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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Do you draw?
Ducky Yeah maybe that's it Or maybe the people we know are just wriggly arsed little buggers. [ more ]
Croctacus I think it means i can;t concentrate for long and with a pictuire you can pick it up later if you want [ more ]
Ducky Reference: I can draw someone froma photograph but not if they are sitting in front of me.... Same here! Wonder what that means for the way our brains function? [ more ]
See all 35 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Charli's Advent Calendar ~ 9th December
Baz ❤️
charlisock Thanks for all your robin stories it was a request actually so when I posted it it didn't really symbolise anything but they're nice birds all the same. In fact I like most birds [ more ]
Baz I love robins Charli..... we have one that comes and visits us every year... well I don't expect it's the same one... but it sits in the same place , just outside the kitchen window..... every year [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Football fans: why do we do it to ourselves?
SazBomb Reference: i don't think anyone who isn't a supporter understands it.......the passion you feel for your team I can safely say, as a non-supporter, I don't.... it's all madness [ more ]
disley21 I know I'm unlikely to see Bolton ever win anything, but then there are plenty of fans from clubs in the lower league who'd love to see the things I've seen. Going around Europe in the UEFA Cup, watching some of the best players in the World on a regular basis, I can't complain really. So there's no silverware to show for it, but who cares? I still remember Gheorghe Hagi giving a masterclass for Brescia in the Anglo-Italian Cup on a cold Wednesday night at Burnden Park, and it's things like... [ more ]
Former Member It's lucky for me that my son isn't on here as he could tell you some tales about how mental I am when listening/watching the footie. I was shouting and ranting like a goodun last night - oh the shame. Thing is, I'm never ever that stressed when I'm at a game [ more ]
See all 45 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I'm just watching Kerry Katona on catch up
Dirtyprettygirlthing Reference: If at the end of all the times she has done wrong she turns her life around, and is a decent person, and a good mother to her children, then it doesn't matter how many chances a person gets, its irrelevant. but what if, by the time she manages to achieve this, her children are well on their way to adulthood, and the damage is already done? and why should she expect it to be through a media career, and for the definition of "back on track" to be extremely wealthy, living the celeb... [ more ]
Yogi19 Reference: Yogi imoshe wasn't emotionally equipped to deal with the break up,apparently he dumped her by text which was callous and would rive the best of us dollay probably. It was a heartless and cowardly way to end his marriage. Given her background, I think Brian's rejection was the final straw for Kerry. [ more ]
longcat Reference: Longcat he had previously cheated on her on his stag night and apparently despite folk advising her not to she did take him back....Delta and him worked together on a single she was releasing,most cheaters do deny it as we know ,for various reasons obviously and her career may have suffered immensely if they ever did admit to cheating while he was still married,good PR would ensure they deny at all costs. Agreed Lee. We never really know. But Kerry knew he cheated on his stag and... [ more ]
See all 32 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
sorry but more comp help is needed if you don't mind
duchess thanks everyone i will ring them tomorrow and i will put it safe thanks again xx [ more ]
Prometheus It doesn't matter if you've forgotten the password just ring your ISP they will give you one that over-rides it. Then write it down and don't lose it [ more ]
zazz call your service provider and make a note of the passkey they give you, and keep it nice and safe. [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Totally helpless!
Soozy Woo I have the whole family, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Boxing Day - New Years Eve and New Years Day. (maybe not the New Year part this year). I buy all the pressies, do all the warapping, buy and cook all the food! As the kids have got older they do help and it's much appreciated. I get stressed, I moan (a bit) but .................................I LOVE IT REALLY - it's as it is and I'm very thankful that I have a lovely family to share Christmas with TBH. (God I'm getting all... [ more ]
Cosmopolitan Let Mr. Cosi near the ovens..? Do I look mad..? He's a nice fella and all that, but the kitchen is not his domain and never will be. What he does excel at is knowing that I need a full bottle and my favourite glass by the side of the hob within arms reach at all times. It's thirsty work all this cooking... [ more ]
MrsB MrB is the chef of the house...he cooks all year..unless I am feeling creative!! He says it helps him unwind after work...I ain't going to argue!! So he does the Xmas dinner and I do the evening 'buffet' while he has a doze!! His Crimbo dinner is superb....the pudding he makes is soooo is his homemade I want my dinner!!! [ more ]
See all 39 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Great Googlers and Glasweigians of GaGa
zazz Lovely idea! Did you find anything? [ more ]
Soozy Woo Reference: I really wanted to sort one out for someone in Glasgow who cannot put one up themselves this year and is really down about it. What a lovely thoughtful idea. I really hope you get it sorted. [ more ]
Former Member Oh have also found this site. will phone them monday to get a price too . http://scottishchristmastrees....tmas-tree-this-year/ [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Corrie (spoiler) a Corrie farewell
MrsB I was in flood over Ashley tonight.....soooooo sad. The whole thing hasbeen so well done....only came back to Corrie in the summer and it has been wonderful. [ more ]
Former Member [ more ]
See all 2 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Aw for goodness sake!
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Wonderful! Something not to extreme in either direction. Something that we can actually work with. However....nothing to do with the colours, it may just be my tired eyes, but the font size being cranked up a point or two wouldn't go amiss. [ more ]
Soozy Woo It's a bit clinical but a vast improvement on a lot that we've had. [ more ]
Green&Pink I like this too.. but miss the clover.. [ more ]
See all 55 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Not enough hangovers on TV soaps
Cosmopolitan Reference: Surely this evidence shows that the majority of soap characters drink responsibly. Especially when the vino's Ribena and the whiskey's weak tea. [ more ]
SazBomb Reference: Surely this evidence shows that the majority of soap characters drink responsibly. Yes, you see them nursing a drink for ages, or abandoning a pint to rush out of the pub [ more ]
Mathematics It wouldn't make for a very enjoyable show if most of the characters were throwing up all over the place and nursing headaches every morning. Keep it fictional I say. [ more ]
See all 4 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
South African Honeymoon Murder ?
Former Member I must admit I find it all a bit dodgy. There's reports in some of the papers that are saying the husband's care homes are bust and that he's about to declare himself bankrupt??? Dunno if there's any truth in that but it could potentially give him motive to have had her killed. That all depends on whether he had a life insurance policy on her - something allegedly he's denied having. I wonder if we'll ever know the truth? [ more ]
longcat I think the speed of the taxi drivers conviction was because he pleaded guilty. [ more ]
Smarting Buttocks Reference:Crocking Around the Christmas Tre Well it came as no surprise when the husband was made me think of the policewoman (forget her name) in West London who it turned out was killed and it turne dout her husband had ordered it...and just cos the wheels move quicker there than her doesn't make it dodgy...they probably don't have to deal with the inordinate amount of red tape we do here. It was Nisha Patel-Nasri. I thought this was... [ more ]
See all 17 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Pleeeeeease keep this background...
Green&Pink Reference: or Gunfight at the OK Corral It's looking that way El Loro.. [ more ]
Former Member Olly wrote this reply to Brisket regarding themes Brisket if you are signed into LiveCloud look along the top menu bar .. Click Manage then Manage your personal settings from the drop down menu.. it opens your personal Home Page from that page select Your site from the top bar then Control panel from the drop down menu on the page that opens [your site settings] there are 5 boxes on the left the 4th one down is the Themes one.. [ more ]
Mathematics The clover is awful. If we're going with plant life, let's use something pretty like bluebells or daffodils. [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Is make up too much as an Xmas pressie for a 10 year old girl?
Jen-Star My neice is 11 and my daughter is 8, i think 10 is a little old for 'play' make up but a little young for real 'grown up' make up, for my neice i have bought Cheryl Coles new album and a sparkly purse with a sparkly charm to match. I think the nail varnish idea is good but maybe check with her mum first? You never know she may ever suggest something from her list you could get her, atleast then you know its something she wants. Both my neice and daughter LOVE new clothes so maybe an outfit? [ more ]
Croctacus I had one doll when i was a kid that i was thrilled with...Tiny tears and that was only cos she pee'd herself. [ more ]
SazBomb Reference: My mother in law bought her a baby doll when she was about five, and was really upset when Jnr said it was horrible Some of them are proper creepy looking though! [ more ]
See all 38 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Happy Birthday Panto Dame I'va Cracker
Dame_Ann_Average Reference: I've met the Denzil IN THE FLESH (I like to point that out wherever and whenever possible ) Only just seen it's your birthday, hope you've had a good one! x bubbling with envy I'd be pointing it out at every opportunity too Karma and thank you [ more ]
Dame_Ann_Average Reference: Swap? ] deal Blizzie and I've even got shot of the pug [ more ]
Yogi19 Karma, you lucky, lucky woman, I am so jealous. Denzil is a God. [ more ]
See all 58 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Aspirin the wonder drug!
Yogi19 Reference: issy If you are on steroids then it is a no no.It is also a no no if you are on anti inflammatory drugs. Drat, that rules me out then. [ more ]
Blizz'ard Reference: Cracking smarting Only if you knock back a glass of red/white wine which depending on the current thinking is either bad or good for you. OMG, I am so intuitively healthy! *** knocks back more red *** [ more ]
Smarting Buttocks Reference:] Blizz'ard Does this mean I can smoke more? Only if you knock back a glass of red/white wine which depending on the current thinking is either bad or good for you. [ more ]
See all 23 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
White Christmas? It's Cold Outside
brisket Re: White Christmas? It's Cold Outside [ more ]
brisket Reference:Scotty Twas irony but I`m glad you liked it anyway brisket Scotty I do sometimes tend to miss the obvious. Fluffy - your comments help me to put the situation in perspective. I moan about the inconvenience (and the uncomfortableness) but I am reminded that - although it is not good here in South Yorkshire - some people do have it even worse. Strange how something which is a massive nuisance and dangerous can also be the source of pretty pictures, music and images as we have in this... [ more ]
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Some of those sceens from Dundee could easily have been mistaken for the area here in Lanarkshire. Took me two and a half hours to get home on Monday night and I didn't get to work today. I was lucky, I was able to get a bus and only had six miles to travel. Also I could have gone back to my workplace, a hospital, if necessary. [ more ]
See all 31 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
A very sad Christmas tale.
Prometheus Reference: You were running a business and did the job he asked...... Hi Jen no it's not a wind-up it's 100 per cent true. Strictly speaking I didn't do the job he asked. He wanted a sort of pop rock song and what he got instead was a fast new wave/punk version. I had decided if he hated it I wasn't going to charge him but he seemed happy enough which was most peculiar [ more ]
Ensign Muf Lol Is it still available on itunes I wanna Rock rock rock this Xmas too [ more ]
Jen-Star Dont know why you think that makes you bastard Prom, if his mates couldnt tell him he was shit why should it fall to you? You were running a business and did the job he asked....... and if this is a wind up and i've missed something then ignore me [ more ]
See all 12 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Question about scanning photos
Former Member I have a Cannon, which may be different but it does tell you what to do, although i have tried to scan some old pics, which went not too bad but i didnt know how to save them . I know i am not being helpful, so i shall shut up now! [ more ]
Croctacus Right click on the scanned of the options should be 'open with' paint...the in paint rotate it to how you want it and save as... [ more ]
Karma_ Reference: alternatively you could just put the photo in the scanner the other way up from the way you originally scanned it and do it again. Believe me I've tried but she keeps coming out wonky Drop it in paint? Eh? I buy all this techy stuff so I don't have to learn how to do any of the techy stuff cos the robot inside the machine should know how to do it already arrgghhhhhh [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The Day John Lennon Died - ITV1
Former Member why I am I posting twice? [ more ]
Former Member Reference: in the end you'll be measured by the love that you gave. "and in the end the love you make, is equal to the love you take" That is from Golden Slumbers - one of my favourite Beatles tracks.... [ more ]
Former Member Reference: in the end you'll be measured by the love that you gave. "and in the end the love you make, is equal to the love you take" That is from Golden Slumbers - one of my favourite Beatles tracks.... [ more ]
See all 29 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Old school BB thread: Aisleyne and Imogen out and about
Former Member All their legs were really orange. [ more ]
Carnelian Blizz'ard None of them looked orange. I'm disappointed in the Photoshop department's work! Nikki looked happy, as usual. Bless her, she looks like the black widow leaving the funeral of her 56 year old toyboy lover. [ more ]
Carnelian Lizzie Cundy looks awful. Who is she anyway? The Daily Mail comments below the story are amusing, they pretend they're above all the celeb tittle tattle yet could undoubtedly hold their own in a bitch-off against the best of this forum and the old C4 forum! [ more ]
See all 6 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The latest cutbacks by Cam.
Garage Joe Isaac. [ more ]
Former Member Quote: "Mr Hunt said the plan aimed to stimulate" His first name is Mike? [ more ]
Carnelian IMO, we tend to do short-sightedness quite well in this country and super-fast broadband will be part of the nation's infrastructure and help us compete with the rest of the world. The UK doesn't have much going for it other than technology and we don't want to see that drift abroad like almost every other technology. [ more ]
See all 3 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I give up!
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing IE and Safari too Darlo, but it's been reported and they're working on it. [ more ]
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Reference: Cosi I prefer it the old way but hey-ho I preferred it that way too, but you do start getting used to it. Haven't quite perfected it yet though. [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) Oh so theres a problem with quoting on IE.. i've got Google Chrome but don't use that because i'm too attached to IE so will have to wait . [ more ]
See all 52 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Good on Ya Boris.
Karma_ Reference: It seems like corruption all over the place Oh aye [ more ]
Former Member As a few are saying...............why on earth? It seems like corruption all over the place [ more ]
Carnelian mathematics, Football hooliganism isn't like it was in the 70s and 80s but there will always be flair ups. Hooliganism does exist in other countries and I seem to recall the European Championships in 1996 held in England went off without major hooligan trouble. It's true we still have a problem with hooliganism but we're far from alone and also consider that our media are going to report our hooliganism before they report hooliganism on continent. But what of Russia? Is a country inferred by... [ more ]
See all 22 replies...

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