van Gogh. Adultly. [ more ]
See all 23 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Buried Alive
Clumsycat watched V on channel one.. would have watched it tho... got stuck in a lift at work once , that was bad enough [ more ]
SazBomb Reference: I had a tortoise once called Zero! Thought he was dead & so buried him in one my Mums best linen napkins...turned out he had gone into hibernation! oops Karma, I'm sure it'll be repeated on E4 at some point, or it'll be on 4OD if you really wanted to see it It was interesting, I don't think I appreciated at the time the scale of the mine and the rescue operation [ more ]
Karma_ Oh damn I missed it! I was blimmin chattin on the stupid phone (I did see the last bit of Waterloo Road though - good wanit!) [ more ]
See all 15 replies...

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