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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Could any FMs in the M25 Dartford - Leatherhead Surrey area let me know what the roads are like please?
Dirtyprettygirlthing Reference: .it's like a bleedin restaurant sometimes Yep!!! I am better than hubby... when he cooks he asks everyone individually what they want... and then goes & cooks four different meals (but at the cost of the quality of the meal... I think ) So... she's back (with huuuge bag of washing... matron has been struggling apparently )... soup wasn't ready... so to put her on I did her a latte machiatto (the nescafe sachets) with squirty cream on... and some biscuits). Made the soup... [ more ]
Soozy Woo Reference: TOnight... I will probably do something with Gratin Dauphinoise potatoes, which she loves... but will have to do an alternative cos the boys don't like it. All sounds good to me. Your house sounds like mine's like a bleedin restaurant sometimes catering for different tastes. I always said I'd never do that - not only did I (and still do) it for my kids - I do it for the grand kids too! [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing Reference: What would that be? I dunno there are a few... however, she has just texted again and said she missed breakfast & my Dad arrived before lunch so she is starving, and could I possibly have something ready for when she gets in (she's not home yet and I am already starting to bite my lip)... I think... given the timescale... and as its gonna be 3pm.. so not a mealtime I will whack a pan of French Onion soup on.. I have french bread & cheese... she loves homemade French Onion... [ more ]
See all 30 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Today's background is Grey Squares
MrMincePie Reference: don't see the need for personal attacks. Yet once it finished someone else decides to bring the subject up again. And I can't be bothered on lectures about "personal attacks"... especially as it goes on in the IACGMOOH thread every night. [ more ]
stonks Don't get mad..get even.... [ more ]
Former Member Reference: I think all that take offence should vote the most girly pink colours when the vote comes I like your style [ more ]
See all 62 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ha Ha - Cheryl Cole 'could need subtitles in US'
Former Member Reference: Poolie I can't believe the over hyped non talented miming idiot has the success she has, what a waste of space that air head is! Wouldn't know an onion from a shallot. Smashed it lol. [ more ]
SazBomb I've had at least 3 people ask if I'm Irish since moving here [ more ]
RiverRock I think North East/Scottish and Northern Ireland dialect are quite similar. [ more ]
See all 32 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Credit Card Fraud
Yogi19 I agree Soozy, it never hurts to remind people to be careful. Our local paper ran a story last week about a scam involving fake parcel deliveries. The scammers put a postcard through your door, telling you they tried to deliver a parcel when you were out, and could you telephone to arrange a suitable time for delivery. The telephone call can cost you up to £300. [ more ]
Soozy Woo Reference: I have had phone calls from my credit card company to ensure that my recent purchases are genuine, and if you get convinced that it is a genuine call it is easy to let your guard slip. I've had those calls too like to think you wouldn't fall for it but - these guys are clever ans can be ver convincing. It never hurts to spread the word IMO. [ more ]
squiggle Good thinking El Loro. The reason why I believe this scam might be a bit more believable than most of them is that I have had phone calls from my credit card company to ensure that my recent purchases are genuine, and if you get convinced that it is a genuine call it is easy to let your guard slip. [ more ]
See all 8 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
kattymieoww Covonia is the best,better than Benylin,but man it tastes foul. I had bronchitis last year and it really helped.I have a cold just now,still above the neck so far,watering eyes and snot everywhere. [ more ]
machel lemsip and lockets at the moment but may move onto something stronger (alcoholic ) if it persists [ more ]
El Loro Reference: If it's a tickly cough, try Glycerin, Honey and Lemon. I find Boots Glycerin throat pastilles quite effective for tickly coughs. I prefer the blackcurrant flavour ones, but you can get strawberry flavour as well. [ more ]
See all 12 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Um... WHAT?
Blizz'ard I have missing teaspoons! *** goes to phone Plod *** [ more ]
Former Member your right, who the hell uses teaspoons for arms One of friends propped a cardboard sign on his car yesterday outside his house saying "unassembled snowman for sale going cheep" and his phone number underneath. Made me laugh [ more ]
Karma_ I know someone who nicked a snowman in Ipswich yesterday and plonked it on his front lawn but one of the snowman's arms fell off in transit. [ more ]
See all 6 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The Thread About Incredibly Interesting Stuff.
Elkie Lovely pic Cologne,,you must be so happy x Im having french toast..mmm [ more ]
Former Member I was taught in a biology lesson that number 32 is incorrect. the skin shrinks back from the nails and hair giving the illusion that it has grown GRUESOME [ more ]
Former Member Reference: Miss Stocking Woman killed my thread with interesting stuff overload It was already dead [ more ]
See all 37 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I'm not bloomin happy....EVEN MORE THAN LASTNIGHT!!!!
I am Sam Functionality is the key. Provide a choice of themes that are generally acceptable to a fair proportion of the human race and allow members to select their own. Other places do it. [ more ]
stonks Reference: That's 57 this year Not that I'm counting.... Typical male exagerating..its 56.... [ more ]
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Reference: "In a nitshell..its fecking crap" Who wrote this, i can't tell, its hilarious It was Stonks. [ more ]
See all 101 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
What are you doing with your snow day?
Crispy Christmas Am having to get my kitchen roof re-tiled next week coz its leaking after the snow/winds. £700 out of me pension Gutters also need doing he says. another £500. [ more ]
Soozy Woo I think we're looking at a snow fortnight! I live in a village really isn't very convenient at all - pretty but - inconvenient! [ more ]
Aimee (i can't quote) she say's stuff your spuds Gyps [ more ]
See all 50 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Little cuts, nicks and cracks
Crispy Christmas Good old fashioned vaseline. Cheaper and more helpfull than all these modern day remedies. [ more ]
brisket Where would I get it? Is it widely available. Pooly - the tiny ones can be very sore. [ more ]
Poolshark I've been meaning to reply to this thread all night but I've been busy, just thought you ought to know I found a little nick on the inside of my middle finger of my left hand, no idea how I got it, but it flippin hurts! [ more ]
See all 45 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Electric toothbrush advice needed.
Poolshark I just googled Superdrug and they do Braun Electric Toothbrushes for £15, bargain, cheers everyone! [ more ]
Mary Seacole I used an expensive Braun rechargeable. for ages. kept forgeting to charge it up so bought a oral-b pro expert Pulsar for about £3 odd, it is just as good as the more expensive one. [ more ]
LowonIQ I like sonicare , takes some getting used to, but gets into your gums too [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Call me slow...but
Suzi-Q But it's very rare that we get a new member - apart from Real, and he's so obvious each time he comes back! Nah, there are lots of other "newbies" that aren't really new. I'm not really bothered except when they cause a fuss. Then again, I'm hardly ever here. [ more ]
Croctacus I don't log in....I just leave myself logged in on my PC and my phone and i'm in everytime i click the link on either... [ more ]
Ted O'Neill Make sure you check the "Remember Me" box the next time you sign in. It is working fine for me ("remember me") that is. [ more ]
See all 31 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
How do you read the GaGa forum?
Baz ❤️
Former Member I go straight to Threadkillers to see if any of the floozies are about and then I just look for a thread that interests me. Yours are always eye catching, brisket [ more ]
Former Member How do I read the GAGA forum .....with great difficulty!! the colours are playing havoc with my sight. [ more ]
See all 28 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ere!! I went and saw that Harry Potter film last night I did.
Croctacus Glad its good cos I am taking 6 kids on Saturday...well dropping them off, going shopping, picking them up! [ more ]
Rawky-Roo I actually think The Half Blood Prince is the most pointless book/film in the series.....apart from the last 10 minutes obviously. [ more ]
MrMincePie I read all the books... always found the films miss key scenes/parts. Annoyed me aswell how they don't involve some characters in the film. I not watched it yet, prob will do soon... im hoping its better than the last few. The last two were crap. I always thought the first movie was the best they made, didnt miss half the book and got everything in there. I suppose its a good sign that they split it into two parts rather than try and fit it all in. You could see thats exactly what they did... [ more ]
See all 5 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
any computer techies here?? help needed
Blizz'ard I would get a man in, and have it off for a while. Try it again, when he's left. [ more ]
duchess thanks everyone i need to get a power surge thingy soon as its all fixed so this doesn't happen again [ more ]
stonks Reference: If you plug the computer in through something like a Belkin surgemaster, it should protect against spikes. Thats what I have as we have too many power outages here.... [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Irresponsible head teacher rant!
Jen-Star Glad i kept them off they closed the school in the afternoon! I would have been very mad if id managed to get them there only to have to pick them up again lol I do understand the diffculty for working parents but surely knowing first thing whats needed is much easier to arrange around than getting a txt from the school saying they are closing in the afternoon, like i said irresponsible head, every other school in the area was closed what made her think theirs was any different?. [ more ]
SazBomb Reference: Mind you when I was at school all them years ago schools never closed due to snow. I can remember loads of us pushing a massive snowball so big it took about 10 kids to move it round the school field! same here, we used to go in in our wellies, and change into school shoes when we got there... Then wellies back on at break time for playing outside [ more ]
spongebob squarepants the school i work in has closed.........first time the headmaster has ever shut the school due to weather in 30 all the way there which was hard enough as i have no option other than to drive down a big hill which is never gritted....and skidded all over the place.then i have to go up a hill..also never gritted and i got stuck but some blokes helped reach the main road..... got to work to be told it's shut........all the teachers received a text telling [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I'll kick off the proceedings :D
Smarting Buttocks It's not so much the colours which bother me but rather the wasted areas either side of the forum with brightly colored circles - seem rather pointless to me. If creating a word document you wouldn't create it with 2-3 inch margins on either side. [ more ]
Former Member It had changed by 6.15 am UK time yesterday. Perhaps they've forgotten about us [ more ]
Soozy Woo Is it eight hours? In which case I guess we have at least four hors before the change - what time did it change yesterday? [ more ]
See all 61 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Anyone successfully managed a dialog yet?
slimfern So !! are dialogs working or wot ??? [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing I am crap at left & right as well! I had to have L & R on the backs of my hands for my driving test.... & yeah... I do the pointing left whilst saying right thing in the car too! [ more ]
pepsi Oh blimey OHG is like that ... he's shouting "Left! Left!" and I stasrt turning left and he's shouting " I SAID LEFT!" ... and I'm screaming "I AM TURNING EFFING LEFT" ... then he goes all quiet and says sorry I meant right! He's totally crap with his L and R [ more ]
See all 21 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
A story of musical connections
brisket Another version of Stille Nacht, Heilige Nacht. Such a simple little tune, yet loved across the world. ....and a different, but sweet, version. From the beautiful songs of Stephen Foster, through a link with the Wainwright family, to a favourite Christmas song. [ more ]
brisket It's a pleasure Soozy Satsoomawoo. With parents such as his it is hardly surprising he is a musician. It must be in the genes. He is rather unique too, which is one reason I like him. [ more ]
Soozy Woo Ooooooh thanks for that. I love Rufus Wainwright and my husband (and I to some extent) were/are big Loudon Wainwright fans - seen him many times over the years. [ more ]
See all 3 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Can you all say a prayer for a Friend of mine....
The Devil In Diamante Thanks again to all you lovely folks..... Heaven has found itself one hell of an Angel.... it'll be party central up there now...... [ more ]
kattymieoww How very sad.RIP. [ more ]
The Devil In Diamante Reference: awwww DiDs ... be kind to yourself It's his family I feel least they'll be able to say Goodbye now they have found him... [ more ]
See all 46 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Cameron: "I'd rather be a child of Thatcher than a son of Brown"
Dame_Ann_Average Reference: Well that's the Lib Dems toast,they will get slaughtered up here in next years Scottish parliament elections.That's what they get for jumping into bed with the Tory lot. couldn't happen to a nicer pr*ck, I mean Nick [ more ]
cologne 1 I can't quote, but Soozywoo, I think at least Cameron has an idea of suffering and pain. John Osborne is just a twit. [ more ]
Garage Joe Back to the days of Jo Grimmond one imagines, if they are lucky! [ more ]
See all 30 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Former Member I use IE on my netbook and my laptop; I don't see the spots on my netbook but do on the laptop I much preferred the elegant grey option yesterday, and think this option is a bit depressing and cold, but I could live with it and think it's a vast improvement on the drab old colours we had before. And I LOVE the spots [ more ]
Former Member Same here Col, I like IE. I've always used it and am used to it [ more ]
Former Member Yes, I was on IE the first night we were here and couldn't quote. I changed to Chrome the same night and got the spots last night when the new skin turned up [ more ]
See all 11 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Right it's Dec1st..
carpet Re: Right it's Dec1st.. [ more ]
Karma_ Reference: I'm looking forward to Christmas. Finn is more aware this year and it's going to be great fun seeing his reaction when we drag a tree into the house and cover it with all kinds of crap Up until last week, this has been the happiest year of my life, I've loved and laughed through every second of it. I'm sure not going to let anything stop me from marking the end of it in true celebratory style (thought maybe the snow might present a minor obstacle xxxxxxxxxxx [ more ]
machel tree is up and christmas cd is ready - i'm just glad i found everyone! [ more ]
See all 25 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Gas Charges and Consumer Focus
Former Member Reference: absolutely! grab back anything you can... plus it costs them money to process it and post it out to you never thought of it like that - right I'm gonna do it [ more ]
SazBomb Reference: Claim it - it's your money absolutely! grab back anything you can... plus it costs them money to process it and post it out to you I always claim back money for travel delays on the tube - now that I know I can [ more ]
Former Member Reference: £4.87 is just about a bottle of wine.. Claim it - it's your money That's what I say too. Just think of all the interest they'd make if lots didn't claim theirs [ more ]
See all 7 replies...

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