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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I'm soooo bored!!!!
Yellow Rose Reference: Tina only time will tell and thank you yellow rose xxxxx [ more ]
Yellow Rose Reference: Oh I hope Brisket's not annoyed with what I said lol Of course I'm not annoyed Yellow Rose. I thought your comments were amusing Funnily enough I am always wary about using a Z in this way, and I often check first. But this time I just guessed. Serves me right! However it did give you a chance to play with the word. Thanks Brisket I post on a Forum who the majority of members are American, when I see how they spell some words of the "English" language I often wonder if they think... [ more ]
Rexi Tina - whatever it is, take it easy [ more ]
See all 21 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
These are the students that ruined it for the rest...
cologne 1 Reference: Try juggling a country and town house with a the latest limos, the Italian bolt-hole, two au-pairs, a cook and a hairdresser, tax-deductible wine cellar and a PR keeping all the bad stuff out the news. Dunno how I manage at times Anyone for tennis? and for cags this, [ more ]
Carnelian One thing you can say about Bullingdon/Eton Boys' college/Oxbridge is those institutions do teach their students/members how to be an expert authority on what it's like to live in a deprived area what it's like to be a single mother what it's like to be on benefits what it's like to be unemployed the labour market in all work sectors and in all areas of the UK including availability of jobs for the semi/unskilled how many on the dole refuse perfectly good jobs because it's their lifestyle... [ more ]
PeterCat Reference: it's magic I know [ more ]
See all 34 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Technical help please
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Reference: the IE8 seems a bit of a pain in the behind. I use FireFox most of the time now. When I have used IE8 it has seemed ok, but maybe if I was using it constantly it would be a different story. I'm still using IE6 at work. It's a bit of a pain, but I've always put that down to its slowness because it's so old. [ more ]
cologne 1 Reference: Addendum:- If you upgrade to another version of IE you will need to do the 'fix' again as the fix only applies to the browser and version that you are using at the time you do the 'fix'. Thanks fluffy. I saw something about that and, TBH, the IE8 seems a bit of a pain in the behind. [ more ]
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Addendum:- If you upgrade to another version of IE you will need to do the 'fix' again as the fix only applies to the browser and version that you are using at the time you do the 'fix'. [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
You can never have enough.....
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Reference: Girls use more loo roll coz they use it after a wee aswell as a poo. So men go around with a dribbly, unclean whatsit? [ more ]
Ells Girls use more loo roll coz they use it after a wee aswell as a poo. AND for wiping pee off the seat after the men have been in there [ more ]
Starfleet Admiral hoochie Reference: Love, money and vodka ..... and Asda Chilli Mayonnaise [ more ]
See all 105 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
POLL: Random
brisket From those options, you can tell the biggest thing we have in common is that 90% of us (not all of us) watch Big Brother. Now there's a surprise! [ more ]
Prometheus Reference: as an experiment6 (when christmas was over) my husband put a match to ours in the garden. It was simply terrifying how quickly and ferocioijusly it went up. And so we learn the lesson, don't put a match to your real xmas trees [ more ]
Soozy Woo Only last year I started to use an artificial Christmas Tree. I saw a video of how quickly a real one goes up in flames an experiment6 (when christmas was over) my husband put a match to ours in the garden. It was simply terrifying how quickly and ferocioijusly it went up. I love real Christmas trees but ................the artificial one we bought last year is quite authentic. [ more ]
See all 40 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
A Super 50th Birthday.
Former Member Just had a distinctly more sober, (though a little hungover!) look at all of my lovely birthday messages, pics, cakes and song, thanks again to you all Had an ab fab day: was completely spoilt with lots of beautiful pressies, (having a 'big' birthday definitely has it's advantages ) out for lunch and a spot of shopping with the 'girls' during the day; dinner with friends and family last night, then, inevitably, back to mine.... Am v lucky that three of my good male friends are v talented... [ more ]
Blizz'ard Oh, that's sounds very, very good! Mind you, I'd be on the non fizzy stuff (or the beer). Enjoy the rest. [ more ]
Former Member Reference: Supes, glad to hear it! Bliz, I'm sitting here just now with two of my v best friends, (the other 5 are in bed!...) I can't count the no. of empty champagne bottles..wish you were here [ more ]
See all 51 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
What is your comfort drink when you are ill?
Yogi19 Usually, I drink Lucozade if I'm ill, although I do like hot orange squash with some honey, if I have a cold. I like Heinz cream of chicken soup when I start to feel a bit better. I never have it at any other time. Goes back to my childhood. [ more ]
Marguerita I also like an oxo cube crushed in a cup with hot water salt and pepper my mum used to give us that on cold morning before we went to school with toast it always reminds me of my school days [ more ]
Marguerita I drink lots of water if I have a bad cold I boil water and put two slices of lemon in it for a sore throat a spoonful of honey in boiled water. [ more ]
See all 71 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Did not know Paije(xfactor) was in Harry Potter
Blizz'ard Reference: Prom File me under 'lost cause' this year Happily! I mean that lovingly! [ more ]
Prometheus Reference: I've seen a few 'established artists' recently, who would be put to shame by Matt and Rebecca (to name two). Rebecca is so boring for me I can't even begin to describe it but I can see how other people might like it (I hated Sade). Matt is just so twee I can't take him seriously as either a male or a singer File me under 'lost cause' this year [ more ]
Blizz'ard Reference: Prom They're all crap this year so thankfully there's no need at all for discussion I disagree. I've seen a few 'established artists' recently, who would be put to shame by Matt and Rebecca (to name two). [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Eastenders...Roxy's £3 million...
Aimee Oh and why is Max's new G/friend dressing like she's off too a fashion shoot everyday [ more ]
Aimee Why didn't he start kicking the boot i like Roxy's hair though my daughter keep's telling me to have it cut like but i've had long hair for 20 odd years i'm too scared [ more ]
Karma_ AND I'm sure when Max was driving he must have gone over speed bumps or driven on a bit of gnarly road, surely Jack would have bounced a bit in the boot? Ohhh silly me *slaps forehead* they have perfectly smooth roads in Walford! And while I'm at it there should be bloody speed humps round Albert Square, have you seen the way some of them tear round it? SO irresponsible! [ more ]
See all 10 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I'm dying! NOT MAN FLU!!!!
kattymieoww Tsk,Nothing can cure a virus(colds and flu) Simple painkillers,paracetamol.Drink plenty of fluids etc and rest.That's it.If it gets into your chest with a greeny/Brown phlegm coughing up etc,then see your doc.I had to last Christmas, ended up with foul bronchitis,that needed anti-biotics.Colds etc don't. [ more ]
Tina Reference: Been coughing my guts up, aching, sore throat, nose dribbling, even the Managing Director told me not to come in tomorrow. Been Tesco's bought loads of medicines, my bedroom shelf loks like a chemists. I need sympathy and a hug my little girl as this shes on day 3 iv been told it lasts about 5 days oh and a (((HUG))) its horried hope you get better soon [ more ]
Crunchy Nuts It's all that alcohol you've been consuming. It can't be good for the human body getting drinking yourself tipsy every Sunday. A few weeks ago when I was dying of flu, I bought 2 bottles of Beechams all in one and luckily for me I pulled through and lived to survive another day. Hope you get well soon mate! [ more ]
See all 25 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I googled my cramp question instead of bothering you lot, soz!
Blackpudlian Reference: Quinine is in tonic water, and many people (especially elderly) are prescribed Quinine Sulphate tablets to take at night. But unfortunately they can cause constipation (and make your stoold black.) I am on the wonderful Quinine Sulphate tablets (and I'm not THAT old) and they little miracles for cramp. Fortunately, my stools are still pine coloured. If you go for the tonic water, drink Diet Tonic Water as it has an extra ingredient that helps the cramp. I also have pins &... [ more ]
El Loro Reference: Sazbomb I dunno whether I should see the doc about the pins and needles... doesn't seem right If you have been getting pins and needles in your hand for some time for no obvious reason, you should talk to your doctor. The doctor will either be able to reassure you that there is nothing wrong or will be able to help you, but you are not wasting your time and you are not wasting the doctor's time by seeing him or her - that is what they are there for. Pins and needles in themselves... [ more ]
Rawky-Roo Eat Bananas. They have mini anti-cramp warriors within them. Does the job good and proper, also cut down on your salt in take. Dr Roo, here at your service. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
christmas shopping yesterday and
machel Reference: i have to admitt i hate xmas cards. I put about 5 or 6 important ones up where i have the space and they still good the rest get stuck in the drawer then in the bin as soon as xmas day is over. I cant stand clutter. close family are "attached" to the mirror, family around the mirror and everyone else wherever there is space i love cards (and pressies/christmas/carols ect) [ more ]
Cinds Reference: Maybe you'll feel more Christmassy, after Friday? Oooooh I love singing 'we're walking in the air' in a really high operatic voice, I might do that on the way down. [ more ]
~Sparkling Summer~ I make my own too, this years theme is trees and they're shaping up lovely so far Ho Ho Ho!!! [ more ]
See all 38 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Feng Shui .... beliefs ???
Cinds Move it to the ceiling [ more ]
Blizz'ard Reference: Gyps It was decorative blizzie even if you really try to see in it from the bed you cant You need chandeliers! [ more ]
Former Member Its above my bed sweet sunshine, not opposite a door and facing east west. It was decorative blizzie even if you really try to see in it from the bed you cant [ more ]
See all 22 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The M25....
Garage Joe I very rarely venture out onto Motorways but I do admire the M40 between Birmingham and Oxford lane-end. The worst IMO is the A1 from Chester-le-street towards the airport. It's quicker and safer (providing you don't show your teeth or look directly at the lerkals) to drive through the centre of the toon. [ more ]
Smarting Buttocks Reference:Isadora] .... I was really worried by all the lorries at one point. I always worry about lorries as well, especially as the foreign ones which are left hand drive as I think they are not quite so used to looking to their right in this country when they change lanes. [ more ]
Smarting Buttocks Reference irtyprettygirlthing Reference: Was once trapped on there for 6 hours - half my 12 hour shift. yeah... I've been trapped just after the Leatherhead turn off (going anticlockwise) for about 6 hours once. There'd been a multi vehicle accident by the Clackett Lane services! Thats where I was - the Surrey stretch is apparently the most accident prone section. Just read your other post and thought "yikes" Lucky escape. [ more ]
See all 26 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Those 'Eggheads'
Jenny Poor Daphne is letting herself down lately. Yesterday, I think, she got all three of her questions wrong! I think that is unheard of for her. She seemed really bothered by it, as this week she's also not been on best form. Even her guesses have been wrong, and she's usually good at them! [ more ]
Aimee I find Daphne irrating as well, she sits there huffing and puffing and then gives the right answer she knew it all along [ more ]
Cosmopolitan What really gets on my pips is when Daphne doesn't know the answer she automatically starts tutting and moaning, and then huffs and sighs in a 'don't blame me' kind of way. Yet when anyone else from the Eggheads stumbles over a Q she sits there mouthing, shaking her head and rolls her eyes. She's 'orrible! [ more ]
See all 12 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
My Tooth
Former Member My friends hubby went along for his normal appointment ( last went June) and now he has to see a specialist as he has a furry tongue, which has caused his dentist alarm as it was not the case 6 months ago . They are worried sick. [ more ]
squiggle EL unfortunately my dear husband was one of the unlucky percentage who did not smoke and drank only moderately. He did work for Royal Mail though and of course there was no ban on smoking in the building then so it would have been thick with smoke. We will never know the cause of course. [ more ]
El Loro On ths subject of mouth cancer, this is from the NHS Choices site. It is estimated that 90% of cases are caused by smoking and/or prolonged and excessive alcohol consumption. People who both drink and smoke have a particularly high risk: they are more than 30 times more likely to develop mouth cancer than people who do not smoke or drink. The condition is two to three times more common in men than women (possibly because more men misuse alcohol than women). Most cases develop in people aged... [ more ]
See all 21 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Who is he?
brisket Thanks very much El Loro. You are a gem! [ more ]
El Loro i have been doing a bit of looking around and have found a couple of things which might be of interest to brisket etc. Here's a link to a website for Matt McCooey where you will find out more about him. Amongst other details, it says that he is a bilingual British Japanese actor. And on the home page it mentions Colin the Ninja. Not only is he an actor but this is a short film which he wrote and directed. I suppose you expect me to come up with more details about this film such as what is it... [ more ]
Yogi19 Congratulations on finding out who he is, Brisket. I know how these things can niggle. I have been known to conduct similar searches. [ more ]
See all 33 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Softly as I leave you!
Elkie Re: Softly as I leave you! [ more ]
Moomin Only just had the time to watch this. How sad - and poor Tyrone. [ more ]
stonks Reference: How is it that some people can bawl their eyes out and still look good, but I look dreadful? ..I knew I'd look horrendous so hid.... asked if I would like some tissues but I went straight for the facial wipes as I looked like Alice Cooper.... [ more ]
See all 35 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Help me fight this Demon of Temptation!
Croctacus I gave up buying my Christmas chocolate early cos i've lost count of the number of times I've bought it, eaten it, bought it eaten it and thats before we even get to December! I can't even blame the kids cos i normally stash it in my wardrobe the eat it in bed watching TV! [ more ]
Former Member Reference: found the solution, I bought a tin if Roses on the way home tonight, and then get a tin of Celebrations tomorrow night, all 3 tins for me YAY!!!! you are boasting the economy [ more ]
Angel Reference: How can I keep it in the unopened state that it is in? Throw it out of the window those tins are 'Death By Chocolate' [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Student Protests...
Hobbes I have a poncho with BIG pockets [ more ]
Garage Joe I see your getaway car and raise you a getaway pantechnicon. [ more ]
Former Member Reference: [PeterCat] PeterCat offline 2,342 Forum Posts Today at 5:48 PM Last Edited: Is there looting? *prepares to rush to John Lewis with some big bags* If you get my xmas shopping list i dont mind waiting outside with the get away car [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Its ages since we had a good conspiracy theory
Moonbeams I like to think she was listening to the 3:45pm(or whatever time in was filmed at) race results and that her horse came in and thats why she's smiling and why her lips are moving she's doing the whole 'yes,come on you old nag,yes,yes,yes' thing. [ more ]
Blizz'ard Reference: El Loro If you really want to look click CHMEFMHAFTH. I've shortened the title as it's probably the longest title in film history. I like that! [ more ]
El Loro Reference: Blizzie Merkin Hell! Which, off this thread's topic, reminded me of that film with Anthony Newley from 1969 which rates as one of the worst ever made. The list of characters' names contains some slightly unusual names for a film intended for general release. If you really want to look click CHMEFMHAFTH . I've shortened the title as it's probably the longest title in film history. [ more ]
See all 20 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Phil Harris - Deadliest Catch.
Dame_Ann_Average Reference: heehee *sniggers at the Dirk bit* I think Kodiak was a new boat the last time I watched it, would that be right and you'd be right, he's got long grey and and eff's for Alaska [ more ]
Temps heehee *sniggers at the Dirk bit* I think Kodiak was a new boat the last time I watched it, would that be right? [ more ]
Dame_Ann_Average Reference: Thanks for that Dame Ann, I didn't know he co-owned the boat. It'll be interesting to see what happens. I'm sure I'll catch the repeats some where. When ever I check in it seems to be one I've already seen Any other news or scandals with any of the other boats? There's usually one that isn't getting good hauls. You're welcome Dirk I'm sure you'll be able to catch up with this season when the new one comes out, Discovery normally show the previous seasons episodes before the new... [ more ]
See all 25 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I'm concerned....what do you think? :o
El Loro I'll think I'll pass on that one. And there's a warning on the Youtube site that it shouldn't be watched by anyone who suffers from epilepsy, not that I do. [ more ]
Former Member I passed that video to a friend and she sent me this in response. Not liking this.. [ more ]
El Loro Antiopie, my post was just a very short short fictional story which just took the Illuminati concept a bit futher by having them controlled in turn by just one person without their knowledge. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Another 3 unrelated questions
~Sparkling Summer~ Yes I love scarves, at work I do the full circle, let it hang round the front business. Non work I have a lovely posh scarf that mr summer gave me on a birthday and I do the proper loop it thru posh thingee ( I was impressed when I first saw the method, it was jack Nicholson in Somethings gotta give) And I often fling a pashmina round my shoulders at night when I'm reading/playing with my phone in bed cos it just keeps the chill of my shoulders :-) I don't own a bike no, not since I was 15... [ more ]
Cosmopolitan Reference: OP didn't say what it was Cosmo. I was covering my bases Yeah, so I see Reference: I use my tv for radio too (much more than I use the actual radio.) Me too, Brisket. I'm either radio and/or i-pod until around 4 o'clockish and then I get my fix of Midsommer Mayhem Murders. I like to see how out of breath ol' Bergerac gets from just walking 3 paces back to his car. [ more ]
tupps OP didn't say what 'it' was Cosmo. I was covering my bases. [ more ]
See all 35 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Corrie and Eastenders come face to face.
Yellow Rose Regardless of whether it will be good or not it's for an excellent cause. I like to hear the stories from those who've been helped or in need of help. [ more ]
Garage Joe "should wheel out!" damn these phones and their predictive keyboards. [ more ]
Garage Joe That's a great idea. We often wonder about the idea of crossovers. A recent episode of New Tricks featured MI5 and we both said, at the same time, "they would wheel out Harry n Ruth!" [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Who would have thought that GaGa would become so controversial?
tupps oh yes.. with one of those little umbrellas.. that's one in the eye [ more ]
Cosmopolitan Reference: used to getting a tinny and a straw. Is that when you're Down Under? If you stick a 'nana in it, it could be a cocktail. [ more ]
tupps Are we allowed to discuss 'nanas? I've never been able to resist a 6 pack.. although I'm more used to getting a tinny and a straw. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Call of Duty: Black Ops
Rawky-Roo Reference: You are totally missing my point. I'm talking about the wii games where you have to physically swing your arms as if you're really playing tennis, if you wanna do that, go and do it on a tennis court. Pressing a few buttons on a PS3 controller to move players around on Fifa 11 is not football. You can't go outside and do that. Your missing the point too, swinging the wii remote is not just what the Wii is about. Sure there are 'party' games that involve this but there are LOADS... [ more ]
Crunchy Nuts Reference: The same can be said for the countless sport games that get released every year. If you wanna play football go outside and play it. Don't tell me that FiFA 2010 is so much better then its previous games You are totally missing my point. I'm talking about the wii games where you have to physically swing your arms as if you're really playing tennis, if you wanna do that, go and do it on a tennis court. Pressing a few buttons on a PS3 controller to move players around on Fifa 11 is... [ more ]
stonks Reference: Its not, believe me the novelty will fade a lot faster than the Wii. It would have to be break neck speed then.... [ more ]
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