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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Throat singers..
Garage Joe I've been aware because of Frank. Only he would consider mixing Vai, The Chieftans, and throat singers! [ more ]
Clumsycat Reference: Peter..It's bloody facinating! I have been aware of such music etc due mainly to my love of Kate Bush..she always sourced ethnic sounds etc.. ahhh the goddess that is kate bush.. she is bliddy fantastic [ more ]
kattymieoww Pure human tones.. [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Strictly Come Dancing ( Bottom 2 spoiler)
Green&Pink Patsy was good this week..shame she went over Gavin. [ more ]
Yellow Rose Of the two Patsy was more consistent, Gavin should have gone, he only had one sort of ok week [ more ]
Baz I was sorry to see Patsy go, and while Darlo has a point, I still think it makes a mockery of the whole premise of the show. And from what she says about being in it to win it, she could soon be knocking out really good dancers, like Matt, Scott & Kara [ more ]
See all 21 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I tunes help.
Carnelian Issyjinglebells The words are all in English and yet I cannot seem to understand what you are talking about. he he, I aim to befuddlize [ more ]
Former Member It's like a whole new language PC [ more ]
PeterCat Reference: The words are all in English and yet I cannot seem to understand what you are talking about. [ more ]
See all 16 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I want THIS song to be Xmas No 1
Carnelian Itsh ok, not really my thing but at least a bit different. A bit Oxbridge comedy review/Radio 4, about it - in my humbles. [ more ]
RiverRock Reference: I hope Harry Hill makes number 1. Not heard his song yet, but it's Harry Hill. Hate that excuse for a comedian. [ more ]
RiverRock I think Fairytake of New York would be very apt on the 10th anniversary of Kirsty Mc Caul's untimely death [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Dead interesting Xmas dinner thread!!!!
Dirtyprettygirlthing I just have to run it past the girl now... her 2 fave foods in the whole world are dumplings & belly pork... however... she is a stickler for christmas traditions not being meddled with (hence why I STILL have to do the Santa thing - mince pie, carrot, port & flour footprints.. the works) but... I think she will be persuaded. the more I think about it... the more I think its what we should do [ more ]
SazBomb Reference: Oooh... I might actually be feeling like I am actually looking forward to christmas!!! Its been a long long time since I felt like this! yay for Mr Ditty and his ace idea [ more ]
SazBomb Reference: I know all of us prefer dumplings & stuff to a roast. But will it stop it feeling like christmas? I think if thats what you all like then you should do that Plus, if its easy to cook you will be more relaxed and just generally having a fab time... who cares about traditional food, you should all do what you want and spend time together p.s can I come round for the left overs? *drool* [ more ]
See all 53 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
There just ain't enough love in the world anymore.
Former Member Re: There just ain't enough love in the world anymore. [ more ]
Former Member Reference: I love everything, its crimbo Aww Gyps... [ more ]
Former Member Reference: much as she gets on my nerves on the telly... in terms of essential cookbooks, with recipes that turn out right... you can't beat a bit of Delia! I so agree - I love Delia's recipes- they always work. [ more ]
See all 57 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
come dine with forum members
Dirtyprettygirlthing Reference: Croc the Ducky/Ditty duo soc they come as one but we are two separate people before anyone goes down that road...... then again... [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing Reference: Cags I'd like to have dinner with Reg Karma Kattymieoww Ditty Awww... am touched! thank you! Reference: Karma Although you know with us 2 it would likely end up with an ASBO somewhere *totally assumes that Karma must mean one of the other two as her partner in crime* [ more ]
Hobbes Have already sent out the handwritten invites. Don't want any old pleb turning up do we? [ more ]
See all 78 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
You know they said
Former Member This is how deep our place is. [ more ]
Scotty A foot deep here in East of Scotland. Snow/sleet/thunder and lightning I love it! [ more ]
Soozy Woo Proper snow here in NE Lincs - it's slow, big flakes, very deceptive as it's slowly building up. Very Christmassy - shame it's not Christmas. [ more ]
See all 58 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I crashed my car :(
Clumsycat awwww poor you.. must be terrible for you [ more ]
Former Member I'm sorry to hear about your accident. Someone drove into the back of my car a few week ago, and the garage told me it was likely to be a write-off when they took it away, but when they inspected it more thoroughly, they were able to fix it. So don't lose hope about your car , maybe the damage won't be quite as expensive once they've had a chance to look at it more closely. [ more ]
spongebob squarepants col xx........ .......hope you get the car sorted...and more importantly..make sure yer get yerself an mot!.......a car accident can cause all sorts of aches and please,get yerself checked over xx [ more ]
See all 40 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Who's in bed?
Elkie Up and about with Buble on the telly and a voddie cocktail to sip.. [ more ]
cologne 1 Reference: since 11 0 clock so not sure if that counts or not [ more ]
Former Member I am sort of in bed - well I am on the settee with a blanket over me and have been asleep since 11 0 clock so not sure if that counts or not.. [ more ]
See all 23 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I know you won''t believe it I'm going to bed nowQ
Prometheus Don't forget to tell us all what you have for breakfast tomorrow and which shoe you put on first (I'm going to take a wild bet on left). Also if you yawn a bit when you wake up, please let us know. [ more ]
cologne 1 Re: I know you won''t believe it I'm going to bed nowQ [ more ]
Baz Awww nite nite Poolshark Hope you sleep well..... sounds like you earned it [ more ]
See all 4 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Former Member Im determined to be at the O2 next year for this tournament and I quite like all the hype, the lighting and music etc. And its Federer v Nadal tomorrow - a classic combination. Hope my Rafa can get his win [ more ]
brisket Reference: Katerina Might try and catch the second semi-final online later Why didn't I think of that? Thanks Katerina. [ more ]
Katerina I'm not keen on all the lights and loud music during changeovers either. I don't mind the bright coloured tennis kits that Nadal etc wear(although NOT at Wimbledon, that must always be a white dress code), but to hear the Killers whilst the players are changing ends is strange, don't think I could ever get used to it. Might try and catch the second semi-final online later [ more ]
See all 19 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The have you ever thread!
Former Member Yes ( Ihaven't been in a swimming pool since I was at school so it would have been as a kid) Have you ever dropped a friend because they had horrible kids? [ more ]
Dionysus yes have you ever taken a wee in a swimming pool? (please state age) [ more ]
Ells Reference: have you ever done naughties in the snow? (or wanted to No (too cold) Have you ever lifted a pint or some other form of alcohol from a table and walked off with it in a club? [ more ]
See all 134 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Romantic gestures
SazBomb Reference: My OH does little things that mean loads. If he knows I'm not well he'll put my dressing gown in the tumble dryer to heat it up and run me a bubble bath. I don't want grand gestures coz I know he loves me B is a bit like that, I can't think of a big gesture really... but he does lots of little things [ more ]
Cagney My OH does little things that mean loads. If he knows I'm not well he'll put my dressing gown in the tumble dryer to heat it up and run me a bubble bath. I don't want grand gestures coz I know he loves me [ more ]
Scotty Reference: velvet Prince Albert, more like. [ more ]
See all 45 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
so, we had the worst
Croctacus I got a pair of red boots when I was 6 or 7 that i was thrilled with especially as it was a white Christmas (the last proper one we had in London) and I got to wear them out for a walk in the woods so they really looked good against the snow! [ more ]
SazBomb Reference: Ok... actually it was a cruel and aggressive prank by my daughter... who thought it would be very funny to make her MANKY foot look like Edward and then waggle it in my face going "Grrrrr... kissy kissy... grrrr" oh god, thats hillarious [ more ]
Ev (Peachy) Reference: back on topic... Hope so, don't wish to get anyone reprimanded I wonder if you ever find that missing earring.. Nearly as bad as socks for me are earrings lol Hoochie ... what a lovely thought and gift to keep. [ more ]
See all 28 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ghana bans second-hand knickers....
Karma_ According to the Ghana Standards Board, used pants - and other second-hand goods like handkerchiefs and mattresses - are unhygienic and could pose a health hazard. Blimey what a clever bunch, would never have thought of that! In your FASE Einstein . [ more ]
Dame_Ann_Average Reference: They still grey? I knew you would think of something better to do with them than throw them out... *gets excited for postman* Checks to see who's thread im in ninja I hope they get to you Ev and are not returned , I've sorted out the best for me picked you some real stunners [ more ]
Dame_Ann_Average Reference: For that washed out fresh feel indeed [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Absurdly expensive TV adverts. What is the point?
Former Member Reference: quicker than you can say supercalibiscuitcrumbs. Ah,ha, taps nose, subliminal advertising success [ more ]
Blizz'ard Blizz Jr No.2 is hoping to go to Uni to study Advertising and Marketing, so I hope there is a point to it. It certainly works on Mr Blizz and the Squirts, but I don't watch them, if I can avoid them, and don't go shopping, so it doesn't work on me. [ more ]
Prometheus Reference: Who knows - I might have grown up a little by the We can but hope. Glad you enjoyed your night out [ more ]
See all 52 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Have just seen this on the news..(warning, content may upset)
Former Member These crimes are just horrific and my heart breaks for the children I have some sympathies with those who believe that there should be options for longer sentences HOWEVER whilst it remains that those who continue to pose a risk to children are let out back into society, (usually because their sentences have come to an end,) they do have to be assessed and managed and the arrangements for doing so, whilst not perfect, are much more robust and often more successful than some here seem to... [ more ]
Jen-Star Reference: me too Yogi, I can't even read Karma's first post in full Neither can i. Peados have something wired up wrong in their heads, how on earth can that ever be 'rehabilitated'? Innocent children cant defend themselves and dont ask for these things, the money spent on prison and rehabiltation of these 'people' should be spent on their victims! helping them try to get over what happened to them, as for the punishment well i suppose a quid in electric to fry the f*ckers is the cheapest... [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing I thought that Croc... I think there must have been issues with the parenting of these girls.... hence the description of them being "vulnerable children" [ more ]
See all 40 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
the most crap gift
Former Member Reference: when i was 6 there was this HUUUUGE box all wrapped up under the xmas tree , so i got all excited ,saying i was saving it till last.. it was an empty cardboard box.. a xmas box from my mum... also from my mum.. an old leg plaster cast (mine from a couple of months earlier... she kept it) with a face drawn on it, a pomegranite all wrapped up posh and old man long johns.. is it any wonder i hate xmas thats got to be the worst on here an old leg cast with a face drawn on it I may... [ more ]
Former Member Reference:Spongey you should've lamped his gnashers out ski and said......'i'll pay for em to be fixed....happy valentines day'....... [ more ]
Former Member All gifts gratefully received Oh yes [ more ]
See all 113 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Another scam to be aware of?
DING DONG! THE WITCH IS DEAD. Reference: LOL!! best read it over Christmas when I have a bit of time then SERIOUSLY tho when they say this Photo is graffic (SP) TRUST THEM took me years to get one image out of my head. [ more ]
Former Member Reference: Snopes is brilliant Sprout. You can check all the urban myths there and the ones that seem far fetched. I have it in my toolbar so that I can check anything I am not too sure about before I forward it on Thanks Snowflake [ more ]
Former Member Reference: Spout if you are off to read snopes .. see you in a week you can get lost in there LOL!! best read it over Christmas when I have a bit of time then [ more ]
See all 21 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Bernard Matthews dies
Clumsycat ah well... hes gone to the great slaughterhouse in the sky [ more ]
Angel Reference: Oh gawd my late mum used to buy that turkey roll in plastic I think the so called Turkey was plastic Katty .... it certainly tasted like it [ more ]
kattymieoww Oh gawd my late mum used to buy that turkey roll in plastic that you simmered in a pan of water , in the seventies. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Throat Problems
RiverRock Thanks for your help eyeryone Was at the Docs today, go put back on the list and she said when I get an appointment at the ent clinic I can sort of choose my date so I will request a summer one. Can't wait for a tonsillitis free winter 2011 [ more ]
squiggle Its very soothing (and seems to help with healing as well) to gargle with warm salt water. A quarter of a teaspoon in hot water then add cold and gargle several times. It cured my grandson's sore throat completely. If nothing else it will make your throat feel so much better. Hope you feel better soon. [ more ]
Karma_ I was the same when I was young, repeat bouts of it (68 in a year or summat like that) and had them out when I was 5. Sounds like you need yours out Can you not get a substitution or an extension from Uni given the circumstances? [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
It Gets Better
brisket The campaign is a great idea, and I sincerely hope that it will help many who are feeling desperately overwhelmed by their sexual orientation. When at one's lowest ebb, it is not always easy to be convinced by "It gets better". But this is all first hand, and from personal experience. In the light of recent suicides and stories of bullying it is wonderfully positive to find this kind of approach to such a difficult emotional problem. [ more ]
SazBomb thats lovely yay for the wonderful people at pixar [ more ]
brisket Dan Savage is a 46 year old author, pundit, journalist and newspaper editor. He is based in Seattle. In light of the suicide of 15 year old Billy Lucas, who was bullied for his perceived sexual orientation, Savage started the It Gets Better project. The project encourages adults, both LGBT and otherwise, to submit videos assuring gay teenagers that life can improve after bullying in early life. [ more ]
See all 10 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ooooh the receptionist in BBC1 Doctors
SazBomb I noticed the other day that wassername, Roxy and Ronnie's mum in 'Enders has a coat similar to mine... I have the short black version and she has the long cream version, I looked at the long version too but decided it was too similar to one of my others. Thing is, it's from Reiss, I thought they were all proper skint in the square [ more ]
Soozy Woo Reference: I could never wear that cardi again... the shame I know . I wish I hadn't said anything now [ more ]
Ev (Peachy) Reference: Deirdree Barlow has got a couple of my tops! the thing is the receptionist was wearing her top today - same as me . Not really that fascinating I suppose but it perked me up a bit (don't take much I could never wear that cardi again... the shame [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Just to remind everyone.....
Ev (Peachy) hahaha, we love the sheep ones. Its a pretty cool chap. Ive got a Christmassy one of me, i have them on my clips anyway. Trying to get it to work, but its being difficult. [ more ]
Former Member Here we are - a christmas sheep [ more ]
Ev (Peachy) Reference: Eve - where has your glamourous femme fatale gone? Why do you have a sheep? You'll have to look back through threadkillers. .. We were doing sheep jokes, and i thought it Christmassy ... i was going to change it back but i sort of lost my pic Im meant to be looking for Christmas ones. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Just spotted...
Soozy Woo Reference: We usually put ours up the weekend before Christmas - and by the time it's 12th night I can't wait to take it down again!! Bah Humbug Same here except I don't always wait for the 12th night more often than not it's Jan2nd! [ more ]
El Loro There is a house near where I live which every year puts up a large quantity of Christmas decorations covering the outside of the house and throughout the front garden apart from the driveway. They had started putting it up two weeks ago, and I think it was just about completed by last weekend. However, although spectacular, it's not quite in the same league as another house a couple of miles away who is a local prizewinner for their displays. They do this to raise money for charity. [ more ]
Marguerita I never see chrismas decorations ouside were I live with the exception of some christmas light around a tree in their garden, but if I am being honest I love if I am in the car and see them outside other peoples houses [ more ]
See all 18 replies...

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