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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Question Time...
Garage Joe I'm used to listening to Edwina Chicken Curry on R5. She is an individual and interesting! I like Will Self (and his partner) very much. The rest of 'em were rather poor IMO. [ more ]
MrMincePie Reference: yes, Will Self, spot on as usual throughout - especially on the gov's plan B Katie Hopkins, agree with her on Sky/Keys/Gray but otherwise, carving a name for herself as a pantomime right winger. Edwina Curry - clueless and lightweight as usual. Her comments on "Bend it like Beckham" were laughable. Chris Huhne - toeing the line dictated by his new Tory masters - looked very uncomfortable when Will Self demolished the coalition's agenda, even resorted to the pathetic "wrong kind of... [ more ]
Carnelian yes, Will Self, spot on as usual throughout - especially on the gov's plan B Katie Hopkins, agree with her on Sky/Keys/Gray but otherwise, carving a name for herself as a pantomime right winger. Edwina Curry - clueless and lightweight as usual. Her comments on "Bend it like Beckham" were laughable. Chris Huhne - toeing the line dictated by his new Tory masters - looked very uncomfortable when Will Self demolished the coalition's agenda, even resorted to the pathetic "wrong kind of snow"... [ more ]
See all 8 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
~Sparkling Summer~ Don't feel bad, we've all done it They were gonna go out of date anyway right..? [ more ]
Aimee You see i don't get the choccy thing, there's still a nearly full tin of celebrations on the table from xmas (daughter has ate the maltessers) give me a bag of crisps any day the rest of the choccys will probably end up in the bin [ more ]
brisket Re: Oops! [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I think I made a grown woman cry today....Ahem!
SazBomb Croc, DiD worse than those peeps are the ones that move THEN indicate [ more ]
SazBomb she pulled out into traffic without looking, causing someone to brake sharply... with her child in the car. Thats pretty damn stupid [ more ]
The Devil In Diamante Reference: Some people seem to think that just cos they indicate they then have the right to pull out....they don't! They still have to wait till the road is clear to do so! That's one of my bug bears....i always understood that you indicated to show other drivers your intentions to make a manouvre (sp)...not during or afterwards..... [ more ]
See all 141 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Girl jailed for homophobic attack/murder
Scotty Reference: Suzi Q I still think that we are all responsible for our own actions though. It's become too easy to blame drink, drugs or things that happened to us in our childhood for for abhorent acts. I totally agree. [ more ]
charlisock Suzi made the point for me: you learn (and believe) all sorts of stuff when you're younger, but when you're older and have your own conscience and can think for yourself, you can't blame someone or something else for your actions. [ more ]
Suzi-Q It's a scary thought, thinking that if your parent has commited a murder, you will too. I'm hoping that it's a learned behaviour (in your example) rather than down to genetics. I still think that we are all responsible for our own actions though. It's become too easy to blame drink, drugs or things that happened to us in our childhood for for abhorent acts. [ more ]
See all 27 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Smokeless Cigarettes
Former Member I used them last time I gave up.....definitely take the edge off imo, so, worth a try?......I'm okay on a long journey until the moment I think it's a good idea to have a drink, then I really, really want a ciggie..... I always take a nicotine patch in case of emergencies! [ more ]
PeterCat Reference: Really? Does the gun keep you THAT addicted? The point about the gum isn't that it removes your addiction - only you can do that over time. The gum is just a lot less harmful than smoking, and is also easier to give up / cut down on. However, you still have to have the will to escape your addiction in the first place. And yes, I do speak from experience. I tried to give up smoking several times over 20 years, but I was only successful when I took the decision to really give up,... [ more ]
Blizz'ard Reference: Leccy My Mam's never bothered about smoking on the plane, its always at airports were it gets to her, when she's waiting for connecting flights. Leccy! I'm the same. I'm fine when I know I can't have one on the flight, but when you're waiting for your luggage and then helpfully keep reminding you that you can't smoke in the airport, I go a bit mad. Mr Blizz usually suggests I go outside and he waits for the luggage! [ more ]
See all 39 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ways to prevent a scarf shedding over clothes
SazBomb Reference: If it's a synthetic (man-made fiber), such as acrylic, polyester, nylon, etc: take it back to the store, synthetic fibers aren't supposed to shed, so it's a manufacturing defect with the yarn. I checked mine this morning and they're both acrylic and both shed [ more ]
~Sparkling Summer~ I binned a scarf cos it kept flaking bits of glitter all over me [ more ]
Cinds Hopefully I will, it's an alone time visit, not taking the husband or the child with me [ more ]
See all 24 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
National TV Awards....
Temps I can't believe EE won. Just goes to show all those people complaining about the recent storyline were just jumping on the bandwagon and talking out of their ar$es David Platt's face was brilliant [ more ]
machel i don't like ee, its storylines are too "fast" - compare phils addiction to the girl in emmerdale, the one in emmerdale was more believable and convincing, ee don't seem to act, just shout or cry. i was disappointed with some of the winners but glad to see waterloo road win and loose women lose! [ more ]
Suzi-Q I only watch Eastenders, so I'm pleased with the results. Week after week, Eastenders has the highest rating of all the soaps, so it makes sense that more people would be voting for the soap they actually watch, doesn't it? [ more ]
See all 279 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ceramic hob or induction hob?
Cinds Now you're making me want to get another Magic Sponge [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing Reference: including the paint yes I noticed that! Good for doors, & fixtures & fittings though.. & UPVC [ more ]
Cinds I like that one Antiope, I like it a lot. Jonesy, I think I'll give diesel cookers a miss Reference: they do a big block of sponge as well I had some of that years ago. Yeah it took all the marks off the walls including the paint [ more ]
See all 36 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Silent witness
Former Member I had a feeling they weren't deaded although I did get the cop guy wrong - he turned out not to be so dodgy [ more ]
Yogi19 I wanted to tell you all not to worry. Bereft at the loss of ***** and a total saddo, I went on an internet hunt of massive proportions to find out the outcome of this week's episode. I had to keep schtum, for fear of being arrested by the spoiler police. [ more ]
stonks Reference: BTW Mrs Jer shouted a vair vair rude word at the tellybox when she realised that her emotional outpourings were misplaced. I think my mother heard me shout and she lives in England.... [ more ]
See all 24 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Recession Recovery...
Blizz'ard Much as I love Alan Johnson, I'm kinda of glad Balls back in place. [ more ]
charlisock Reference: Wheres that fool that was on here a few weeks ago claiming "we never had it so good" You meant Lord Young didn't you? Back to the economy-down-the-drain... I read earlier (on Twitter) that in December 2009-January 2010 when there was all that snow, Labour managed to get the economy to grow. Don't know how credible that statement is but if it is then Osbourne really got this wrong. [ more ]
Blizz'ard Reference: Supes nah..flossie would have corrected the grammar and put an apostrophe in where's Ah, bless him! [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Former Member Oh dear... sounds a bit clliquey... I will join in the less-cool-club if its open *hears- echo- round- the -place - ....anyone there...? [ more ]
Former Member This is what happens if you try it with matching shoes [ more ]
Former Member Reference: *packs bags and puts on one platform shoe* Remember to pack the other platform Cinds, or you'll have to walk in the one direction all the time! [ more ]
See all 55 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Baz I will be hoping the Gruffalo wins [ more ]
~Sparkling Summer~ Colin firth is getting more attractive as he ages [ more ]
Former Member Its such a pile of poo this year that I will NOT be watching. Social network gets 8 nominations! Do me a favour, it was 'OK' but it wasnt brilliant IMO. It was a bit of a long winded court battle about angst ridden yooves squabbling over who invented facebook. And the Kings Speech gets 13 noms! No film deserves that many! (Though I do like Colin Firth.) And some great (and hugely successful) films have been ignored... and some great actors too, (who are snubbed year after year.) I'm talking... [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Speak your mind! No wait, don't....
slimfern Re: Speak your mind! No wait, don't.... [ more ]
Yogi19 Reference: I think the written word is far worse for misunderstandings and causing offence. When you're talking with someone you can hear the tone of their voice and see their face so can get a better idea of whether they are deliberately causing offence or not I agree Veggie. I have a tendency to over-use smilies, to compensate for the lack of facial expressions and body language. [ more ]
Former Member I think the written word is far worse for misunderstandings and causing offence. When you're talking with someone you can hear the tone of their voice and see their face so can get a better idea of whether they are deliberately causing offence or not Just be yourself Prom and fight your corner [ more ]
See all 56 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Yogi19 Reference: So you should hang your head Yogi, I was cleared on all charges but people still have to bring it up You mean you got away with it. [ more ]
Former Member Gawd lot of poorly machines in here tonight. Calls for a big prayer to him upstairs [ more ]
Former Member Reference: If we're praying for stuff could you all pray for my car? Is getting confused between praying, meditating and crossing everything! [ more ]
See all 45 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Is it right
Dirtyprettygirlthing Oops sorry I wandered off... Comedy Dave is part of the Chris Moyles team on Radio 1 Breakfast Show... but whereas the others all have jobs... Dominque reads the news, Aled is producer.... Comedy Dave is just there to banter [ more ]
Soozy Woo Reference: Thinking about this again I suppose the buggest question has to be "what is a celebrity"? Is celebrity - someone who is celebrated? TBH .................I suppose it's anyone in the puiblic eye. Personally I don't really care who is on the ice - I just enjoy watching people making progress and getting better and better - I hope he does well. [ more ]
Former Member Ok Aimee , thanks x Yes i saw Chris Moyles in the audience, dont listen to the radio much . [ more ]
See all 154 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The Kings Speech - May contain possible spoilers...
Eugene's Lair Re the joke in the OP: When I saw the film, the last line got a lot of laughs, but I couldn't help wondering how many of the audience got the hidden reference there... (For those who don't know: George VI had lung cancer in his later years, and it was a major contributory factor in his death.) As for the film itself: yes, I thought it was very good and would recommend it to anyone. Although Firth's getting all the praise, the whole cast are great: I thought Michael Gambon as George V and Guy... [ more ]
Former Member Thinking i may go see it, everyone been saying how good it is [ more ]
Yogi19 I haven't been to the cinema for ages but I think I'll go to see this one. Even if the script is rubbish, I'll be able to look at that nice Mr Firth. [ more ]
See all 4 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
My bunny RIO isn't well...
Former Member keeping my fingers crossed he is as right as rain soon. [ more ]
Former Member Great news katty [ more ]
kattymieoww Thanks all,he's eaten some of his bunny biscuits tonight,so I'll just gently try and get him to eat.The vet said not to "chase" or make him eat as he will associate eating with being stressed a bit..sigh,yes Scatterby he is a big boy! But a gentle lump he never bites or grunts etc...Ahem! unlike the stroppy mare Cleo. [ more ]
See all 57 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Who loves a musical? I do - post here
Soozy Woo Reference: Glad you had a good time though I have to say the blue cheese burger sounds rank! *vomits* It was simply divine - if you think that sounds rank (poorly as he was) my husband went for the Buffalo Burger He's a game old bugger! [ more ]
Soozy Woo A little lengthy but it gives you a bit of a taster! [ more ]
Former Member Re: Who loves a musical? I do - post here [ more ]
See all 66 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I want you on my phone!!
Jen-Star Argh, i've d/l'd itunes.. got the app, trying to transfer it over and its saying my phones full I've just wiped a micro sd card and put in, marked it as my default storage and when i try to copy it onto phone its still saying the connected disk is full I bet i dont even use it once i eventually work it out lol [ more ]
Jen-Star I had to get itunes to get app Karma lol [ more ]
Karma_ Random thread of the year so far! Jen, how can you go from wondering how you can access this place on your phone to deciding you need itunes on it? I'm missing the connection love (And hope you get it sorted x) [ more ]
See all 11 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
BBC to cut online budget by 25%
kattymieoww I used to play celebdaq but they closed that last year. [ more ]
charlisock Thanks El Loro I just read an article re radio last night and probably made a hasty conclusion. It did worry me when I read that radio sites will (would?) redirect to music sites... I mean who listens to Radio 4 for its music output?! [ more ]
brisket The BBCs online services must be huge. Indeed I have often had difficulty finding my way around the labyrinth, even though it is well signposted. I am, though, surprised that as many as 360 posts may go. It obviously takes a lot of people to provide it! [ more ]
See all 6 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
my relationship with my son
PeterCat I'm glad to hear it [ more ]
sandra thanks a million for all your replies, it has really helped me [ more ]
Former Member I hear ya loud and clear Fester. My baby got married 2 years ago and is busy working and looking after my gorgeous DIL, grandson and grandson due in two weeks! I miss him loads, and it's hard to find a convenient time even to chat as often if I phone in the evening or at weekends he's with my grandson, bathing him or at the park etc. Football is the one thing we totally have in common so we tend to communicate etc around that. We text eachother after games and he occasionally comes with me... [ more ]
See all 41 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
LIfe on other planets . . .
pepsi For all we know, we could appear as some sort of basic insect type (like ants) to a more advanced civilisation somewhere My O/H is well into astronomy and alien type theories. He has a telescope and loves to be out at night in the back garden with it. He gets some amazing views of the moon - which even make me go WOW! when I see them. He got all excited on NYE when he thought he saw a UFO ... but it turned out to be a chinese lantern [ more ]
slimfern Reference: He pays great attention to detail which is what makes me feel he is perfectly placed to help us in our great mission He actually sounds like a 'Trevor or Malcolm' - I've worked with a few of them I eagerly await the first installment [ more ]
Prometheus Reference: He needs/has a name - We could start a thread, following ' the findings of Budgeon Bob' ! We don't know his real name we just call him Mr Interesting. He always has something interesting to impart. If you ask for 20 cigs and there are no 20 packs left he will say you can have two 10s but never will he fail to point out that it's normally cheaper just to buy the one 20 pack. He wants you to know these things. If they have a special offer he will explain it to you in great detail. [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Power of attorney ?
Prometheus Reference: "thrifty till fifty then spend 'till the end !" I'd go with that as it happens. Can't take the stuff with you etc. [ more ]
Garage Joe Probably a cash issue. We have thought for a while that they felt that they had to accumulate cash to leave to us and the next two layers below us. Our philosophy is the famous, "thrifty till fifty then spend 'till the end !" [ more ]
Prometheus Reference: He was a bit more rational later tonight. A major issue is the fact that they have separate accounts. I will never understand that idea. Sorry if it seems I'm prying tell me if I am I'll shut up but do your parents see the whole power of attorney thing as a money issue more than what might later become a moral issue? [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
National Television Awards - voting
Prometheus I voted just to prove how much television I don't watch. I skipped all but 3 lol. I voted for X Factor, Big Brother and Davina McCall. There were quite a few categories where I recognised the nominees but hated all of them too much to vote for any of them (all soap categories are a good example). [ more ]
Baz Voted Brisket [ more ]
Former Member Thanks for alerting us to this Brisket I have to agree that some of the categories had poor choices, but I still managed to vote for them all... Just about!. About 2 or 3 of them may not have been my first choice per se, but I still like them and they were the best out of the ones listed IMO. My choices: Reality TV : Britains Got Talent. X factor is OK-ish but BGT still has the edge IMO Best comedy : Mike Mcintyre Comedy roadshow. I like TV Burp but feel its not as funny as it was, I don't... [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
marvellously daft songs of your youth...
~ Babette ~ Croc Member January 20, 2011 at 2:09 PM I was in WH Smiths in Lewisham one day and I heard Whispering Grass quite lousd outside in the shopping centre...I wandered out to have a look and there was Don Estelle with a stand flogging CDs...only about 9/10 years ago, a couple of years before he dies. I saw him Croc, in another shopping centre somewhere, may have been Plymouth, I can't recall as I used to travel a bit then. I thought it was very sad, the guy was reduced to flogging his own CDs [ more ]
Eugene's Lair ...and here's a little bonus for all you "Mad Men" fans out there... [ more ]
Eugene's Lair I've come intothis rather late, so most of the songs I'd thought of have already been done. However... My dad was a huge Stan Freberg fan, so I grew up listening to a lot of his stuff. The recording quality of the following isn't perhaps the best, but it's probably my favourite of Freberg's work... [ more ]
See all 234 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sam from Samanda BB7
Former Member On Sunday 23rd January 2011, @GerryGreek said: Nasty story in today’s NOTW about my friend Sam Marchant working in Reiss: Like many other housemates, the SAMANDA twins could still be “milking it” by appearing in Soft-Porn shoots or £200 cash-in-hand PAs. Instead they invested their BB proceeds (by buying a gorgeous flat) & got themselves “normal” jobs in fashion. The tabloids need to realise that some of us have MOVED ON. I am extremely proud of those 2 young women who never allowed the... [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) Me too Sweet , good on her!. [ more ]
Marguerita REF: Supes Marg, I seem to remember that they were both doing a social work degree Yes you are right Supes they also said in the house they would like to look after children, I have to agree with Pengy post they also drove me mad I always had a blinding headache listening to their ramblings and screeching, every time they screamed my doggies would stand in front of the telly screen and bark at them lol [ more ]
See all 25 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Is it right?
Yogi19 Reference: Kaytee The fence is comfortable to sit upon, which makes it right, unless I get a splinter in my bum, which would make it wrong [ more ]
Former Member This most definitely right Wright [ more ]
Kaytee ...can't quote for some reason and that is wrong The fence is comfortable to sit upon, which makes it right, unless I get a splinter in my bum, which would make it wrong [ more ]
See all 54 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Garage Joe Or indeed the Man City defence. [ more ]
Former Member I would imagine that Lemmy would get killed in the stampede to buy illicit substances if he was up against Vinny Jones and Razor Ruddock. Them is scary [ more ]
Garage Joe It's a good thread to tell us that Veggie. It wouldn't have looked right in the footie thread. [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
No you can't call your child Anus....
stonks Reference: Pamela Stevenson was talking about a kid in her son's class at school in LA, who was allowed to name their new baby and named it Skeletor! Did he stink?.... [ more ]
Yogi19 Reference: I've called my sons far worse things than Anus at points during their lives I can imagine. [ more ]
Former Member I've called my sons far worse things than Anus at points during their lives [ more ]
See all 69 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Cute animals
Former Member Awwww cuteness off the scale. Spoooonnggeeeyyyy xxxxx I remember when your puddy tat had the cone on - I know I sent you a pic on a related subject but can't remember what it was!!! Cinds - step away from the doggy clothes, I'm with Katty on this one. Mind you, he does look cute *feels ashamed* [ more ]
Cinds That was when I was a new and excited owner. These days he and his sister only have their winter jackets for really cold days. [ more ]
kattymieoww Oh Cinds he's got an on board fur coat already..unless he was poorly etc. Let him be a doggy! [ more ]
See all 39 replies...

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