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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Well, I've done something today that I never thought I would...
Former Member I am too Saz, they are normally ok . [ more ]
SazBomb I took a thing of saffron back to Asda once - one of the little herb/spice jar things you buy. I'd got one for a recipe I was cooking and when I got home I realised I already had one so took the unopened one back... the bloke looked at me like I was mental I wouldn't have bothered if it was a normal herb/spice cos they're about £1, but this was at least £4 [ more ]
SazBomb Skylark, I'm surprised at Tesco - they usually just refund for the 'goodwill' - so they can keep you as a customer [ more ]
See all 29 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
What an evil Grandma!
Former Member My kids used to burst the balloons themselves, they thought it was great fun! Dont feel guilty, bet they had a great time [ more ]
machel cinds, i love the idea of a balloon fairy! but my daughter is 12 next week and i don't think she will go for it [ more ]
Former Member Eebiillll Cinds and Soozy Ref Soozy I'd love some summer celebrations Soozy you could have a big non birthday - or half birthday picnic in the summer and celebrate that way. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
.99p Where does that leave us?
Former Member Well THE POUND SHOP ,will have to stay THE POUND SHOP. [ more ]
Former Member Yeah, seeing it like that Dame....... [ more ]
Dame_Ann_Average Reference: Nah Pengy, 99p will be obsolete.they'll ratch it up to the full £1 not sure Sprouty, that'll put Davie's plans of us all rounding up in shops to give to charity up the spout. And don't get me started on started on when we withdraw money we're going to be asked to donate too...they cut millions from the charities, and then hope they can make it up by us after all the cuts they have imposed [ more ]
See all 8 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
You could'nt make it up!
Soozy Woo Reference: and sooz - I hope your mum (and you!) are keeping your peckers up So far so good .................I love my mum but .......she needs her space as I do. I have a meeting tomorrow with the assessment officer - I have been patient but if I don't hear what I want to hear I just might BLOW! [ more ]
Rexi awwww lainy - what a homecoming and sooz - I hope your mum (and you!) are keeping your peckers up [ more ]
Former Member Reference: Our new kitchen tiles might have to be wripped up.....there may be 'spores'??!! growing under them that may start moving them in 6 months time...according to the insurance you're gonna have to keep badgering them on this - spores can be breathed in and the kitchen is where you make food so it's unhygienic and potentially cause lung problems. hope it gets sorted soon [ more ]
See all 27 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Who's nailed a triple salco?
Former Member I could never master skating ,I was to afraid to fall. I do love to watch it. [ more ]
Cosmopolitan Reference: So did I. Reference: I have been known to skate at Streatham too Reference: So did I! We probably all crashed into skated past each other..! Reference: often frequented the Bali Hai nightclub upstairs. Me too..! Awww, it was the exotic decor that was so appealling....... See YOU in the DOI thread on Sunday then [ more ]
stoory I don't like to pick up on spelling *whispers it's salchow* I'm a skating freak ..........I can't let this one go [ more ]
See all 23 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Hangover cures
charlisock You learn from the best [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing Reference: Charli And you worry about Ickle at a party That was a JOKE Ditty Its cos of my own behaviour that I worry Charli! Thankfully she seems to be way more sensible than I was at her age! (I really hope I haven't just tempted fate there!) [ more ]
Former Member I find nothing cures a hangover better than a huge cheese omelette and chips, with lots of ketchup. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
National TV Awards Nominations announced
Former Member One to miss. [ more ]
kattymieoww I can't stand those "loose women" bints. Gave up watching it when Kaye Adams left years ago.It was ok then. Dermot O Dreary up for an award,ridiculous,as Is most of the rest.Except the wonderful Stephen Fry and Q.I. [ more ]
Marguerita Ref: Cosi..... Yesterday at 10:17 Sherrie still thinks she's in Variety from the 1950's. All that shouting out to the audience "Don't WE ladies" bollox drives me nuts. Colleen Nolan..? Don't even go there. The choice of 'Magazine' programmes is dire. Cosi your post about Sherrie made me laugh as for Colleen Nolan I am sick to death of her always going on about her ex husband she is one big hypocrite, I really cant stand the sight of her on my screen Loose Woman.. This Morning ..Adverts and... [ more ]
See all 24 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
kattymieoww Oh and that foghorn noise Deirdrie made when she found Tracy on the deck must have scared the horses. [ more ]
kattymieoww Yep Granny G,I saw still pics of Becky in the nick..again! Tracy was rather over the top in her annoying folk,she could have been more subtle and vicious..I would have.... [ more ]
Former Member YUK I detest tracey Barlow! [ more ]
See all 21 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
half ton man !!
Smarting Buttocks Reference:Croc .... He could lose weight easily if the people bringing him all the food stopped cos he's too bloody fat to get up and get it himself! Though that myself many times. [ more ]
Suzi-Q I saw the trailer and him stuffing his face with chips. I'm just amazed at how much skin can stretch! I'm really not surprised that he is malnourished, if all he is eating is junk food. [ more ]
Croctacus Just watched a trailer for Britains fattest man.... He could lose weight easily if the people bringing him all the food stopped cos he's too bloody fat to get up and get it himself! [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Petrol prices in your area
Smarting Buttocks I paid £1.27 on Wednesday in Surrey. Guess it will hit £1.30 once the tax hike kicks in. [ more ]
Garage Joe As I see neighbours popping to the shops in the car I realise that it's not expensive enough. At the same time, as mentioned elsewhere, I can't wait for the fuel lobby to bring down this government. [ more ]
MrsB We have a Sainsburys at the bottom of our hill....petrol £1.22.9....diesel £1.25.9....and rising daily. [ more ]
See all 6 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Is it ok to have an affair if my husband says ok
Temps I do watch it but my comment was more to do with a situation I know about first hand Tsk tsk! haha no way tut tut! [ more ]
Karma_ Reference: So although the OP is obviously having a laugh its not completely beyond the realms of possibility even if they are a man. Of course it isn't! In the same way if this was 3 women, or 2 women and a man (being the husband who is allowing the internet folly to continue, or vice versa). We all bleed red. Weird to suggest that just cos it's a fella that it can't possibly be true. [ more ]
Karma_ Reference: you haven't been watching The Only Way is Essex have you with the bloke playin all the girls? I do watch it but my comment was more to do with a situation I know about first hand Tsk tsk! [ more ]
See all 69 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Nothing says it like a fist full of sovereign rings...
Croctacus Gerald Ratner would be so proud! [ more ]
Karma_ Reference: I have also from a very young age told my kids that if they ever buy me any jewellery that says 'mum' they are out on their ear! A girl I knew was so proud of her Ratners jewellery, she was covered in the stuff. One night up the West End she got robbed and the muggers gave it all back to her. [ more ]
Croctacus I never had a perm either, just natural curls.....strange then that I should marry a bloke who, in his younger days, got mistaken for Eric Bristow and had kids shouting 'Oi, Eric!' at him more than once! [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Political Correctness: Do we have to be nice to the terminally ill?
Temps nope...if some one's a c*ck I don't see why you should have to make them feel better if they've been a c*ck all their lives! [ more ]
Former Member I think we should treat people however they treat us/have treated us. If someone was an ignorant git and didn't give me the time of day when they 'weren't' terminally ill, then I wouldn't make a massive fuss of them and fawn over them if I found out they were terminally ill. There's no reason why I should. However, I wouldn't purposely disrepect them though. I didn't like Jade Goody very much when she was alive, and didn't suddenly start liking her when she died..... but I genuinely thought... [ more ]
Former Member Dunno about being nice. I find it very difficult to be a hypocrite so if it was someone I knew then I think I would avoid them or their family/friends if poss and not be put in an awkward position. Although if it came to it then I guess I would try and find something positive but truthful to say. I think there is a difference with celebs as Growly has said. If you live your life in the public eye, especially if fame was your aim rather than something that came your way as a result of... [ more ]
See all 36 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Upstairs Downstairs returns.
Former Member I watched it and enjoyed it but it was inferior to Downton Abbey imo not enough of a story line and Keeley Hawes ruined it for me as she over-acted. Art Malik was brilliant as ever but the best character was the monkey and how dare they not give him thick cut marmalade I've just finished watching Downton Abbey again and as well as the story about the entail and how it affects the Grantham's, I also loved the love storey between Bates and the maid There were servants/toffs you hated i.e. [ more ]
longcat We watched all 3 episodes at once and loved it. I want a new series now. It drove me mad trying to work out who the young foot man was then I remembered it was Newt from Hollyoaks. [ more ]
~Sparkling Summer~ I watched them all in one go after sky+ing the repeats, I really enjoyed it and hope it comes back again I never saw the originals, but I usually love any costume drama! [ more ]
See all 21 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sensible thread
Former Member Full diving gear's where it's at. With two holes cut out. [ more ]
Scotty Reference: Slinki I was thinking more practicalities than aesthetics, but ! Oh [ more ]
Former Member Reference: Ma man`s tried it. No a good look I was thinking more practicalities than aesthetics, but ! [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Famous and Fearless Thread
~Sparkling Summer~ Utter bilge, complete disappointment! We lasted just under an hour, at which point we realised it was on for another hour and we couldn't face it! I very much doubt we'll be watching it tonight lol [ more ]
Former Member Reference: Issy Yes yes I am! You are......that person, and I claim my five pounds [ more ]
Aimee i've got wine so i'm ok Rawky i think it's the wine that has got me through the last 2 hrs of this crap [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
pepsi I need to stop being a miserable depressed soul, and aim to try and see more positives this year, if there is any that is [ more ]
Karma_ I've just watched The Firm on Sky Movies (again) and I resolve to see it at least 12 more times before April. (Purely to watch the visual joy that is Paul Anderson/Bex) Yum! [ more ]
Demantoid yREEEUVCHHHHHH...I have just singed up0 to Facebook athe OH's insistence, to help his antsiocial brother. Second I signed up, there were a million people from my past waiting to get in contacy - too fecking weird... [ more ]
See all 4 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Has anyone got a Kindle?
Demantoid Baz has gone over to the dark side Nope, I'll never see myself getting into Kindles, sorry. Doesn't matter what they do, unless they can replicate the sensation of turning the pages over, or recreate the SMELL of books... [ more ]
Baz And before Xmas I would have agreed with you Deman... but I'm hooked [ more ]
Demantoid Still hate Kindles, no matter what ya'll say. Nothing beats the real book.. [ more ]
See all 63 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
What can you do with a cabbage?
zazz Ohhhh I love lemon, I'll give that a go! [ more ]
Tuppence Often very healthy but very tasty food! Lovely soups, try the Yum Kai (chicken lemon chilli and herbs). All time fave is the pretty much all of the seafood menu, especially Kang Khiew Wan Goong which is a green curry with prawns and aubergine [ more ]
zazz I am always up for trying new things, what does Thai have to offer? [ more ]
See all 39 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Real Housewives Of New Jersey...
~Sparkling Summer~ I've seen a couple of these, it's one of those shows you just can't helping looking at even though you don't really want to! These women are on their own loony planet! [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing its bizarre car crash telly... there is no way in real life I could be involved in any thing like this... they are older women, behaving like a bunch of school girls... hahahaha... who the hell needs it. But there is something morbidly fascinating about it. I dunno what it is. Oh... and that purple dress one of them is wearing is really horrible! [ more ]
MrMincePie Im starting to understand it now... I think the cringe words could do with bumping. "Garbage" [ more ]
See all 12 replies...

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