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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Aren't we going a little OTT
Former Member I echo what Suzi said - I respect the fact that you did apologise PP. [ more ]
Suzi-Q I hope you don't decide to leave, PP. I admit, I get just as frustrated as many others, but the whole point of a forum is for everyone to leave comments about their views. Sometimes people agree, sometimes they don't *shrugs* that's how life is. My cats think they should have roast chicken everyday, I don't. Until they get a job and start providing their own chickens for me to roast, they will get the leftovers. It meant a lot to me that you apologised because it meant, to me, that even... [ more ]
pretty_p Anyway I'm off now - dunno whether I will bother posting in this forum again - the way I feel right now probably won't be - would just like to say well done to the usual bunch you have got rid of another one who you have decided you don't like - go and gives yourselves a good old pat on the back!! So I may speak to some of you again soon - could be back tomorrow, next week or in ten years time (if the forum is still going) who knows - certainly not me as I change my mind more often than I... [ more ]
See all 325 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Strictly Come Dancing ( Bottom 2 spoiler)
Suzi-Q Shame. I thought Ann had overstayed her welcome last week. For me, she's just not entertaining anymore. Yes, her tango and flying were great, but she is still reaping the benefits of a dance she did weeks ago. She isn't even funny anymore. I'm of two minds with Gavin - he had improved over the past two weeks, but was back to a dancind disssaaaaaaaster this week. I was confused with the music they had, it would have suited a quickstep - his best dance - for the American Smooth, yet they... [ more ]
Aimee I thought it would be her, i'm glad Gavin is still in [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) Reference: If I was her I would be too embarrassed to stay after the first couple of weeks.... I disagree, it's obvious she's the worst by miles but the BBC invited Ann to take part in the competition in the first place under the same rules as everyone else, so they are to blame for her still being in. Ann and Anton are getting enough votes to stay in which they can't do nothing about... Well Ann and Gavin must be doing well in the voting so far to still be there . [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Oh dear, They're going to be 'singing' beatles songs
Croctacus I said on page one...Or it might have been elsewhere...they were mostly all crap! [ more ]
Carnelian If hearing classic songs buried under plodding reggae by numbers arrangements and a disinterested singer droning on while waiting for his next pay cheque is your passion, I can recommend this one. And yes, Ali does try his hand at The Beatles "Hard Day's Night". I'd be very surprised if anyone on the X Factor can do a worse interpretation of the Beatles than Ali. [ more ]
Carnelian Reference: yeah.... wagner singing `girlfriend in a coma` Bernard Manning - tribute to The Smiths [ more ]
See all 47 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ghosthunting with BB Stars
Dame_Ann_Average Reference: Evening Dame I'm X Factoring but I'll be around later to read up on your spook night Hopefully, I'll eventually get into thread killers [ more ]
Former Member Evening Dame I'm X Factoring but I'll be around later to read up on your spook night [ more ]
Dame_Ann_Average Sorry the live feed wasn't on for you lot, but honestly there was nothing to see, hear or be spooked about We were in Steve and Sunshine's group, and I can honestly say and believe she was voted out way to early Steve was a believer, Sunshine not....she was funny, Steve was not ! We stood in the first hall in a circle and hold hands, Hoochie was next to Sunshine I think, she was chatting away to us and I'm assuming she was next to Hoochie, it was dark . My cousin was next to one of Steve's... [ more ]
See all 146 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Men slags versus women slags. Which is worse?
Former Member Reference: Are they in his lunchbox with his cheese and pickle Indeed [ more ]
Former Member Reference: I fear his brains arent in his head Are they in his lunchbox with his cheese and pickle? [ more ]
Former Member Well unfortunately , Linford, with his comments, will now have the press in a frenzy to find out everything about his daughter. I fear his brains arent in his head [ more ]
See all 19 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
So Charles thinks Camilla will be Queen one day?
RiverRock Did anyone actually see the footage? He mumbles a bit and skirts around the issue he doesn't really just come out and say it. [ more ]
cologne 1 Reference: The Monarchy is an anachronism in this day and age anyway....Vive La Republique at the same time, they're here and nobody will ever get rid of them. We can't do anything about it and therefore I don't care what Camilla will be called. I'd find it funny though if she still went back to her own house then; she'll probably have a few sneaky ciggarettes. [ more ]
Former Member Reference: Vive La Republique I'm with you [ more ]
See all 42 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I hope you all have your firewalls on
El Loro Reference: Is Norton enough? It's an industry standard, but it should be kept up to date. Also Norton is for anti-virus. I don't use it so I don't know if it includes firewall protection as well. Some versions of Windows do include a firewall. The simplest way to check on a Windows pc is to check Security Center from your Control Panel. You should see that both Firewall and Antivirus are on. You can also check there which firewall is in operation and which antivirus s/w is in operation. Note... [ more ]
Soozy Woo Is Norton enough? [ more ]
Former Member Thanks for your reply El Loro [ more ]
See all 37 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ant and Dec. They're just sooooooo funny.
Carnelian Reference:Satsoomawoo Nooooooooooooooooooooo - but then again I'm just a sad old cow posting in the small hours. TBH I don't think I'll ever tire of the Ant and Dec! I'm sure you're lovely Satsoomawoo. It takes all sorts I suppose! They do my head in something rotten! [ more ]
Rawky-Roo Promster, have you enunciated the word 'So' again?.......Bit chavvy if you ask me [ more ]
Yogi19 I like Ant and Dec. [ more ]
See all 57 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Jason Manford - The One Show...
PeterCat Reference: One wonders why he feels the need to admit anything to the repressed gentlemen of the Sun? If they're still operating the way they used to, it'll be a case of them phoning him and saying, "We're gonna publish this about you - want to come clean to us instead?" [ more ]
Garage Joe I apologise! Some guy from the Sun said on R5 that he couldn't work out why he had resigned either. Apparently he has sold out his next tour. All publicity is good publicity! [ more ]
Carnelian I can't help thinking 'And?'. Embarrassing for him, embarrassing for his family, with much explaining for him to do but other than that, I can't see what the fuss is about and why he should need to resign over it. It's hardly Wayne Rooney territory! Is there more to this than Sky/The Sun have mentioned? [ more ]
See all 23 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
All flights currently suspended at Birmingham airport
Former Member Reference: Just edited - apparently the organ, a liver, did get to where it needed to go, there was already an ambulance to take it to the QE - it proceeded as normal. I'm assuming that the liver is still viable for transplant. I hope so as the person receiving it will need it. I also hope the pilot and his passenger are ok although the passenger is reported to have multiple injuries [ more ]
Former Member It is a light aircraft that was carrying an organ for a transplant. 2 people injured - one badly and of course we have the ramifications of a person awaiting a much needed organ, Just edited - apparently the organ, a liver, did get to where it needed to go, [ more ]
pretty_p Reference: Reference: pretty_p although this is a pretty pointless post as I won't be telling you where I am!! but you're here!!!!! I am!! [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
paul and rachel chandler released..
Trollop Reference: Reference: What about anyone who chooses to go sailing, mountain climbing, horse riding, clubbing in Essex? Death by turning orange. [ more ]
Trollop @ this thread [ more ]
pretty_p Reference: *Round and round she goes .. where she stops who the F knows* says the person who carries it on in to another day - rather funny really accusing me of doing something which you are doing in the post accusing me!! [ more ]
See all 241 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Major news
Blizz'ard Reference: brisket I would save the bag for a special occasion. If only all men could think like that! [ more ]
El Loro Reference: Was it a private job and they said they'd be a drink in it for you? No, it wasn't a private job, it was from one of my suppliers. [ more ]
brisket You certainly know how to build the tension El Loro. You had me teetering on the edge of my seat there. I would save the bag for a special occasion. [ more ]
See all 8 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
2 niggles
SazBomb Reference: I don't drive, so spent all my working life using public transport, and that was one of my pet grrrrrrrrrrrs I have even seen them do that when people are actually standing up!! People do it all the time here, you just have to ask to get into the seat [ more ]
brisket Reference: Karma omg Brisket is having a rant Wey-heyyyyyyy get in fella Thanks for your ewncouragement Karma. I'll see how it goes and if I get to like it I may do it again sometime. I'm told it can be therapeutic. [ more ]
Baz Reference: 1. People on a bus who sit on the outside seat near the gangway leaving the inner seat near the window either empty or with a bag on it. They stubbornly and rudely remain like this until there is only one seat left. Sometimes they actually need to be asked to allow access to the empty seat. Oh I couldn't agree more on that one Brisket I don't drive, so spent all my working life using public transport, and that was one of my pet grrrrrrrrrrrs I have even seen them do that when... [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
fibre optics
El Loro Reference: brisket Have I got that right? I think so, but that is based on what someone posted here a few weeks ago. I'm on Virgin nowadays as there is no date on the BT website that they will be installing fibre optics in my area for at least a year, and I suspect a lot longer. [ more ]
squiggle Reference: Marooned... love that word The Sainsburys guy has just managed to get through with my grocery delivery (when the men packed up work for the day) I practically pounced upon him with relief [ more ]
brisket Thanks El Loro. I was prompted to ask because, like squiggle, they have recently laid down fibre optic cable in my area. So - if I understand correctly - the data is transmitted more speedily through fibre optic, but then between the phone cabinet and my home (the last few yards) it reverts to a steadier speed again. Have I got that right? [ more ]
See all 6 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Children in Need - Strictly dancing etc..
Garage Joe Pam had a few things to say about her dancing partner in her regular column this week. I think she treats the whole thing half job and half experiment. She will never be yukky or insincere. She is yummy and knows a lot about er, things. [ more ]
brisket Reference: Sweet What time's it on?! Sweet - apparently the dancing bit is on sometime between 8.00 and 8.30 [ more ]
~Sparkling Summer~ Looking forward to this, ola kindly tweeter my OH happy birthday this year and he was made up!! What time's it on?! [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Did you know...
Jen-Star Lmao only just been back to notice my mistake, oops [ more ]
MrMincePie Reference: I don't see why the taxpayer is being expected to stump up for any of this tbh. We're in the middle of the shit economically Didnt you hear??? We are saved... the new buses are here Only in London that is Im sure we can get them all over the country though, all we need to do is cut another few hundred thousand jobs [ more ]
cologne 1 For what it's worth, I'll give my bit of opinion. I think they are two people who have gone through the same shite as any of us, they separated and didn't like it, so got back together. On his side, he has to deal with hundreds of years of ceremony, on her side, she's a middle class girl (the very worst) and I hope that she will stick to her believes. Ultimately though, I don't care. [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Christmas TV Adverts
Karma_ I LOVE the M&S ads (with Twiggy et al). They always use great mooosic [ more ]
~Sparkling Summer~ I still haven't seen the cola ad yet!! [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing This year's Iceland one was a bit of a shock... last couple of years they have had really annoyingly catchy ones.... twas one of the ones (along with M&S & Asda's) that used to drive me nuts... cos I would find myself singing them. The one with Nolan woman & Jason Donovan ... they are in this years but the tune is the really loud Can Can music.... Moulin Rouge type theme. "Thats why mums go to Iceland... thats why mums go to Iceland" At first I thought "ha... this one ain't... [ more ]
See all 22 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Talk to me about your decorations
brisket Just a few of the Christmas tree baubles have been handed down through the family for over 100 years. I alwats make sure they are visible. among the more recent additions. Big sentimental value. [ more ]
Former Member aww im feeling christmassy :snugglysmileythatwedonthave: [ more ]
Soozy Woo Reference: Not going to be in my own house for most of Christmas, so this year I'm not bothering. The cards will go up, my candles will be lit as usual and that's it. That's still nice though - I kinda memorise who sent what Christmas card and as I look up or glance around it makes me think of them. We have moved arond in our life and it's lovely once a year to get a greeting from old friends. [ more ]
See all 35 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The Cat vs. The Alligator......
Soozy Woo I've watched it again ......................if the Alligator opens his jaws it's no more than an inch or so is it? Looks like a bit of Alligator baiting IMO. [ more ]
Eugene's Lair Reference Satsoomawoo Today at 16:57: I bet the alligator has his jaws wired shut - surely he'd have just snapped him up otherwise wouldn't he? He doesn't even open his mouth - sorry I'm just an old sceptic. You can see someone's legs very close by - would anyone really get that close if there was something to fear? The aligator at the very beginning has its mouth open. Also, the one who gets hit by the cat has its mouth open at the time (you may have to look closely to tell though, as its... [ more ]
Soozy Woo I bet the alligator has his jaws wired shut - surely he'd have just snapped him up otherwise wouldn't he? He doesn't even open his mouth - sorry I'm just an old sceptic. You can see someone's legs very close by - would anyone really get that close if there was something to fear? [ more ]
See all 8 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Jeremy Kyle show on now!!
cologne 1 Sorry, but why does anybody watch this crap? [ more ]
brisket A young man has been thoroughly, humbled, humiliated and made to look weak. And all because his girlfriend is massively insecure. And another thing - what sort of a counsellor is Graham (the man Kyle describes as a genius.)? He stands idly by while Kyle does his grossly offensive and disturbing behaviour. What sort of a therapist and counsellor would do that? One who makes a lot of money and because a celebrity that's who. [ more ]
brisket Why do the guests put up with it? I presume they are advised that they will be verbally attacked, but then later Mr Kyle will put a gloss on it, and flip things over. He gets worse. I expect the nasty man and his nasty producers have got away with so much that they now feel they can go even further. He actually blatantly threatens and bullies people. "Come back here", "He'll have me to deal with", "I won't let her within a thousand miles of you." He screams and bellows centimetres from their... [ more ]
See all 29 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
For the Political and Financial Intelligencia here :)
El Loro Assuming that Foundation X is genuine, and David James's background is such that he would be able to make a sound opinion, there is the small problem that financial assistance of this nature would in all likelyhood be subject to vetting and approval by the EEC. It would be hard for one EEC country to receive major financial support without other EEC countries being able to participate on an equal basis. As a result I can understand why the government would be a bit nervous. Also, I find it... [ more ]
Yellow Rose We aren't told the truth about so many things. You know that saying "the truth shall set you free" ? we're not told the truth because "they" don't want us to be free [ more ]
cologne 1 I was listening to them today, driving my daughter to different appointments and waiting in the car. IMHO, we aren't told the truth and, unless we are economical wizzards, we have no chance in catching up. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Does anybody agree that Putin is a *anker?
cologne 1 Sorry, I messed that up, but brisket, I agree with you. [ more ]
cologne 1 Reference: To my own surprise I find myself feeling quite positive towards President MedvedevI and I agee brisket, but he doesn't have any power. Russia has been ruled by one person and one person only for years. [ more ]
brisket I don't like Putin at all! To my own surprise I find myself feeling quite positive towards President Medvedev. He seems to have a mischievous sense of humour. [ more ]
See all 6 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Introduce Health Insurance?
Former Member Reference: I have no problem with private patients but they shouldnt use up NHS beds or Theatres. What is going on now within the NHS, if one doesnt know, would make ones shackles rage. I've thought that for a while Skylark. Someone's post up there^ mentioned 'having the money and going private' I was tempted to post then about it being NHS surgeons/docs/nurses that provide the treatment [ more ]
Former Member I work and have done so since I was 18 and paid my National Insurance . So i feel i am entitled to "free" NHS treatment. But after working with the NHS most of my working life, i beleive a review is badly needed. There are some ops and treatment thru the NHS that quite frankly, people should pay for privately. Some people are taking resourses thru the system that they shoudnt really be doing. I work in an NHS hospital, but the surgeons do private work too, within NHS resourses, which is all... [ more ]
Suzi-Q Reference: Holy crap I didn't think it was a much as $300 a month! That was 12 years ago, no idea how much it is now, but I doubt that the cost has gone down. That's on top of federal tax, state tax, Social Security payments, etc. [ more ]
See all 30 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Do things like the Lord Mayor's Banquet and the Mansion House Speak alienate us or endear us to the Governing Powers of this country?
Croctacus I used to work near the Mansion House...mike oldfield once gave a free lunchtime concernt that was full of city types...was good. [ more ]
Former Member Not been on for a bit so reading thru. I saw on the news this banquet, and felt sick at the money this would have cost. I dont think there was any need for this.Well done Cologne for bringing this issue up, and dont apologise [ more ]
El Loro There's a story in my mother's family that a long time ago one of her descendants was the butcher for the Royal family. As a result he and his descendants were automatically allowed to attend the Lord Mayor's Banquet. I am not about to find out if I would still be permitted to attend as I wouldn't want to go, and in any case I could find myself being taken off to the Tower of London [ more ]
See all 16 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Idiots Guide to Christmas Names
Former Member Reference: All credit to Bunny, she came up with the name - and the avi Well, they're great [ more ]
Rexi Reference: miss S Rexi, at last you've chosen a name All credit to Bunny, she came up with the name - and the avi [ more ]
Former Member I just extended my name.. Rexi, at last you've chosen a name El Loro your computer knowledge continues to astound me - most of us would probably be lost without you [ more ]
See all 77 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I can't believe
Former Member After watching the interview i am not sure if Kate/Katherine was very comfortable wearing "The Ring". I personally wouldnt, is this the way she is going to go..following the family? The media is saying Kate is refreshing but i doubt she will have any say, and just be another puppet, i do hope not tho [ more ]
Former Member Reference: Not sure about "The Ring" , Although a lovely gesture, and "normal" families do this, but it is a different generation, and i am not sure, when originally given, it was given with love But at the same time William is making sure his mum will never be forgotten, which shows, in my opinion, what a nice man he is. Yes I see what you mean and he actually used the word "Mum" as opposed to mother which to me spoke volumes. Yes there has been so much criticism about Diana but she was a... [ more ]
Former Member Not sure about "The Ring" , Although a lovely gesture, and "normal" families do this, but it is a different generation, and i am not sure, when originally given, it was given with love But at the same time William is making sure his mum will never be forgotten, which shows, in my opinion, what a nice man he is. [ more ]
See all 45 replies...

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