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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I'm saving an absolute fortune
kattymieoww I took HRT for 6 years, well I didn't fancy having the symptoms in my forties,I weighed up the pro's and cons and decided to stick with it.I also take a calcium/vit d tablet twice a day.That's because my vit D levels were a bit low in a blood test a couple of years ago.HRT protecets your bones etc.Your risk of heart/cancer probs is increased very slightly,not enough to put me off it.My doc was great she discussed all the stats with me but left it up to me to decide.I'm in Scotland we don't... [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing Reference: Duchess when i went for the results he said i had a few months left of periods??? ello Duchess... thats a really odd thing for him to say... I assume the blood tests he sent you for were for your LH/FSH levels ... the results of these two tests will give a rough indication of of whether a woman is menopausal, but its a long way from able to pin down how long a woman has to go, or where abouts in the menopause she is! (he makes it sound bloody impressive though) I agree with... [ more ]
cologne 1 My monthly period stopped a couple of years ago, halleluha, I had no problems at all, apart from a couple of hot flushesh. [ more ]
See all 93 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Gunman Fires at Florida School Board Meeting (Video)
MrMincePie Pmsl at the woman with the handbag Is this for real? [ more ]
Prometheus I'm not quite sure what I was watching there. The guy missed from point blank range? Then the second shot he clearly had the gun pointed at the ground, then the picture froze. It looked to me like he never intended to shoot anyone. [ more ]
Ensign Muf "A biography on Duke's Facebook page reads: "My Testament: Some people (the government sponsored media) will say I was evil, a monster (V)... no... I was just born poor in a country where the Wealthy manipulate, use, abuse, and economically enslave 95% of the population. Rich Republicans, Rich Democrats... same-same... rich... they take turns fleecing us... our few dollars... pyramiding the wealth for themselves. The 95%... the us, in US of A, are the neo slaves of the Global South. Our... [ more ]
See all 4 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The Real X Factor Sing-off (includes marvellously exciting poll!)
Yogi19 Reference: You do like men called Matt dont you Yogi I do, Skylark. [ more ]
Soozy Woo Reference: Matt is a poundstretcher version of Justin Timberlake. Nothing like Justin Timberlake ..........he's never set his sights so low as that. He aspires to very different things ........can't even see why they're mentioned in the same sentence TBH. No similarities at all ......thank goodness. [ more ]
zazz Re: The Real X Factor Sing-off (includes marvellously exciting poll!) [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The War You Don't See. ITV now
Garage Joe Many people are credited with the saying, "In war the first casuality is truth!" That's it in a nutshell. We all did our bit to try to prevent the last lot happening, but who are we against a mighty military and industrial complex? [ more ]
Yellow Rose Just realised the whole of the documentary isn't on the above vid, you have to watch it in parts shown on the right side of the utube link...for those that are interested in the first place [ more ]
Yellow Rose For anyone who's interested and missed it or didn't record it you can see it here [ more ]
See all 11 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
This makes my blood boil...jumped up little troll
Garage Joe Unable to quote however I can now reveal that my second degree, which I took, just for a laugh (ha-ha-ha) had a certain amount of popular culture involved. Nowadays one would certainly use X Factor as a core subject to study and observe various mechanisms. I too love to read Grace Dent, but there is more to it than writing witty observation. The bits that interest me include, whether or not we have progressed further from Saturday afternoon wrestling and all the fixing, iconicity, and faux... [ more ]
Marguerita I could not take to Cher what a horrible rude girl. [ more ]
Blizz'ard Didn't warm to Cher, at all, but if she said that to Louis, kudos! [ more ]
See all 33 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
the christmas work night/any christmas night out fiasco thread
kattymieoww Aww most of mine have been okay..However one Christmas "Do" made me laugh a bit.I worked in a central library,we had all the staff from the branches there.We knew that this guy,he was about 30 years old,was having an affair with a female staff member..he wasn't married but his long term girlfriend was ther.Anyway we all had food and drinkk etc,then got dancing,as you do with his girfriend..Anyway He bumped into me and I stated .."Oh I've been trampled by the Mange a trois!" Ooops....Well... [ more ]
Blizz'ard It's the only time of year I wish I was still working! [ more ]
Former Member Reference: 2009 was great - it was themes from the movies. I went as a character from Moulin Rouge. My table had a couple of reps who just kept producing bottles of wine - it was the gift that kept giving. One of my friends dived into the hotel pool with all her clothes on. I don't remember getting back to the hotel but I was asked to charge someone's sat nav from my lap top. I took it. Went upstairs to bed , spoke to OH on MSN - god knows what sort of convo I had with him. Then I went to... [ more ]
See all 44 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
BGT - New Judges...
kattymieoww Well that's my point Rawky.SKY with all it's money flowing in is still in the main shit! ITV is struggling against it.I hate Murdoch! [ more ]
Rawky-Roo @Katty Oh yes, but I can sort of forgive them as they have a smaller budget. ITV is probably the most lucrative channel going, yet it still gives us such utter crap which they call 'entertainment'.....of course only in my humble opinion [ more ]
Karma_ Oh I hope Michael McIntyre keeps up with the comedy I think he's brill! [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Should I go missing?
Katerina Skylark24 Member Today at 15:19 If its any consolation, i havent much in either, no tree up, cards written, the house is like a tip! Got lots of things in my head but thats as far as it gets! ___________________________________________________________________ Yay, me too! Thought I was the only one. [ more ]
Former Member If its any consolation, i havent much in either, no tree up, cards written, the house is like a tip! Got lots of things in my head but thats as far as it gets! [ more ]
Soozy Woo You still got loads of time Sprout. What's the hurry? I've been spending far too much time on here instead of 'getting on' but ..........this weather is depressing me. Went out to my grandsons school play yesterday but you're still taking your life in your hands - the pavements are treacherous. I've been walking in the road (when it's safe to do so). Today is marginally better (I think) so will venture out later. Apparently more bad weather on the way though [ more ]
See all 36 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Cliff for Xmas Number one
Former Member Reference: I'm a bit confused though, cos you say you're fed up of Cowell dominating the charts with the winning X factor single year after year, but at the same time say that you felt sorry for Joe for not getting number 1 last year Oh I know - it seems a bit of a contradiction. But then I heard Matt talking on radio 2 today and he seemed a nice chap so then I am thinking - oh god he will be upset if he does not get to no one either. So I suppose I am saying that whilst I would like a... [ more ]
Karma_ Reference: that it just isn't fair that Cowell dominates the christmas No 1 like this. Year on year we have a cover version of something or other.and it is now no big deal to get a Xmas No 1, But he hasn't single-handedly banned any other record company trying to release singles solely for Christmas though, any label can put out a Christmas single if they want. Of course Sony have the advantage of the X factor coverage and hype, and it's clever marketing, but it still doesn't determine the... [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing *shoves udders up chest... and prepares to tell em all* I don't care.... & rarely know who is no.1 anymore... however... I don't want it to be Cliff bleedin Richard!!! I don't care what its raising money for... I thought, as a nation, we had got over those bleak years I joined the "Bird is the Word for xmas no. 1" campaign weeks ago on FB... cos my kids love it... cos of Family Guy. I'll buy the download of it... just so I have put my money where my mouth is. And... anything to stop... [ more ]
See all 63 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Katie Price " Again"
Clumsycat these z listers really need to keep their kids out of the public eye as they are now seen as fair game to these comedians... not funny what he said but the parents need to assume some responsibility [ more ]
longcat Reference: However - and I'm sure this is a contraversial viewpoint - would he and others be making fun of Jordans family/lifestyle/marriage go round if she didn't shamelessly expose every facet of her life to the media? That Kerry whatshername is another one - market yourself by all means but leave your poor kids out of it. He could have had acres of material just from Katie and Peter alone and they are fair game, he overstepped the mark by using Harvey to get a laugh. But your right if... [ more ]
Former Member I don't watch him but read about the 'joke'. Very unfunny, and as someone else has said, he has a track record for verbally abusing disabled kids - what a tool he is. However - and I'm sure this is a contraversial viewpoint - would he and others be making fun of Jordans family/lifestyle/marriage go round if she didn't shamelessly expose every facet of her life to the media? That Kerry whatshername is another one - market yourself by all means but leave your poor kids out of it. You have a... [ more ]
See all 44 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Interesting Webcams?
Karma_ Reference: And NO Porn links Half the forum have just switched their cams off now. [ more ]
Karma_ Reference: There's a webcam opposite Big Ben . If you watch it really closely you can see the time changing I follow Big Ben on Twitter. [ more ]
Crispy Christmas There are webcams somewhere that city officials use to track events going on ie criminals, pubsetc. Cant find links anywhere though. [ more ]
See all 5 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Did anyone see tonights The Accused?
cologne 1 lalala, I haven't seen it yet. Will tell you tomorrow. [ more ]
Garage Joe I was so lucky tonight. Mrs Joe had a Christmas night out with her female friends, and thus I didn't have to sit through the accused. I watched the football instead, although I suspect that we will gave to watch the depressing shite at a later date on catchup. It must be a woman thing for I have found it to be one of the worst pieces of drama since that ridiculous underwater carp with Minnie driver and that gadjie outta cold feet. [ more ]
See all 2 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Is everyone ready?
SazBomb oohhh cheers Karma [ more ]
Karma_ It's handy if you know a bloke who knows a bloke.... If I hear of any kocher stuff going I'll let you know. One of my Brizzle mates was selling a load of fake Ugg stuff last week, really good quality. He's sold out of everything now though. But if anything else comes up I'll give you a shout. [ more ]
SazBomb I've never seen them in a sale Karma, people always want them I suppose! [ more ]
See all 50 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Former Member Reference: They find lost people sprout and they do a damn fine job of it too [ more ]
Former Member The fire brigade are normally out in the high street collecting too. I haven't seen them yet [ more ]
Former Member They're around in our high street at the mo collecting with their brass band. I've already given and done one of my good deeds for the year [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Your fave Christmas Hymn.
Yogi19 I love Christmas carols, especially Silent Night, Once In Royal David's City and Away In A Manger. [ more ]
squiggle Reference: The last verse - Yea Lord We Greet Thee, sung on Christmas morning brings a tear to my eye every time Me too, Born This Happy Morning [ more ]
Rexi Oh Come All Ye Faithful The last verse - Yea Lord We Greet Thee, sung on Christmas morning brings a tear to my eye every time [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Cher was in the bottom when they had the "sing off"
duchess i just wondered if any of you knew that matt's dad was from liverpool, he was born and raised in kirkdale!! so both had a link [ more ]
Yellow Rose This isn't about Cher but One Direction, don't know where else to post it. I didn't watch the aftershow but a friend did and emailed me this "I was watching the X Factor follow up programme on ITV2 (forgot about Elton being on, will have to catch up with that) and they read out which acts were in the top 3 for every week of the "live' shows. Matt was 1st every week with either Mary or Rebecca 2nd. One Direction were never in the top 3 any week, Simon couldn't believe it! So they were never... [ more ]
Former Member The judges must have known the contestant with the fewest votes. [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Christmas dinner non animal/bird ideas?
PeterCat Reference: Get tofurkey! I was going to suggest that you look at tofu recipes anyway. The great thing about tofu is that it doesn't have much taste of its own, so it tends to take on the taste of whatever sauces / flavourings you put with it. You can even marinade it overnight. It's an excellent source of protein, nut-free and also zero cholesterol. If you do use it, just make sure you drain it thoroughly first. [ more ]
Cosmopolitan Reference: See ^^^^^ that was the best I came up with Cos Your bestest idea should be the one that makes it to the table, Supes. So, we're sorted. And all round to Supes for Crimbo dinner..! Pssst, Cologne: We're safe, she's not going for the Sturkey Furkey Tofurkey [ more ]
cologne 1 Reference: I'm sure that's what I swear slur when I'm dishing up and a bit pished yep. [ more ]
See all 45 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Have you put your tree up yet?
Soozy Woo NI can't quite believe it ................just put the Christmas Tree up (will decorate tomorrow) and have jst written most of my cards early for me. Bear in mind I cooked a three course dinner for eight today ............I'm pretty chuffed with myself! [ more ]
Cosmopolitan Reference: i've always thought New Year was overrated Noooooo, Saz..! It's MY night. I'll willingly cater for anyone and everyone over Crimbo but once NYE arrives that's it. Me and Mr. C get with our mates and head off to a party at our fave local restaurant. We get fed, glasses filled continuously, the chairs are pushed back and we go mental until at least 3 am. It's brilliant. And it embarrasses the kids enormously when we arrive home later than them. [ more ]
SazBomb Skould move to Ireland they don't celebrate New year.... dont they? i think i might move there, i've always thought New Year was overrated [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Baz I' ve cancelled it this year and there will lots of other peeps too who will have a very hard time [ more ]
Triggers I absolutely love Christmas - I'd prefer to be a bit better organised than I am, but I love it all the same [ more ]
Former Member Reference: Last year Xmas and New Year was the worst one yet and this year is already miles better in comparison on a personal level. In fact, there is no comparison. I'm glad - I still think that a toilet is a great place to put the tree though.,.. [ more ]
See all 20 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The final 3 in Strictly Come Dancing are (spoiler)...
Baz Brilliant Brisket. ...... and so true....... [ more ]
Yogi19 Reference: Deman I've no idea who Matt Baker or Kara Tointon are, are they supposed to be celebrities? Used to watch SCD until the John Sergeant pantomime (and missed the Widdy one this year thank god) but boycotted it after they axed Arlene. Matt Baker started off as a Blue Peter presenter. He went on to do Countryfile and then The One Show. Kara Tointon played the part of Dawn Swan in Eastenders. I wish they'd bring Arlene back, she was soooooooo much better than Alesha. IMO. [ more ]
Yogi19 Brisket, you have no idea how close that is to the truth. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Student Tuition Fees...
SazBomb Never mind the students getting criminal records - how about some retribution for the copper who cracked that bloke over the head with his truncheon for trying to leave, and putting him in intensive care? I hadn't heard about that! I saw pics in the paper of peeps with blood running down their faces [ more ]
Former Member Reference: I'm sure your niece does take a lot of abuse which I am not for one second condoning however at the same time I can completely understand why that may be the case. Takes opportunity to agree with PP for once [ more ]
Former Member Reference: I thought it looked familiar and realised that I had written it myself 2 pages back OOPS..will read back ......BUT, apathy OUT [ more ]
See all 117 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Carol Singers
Demantoid These days, most kids seem to think "We Wish You A Merry Christmas" counts as a carol. [ more ]
Jen-Star Reference: I would hazard a guess that many children these days would not know the words to many carols apart from the first line. My older two (8yrs and 6yrs) know loads! They learn them every year for their christmas plays and dont shut up for the whole of december! lol They've even taught me a new christmas song called 'when santa got stuck up the chimney' which i secretly love [ more ]
machel i grew up in south yorks and often went carol singing with a group of friends (one played the recorder) but now it doesn't seem to exist - probably would be thought of as begging- in this lincs village a large group from church carol sing around the village [ more ]
See all 7 replies...

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