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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
liverbird I loved this last night! I guessed Dancing Queen or Winner Takes it All as no 1 Winner Takes it all makes me go all weepy! [ more ]
Carnelian Too saccharine and campy for my tastes. I like their last single when they all hated each other though. Something about a train and brushing teeth or some such. Blancmange covered it. Blancmange the group, that is. [ more ]
Cinds Blizzie, I couldn't even sing it in tune never mind in German. [ more ]
See all 106 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
X Factor outrage
Yellow Rose One of many reasons why I prefer Strictly is that when the bottom 2 are chosen the judges don't choose who's to go, it's the one with the least votes [ more ]
Kaytee I don't watch the X Factor and the last time I voted was for Will Young because Miss Kaytee knew him......but it seems that this year's lot are a bit of a dead loss anyway and Cowell and Co have been trrying to fix it for the most likely wannabe to enable Mr Cowell to grab a few quid before she's ditched into oblivion [ more ]
Carnelian I can think of better things to get worked up about than this karaoke competition. I've only ever voted in BB a few times and that was when I was under the influence, after so many scams I'm surprised anyone bothers any more. [ more ]
See all 12 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Help!!!! Computer problem .. again...
Former Member When i downloaded IE8 conduit came with it, not sure exactly what it is tho [ more ]
PeterCat Reference: What's conduit? Apparently it's something which lets developers create toolbars. Sounds a bit dodgy to me. [ more ]
Smarting Buttocks Glad to see you got your stuff back. Might be wise in future to set a restore point before installing/upgrading software/hardware or making any changes to your system. [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Oi Facebookers!!!!
PeterCat Reference: But I did it for a bit of FUN. FGS everything has got so serious. Sorry - partly my fault, Karma. I just got so fed up of people thinking they were gonna change the world by changing their avatar. And yes, it did start off as nothing to do with "causes". [ more ]
Karma_ So kids are more likely to accept someone they don't know if they have a cartoon character as their avatar? Well if that's the case then said children shouldn't be on FB in the first place! [ more ]
Croctacus Someone of my friends has just posted this to their profile.... The Group Asking Everyone To Change Their Profile Picture ToTheir Favourite Cartoon Characters Is Actually A Group Of Peadophiles..Their Doing It Because Kids Will Accept Their Friend Requests Faster IfThey See A Cartoon Picture.. It Has Nothing To Do With Supporting ChildViolence.. ... It Was On That Tv Show That Warns You About Internet Frauds (Snoops) Plus Tonight's News...spread the new =/ (change ur pic back. [ more ]
See all 46 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Baz I am really glad that Ann is out..... but find it unbelievable that Scott and not Gavin is in the bottom two [ more ]
Former Member Ignore me - I've just scrolled up and see that you've all realised it already. [ more ]
Former Member Does everyone know that even if this has SPOILER on it you can see the recent comments from the Home page? I'm actually glad she's gone too - no need to watch it now tonight either [ more ]
See all 20 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Public Nudity
Clumsycat dont mind...... as long as i dont have to look [ more ]
Smarting Buttocks Reference:Satsoomawoo I tend to stay covered up .......................if I unleash these babies I get all kinds of unwanted attention My god you could have clothed half of Scotland with that material. [ more ]
Blizz'ard Reference: Supes Tell me about it, my twin sister's kids did that all of the time, including WITH ME!...Remember a particularly embarassing LOL moment in M+S Norwich circa 1982 when the girl just stuck her hand down my top, lobbed it out and started twiddling my nip! Gives a whole new meaning to 'getting the twins out'! [ more ]
See all 36 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Farts are just universally funny...
brisket Reference:Jenstar What other things would you say are just funny to practically everyone? Reference:Cracking Buttocks I always laugh when I see others trip in public. I know its wrong to laugh but I just cannot help it. And then somebody says "ooops mind the step" or "be careful" AFTER the person has tripped! [ more ]
Soozy Woo ^^^^^^^^ my husband went to pick my eighty year old mum up today. The snow is still thick here ....................he said @If she can't get to the car I'll carry her'. I told him to be v careful - he replied 'If I drop her it'll only be on the snow.' I nearly wet myself She's here safe and sound now! [ more ]
Smarting Buttocks Reference:Jenstar What other things would you say are just funny to practically everyone? I always laugh when I see others trip in public. I know its wrong to laugh but I just cannot help it. [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
All I want's a two page thread and some recognition.
Former Member Will you be annoyed if it goes into 3 pages? [ more ]
Soozy Woo OMG ..........was that Velvet donkey who started this thread? (There's your recognition) and you've got two pages. all good with the world? [ more ]
Smarting Buttocks Reference:velvet donkey Is that too much to ask? * winks and flashes * I couldn't even achieve that with "Public Nudity" [ more ]
See all 69 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
People on here who can't quote really need to get a
Eugene's Lair Reference Carnelian Today at 16:42: I still can't quote but either this site will sort it out for Firefox users or I'll just have do a bit of messy cutting and pasting. Quoting works fine on FF. (At least, it does for me...) [ more ]
Carnelian I refuse on principle to have that slllllooooowww brrroowwwsssseerrrrr on my computer. it will need updating all the time and if I recall, the Google Updater will run in the background doing things regardless even if I don't use it's slow browser ever again. I have Opera, FireFox and IE and that's enough for me, thanks! I much prefer the functionality of Opera and use it just about everywhere where I can get away with it. I begrudge using Firefox for this site but I can live with that as... [ more ]
See all 52 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Simply Red/Mick Hucknall
Former Member Reference: his infamously large todger.... & equally large bank account I reckon Assumed that was implicit in my Dits...hope they were blindfolded [ more ]
Yellow Rose I watched the Michael Buble prog earlier, great wanted to watch Simply Red but hubby waned to watch The Ashes [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing Reference: where were they looking? his infamously large todger.... & equally large bank account I reckon [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Google Chrome
Former Member Thanks Sats, but surely I'm not the only one having problems? I'm giving it time but I can't see me lasting too long here TBH [ more ]
Soozy Woo Reference: What works for one doesn't neccessarily work for the other I wonder why that is. I changed to Google chrome when we went from the temporary home at GaGa to Live Cloud.I've never looked back. It must be incredibly irritating! You have my sympathies. [ more ]
Former Member I spose it could be Jingle..........if it worked for everyone same as the other ones. What works for one doesn't neccessarily work for the other [ more ]
See all 51 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
FGS it's only
Ducky Teachers do get paid if they don't get in. If they didn't you'd have people risking life and limb even in extreme weather because they can't afford to give up a days pay. They can be asked to make up the time though, and in the case of our school, that's exactly what they have been asked to do. Those who didn't get in this week are the ones giving up their annual Friday afternoon off to give the extra lessons to those children who objected to having no teacher for two periods. I'm so glad I... [ more ]
Suzi-Q I remeber last year having to travel to hospital and during the bad weather, staff couldn't get in. My council were very good about clearing the roads and getting the gritting lorries out, but the neighbouring council did nothing. There was an obvious live of demarcation between the two councils. [ more ]
Soozy Woo Reference: Last year Bucks was swamped with it and some towns were marooned. This year ( so far) we have got away with it thank god Last year we got away with it - this year it's a nightmare. It's good to share - it would be unfair if the same places got it all the time although Scotland (or some of it) always seem to get hit. I suppose if you know you're gonna get it bad - provisions are usually in place. It's a RARITY HERE TO BE THIS BAD tbh. [ more ]
See all 38 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Themes: any chance we can lose the awful backgrounds?
Kaytee Unfortunately it's still a nasty dark grey, I can't be doing with these co,ours....* goes away until they use something I can actually see and be able to read* [ more ]
El Loro This new one is called Olive Grid - there's a faint olive-green criss-cross pattern on the background for those who can't see it. [ more ]
Karma_ Ooooh the background tiles have gawn! [ more ]
See all 72 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The Dewsbury Dave Possee........
Former Member Look at all t'posse wi thur dancing shoes on .... eeeeee them wur the days [ more ]
spongebob squarepants night tur yer too luv........will keep an eye owt fur possee xxx.... [ more ]
Former Member Eee thats right Spooonge ah remmeber you saying that - ah missed him thoooww 'Appen that's me fur t'night but we must try ter keep t'thread goin so look out fer it ont page an any stray posse members - night [ more ]
See all 3,182 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ooops! salmon pink
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Saturday - Just the same gunk ....with ANOTHER border. *sigh* [ more ]
PeterCat Reference: Friday - black and grey again. Just a different border. My favourite so far. [ more ]
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Reference: Nope not for me on either my PC or my phone. Sorry, it was Wednesday's colour. Monday - black and grey Tuesday - grey and blue Wednesday - salmon for the thread starter Thursday - Flowery borders and translucent pages Friday - black and grey again. Just a different border. [ more ]
See all 31 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I just put the kettle in the fridge
Karma_ Reference: Old age does that to you dearie It snot!! It's that ruddy Christmas tree! It's evil I tell you.....EEEEVVVVIIILLLLL!!11!111111111! [ more ]
Karma_ Reference: I took the TV remote control into the exam instead of my calculator I'm lovin these [ more ]
Karma_ Reference: (though putting something as big as the kettle in there is quite impressive) I've got one of those double door jobbies the shelf sizes vary (and my kettle aint that big ) Reference: I put the telly remote in the fridge once... I have no recollection of doing it... also in the meantime I accused everyone else of having lost the remote. to this day I don't know what I had meant to put in the fridge... was a worrying few days wondering if a packet of ham would turn up stuffed down... [ more ]
See all 16 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Hugely over-rated bands/singers name and shame.
Karma_ I hate you [ more ]
Prometheus We'll just have to agree I'm right and you're wrong to disagree [ more ]
Karma_ Reference: Fresh, new and creative can hardly be applied to a band that sounded desperate to be some kind of modern Lennon tribute In YOUR opinion! Reference: You may not see them that way but loads of people do and there has to be an obvious reason why so many people come to the same conclusion Because everyone's different. It doesn't mean that those who love them are right or those who don't are right. It's down to individual taste, as is everything. You might like marzipan, 50% of the... [ more ]
See all 188 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The Interpreter movie - ITV1
El Loro I started seeing this film a couple of years ago, and I confess that I fell asleep [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing well.... I wasn't impressed! admittedly... it was only getting about 30% of my attention... but that in itself tells me it wasn't all that. We have south park on now... a vast improvement! [ more ]
brisket The director Sydney Pollack is very good. I invariably like his films. [ more ]
See all 5 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Music in TV adverts
brisket Reference: DiD He has a beautiful voice....what a sad story... I agree his personal story is sad. Here is another of his songs. [ more ]
Former Member Mwuahhhhhhhhh [ more ]
pepsi Hate, hate, hate, hate ALL adverts and their music. My mute button is worn away on my remote because I mute every ad break. Irritating, annoying, trying to get you to buy something SHIT!!! [ more ]
See all 11 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
singer's whose voices annoy you..
Former Member It did. [ more ]
Former Member Reference: It must be a northern expression then. A perm is a selection used in the pools or betting. You may take and eight from eleven in the football pools for example. Saying you can perm any three from the entire list of X Factor guests (except Bonjo Six and Kylie) is IMO a very clever way of saying that they were all rubbish LOLOL That did not help but bless you for explaining [ more ]
Garage Joe I didn't mean a head start like Scotty. It must be a northern expression then. A perm is a selection used in the pools or betting. You may take an eight from eleven in the football pools for example. Saying you can perm any three from the entire list of X Factor guests (except Bonjo Six and Kylie) is IMO a very clever way of saying that they were all rubbish. Except that it didn't work on this occasion. [ more ]
See all 158 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I know you lot have duscussed this already (World cup vote) but.....
Garage Joe Indeed! I think that we have to hit them where it hurts and that's by getting as many teams through to the euro finals as we can. The last four in the (so-called) Champions cup would be ideal, even Chelsea, and an all England final in that other one. They don't like it up 'em. [ more ]
Blizz'ard Reference: Poolie I think FIFA see our country as a bunch of drunken racist hooligans And gave it to Russia ?!! [ more ]
Marguerita Prezzie for Soozy [ more ]
See all 30 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Having the phone switched off...
Dirtyprettygirlthing I love having my phone off... even better.. not having it switched off... just having it set at going straight to voicemail... that way... if anyone wants me they can text me.. and I can decide whether to respond or not. I hate it when people think if they ring me I am obligated to take their call [ more ]
Kaytee If I want someone to contact me, then I switch the darn thing on...otherwise it can bloody well stay switched off [ more ]
Marguerita Both my son's are guilty of this when i ask them why is their phones are switched off they always looked surprised and say ..are you sure you dialed the right number [ more ]
See all 6 replies...

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