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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Tina's had her baby :)
Angel Aww Congratulations to Tina and all her family .... Is he named after the gorgeous Ashton Kutcher I wonder ? Well done Tina .... welcome to the world baby Ashton xx [ more ]
Rexi Reference: Tina why do babys sleep so well in the day? then keep you on your toes at night He wants you all to himself [ more ]
Scotty Congratulations Tina! Welcome to the world baby Ashton. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I have just made the best sausage rolls ever!
Marguerita The prunes and brandy would be a big put off for me I dont like prunes and dont like alcohol but everything else sounds tasty [ more ]
Soozy Woo Reference: They sound gorgeous Suzy, think I'll give that recipe a try. Did you use shortcrust or puff pastry? I did them with puff pastry but am going to do another batch in short crust! [ more ]
Former Member They sound gorgeous Suzy, think I'll give that recipe a try. Did you use shortcrust or puff pastry? [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
What stuffing do you like?
Yogi19 We have sausagemeat stuffing. My sons love it, so we make lots. [ more ]
Croctacus We have the same as Slim, mind you we have it every other Sunday too! And I never stuff the turkey....quickest route to food poisoning! [ more ]
pepsi I make my own every year, passed down to me from my mum - celery, chestnut stuffing. It's part of my Christmas for me, specially on boxing day eating it cold with left over turkey [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Take cover for tomorrows full moon
Croctacus Well too much cloud means nothing to see down here, hope you have more luck up North. [ more ]
Former Member I love that site Scarlett - some of their stuff is brilliant. the two they do about Killroy Silk are good too. Petting Zoo is very rude though But I have to admit that the Spankhurts and their tinfoil hat is my fave [ more ]
kattymieoww Has a hot flush in anticipation... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I always wanted a red tractor.
stonks Reference: Ah the old Fergie TE20. I have had the privelidge of driving one of these in the past. Check out this link- you could have one for Christmas and spray it red.;hash=item2a0cb76447 Merry Christmas. We had one like that with the big roll bar on it, we used to keep a metal tea pot on the exaust to stop the rain getting in.... [ more ]
stonks Reference: Stonksy The only woman with a red tractor Its only the 35 but its great craic.... [ more ]
Crispy Christmas Reference: Checking it out now Crispy. Would be ggreat for the weather we are having at the moment. You could charge people to pull their cars when they are stuck,and with the right attachment, even clear side roads for your local community. [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Cheryl Cole on the Royal Variety Show
Soozy Woo I thought the RVP was the creme de la creme. What the hell is she doing on the show? ALL HYPE ..............she was OK as a part of Girls Aloud but a solo artist (I use the term loosely) is she much cop? Personally I think not. [ more ]
Dame_Ann_Average Reference: was she drunk? bet the audience wish they had been [ more ]
Carnelian Cheryl Cole looks stunning on Alan Car Chatty Man - that's all I'll say on this thread! [ more ]
See all 11 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Flippin eck!!
Former Member Re: Flippin eck!! [ more ]
Former Member We're not that close as a family either - sounds a bit like yours - other than my kids that is. My friends kids are also like surrogates - we call them honorarys. Bliddy useful when you need help with Christmas tree lol [ more ]
Former Member Veggie that's a good thing though, that you know your limits As to your other part of the post, yes I know I have family but they wouldn't think of going out of their way to bother. and TBH, I wouldn't go out of my way to ask them allthough I have been invited to my Brother and sis in laws for christmas day. It's like we're there but only if something goes drastically wrong [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Complete boast about my daughter here..
Yogi19 You have a kind-hearted daughter, Issy. You are right to feel proud of her. [ more ]
Dame_Ann_Average Reference: It is bitterly cold so my girl got out of the taxi and offered it to the Mum instead. How lovely [ more ]
Smarting Buttocks Reference: Scarlett O Deara It is bitterly cold so my girl got out of the taxi and offered it to the Mum instead. What a lovely gesture. You are right to feel proud. [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Barry M nail polish
Former Member i have a glitter addiction [ more ]
Cinds Gyps, I knew you wouldn't be able to resist this thread. [ more ]
Former Member My house is infected with all the glitter from Barry M. Every time little gyps opens a tub she manages to spill half of it, then the stuff that falls off your eyes when you are putting it on.... yep... its everywhere. Its brilliant stuff though. [ more ]
See all 6 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Oh Cher Lloyd....just shut ya trap FFS!
Clumsycat stupid little skank [ more ]
Karma_ Reference: Louis doesn't need verification from anyone, like him or not Louis has earned his crust. Cher needs to wind her neck him because the people she steps on on the way up will be the people she will inevitably pass on the way back down. I've said from the outset that people will not want to work with her and THAT'S where she's gonna come really unstuck. If she thinks that mouthing off to people who she might never have to see again won't have a negative impact, she needs to think again. [ more ]
Prometheus Reference: Simon Cowell has a lot to answer for for putting all of these prats into the public eye in the first place It wasn't Simon Cowell who did that. Cheryl put Cher through, Louis (the most retarded man on television) insists on putting acts through that have absolutely no talent whatsoever like Jedward and Wagner and also anyone who's Irish no matter how crap they are (Jedward, Mary). He needs to be sacked (and probably shot), he's singularly responsible for making a mockery of what's... [ more ]
See all 16 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Desert Island Discs. Oh noes! Stranded!
Scotty Stevie Wonder - Songs In The Key Of Life Anita Baker - Rapture Danny Wilson - Meet Danny Wilson Donald Fagen - The Nightfly The Divine Comedy - Casanova [ more ]
Former Member So going on this moment in time ( bearing in mind this could change in a week ), these are the 5 albums I would take in with me... Beatles - Help Carpenters - Gold Abba - Greatest Hits Ministry of Sound - the 80s compilation ( haha that's a double album!. "songs for my car No 4. That's a CD that I made for driving and I can download it anytime from I Tunes cos it is a compilation already so,, [ more ]
PeterCat Reference: Is that the one with Liz Fraser on it? I bought one of their albums and it was excellent but I can't remember what it was called Nah, that's Mezzanine (also amazing). Heligoland is their latest and it's bloody brilliant. Having thought more, I'd have to have at least one Underworld album - either Barking or Second Toughest In The Infants.Also Throwing Muses' The Real Ramona and something by Bowie (can't decide which) and something by Eno (also can't decide). [ more ]
See all 63 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
OK, we've had Xmas food, how about drink?
Former Member I really only drink wine. At Christmas however I do like to have a bottle of Ginger wine in the house so will be getting that. I am also a sherry drinker - yes I know it isn't trendy but a glass of chilled sherry while cooking Christmas lunch is a must in my house. Champagne with Xmas lunch and then the usual beers for OH. I have also got some Crabbes Ginger beer cos that is the nicest thing ever. We don't drink spirits and do you know I have never tasted vodka in my life [ more ]
PeterCat Reference: How much? Including import duty. Oh, I don't know. We buy it when we go on holiday to Japan. I just looked at it on a website and it costs £16 there!!! *faints* [ more ]
Former Member The Gunpowder's good - not having tasted expensive variants . [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Misfits Xmas special..Possible spoilers....
Ensign Muf Reference: I had to laugh at the Fishermans friend bit.... They think their fannies on fire [ more ]
stonks I had to laugh at the Fishermans friend bit.... [ more ]
Cariad Bugger. Let's hope Sky+ picked it up! Ditty - I watch it with my 14 year old baby girl and 16 year old son and we all snigger like loons. Daughter finds Nathan hysterically funny. I'm rather smitten with Future Simon which she finds yeurghhh. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Snowing Outside...
Crispy Christmas 4 ins of snow now on my unfinished kitchen roof. Only a blue plastic cover between me and the elements. Still the tiles to put on but the builder cant work in these conditions. Am worried the whole lot will come crashing in on my head when cooking. Should have waited till the spring but i am only the husband here- the missus organised it. Need i say more? [ more ]
Former Member Reference: The dog's been doing Torville and Dean impressions all afternoon My cat refused to go out in it at all yesterday - he went 18 hours without a pee In the end I had to don boots over my PJs and go out with him - the great wuss. [ more ]
Karma_ We got a load here yesterday (London), a good 5 - 6 inches and it's settled. I was out playing in it yesterday in the garden but today it's like an ice rink so I'm banned. The dog's been doing Torville and Dean impressions all afternoon [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The Super Duper T'riffic Christmas Story Game!
slimfern Peeing himself almost - Timmy listens as Gooseberry Dave lets on a tale of woe from da past.... [ more ]
Rawky-Roo Then out from under Kim's garment pops out Dewsbury Dave dressed as a fairy. "Ey-up lad" he says "I'm ghoooost from christmas past"...... [ more ]
Former Member Meanwhile Jimmy once again contemplates the Vivienne Westwood dress, and wonders....has Dewsbury Dave been here??? [ more ]
See all 34 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I don't want to be miserable but just need to say this
Jen-Star Lee ((hugs)) thats so recent hun, will be thinking of you xx [ more ]
Jen-Star My mum died end of june 09 (about as far away from christmas as you can get) and i had 2wks planning the funeral but i felt the same way, it all just blurred past. Thats what greif does to you, it puts a haze around your head (for me anyway) a haze that makes it really hard to think straight. As others have said, you were there and you loved him thats all that matters xx [ more ]
Yogi19 for Bolton Fan and Lee. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I've got the day off!!!
Rawky-Roo Re: I've got the day off!!! [ more ]
stonks ❤️
Hobbes Shilpa > a lady with breeding and morals. Jade > an ignorant chav who tried to show off and be the biggest mouth in front of her ignorant chavvy comrades. Bit like the folks in this thread who tried to belittle someone who didn't deserve it but tried to flex their musclesand got support f rom some who should know better anyway > think the term is a massive !! FAIL!! >goes off to have a snowball fight and another good laugh with people who will now be getting a Xmas card (and... [ more ]
See all 158 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Anyone drive an automatic car?
Kaytee I have always driven automatics and wouldn't drive anything else, just drop a gear manually if you need more traction and use commonsense in relation to speed in bad weather [ more ]
Clumsycat yes scarlett, its a BMW.... [ more ]
Former Member Reference: Don't slow down and try and crawl up hills at 2 need a good run at them. That may be why I got stuck on a hill last year during all the weather.. Thanks Croc . [ more ]
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