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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Good Book Recommendations
Soozy Woo The one book that I bang on and on about on any book thread is 'The Divine Secrets of the Ya Ya sisterhood' a simply brilliant read (for women) I don't really think it's a mans cup of tea but i'd be interested to know if any men on here have read it. I really cannot recommend highly enough. My all time fave is 'A Star called Henry' by Roddy Doyle although I do appreciate that he is an acquired taste. [ more ]
Demantoid Wolf Hall by Hilary Mantel. I read it while I was on holiday, and it's stupendous - totally deserved to win the Booker. Also, The Year Of The Flood by Margaret Atwood. [ more ]
Former Member I'll look that one out thanks Soozy. We seem to have similar taste in books so I bet I'll enjoy it [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
What becomes of the Left-overs?
Former Member Cooked sprouts. mashed potatoes and some bacon made into cakes, using an egg and some flour to bind, then fry to seal for a couple of minutes, then the oven for about 20 , are lovely. You can add some grated cheese on top too . Made myself hungry now [ more ]
Former Member I froze the left over 3 layer nut roast we had in two lots so that will do us for some future dinners. I made spicy bubble and squeak stars with the left over sprouts and froze them too, all the kids love them when they are at mine and need lunch. My Mum was the best ever with left overs. We would always have something for dinner on Mondays made with the left over Sunday roast - course I wasn't vegan in those days! [ more ]
Soozy Woo Actually I wont be doing that! it boiled dry overnight I'm still learning with my slow cooker - only now do I remember reading that it shouldn't be used with cooked meat . There was a recipe on the net for making stock with the carcass though which i FOLLOWED 'c'est la vie'. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
New Year's Eve plans?
Former Member Can't think of anything much worse than being out and about and pushed and shoved amidst hoards of N Year's Eve drunken revellers, (must be my age, used to love it !!!) Soooo, I'm deliberating between invites to a dinner party locally and a cottage on Keilder Water or staying home with some nice food and a bottle of bubbles...think it's about time I started making my mind up! [ more ]
Karma_ My New Year's Eve tip for a London resident: Don't hit anyone. Especially not a tourist. If they annoy you, just direct them the wrong way instead. I thank you. [ more ]
SazBomb oh yeah, I keep forgetting that! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
And so this was Christmas..
Former Member Twas lovely about a stone heavier and definitely caught up on my sleep. It went something like this ... Wake up> drink > eat> drink > take a snack and a drink to bed to watch telly > get up and open another bottle of wine that we decided we couldn't do again another night on the trot to drink in bed > Sleep. ...and repeat bliss. although tonight we might even go out a bit later blow away some cobwebs and dance the night away. Im child free and got a stone to boogie off. [ more ]
Rexi Reference: except when family arrived with my new 8 day old granddaughter! perfection awwwww machel - how lovely What a fabulous Christmas present for you all [ more ]
machel quiet except when family arrived with my new 8 day old granddaughter! perfection [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Mc Dermott wont watch Enders baby plot
SazBomb Reference: I think this is terrible writing from EastEnders, not due to the storyline but due to the character involved. Me too... chrissakes give Ronnie a break! [ more ]
Karma_ Meat n Veg I agree to an extent, I can't stand twee unrealistic shite either. But sometimes it's nice to see something good happen for a change. Ronnie's character seems to be on this constant rollercoaster of doom and it's just getting predictable and boring, I don't know if I will watch the cot death storyline tbh. [ more ]
Garage Joe We don't watch it since it says nothing to us about our lives but we caught the last few minutes before another prog last night. Didn't know who half of 'em were ! Corrie or Roots, as we call it, is better written and has lots of in jokes, tips of the hat to VIZ, and various hidden lyrics. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
TV last night - Strictly
Kaffs Oh and I agree with all the comments about Ronnie - I've never taken to her and her performance here didn't help. Strange, unfunny woman. [ more ]
Kaffs I just watched today - I loved John's dance... I enjoyed it all (I like Only Men Aloud too - loved the show they won) HOWEVER... my V+ box cut off before the finale! It's not on iplayer via Virgin (I hope it will be soon..) and the quality online is kinda rubbish so I've still hoping to see it properly at some stage. [ more ]
brisket Quote: Sweet Summer ....ronnie, she looked like a nutter! I have always thought of her as a nutter. I find her very odd and not funny. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Famous Farewells in 2010
El Loro Elisabeth Beresford , the creator of The Wombles, has died, her family have announced. Born in 1926, she passed away on Christmas Eve in the Mignot Memorial Hospital, in Alderney in the Channel Islands, according to her son. [ more ]
Former Member [ more ]
Moomin He had cancer Cariad. His voice was so familiar during the Falklands War [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Charli's Advent Calendar ~ 25th December ~ Happy Christmas everyone!
Baz Right back atcha Charli You've done a fantastic job, and I have loved checking what is behind the door every day A very, very happy Christmas to you and your family.... even if you are 8 hours behind us [ more ]
Former Member Merry Christmas Charli [ more ]
Rocking Ros Rose The advent calendar has been brilliant and very clever - well done charli [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
A Very Merry Christmas to the Owners of this site.
Hobbes What a nice thing to do Crispy>can't have too many Happy Christmas threads>after all it is Christmas. Hope you are also having a happy time with your nearest and dearest [ more ]
Ted O'Neill Thank you all! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone here, as well! It's been very nice getting to know you all. [ more ]
brisket I join you in your good wishes Crispy. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Have you all seen
Karma_ Ta missus x Ahh what the hell, it's Chriiiiisssstmaaaaaaaaaaaaaas! I'm on strict GP orders to stay indoors (why I couldn't go Midnight Mass) - but sod it. Tomorrow (or later today) is all about grub so I can take it easy and fill me belly [ more ]
Former Member Reference: I've completely knackered meself out now though and have also had to bandage my knees, legs and wrists up and my back is screamin. I look like I've just walked out of casualt Awwww maaan, I hope it settles down for you shortly [ more ]
Former Member Reference: Noooooo! Me, the boy and the dog did a mad scraaaaammblle and it was carnage for about 15 minutes. I couldn't have gone to sleep unless I'd opened them *Pictures* [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Oh c'mon maaaaan!
Dame_Ann_Average Reference: Right ok, I'm off now, or I'll never get up tomorrow Night all night Sprouty, have a belting day......from me to you [ more ]
Former Member Right ok, I'm off now, or I'll never get up tomorrow Night all [ more ]
Baz I'm off now, so nite nite, sleep well Sprout... and once again, Merry Christmas [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Former Member There's a sprout here [ more ]
Former Member don't like them myself but I got some frozen ones in for those in my family that will want to eat them - they can like it or lump it [ more ]
Jen-Star Apprently there is a shortage due to the ground freezing earlier than usual and the farmers not being able to harvest them until it warmed up a little, it was on the news and everyfink! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
What are you all doing Xmas eve?
PeterCat Yay! Free Xmas dinner! Fank yew, Waitrose - you can fuck up every year if you like [ more ]
Garage Joe We had a lovely country walk out in the snow. A gift for tracking experts. I'll probably go for fish and chips just as soon as we finish watching Brief Encounter. It really is a classic, although one can't help but imagine everything smelling of steam trains, tobacco fumes, and stale piss. [ more ]
Karma_ And so you should! Enjoy x [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I'm out on the 'Lads Annual Pub Crawl' tonight....
Rawky-Roo Just heard we are starting in 20 minutes. ACK!! Obviously I will be in no state to pop on here tomorrow, so Merry Christmas everyone, hope you all have a nice as day as possible. [ more ]
Jen-Star Justsfriend, you're gonna be sober and they are all gonna be legless! lol Good luck Have a good time though, and Rawky too [ more ]
justafriend all my friends started the pub crawl at 11 this morning they are going to try keep going till midnight and visit as many pubs as possible i said id join them about 6 tonight, ( i know im a lightweight) its going to be messy i think. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
For all who took part in MM!!
Ducky It was that dastardly Harry... Rawky! Had us all fooled till the end Well, nearly to the end......once Hoochie had whittled it down to Harry or Bet....I finally guessed who the murder was! Right clever I am [ more ]
MrsB ❤️
Ducky Hoochie! I refuse to take ANY credit for this! Without you there wouldn't have even been a game I will be nicking that picture and claiming a new nickname though.......I could cope with everyone calling me Superducky I reckon. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The Casino - *Official* Murder in Las Vegas Crime Scene
Dame_Ann_Average Reference: but but I guessed all the motives.. only weak one in my list was Candi. .I just couldn't pick the actual killer as they all had good motives plus I wondered from the start if the chicken was really a red herring instead but it turned out to be a double bluff.... me too Olly, the chicken looked too obvious and we ignored it [ more ]
James ❤️
Former Member ❤️
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Bahhh humbug...
Garage Joe And his chef mate dispensing advice on turkey, goose, duck, three birds, fat, thaw etc? Not only to the thickoes buy these inappropriate and unappetising creatures but having bought 'em the don't know what to do with 'em. Salmonella and Clostridium all round! [ more ]
Garage Joe Worry not! Twill soon be January and a whole new year in which to take control. Was I the only one who became really annoyed whilst listening to Chris Evans [ more ]
Former Member Hi Comrade. Christmas can be the best time in the world but you are right, it can be the loneliest as well.What to do? There is no quick and easy answer. I think the run up is probably worse than the actual day - the TV and shops are full of the "ideal" happy family and friends stuff. If it helps ( and I doubt that it will) Christmas, on the whole is fake. It is a time when people forget their problems, eat too much, drink too much, get into debt over buying presents that are out of their... [ more ]
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