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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
If your lurking please enter..
Former Member The Hoff was in Glasgow, attired with the kilt and thanked all the Irish for the welcome [ more ]
Former Member Joan_Rivers tweets) Congratulations to Victoria Beckham, who's pregnant with her fourth child! She's finally eating for one [ more ]
Former Member Britain's got talent auditions in Glasgow Wee guy comes on stage,says he is Mr Hasslehoff's biggest fan. Mr Hasslehoff says "Call me Hoff" The wee guy replys "Na Hassle" [ more ]
See all 26 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Customer Service Good -v- Bad
Rexi Reference: However I will not mention BT because they do not know what customer service is I feel your pain Issy (see my post above) [ more ]
Former Member However I will not mention BT because they do not know what customer service is [ more ]
Former Member Marks and Spencers home insurance. I spilt wine on my laptop...( blamed the cat). Reported it the next day ( weds) old one collected by computer firm to make sure that it could not be fixed on the Monday. Report given on the Tuesday. New laptop - exactly to the same specs as my old one on the following Monday. The whole exercise took just under 2 weeks. [ more ]
See all 12 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Former Member Haven't seen Britannia Hospital though that I can recall. [ more ]
Former Member Correct El Loro Hadn't seen it for years - could just watch O Lucky Man tonight now. [ more ]
El Loro Reference: Carnelian Wasn't it on TV last night? It was on at the time that Velvet Donkey posted here, so that could well be the reason for the post. I've see If 3 times. It was filmed in part at Cheltenham College, and, in my capacity as an accountant, I have visited the College many times over the years. So I recognise some of the localities such as the main hall and exterior shots. The College did not approve of the storyline for obvious reasons. [ more ]
See all 10 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
starbug15 I agree with a poster above me that you can get lots of people of 40 to 60+, who are complete idiots and very immature, and yet people of 20 who are really intelligent and mature. And I agree with the majority here that age doesn't really matter and I get on well at work and so on, with lads of 18 to 20 (and girls,) and also with people 10 or 15 years older. But that said, I have to say that my 2 close friends who I have known 15 years or so, are near my age, and although I get on well with... [ more ]
Prometheus Reference: after all we are greedy Barstewards & aint gonna let things go without a fight! Greedy yes, but also territorial. And yes we can fight. Killing each other is what we do best. We'll kill our own species off long, long before any alien lifeform finds us. [ more ]
slimfern We will adapt, if there is any adapting to be done! (if earth is still here) after all we are greedy Barstewards & aint gonna let things go without a fight! [ more ]
See all 33 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I'm amazed
Cinds Reference: he came back with a blob of toothpaste on his cheek under his eye and a bigger blob in his hair!? [ more ]
SazBomb Reference: I'm amazed your menfolk take the empty cardboard rolls off the holder & throw them!! Mine leave the empty cardboard roll on the holder... and place the newly started loo roll on the floor underneath it! B leaves the cardboard tube on the holder and perches the new roll on top of it [ more ]
Jen-Star My boy (Soon to be 7) always leaves the tap on after hes brushed his teeth/washed his hands, forgets to flush all the time and manages to get toothpaste EVERYWHERE!!!!! Gave him a shower the other night and sent him off to brush his teeth, he came back with a blob of toothpaste on his cheek under his eye and a bigger blob in his hair!? [ more ]
See all 40 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
American fridge freezers..
Former Member Big fridge in the kichen. Chest freezer in the garage for the o/h when you snap. No charge. [ more ]
~ Babette ~ The biggest scam is the energy rating. The concept is that if you have enough insulation the thing will need less energy to run so it will be greener. In reality they cannot put the insulation on the outside of the fridge freezer because it would be too big to get into the kitchen, and once it was in the kitchen you would not be able to get in there yourself, let alone open the doors. So they keep the outside the same and put the insulation inside. Energy problem solved. Food storage problem... [ more ]
Garage Joe If you are going to have a fridge/freezer then it's vair important to have some sort of system/rotation. In the early days of our relationship we were taken in with the, "buy a quarter beast and half a lamb scam!" and the "Fill your freezer and save money!" myth. If you are both working you never get around to it. Now we are lucky enough to be sole and home based traders, we just cycle to the local shops and buy what we need on a daily basis. [ more ]
See all 62 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Hotel broke law in gay couple snub
Garage Joe One would have to assess how many Christians, as it were, are more likely to book in at this exciting BnB as a result of this court case! [ more ]
Former Member This Hotel will be out of buisness unless they change their attitude towards non-christians. Wonder if they have changed their views since the court case? [ more ]
Ev (Peachy) Reference:Cosmo "Married Hetrosexual Christians on a Sunday only " They'll be Queing up [ more ]
See all 76 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Your family
Former Member Hmmmm families. Since my mam died 9 years ago, the brother I couldn't sort of have a conversation with (was only one word answers) I seem to have become closer to and can now hold a convo with (allthough we still don't live in each other's pockets) but are there if needs be. My other brother (now lives in New Zealand) and was very close to him upset me the last phone call last year and haven't heard anything from him since. I dunno whether it's an age thing or what. They're 10 and 9 years... [ more ]
Former Member I get on really well with my mother, I can talk to her about anything, other than that I have a brother and sister. My brother is so funny and i love to bits. I dont talk to my sister. She is so selfish that a couple of years ago i decided my life would be a lot happier if i didn't have to deal with her so that was that, i cut ties and i feel i was right to, it was like a weight off my mind. [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing bloody hell temps... your mother!!!! words fail me! [ more ]
See all 56 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
the sexy thread :O
Former Member there are definitely varying opinions on what is sexy in here some refreshing, some a bit old. [ more ]
Former Member Brisket I love tall men too. I am 5 ft 5 and would be unlikely to go for a man less than 5 ft 10 . [ more ]
Ev (Peachy) Reference:Brisket SEXY (It's the voice.) So the ones who depend on their looks I do not find sexy. The ones with slightly noticeable (even odd) features which may not be stereotypically handsome I do find sexy. The eye (and ears) of the beholder I couldn't agree more Brisket! I love mens lips and voice, oh and i have a thing for tall men [ more ]
See all 45 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I'm looking after a large Labrador puppy .. help
Ev (Peachy) I have her here now, i wish i had her energy. She was very excited to go for her walk. I notice she is also aware of the traffic, which is good. No huge dogs trying to molest us as yet on our walk today. At the moment she seems to be having a word with the cats in the garden. [ more ]
Ev (Peachy) I know! Their little faces, Sooty's eyes nearly popping out and very round ahhahaa [ more ]
Ev (Peachy) ok...onto Plan toooooo [ more ]
See all 75 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Has anyone ever studied Criminology?
charlisock I asked my teacher and he said that crime detection is under law enforcement [ more ]
Blizz'ard I've brought up four kids, if that counts. [ more ]
PeterCat Reference: I dunno what you mean about crime detection, but isn't that more forensics? Even most forensics courses are centred around the criminal justice system. We looked at a load of them before the OH started his Masters'. [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Walking texters beware
Former Member ^^^^^^ [ more ]
~Sparkling Summer~ Also, one time I was walking with my friend, and she was so busy checking out some wolf whistling builders that she didn't notice a big lamp post right in front of her! Yes she slammed into it head first and bounced backwards, the poor thing was mortified [ more ]
~Sparkling Summer~ I had to dodge a walking texture today! She didn't even know i existed lol As for me, I dare not get my phone out in the street in case someone robs me! [ more ]
See all 29 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Golden Globes and Ricky Gervais...gossip wanted!!
starbug15 I saw this last night on living. (An edited, shorter version,) and TBH it was a storm in a teacup. What Gervais said was rather tepid and I feel that the Americans are perhaps a little over sensitive. I also think that they don't like it when foreigners take the piss out of them....... if it had been a fellow yank, then they would have been a bit more receptive to the humour. No offence to the Yanks meant, I mean, I am the same: if someone takes the piss out of the Brits and they are... [ more ]
cologne 1 I don't really think it was very good because he is not a kosher person. The way he hosted the Globes was exactly the way he behaved as Brent in the office. Either he is no actor or he is no comedian. Any which way, he's carp. [ more ]
Karma_ I loved Gervais on it. He ripped the piss out of the fakeness and it was trés refreshing. Even with his interjections, it still had the over the top, gushing, unnecessary appraisals with fake smiles and fake losing faces, but he brought a good kick up the arse balance. Colin Firth's speech was the one I found the most genuine, tbh. I think I already talked about that Melissa Leo woman, who would have had a Moet bottle shoved in her gob sideways if I'd been in the audience. One of the... [ more ]
See all 120 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
who's your most famous follower on twitter..?
Former Member LOL Veggie, i am hopeless, my son just sighs. Scat leads are my pet hate, why can i not get them in ? [ more ]
Former Member Lol Skylark they sure do have selective hearing. My mate lived opposite a small park and all our kids played there. She used to say that you could call and call them until your lungs gave out with no response but rustle a sweet wrapper in Edgware (2 miles away) and they'd hear it I must admit that mine do most of the techie stuff for me like connecting stuff to the tv etc. I'm absolute rubbish at anything like that [ more ]
Scotty No, don`t ye daft booger. Hope you`re feeling better now. Hang on for a birthday bump. [ more ]
See all 26 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Was the war in Iraq legal?
Garage Joe All joking aside. This business about sandman's human rights record is a bit of a red herring. The WMD argument was a loser since every time he got anywhere near completion the Israelis assassinated the people concerned. As a matter of fact they constructed his super gun round these parts. If the west were concerned about state murder why didn't they invade Syria too? (thousands murdered after the last uprising against Assad) I say again unto you. There was previously a secular state where... [ more ]
Scotty [ more ]
Scotty Reference: Joe So north Korea, Zimbabwe, next eh? If they find any black black oil. Yes. [ more ]
See all 52 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Carnelian yeah well, thanks for the sympathy but hey, I left school with a few shit qualifications and had more than my fair share of unemployment and then went on to various low paid jobs like warehousing - which I hated. I then spent lots of my own money on night classes to catch up on the qualifications I knew that I was capable of gaining - even though my school wrote me off for those qualifications. I passed all those qualifications with A's and 'Bs and then moved on to A levels and then moved... [ more ]
Karma_ Katty, the CAB are fantastic for helping to fill out any forms like this (and for DLA and other benefits). They will also advise you on fighting your case if you need to appeal. Or some local councils offer a dedicated welfare, benefits, money and advice service. Fight for what's yours x [ more ]
Carnelian Cheers, I'll post stuff tomorrow as to why I feel so aggrieved about the injustices of this nation and how this country structures its tax regime to screw the little man while leaving the fat-cat protected. [ more ]
See all 41 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Do/did you ever consider immigrating?
stonks I find it so easy to up sticks and feck off.... [ more ]
Ells If I could afford it then I'd be away tomorrow. Unfortunatly I doubt I'll ever be able to afford it so I'll be stuck here. I always thought I wouldn't be able to leave my family and just go but there comes a point when you get so sick of everyone else's shit that a new life in the sun seems like heaven [ more ]
Former Member It is a bit of a downer here though if you scratch the surface. Hope things pick up for you Carnelian. [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Cosmopolitan Welllllllllllllllllllllll..... it was on because we'd been half watching/listening to The Wright Stuff. Usually the announcement that Trisha is about to follow makes for a communal rush to find the remote, but no one bothered today. I couldn't tell you what the topics were and I only saw Liz ex Atomic Kitten spluttering and trying to make a coherent sentence; no idea what point she was trying to make. Isn't Vanessa hosting the silly o'clock early show on Radio 2 now as well..? Won't that... [ more ]
Former Member It was pretty OK again today. makes a change from Trisha and JK. [ more ]
Former Member Reference: sparkles and is almost always smiling. No wonder She don't do if for me. [ more ]
See all 3 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
liz jones-trending on twitter..
Cosmopolitan It's a typical Liz Jones piece sadly; if she can't bring it around to being about her then forget it. I mean, who gives a stuff whether Bristol has got a Space NK or a Habitat? Is this the reason she deigned to travel over to Bristol; were they deemed worthy of her presence because they could sell her the right bottle of shower gel...? She's far too enchanted with herself. [ more ]
starbug15 I agree Croc. Who actually reads this filthy piece of shit? Not only is it a really horrid fascist piece of crap, but it's actually going from bad to worse as its continually offending peope? Who decides that these things can actually be said and published? [ more ]
Croctacus How did that person get a job as a journalist?....the writing is no better than you'd expect from your average 14 year old. [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Cheryl Cole nominated for Brit Award...
Carnelian She sounds a bit croaky to me but I'm not entirely sure it's not a poor quality recording. Sounds a bit like she's doing a generic American rock-lite singer songwriter accent and not quite pulling it off. I wouldn't say awful at all, just a bit unpolished. I think that may be the intention. [ more ]
Former Member LOL @ Velvet donkey too [ more ]
Clumsycat HA HA HA HA HA HA HA [ more ]
See all 135 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Triggers Reference: Pengy I keep nodding and saying how brilliant it is when friends ask how I liked it as I don't want to be the only one who says it wasn't fantastic That's endearing and funny all at the same time! [ more ]
Former Member LOL Pengy I sort of enjoyed it as the special effects were great, but it's kind of marred for me by the fact that I didnt have a ruddy clue what it was about. [ more ]
Former Member I must be the only person who thought this was boring I keep nodding and saying how brilliant it is when friends ask how I liked it as I don't want to be the only one who says it wasn't fantastic [ more ]
See all 6 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Jeremy Kyle.
Karma_ Reference: Oh dear! Why oh why do I keep watching this obnoxious man. I cannot stand him but I still watch occasionally. His new series seems to be overstepping the mark to a greater degree trhan ever. I have watched him with a group of guests who very clearly have low IQs. Mocking them and humiliating them - especially as they obviously have low IQ - is sickening. Earning money on the backs of such people is close to the ethics of a Victorian freak show. They choose to go on the show... [ more ]
SazBomb Reference: i know beauty is more than looks but why are the guests soooooooooooooooo UGLY and toothless [ more ]
machel i know beauty is more than looks but why are the guests soooooooooooooooo UGLY [ more ]
See all 45 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Fair do's to the yanks...
Former Member Sorry issy. I didnt mean anything by it and reading back, my post sounded like I was having a go at you, so i am sorry about that. As i said, I actually agree that people here wouldnt have jeered and laughed at a little girl. And yes as you said: I guess with the BGT type shows - the people do actually put themselves up for it. No offence intended. [ more ]
Former Member I was just referring to the little girl incident when I said "case closed". And I actually meant it as a light hearted remark TBH. Actually yes us Brits do take the mickey but my understanding on this occasion was that the OP and others were saying that a British crowd would have jeered at an 8 year old. I was merely saying that they wouldn't. [ more ]
Prometheus I've got to say I agree completely Brits would have reacted in exactly the same way but I think that little girl in the BGT clip was just having a tantrum. She didn't seem upset at all. No tears is always a dead giveaway but despite all that the crowd were behind her anyway. [ more ]
See all 41 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
So what is your perfect fry up for breakfast?
Former Member A litte bit like yours Karma..,Two poached eggs, some crispy bacon, 2 sausages, a small amount of tomatoes (like the tinned variety,) two smallish hash browns, and some beans, and some fried bread. (I feel my arteries clogging just thinking about it.) [ more ]
Katerina I had thin and crispy bacon in a sandwich this morning. On Christmas Day, I had smoked salmon and scrambled eggs on toast for breakfast....never had that food combination before, it was amazing. I'm hungry now [ more ]
Garage Joe Nee eggy-wegs n nee hash broons. [ more ]
See all 58 replies...

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