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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Should the Scottish Minister for Transport really resign because of the weather?
Demantoid The weather wasn't his fault, but the poor handling of it was. If hundreds of people are left stranded overnight on Scotland's busiest motorway because no-one thought to get it properly cleared, someone's head needs to roll. [ more ]
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Reference: I wouldn't place all the blame on this mans head or expect him to lose his job over it. I think what really sealed his fate and had people baying for his blood was him initially saying what a wonderful job was being done and how well the authorities were coping, while hundreds of people were stranded all over the place and spending the night in their cars. [ more ]
Former Member Yes he shouldve resigned, it has been an absolute nightmare up here. Yes the snow was worse than anticipated but there were clearly no plans in place. No gritters out, people stuck on motorways for hours , he shouldve asked the WRVS out earlier to help those stranded.He clearly didnt have a clue and in the end had to get the Army out ! With all due respect Cologne, unless you have lived thru what we had too the last fortnight ,you really arent qualified to say things you have said. [ more ]
See all 70 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Chers message tomorrow is..
Karma_ Reference: I think there's a far more important story about Wooton Bassett that should have had the big headline [ more ]
Yellow Rose I've not checked the link yet and I don't read the papers but I'd believe Blizzie over them Seeing that copy of The People I think there's a far more important story about Wooton Bassett that should have had the big headline, not X Factor stuff [ more ]
Soozy Woo Reference: have no idea how that ended up there ,but Velvet will have a laugh That's bloody brilliant - wish I could do it Makes the thread a whole lot more exciting IMO. [ more ]
See all 12 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
its a mystery...
duchess thanks so are we no more getting up off the couch i'm having a lazy day now [ more ]
Baz Glad you found it Duchess [ more ]
Dame_Ann_Average Reference: i cant believe it we have found it, after searching in the bin, the fridge, freezer, the bedrooms under the couches, everywhere we could think of we found it on the couch!!!!!! We all looked there this is seriously weird but we are all happy now [ more ]
See all 8 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Swallows & Amazons
brisket There was an interesting aspect in this programme. Swallows & Amazons is being done on the stage as a musical, and it was noticeable that the cast did not wear those rather irritating tiny face microphones which dangle down the cheek and hover near the gob. No! They are for people who cannot project and who perhaps have had little or no training. The Bristol Old Vic company projected perfectly well without such technical aids. Andit was nice to see. [ more ]
brisket Reference: El Loro You might want to watch More 4 at 8pm this Saturday 11th. The new series of "The Making Of" starts of with a documentary of this stage production of Swallows and Amazons at the Bristol Old Vic. I am so grateful that you directed me to this programme El (I think I would have missed it otherwise.) I found it fascinating. Quite remarkable what creativity, imagination and an open mind can do. Enlightening and entertaining. Thanks also because I now see that next Saturday the... [ more ]
brisket Quote from Lazybug "I hope my daughter continues her love for books she's nearly 4 but I am constantly reading to her at her request - she loves books." I hope so too Lazybug. Television and film is great of course. But books stimulate the imagination, brain, mind and creativity. Plus books are nice to touch. [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Matt and Rebecca..
Jen-Star Aww Alexandra made me fill up a bit [ more ]
Former Member The thing is Blizzie, there has been a lot of talk about this being a music competiton not a personality competition, However I do not think you can have one without the other. What Rebecca lacks ( IMO ) is depth and soul. She just sings -there is nothing else there. And for that reason I do not think she could ever be compared to Nina Simone or Billie Holiday - she is a "Stars in their Eyes" poor imitation. She has been packaged to be that. I have no doubt that she will be successful but... [ more ]
Blizz'ard Loved all those clips, Issy. Stacey made me laugh, when she introduced the Buble. I thought she said, "The tallest man I ever met", instead of the 'coolest'! Anyway, I love Rebecca's voice, and Matt's too, but there is something about Rebecca's that I feel has a special quality and I could listen to it all day. Her voice does remind me of Billie Holiday's - not perfect, just something about it. [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Best car I ever owned was the...
Hazy The best car i've ever owned is the one i have now, a merc, saying that though its not my favourite, i loved my old 89 Sierra Sapphire and still miss her madly, she never let me down, was always there when i needed her, she's been at the scrapyard in the sky for 7yrs now and i still feel sad that she ended up there but when the rot set in there was nothing more that coud be done for her. R.I.P sapphie... Best £20 i ever spent. [ more ]
Crispy Christmas I leave mine in the garage. [ more ]
Gouryella My 83 Mk1 Golf GTI(1800).Remember taking it for a test drive from HAWCO in Elgin and being shocked how quick it was.I knew instantly that it would be mine within minutes!. The Germans truly make some sensational motors. [ more ]
See all 30 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Poll: Strictly Come Dancing Semi-Finals .
grannyg Iwanted Pamela and Gavin out tonight, I like Kara and Matt but I think Kara is the better dancer but Matt will probably win [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) Pamela and Matt Scott and Kara (didn't vote for Gavin because he will probably be going) Entertainment Value . [ more ]
MrsB I want Matt and Aliona to win....with Kara and Artem a close second!!! I'm with Jenny on the judges love of Pamela...whilst she is fabulous etc, I'm not entirely sure her Vienesse Waltz should have been marked higher than Kara's Argentine Tango.....just seems a bit suss sometimes! Gavin has to go, bless him!! Sweet as he is and all that, the others are better by miles!! I am torn between Scott and Pamela as to who else should go....tbh, I don't care just so long as Matt and Kara ARE in the ... [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Help Please! I've been relegated to the new PC
Soozy Woo Reference: Even though I was of no help whatsoever I'll still take some credit At least you took the time to reply and showed you cared so please do feel free to take a bow I've actually now enlarged the text on my lap top too ...........bloody marvellous [ more ]
Karma_ Reference: Thanks everyone - all sorted now - you're a clever bunch! Even though I was of no help whatsoever I'll still take some credit *takes a bow* [ more ]
Ducky Reference: am fairly sure holding the ctrl button down and pressing the + button, [which enlarges text] works on any type of browser and similarly holding ctrl and the - [minus] button makes things smaller *tries it out* *zooms right in on Olly's buttocks* *decides she likes the tiny pages* [ more ]
See all 16 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Our Xmas do was crap but.....!
Karma_ Hang on - didn't your boss put his card behind the bar?! Not even a tab? A works do where you have to buy your own drinks?? LIBERTIES! [ more ]
Soozy Woo The last works do I went on I went into the gents loo (in error - too much vino) and my boss was at the urinal having a wee. i couldn't look him in the face on the Monday. We did sort of have little smirks at each other from time to time afterwards. He was an old boy and universally disliked .................I quite liked him though - couldn't ever really understand why no one liked him. [ more ]
Former Member Works do's are traps to be safely negotiated Enjoy the run up Poolie [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Cameron's Big Society!
Karma_ Reference: . without claiming expenses for it [ more ]
Former Member Actually.. in the midst of the snowstorm, we had a wee blast of the community ethos/ co-operation and looking out for each other that used to be prevalent here - when I was yomping home having abandoned the car at work,strangers were helping each other out, wishing each other safe journey , digging each other out of deep snow ( and deep sheeeit! ) .. normal service has been resumed now though and folks are scrapping over the last loaf in the shop . [ more ]
Former Member Reference: I'd love to see the politicians clear the snow from their 1st, 2nd and now rented 3rd homes. .. without claiming expenses for it [ more ]
See all 21 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ducky Bumping help is always appreciated Olly.....thank you [ more ]
Mount Olympus *Olly* I'd volunteer but my brain shuts down from about 4pm [when it gets dark basically] and I'm all snuggly on my sofa of an evening watching the box and chomping on my dinner with puter all turned off anyway.. I'm not helping really am I? Well apart from bumping the thread [ more ]
Ducky Begging duck I had to crop it to get rid of the bit that made no sense ....if you look carefully you can just see Scrooge McDuck's foot in the bottom left corner. See how much effort I go to???? [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I apologise to Promo in public!
Green&Pink Reference: Velvet How did the interview go G&P? Awww Thanks for remembering Velvet . I nterview went ok I think.. but it's hard to say. Did my best so that was good. . Karms .... the fact that Terry Thomas was so dapper and fussy made him all the more adorable. (that should be a gap toothed grin) Does anyone remember the ads T T did .. Famous Names chocolates...they were so good.. Found these on You tube.. .. lovely.. School for Scoundrels From How to Murder Wife. Apols to Garage Jo and... [ more ]
Blizz'ard Ooops! *** soothes the rather fragile, and admits the joke's atrocious *** [ more ]
Former Member Reference: I wasn't in Mary Poppins....... So to speak. I deny that completely. Reference: She needed a good old sweep Reference: Her flues were in disarray .....Awaits next apology! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
FF Update.
Yogi19 Thank you El Loro, you have probably saved me from downloading the dodgy version. [ more ]
El Loro Hi Yogi, it's safest to either wait for an Adobe product to be automatically updated or to check on the Adobe Updates site Adobe Reader current version is 9.4.1 issued mid November. If you are stil using v 8, the most recent version is 8.2.4 released back in August. If it is Flash, then visit here It looks as if v 10.1 is the most recent version. Generally, these will automatically update, and it is known that there is a virus masquerading as an adobe update message. [ more ]
Yogi19 Thank you Crispy and El Loro, I have now updated FF. I got a message saying I should also update Adobe - should I click on that too? (Forgive me, I'm a computer thicko. ) [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
My Cat is a genius
Soozy Woo Reference: "Pretty,pretty boy"."Where's the birds" "get tae yer bed" "Bedtime for Jinksy",and loads more,all said in a Glaswegian accent, That's so funny - I'd really love to hear a budgie with a Glaswegian accent [ more ]
Former Member Re: My Cat is a genius [ more ]
Former Member Katty ours had a broad Glaswegian accent too - made the swear words all the funnier "Bloody Rabbits" [ more ]
See all 36 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Bravo, Excellent, Well done, Corrie!
Moomin Wish I could quote - I said the same about Nick. soozy - he's said a lot of times about getting out without a scratch. so maybe there will be a shock there - we can but hope, can't we? [ more ]
Yellow Rose It's been an excellent Production by all concerned imo. Of all the storylines, and yes I've felt tearful more than a few times, the one I really felt for was Sally, not just because of the baby story, - which is fiction even though it's real to us followers - but because more than a few times she's had to talk about the breast cancer condition, which isn't fiction. It happened to her in real life around the time of the storyline back then. It must be difficult for her to be reminded of it... [ more ]
Garage Joe Has Sally gone soft? I would have pressed home the advantage and said that, as she might have put it, "At least when I was screwing the car sales manager, I used condoms!" [ more ]
See all 54 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Yay for the EU!
Blizz'ard As an ex bank clerk, can I just say that I looked forward to my meager Christmas bonus. [ more ]
Crispy Christmas Why these bonuses are paid in the first place beggars belief to me. It seems these folk in banking are a step above the normal "workers" who probably work twice as hard and recieve none of the bonuses. The monies made should be paid back to the shareholders-- ie the folk who put money in the banks ( savers) instead of making the rich uber rich. [ more ]
Starfleet Admiral hoochie An outbreak of common sense surely not! Bonuses paid on demonstrable performance of the deals made is the only way to put sense back into our systems whether it be individual companies or banks .... the culture of the glib silver tongued superstar salesman has to end. [ more ]
See all 3 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
What's your favourite Xmas advert?
Former Member Reference: My contribution to the advert thread has nothing to do with adverts. Ellie Goulding has one of those warbly vocals (people who can sing in tune but can't really sing sound like that) and she's just expressionless like she's reading the words off a piece of paper. She is not very good*. So you don't rate her then? [ more ]
Rexi I am soooo going to go and unwrap that present ... I've had a charity bag put through the door today [ more ]
Prometheus My contribution to the advert thread has nothing to do with adverts. Ellie Goulding has one of those warbly vocals (people who can sing in tune but can't really sing sound like that) and she's just expressionless like she's reading the words off a piece of paper. She is not very good*. *massive understatement. [ more ]
See all 41 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Update from the DM website..
Former Member Reference: Not exactly - they have news stories and then you can comment. But you have to sign up first and they tend to vet the first few posts and then bob's your uncle ah I see fankoo for replying but I think I'll avoid the daily heil [ more ]
Former Member Reference: do they have a forum or summat Issy? Not exactly - they have news stories and then you can comment. But you have to sign up first and they tend to vet the first few posts and then bob's your uncle Mind you, there are message boards similar to this place - I may have to go and play on there next. [ more ]
Former Member do they have a forum or summat Issy? [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I have a couple of Emmerdale questions
Temps I love Carl, he is the best looking bloke in soap! lol I hate the way they messed up the Kings, killing Max, then Tom, then Matthew (don't think I'll ever get over Matthew flying through that windscreen ), I think they should have left them in Home Farm. And as Jimmy seems like a bit of a permanent fixture with Nicola and the young one, if Chas jilts Carl, I fear that Carl's time on Emmerdale may be running out But I do think him and Eve make a better couple (sorry Darlo ) The Bartons, I... [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) The guy Marc Silcock who plays Jackson in Emmerdale is a very good actor IMO, he was in Hollyoaks.. basically a young goth character Newt had Scizophroenia and had an imaginary friend called Eli who he played.. I rate him much more than Danny Miller who plays Aaron tbh . Chas is fab , hope she goes through with the revenge... [ more ]
Former Member Do you think an euthanasia storyline may be looming in the future ?? [ more ]
See all 25 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Gazza gets off again.
Karma_ He turned up to the Raoul Moat stand off with beer and a fishing rod. [ more ]
Prometheus Reference: We`ll see what next week brings Yep, justice hopefully. My heart sinks every time I see him mumbling incoherently into a microphone on TV. His wife was on I'm A Celebrity recently and she's a lovely woman. You can only imagine the hardship and heartbreak she's had to endure during her time with him. [ more ]
Scotty Reference: I find all this kind of confusing. How many times does he have to commit the same offence before he's banned from driving for life? It's just bizarre. It certainly is. We`ll see what next week brings. [ more ]
See all 26 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The Miliband fist
Blizz'ard Reference: Joe But what it is, is...... There is no point Exactly. It's not seen as aggressive. [ more ]
brisket Reference: stoory Brisket I really worry about your obsession with fists. Oh dear! I wonder if I should worry too. Reference: stoory Tim Henman was the worst culprit for fisting ..........You've never mentioned him though Thanks for reminding me stoory. I can't stand the Henman and Murray fists. It appears to be spreading through the tennis world unfortunately. Reference: stoory I mean all of this lovingly I know you do stoory. [ more ]
cologne 1 I'm fairly certain it was Tony Blair who introduced the 'soft fist'. Anywhow, I am so disenchanted with any of the political parties that it leaves me bereft. I have had politics with my mother's milk and now it's become a homogenous idea, rather than something that actually happens. [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The house that made me....Boy George
Soozy Woo My mum had GReat Universal Stores catalogue. Lu Lu had a range of clothing ...........I was discusiing this with my sister last night. The toy section was the same year after year ............they rarely changed or added anything new. For years I yearned for a set of Foreign Dolls ...........I got them one Christmas and clouldn't have been happier. Looking back - they were incredibly cheap and nasty but made my Christmas (along with The Bunty Annual). [ more ]
Croctacus he wasn't 15 in 81 though....cos hes a couple of years older than me. Right bed for me night. [ more ]
Former Member It was 1977 ,I was looking at the picture of him and his dad when I was posting ,it said 1981,my mistake. [ more ]
See all 16 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
FAO Katty and all the lovely bunny people out there.,
Former Member Issy, he was stiff as a board when they found him, poor wee man [ more ]
Former Member Reference: Our neighbours rabbit died last year when a tree fell on his hutch during strong winds - he died of fright Buns do tend to do that - they get so scared that they do literally die of fright. [ more ]
Former Member Oh I hate reading stories like this - poor wee things Our neighbours rabbit died last year when a tree fell on his hutch during strong winds - he died of fright [ more ]
See all 6 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The Housemate Advent Calendar.
Former Member Who will be revealed next? [ more ]
Former Member Big Brother 2: Penny Ellis The second series had the exact same outcome after the first week’s nominations, with two girls being up for the vote. The choice was between Penny, an eccentric school teacher, and bubbly Welsh hairdresser Helen. Penny edged out Helen with 58% of the vote, meaning that the series that most will remember for Helen and Paul’s romance so very nearly could have been very different. Helen eventually finished in second place behind Brian Dowling and enjoyed a showbiz... [ more ]
Carnelian Penny the school teacher (?) had a big spat with smug Stuart (was that his name ?) if I recall. A conciliatory hug and a sly wink. [ more ]
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