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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Only in Japan...Toylets
Former Member "if you sprinkle when you tinkle please be neat and wipe the seat" Thats what Alex BB3 used to say,he had an issue with peeing. [ more ]
PeterCat RABBIT [ more ]
Cagney My Grandad had a floating bullseye target in his toilet. I can safely say that none of my brothers or male siblings ever miss now My Nana always had a sign on the wall too that said "if you sprinkle when you tinkle please be neat and wipe the seat" [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The soaps - spoiler!
Former Member Re: The soaps - spoiler! [ more ]
Croctacus Yeah they did...and the sets wobbled during the programme [ more ]
Former Member Remember Crossroads - my gran used to watch it back in the seventies when I was wee - I used to love watching the end titles because they used to whizz in from different sides of the TV . I think [ more ]
See all 19 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Screwing Vanessa pays off for Ben
Former Member I also like Vanessa - she used to be great on the BB spin-off shows - I remember an episode with her and Germaine Greer Have to say I didn't know who he was either but I remember the song.... they've been together a good while I think. [ more ]
slimfern Have to say she is an acquired taste - but I have always liked her too Angel! [ more ]
Angel Phats & Small ... Hey Whats Wrong With You .... a tune from about 10 yrs ago or so. On the plus side: Vanessa is begining to look good again since her gastric banding ... good for her. I've always thought she was alright [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Breaking up in the age of cyber social networks
Ev (Peachy) Reference: I am so sorry that you are feeling such deep sadness Comrade. I feel sure that desperately clinging (even for what seems like good reasons) only prolongs the agonies. I hope that soon the darkest cloud and the heaviest weights will lighten for you. I'm sure they will. But grieving is not easy. Warm comforting wishes for you. Agree's. [ more ]
brisket awww Scotty [ more ]
Scotty brisket, you have a beautiful way with words. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
farm shops ~ do you use yours?
zazz "I'll happily stand in the common corner when it comes to other veg 'though" peas are rubbish anyway! [ more ]
Former Member Reference: Frozen veg?? how common! I'll happily stand in the common corner when it comes to other veg 'though [ more ]
pgtips Ditty.... I just googled 'oldest recorded market town' thinking I knew which one is was, and going down the page on google, your post came up on the front page !! what a way to advertise gaga !! lol .. [ more ]
See all 28 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Tonight should be the night
Baz Can we all afford the diesel though and i got WIFI installed today and daughter is now taking her laptop upstairs no BB and no forum *sobs on Baz's shoulder* *pats Aimee on head....Oh no* You can't leave us Aimee [ more ]
squiggle Reference:Lal Who can forget the grand entrance of will never be bettered!! Sigh, I wish we could watch that whole series all over again. [ more ]
Elkie Cologne this Girl was on Graham Norton Show tonight..brilliant [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Touchy music teachers
brisket I worry about ballet class. How on earth, I wonder, can my position be corrected if my teacher cannot touch me. I may never become a world class dancer. Super - thanks for uncovering the videos giving advice to teachers. After viewing I must say I remain utterly unconvinced. I never knew that amazingly dramatic improvement could be made simply by being stared at! Deep in my heart of hearts (no, not so deep actually) my gut tells me that not being touched is very negative. [ more ]
Former Member Reference: I knew it went on with some P.E. teachers but have never heard of music teachers doing it. There's plenty Karma...If you are a teacher with a motivation to sexually offend against children then it makes sense to choose to teach a subject like music or PE where the boundaries re touching are more blurred, you have increased opportunities for 1:1contact, work away from the classroom, 'extra-curricular' activities and trips/overnight stays etc. BTW, I'm not saying by a v v long way... [ more ]
Karma_ Friggin eck I knew it went on with some P.E. teachers but have never heard of music teachers doing it. [ more ]
See all 25 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Terror Threat Announced.
Yellow Rose Karma I think the UK's Intelligence Services are extremely good - from what we know or have been told through the media when people have been arrested before another dreadful account can take place. It's just my curiosity as to what may be presently known by them about an assumed attack in London, if they know that I'd like to hope they know more and could stop it if it's true. [ more ]
Karma_ Don't know if it's as simple as that, YR. I know there were a spate of arrests recently in connection with terrorism and apparently, a lot more goes on than we know and a lot of realistic threats get discovered before any terrorist activity comes to fruition. Seems that whatever's gone on at MI6 it's been deemed serious enough to make the public aware, and I suppose their viewpoint could be that the more eyes and ears they have on alert the better? [ more ]
Yellow Rose The US has false flags and so does the UK, it takes the focus away from other stories. I'm curious as to why they think an attack is imminent in London and not elsewhere in the uk. If their intelligence has led them to believe that then surely they'd know who would carry it out and arrest them beforehand. [ more ]
See all 10 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
How can this be allowed
Dirtyprettygirlthing Reference: Karms Sometimes ads from previous issues are used as 'fillers' if there are not enough new ads to fill the page (and the publisher doesn't want to use house ads promoting the paper's site cos it makes the competitors think they're not doing well). I wish I had known this at the time.... I would have changed the contact tel. no. to the telesales bird at the paper... she could deal with the calls. The other LSO's used to get the right hump at having to take all the extra calls. [ more ]
Karma_ Keep your chin up Aimee, I've always gone by the notion that if you don't get a job or one passes you by it's because it wasn't right for you. The right one will come along x Have you contacted agencies? Or the company that you wanted to work for - might be worth dropping them a line (to the Human Resources department if there are no direct contact details - call and ask for their contact e-mail) - saying how keen you were on applying for the position and how you could have applied your... [ more ]
Prometheus Aimee it's standard practice in most big companies to advertise jobs they already know will be filled internally. They are obliged by law to advertise the position which seems insane when they, we and Auntie Flo's cousin and the bloke you just met in the pub all know it's already been taken. Stupidest law ever, well one of them anyway. [ more ]
See all 16 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Snow anyone?
Former Member Nice to look at ,I am sick of the sight of it ,even the weans are sick of it. They just want a chance to play with their bikes that they got for Christmas ,fat bliddy chance. [ more ]
Former Member Reference: It is lovely to look at murder to walk in though .. it's fallen on top of ice too. Love the snow usually but I'm all snowangeled out now! [ more ]
Triggers Yep, snowing here in Glasgow. It is lovely to look at [ more ]
See all 48 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The Hotel Bill
Former Member Watched it tonight,it did make me laugh. [ more ]
Former Member Judge Judy erin? Fabulous [ more ]
Former Member I heard this today . You know when females get involved with a sh*t guy ,then it all goes pear shaped . They say " I thought he would change". Don't try and teach a pig to sing It doesn't work. And it annoys the pig. [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
who has broken new year resolutions already?
Former Member Thanks Miss S, have tried the patches but they burnt my skin. Will def have a look about the false ciggies x [ more ]
Former Member Reference: who has broken new year resolutions already? I don't make em, so I don't break em [ more ]
Former Member Might not work for you but it might be worth trying - as you say you are probably paying a fortune on the cigs anyway. [ more ]
See all 26 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Britains Fattest Man
Suzi-Q I was nearly crucified back in the summer for suggesting that Josie was fat. Of course, she is no where near the weight of this man (especially now after her "dramatic 3 stone weight lost, story exclusively in OK"). One in four people in the UK are obese. Not overweight, not pleasingly plump, not carrying a bit of holiday weight, but obese. This man is at the end of the spectrum, but there are hundreds more on their way to becoming the fattest in the nation. [ more ]
Former Member Let him sue but using his OWN money. He will never win ,no one forced the food into his gob.He is an ungrateful ,greedy ,needy.lazy ,fat git. I have no doubt that he will be as big as he was within the year, he takes no ownership for his weight. You would have thought he would have been so grateful to have a chance at life again. [ more ]
Marguerita I said in an above post I felt no empathy towards him which I thought I would have, whilst watching the program I felt he was blaming others for his weight situation although he never said this outright I felt there were undertones of it in his attitude,I thought his carerer was wonderful I would imagine he would be hard to deal with as there was a lot of anger and self pity lurking in him,I hope they make an example of him if he is going to sue the NHS and give him nothing,he has got to... [ more ]
See all 34 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ok, whats with all the animals dying around the world?!?
Former Member It is really really really odd. And I honestly don't know what it is... whether it's something 'natural' or some experimental stuff going on, or the icelandic dust or something like it, or something more sinister.. . WEIRD....... [ more ]
Blizz'ard Reference: lainy The rich and/or famous seem to be dropping like flies at the moment too - perhaps it's all related And no one seems to care about the flies! [ more ]
Yellow Rose It's not impossible, maybe, but to me the bigger question is why just blackbirds [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Is anyone else sick and tired of........
Former Member Very well said Devilindiamante, And so true. Thats how the 'yummy mummy celebs' get to lose 2 stone and drop 3 dress sizes in 9-10 weeks. And LOL Blizzard [ more ]
Blizz'ard Keith Lemon's Fit DVD is meant to be good and you get a free pizza with it, apparently. [ more ]
The Devil In Diamante It would be easy for anybody to lose weight and tone up with a personal trainer and dietician on hand....along with having nothing else to do except work on losing weight....they're not like the normal person who has a full time job, kids etc...their job IS losing the weight for the 12 months before their shite DVDs come out....I can honetly say I never have, and never will buy one either.... [ more ]
See all 23 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Craig Gazey quits Coronation Street!
The Devil In Diamante Awww, I like his character, though I don't think he's a very good actor least he adds abit of humour though.... [ more ]
Garage Joe Although TBF ITV have dealt with the typical plot of, woman who seemingly can't have children, has a miscarriage, buys a child twice, once with stolen money, and smokes near children, very sensitively in my opinion. [ more ]
Garage Joe I agree. They can get rid of Becky and her sister for me. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Psychics and Mediums
Freespirit I'm not religious but I am spiritual, you can most definitely be one without the other. It's an interesting topic and I don't believe a believer could convince a sceptic. I love the experiences I have had although they are not always good. Good from loved ones that we call spirits but I've had bad ones with ghosts the difference being ghosts have not gone onto the after life they are earthbound for whatever reason and they are strangers to me. I think we can all only ever go from personal... [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing Reference: Hmmm depends on what it is I think oh I dunno K... I was lucky.. on a couple of really sticky issues I was able to divert, be vague, or be careful with my wording til they were old enough to understand the truth... I can honestly say I don't think I have lied to them... I believe that arming them with the facts is my best bet for them to make the right decisions about stuff. Its worked so far... but I ain't out of the woods yet I dunno if it would be the same if Alfie was the... [ more ]
AngnLis Never believed in all that kind of thing, but have been to see a clairvoyant myself. He told me I'd move to a white house in the countryside. Fair enough....I did. Still didn't believe in it.... Years ago, my Mum went to see one, and she was told she'd never be well off. True enough!! But...that there was a painting that Mum had, and it would turn out to be worth quite a bit. We laughed over that - a painting, in my Mum's house? Never!! Anyway, my Nan (RIP) won a painting in a raffle at one... [ more ]
See all 72 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Dancers on the town
brisket Well, Matt Baker enjoyed Cirque du Soleil. Here is one of his tweets on Twitter:- [ more ]
Karma_ Reference: Me too Karma. I can't stand her. Reference: Dont take to Katherine Jenkins ,I wonder what it is about her ,she is so cold and unemotional,odd for a singer. So it's not just me being my usual unreasonable self then She's just so good and perfect and holier than thou and she's got the most unnatural looking set of teeth. A bit like a horse that's had the Hollywood smile treatment in their lunch hour. I watched her Piers Morgan interview and like Cheryl Cole, it was so rehearsed and... [ more ]
brisket I read a review of the Cirque du Soleil show and sadly it implies that the circus tricks, acrobatics, and dare-devil stunts are re-dressed and re-arranged, but that the show as a whole lacks soul. I don't like Katherine Jenkins' voice and her horrible horrible vibrato. Her efforts at grand opera are acutely embarrassing. But I like Gethin Jones very much, particularly his shimmies and his knee slides. [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Weekly bin collections to come back?
Aimee I have a green bin for normal rubbish that gets emptied every 2 wks (food etc) and every other week the recycling and garden bin get done, in the summer the food bin is a nightmare [ more ]
Rexi ❤️
SazBomb Reference: I quite like the German way. Large community bins discreetly hedged off. I live in a block of flats and ours are like that... the normal ones are ok, bin cupboard near the block... the recycling bins are right in the corner of the car park so you have to go traipsing across with your recycling every time you want to put something in. Oh, and they're not tastefully hidden either, a row of huge purple bins stood in the car park [ more ]
See all 45 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I think you'll like this
Soozy Woo I bought my grandson a ventriloquist dummy for christmas - he wasn't terribly impressed - I don't think there is much ventriloquism on TV nowadays. My son loved it though and we were in hysterics on Boxing Day. [ more ]
brisket Thank you Soozy - that is very good. I would be useless at co-ordinating all the various things - my own voice, the dummy's voice, moving the mouth, ralating to the other man. It would be like patting your head and rubbing your stomach at the same time. It's funny! [ more ]
Former Member Thanks Soozy, that was really good. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Eco Etiquette,should I delete my Facebook Account
Former Member DPT ,I do agree that something will come soon and replace Facebook ,thats why I was stunned at the 50 billion price tag,as for you loving the interweb ,be careful,you dont want to get Information Withdrawal Syndrome.( truely is such a condition) [ more ]
Scotty Me too erin, very funny. [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing sorry Erin... I read the first bit... them skimmed the rest ... BUT.... Facebook hasn't changed the world as such... its the internet that has changed the world. Something will come along that will take over from Facebook at some point... as Bebo & MySpace & Lycos & Yahoo Geocites etc etc can confirm..... the bottom line is though... its the internet!!! The internet has made information accessible to the masses... this must have done so much towards the eco cause.... as well as... [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
BBC interview receives 95 complaints
Clumsycat 95 confirmed tossers out there then [ more ]
Prometheus I made 111567 complaints that Match Of The Day wasn't on the BBC HD channel. It is now. So there you go, if you want to get something done 95 complaints just ain't going to cut it I'm afraid. [ more ]
Cosmopolitan Bring it on. Let the Stephen Green's of this world get their viewpoints aired once in a while. It makes it easier for the rest of us to know who and what we're dealing with and whom to avoid. The man's an @rse; good to have it confirmed and proved on screen for all to see. And by his own vile gob! [ more ]
See all 10 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I Have finally found a job
Clumsycat supposedly cause its dealing with peoples accounts.. but i did that for last 3 years .. and job prior to that i was running an amusement arcade.. balancing books & in charge of float... i think if i was a tea leaf or illegally working i would have been discovered by now... [ more ]
Smarting Buttocks Why is the agency fussing about stuff from 5 years ago. Isn't the important thing that you have a job offer and you have accepted it. Seems they are putting obstacles in your way Clumsycat. [ more ]
Clumsycat i am about to lose it........... on the verge of screaming.... they have my payslip but no one there remembers me from 5 years ago.. new staff.... want bank statements showing they paid me as wageslip not enough.... got paid cash from the float so not on bank statement.... want proof of benefits received when i had a pot on for 8 weeks... was not claiming as i figured i could not look for a job until i could walk.. not good enough... i want to shoot them.. looks like i may not have a job... [ more ]
See all 45 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Eastenders Tonight...
Hobbes All to boost the ratings and at this time of year is utterly ridiculous and insensitive in the extreme. Time for the suicidal terrorists to blow Albert Sq and it's moody and boring residents to Kingdom come. Oh hang on....... is that plot line allowed > or will it upset too many viewers? [ more ]
cologne 1 I agree. One issue yes, the two combined are too much. I don't really understand why EE has to be this relentless sorrow and pain. We (as a nation of watchers) have complained about EE storylines for years, but nobody there give a flying monkey's. I'll stop watching, that's the best solution. Anyway, I've had 5 books for Christmas that need reading. [ more ]
Cosmopolitan That's the word - or the feeling I get coming through my tv screen, Soozy - an air of flippancy. As if they've ticked another 'issue' off of their list. Col, it has to run and run if it's to have any credibility. My problem is that the whole story was overly contrived from the start . It could have been so much better - Croc's post proving the point. [ more ]
See all 67 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Louie Spence
Former Member I'm fed up of turning on Sky telly and seeing him there or in magazines and newspapers. Enough already [ more ]
Kaffs I'd like to smack him round the head with a shovel Tom and Jerry stylee!! See... now I'm thinking of Harry from One Direction...... [ more ]
Croctacus Is there a queue? I'd like to smack him round the head with a shovel Tom and Jerry stylee!! [ more ]
See all 17 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
What was the last thing you ate?
Former Member I will keep the link ,its always good to find something different.Cheers. [ more ]
~Lee~ A baguette filled with roasted rib of beef red onions cherry toms and lots of horseradish,it was lovely. [ more ]
Karma_ Reference: Just had a look at the "link" Karma put up ,£100 for a box of chocs! they would have to be bliddy delicious. They are! And they last ages. (Well, depends on your definition of ages I suppose). But even the smaller boxes for 20 quid or so are still ace, and like I said, they're more like a delicacy cos the chocolate's so rich that you can't just wolf down the lot - no matter how much PMT is on the go We had some a couple of months back and I'm getting my son some for his birthday,... [ more ]
See all 81 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Former Member Dont chuck it We had ours til March last year; it lasted really well. It's only superstition that Christmas decorations being kept up past 6 Jan is bad luck anyway! [ more ]
Former Member I'm keeping all 6 of mine [ more ]
lal Thanks guys... I bought myself a lovely red plant 3 weeks ago... Thanks slim.... [ more ]
See all 6 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Gerry Rafferty dead
Cosmopolitan I went looking for my Night Owl CD last night, as for some stupid reason I didn't appear to have uploaded it on to my lappy. Ashamed to say that it was bought so long ago that when I did find it, it was on TAPE..! Have rectified that by purchasing the album on itunes. If you haven't got it - buy, buy, buy. Nice album. I also stumbled upon a load of long forgotten stuff; Gallagher & Lyle's Breakaway album (vinyl) for one. Lovely to be taken back to days gone by.....but did I feel old..! [ more ]
Former Member A terrible shame, he was very talented. I lived in a flat near The High Street in Edinburgh, in my student days and we used used to go to a pub there where he played, many moons ago. He had many troubles, hope he is at peace now [ more ]
Clumsycat RIP mr Rafferty... you were fantastic [ more ]
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