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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Tennis - Australian Open
Cold Sweat Reference: Andy Murray says the only way he can respond to suffering a third Grand Slam final defeat is by working hard to ensure he does better next time. The Briton lost 6-4 6-2 6-3 to Serbia's Novak Djokovic at the Australian Open to miss out on a first major title. And Murray said he felt "better" than in the aftermath of last year's loss to Roger Federer in Melbourne. "I want to keep working hard, try and improve," he said. "It's going to be tough, for sure, for a few days." Britain... [ more ]
brisket Thanks for the picture link Cold S [ more ]
Cold Sweat A good selection of Final pics from the BBC: [ more ]
See all 172 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Karma. Do you believe in it?
Former Member No. Too many bad people live good lives and good people live bad lives. It's obviously nonsense. Believing in it is a prime example of the triumph of hope over experience. [ more ]
stonks Reference: But Stonks , it absolutely does, in Eastern religions.....Maybe the problem here is people have taken on a whole load of different definitions of what the word means to them? And all religion is manmade, what came first religion or the thought and practice of Karma,,,, Give a man a fish, and you'll feed him for a day; Give him a religion , and he'll starve to death while praying for a fish. [ more ]
Blizz'ard It certainly got Glen Hoddle into a lot of trouble. [ more ]
See all 80 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The return of BB
Former Member Oooh, I hope it comes back. [ more ]
Smarting Buttocks I don't trust Richard Desmond. He manipulated the editors of his paper (denied by him as expected - proved in court by the Tom Boywer case), I suspect his version of BB will also be heavily be manipulated by him and his desire for an exclusive story for one of his publications. [ more ]
Former Member Reference: I'm with you, Issy. It was sad to see Big Brother go, but I got used to the idea, and now I'm not so sure I want to get sucked back in. Its a waste of energy getting cross about very silly people And if Davina is presenting it then I definitely won't be watching it. I could cope perhaps if it was Emma Willis and George Lamb. I loved the fact that George clearly took the mickey. [ more ]
See all 65 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Saturday night and ITV's a dead zone.
Former Member That sounds interesting Avalon - I'll have a go at that, thanks! As for Sat night telly, I haven't been interested in it for years. When I used to babysit my mates kids on a Sat night they used to watch all the light entertainment stuff and enjoy it but I couldn't get interested in any of it. Saturday is footie day in our house so we have the radio on all day and the phone in on fivelive goes on until about 9pm so we avoid the telly for the most part [ more ]
Carnelian Yeah, it's a bit rubbish, but it's been rubbish for ages. About two years ago it was blatantly programmed for women and there was nothing for men at all. All singing competitions, dancing competitions and housewives' favourites like Boyzone and Rod Stewart. Primeval is a good little entertaining show and Harry Hill is ok but can be wearisomely repetitive at times. I don't think the BBC1 is really any better. I never watch that old pot boiler, "Casualty", "Total Wipeout" is an inane kids'... [ more ]
Former Member There is an excellent drama on BBC4 on Saturday nights entitled 'The Killing'. It's a Danish programme with subtitles and is in twenty episodes, each episode covering one day in the investigation of a crime. The first two episodes were on last Saturday night and I missed those but caught them on i-player. Worth watching, in my opinion [ more ]
See all 33 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ells The plan is cook him something to eat and get dressed up and do the whole candles sexy undies thingy. The reality will be have a falling out during the day, decide he's getting fook all, changing my mind so scrambling to get dressed up at the last minute before he gets home from work. Ordering chinese and eating it on the sofa in my comfy pjs while the kids come downstairs a million times saying they are hungry/thirsty/annoying and ending up me going to bed early after the wine goes to my... [ more ]
Cagney Probably get friends to have the kids for the night so we can plan something romantic but then most likely end up falling asleep on the sofa watching the soaps [ more ]
suzybean We still have our lovey dovey days sometimes, even when Hallmark hasn't sponsored it [ more ]
See all 24 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
What was your best road trip?
Cagney Mine was when we were all younger. Mum, dad, 5 of us, the dog and the cat all in my dads old car. Big tent, camping chairs, food etc packed in the boot. We just headed off not knowing where we were going and ended up in London on a campsite. Can't remember the name of it now but I was sooo excited coz that's where East 17 were from. Squashed soggy cheese and tomato sandwiches, cupdrinks and 2 million pee stops, little sister puking every 5 miles and dad playing his country and western songs... [ more ]
longcat Chauffeured limousine around the streets of San Francisco. Followed by a trip along the Californian coast along the same roads that Clint Eastwood drives in the beginning of the film Play Misty For Me. [ more ]
Former Member Now we're talking Sounds great [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Eat what you want Saturday
Former Member Black forest gateaux with extra double cream. [ more ]
~Sparkling Summer~ Yes gypsy, ALL day and ALL evening! We had Mexican, port & chocolates [ more ]
Former Member LOL Charlisock. I had mince pies and cream over Christmas a few times, and it felt so stodgy, and I felt like crap, and then I ate half a tin of fruit with cream and didn't feel half as bad, because I wasn't having pastry and sugar and fat in addition to the cream. And the fruit and cream tasted just as nice. So you're right... [ more ]
See all 19 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
cologne 1 Apart from the stuff that used to be my year (twist) , I really like the fox trott. I learnt it when I was 15 along with the waltz etc. [ more ]
Ells I THINK I can dance but that's after a few vodkas and one too many sambucas so in all probability I am more than likely an awful dancer but I'm never witness to it so I shall continue thinking I am a member the PussyCat Dolls and strutt my stuff on the dancefloor til someone has video evidence that I am pants! [ more ]
Former Member I'd love to be able to dance well. Tried my hand at Just Dance on the Wii - I was shocking Love watching Irish dancing. [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sky Profits...
Former Member Makes complete sense to me too Prom [ more ]
Prometheus It's a vicious circle. Sky have to pay more and more for the licence because the PL have to charge more and more because the greedy as hell money obsessed footballers want more and more because their even greedier agents want more and more and they are the ones who are making all this happen. Well, that made sense to me. I think [ more ]
Leccy Hello MrPie Oh totally, it's a murky business, though the last lot were up Rupes backside as well, he's got the Met in his pocket too. Actually if I was PM I wouldn't just hit him in his finances I'd rocket launch him into outer space. [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I must be a right good parent....
spongebob squarepants nice one.......... .hope he had a acers birthday xx [ more ]
brisket All credit to you Croc. They wouldn't be congregating for his birthday without good reason. [ more ]
Croctacus Cheers Suzy... I also take credit for them all being good at maths....I reckon it was teaching them all sorts of cards games from an early age.... Now just going to beat the 12 year old at cribbage! [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Watch......If you dare!
Former Member I love Mary Poppins Chris Rule has a very dark side to him if you ask me. [ more ]
Leccy I did get scared by the bank investors crowding around the children though ________________________________________________________________ We're all scared of bankers Rawky. [ more ]
Former Member LOL. [ more ]
See all 11 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The Lets Feel The Love Thread!!
Rexi It doesn't work on mine - it only works for secure sites - those with https. But thanks ... I thought for a minute that I might be able to fix up my computer at work, which has IE, so that I could sneak a look here in the daytime [ more ]
cologne 1 I left out one t, then it did work. Sorry, I thought that was peculiar to my computer, otherwise I would have mentioned it. [ more ]
Rexi boo hoo ... that won't work for me cologne ... it says it only works for sites that start https [ more ]
See all 26 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Watch what you post!
Angel Reference: events in Egypt and guess where I'm flying to tomorrow ? ..... Yup .... you got it .... Egypt ..... but the unrest is quite a bit away from Sharm, which is my destination. [ more ]
liverbird It makes me laugh that potential employers are supposed to check your FB - my profile is private except to friends so they wouldn't find anything anyway! [ more ]
pepsi I want to know how you post the ninja [ more ]
See all 42 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Do you think im odd and strange?
Marguerita Chicken I cant add anymore to what has been said above except we care about you, take care [ more ]
pepsi Hi Chicken I know how you feel and where you are coming from, I've been having some counselling for the last few months and one of my biggest mountains to climb is to try and stop being the person I think everyone else wants me to be. It's very hard to stop your thinking patterns to do that, but what we need to learn to do is to be happy in our own skin, to be ourselves, and to realise that most people will accept you for you and those who don't .. well ... the world isn't going to end... [ more ]
Former Member Reference: All problems aside....why shouldn't you go home see you're parents at weekends? It's a sort of stereotype that as a student you should go out and get pished. That's great if all students were the same but they're not. To me college and Uni is where peer pressure ends. It's not school. It's a chance for you to be yourself and if you and your doctor says it'll be good for you to go home at weekends then stop worrying about everyone else. Of course their noses are gonna be put out... [ more ]
See all 107 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Obscure Foreign Films that are proper awesome!!
Former Member Reference: All incredible films. I get really annoyed with people who refuse to watch a film just because it's subtitled Sorry Peter - I am one of those people.I just find it incredibly distracting hence I could never watch one. [ more ]
PeterCat Reference: PSYCHOLogical horror! I did wonder [ more ]
Leccy physiological _______________ PSYCHOLogical horror! Note to self don't just batter the keyboard and rely on the comp to sort it out. 2nd note to self: BED! [ more ]
See all 68 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sofas should have engines at these prices.
Cagney Reference: They have a sofa made from an old bath. They've cut one side out and added a big cushion to sit on. Price? £8000 I've got an old cast iron bath with feet in my shed. I could stick some cushions in it. I could do with £8000 [ more ]
Leccy Big Society in action with nee Cameron in sight. Spot on [ more ]
Scotty Reference: velvet This sofa might have an engine yet Nice one Scotty At this rate I`d be quicker wheeling it there myself. [ more ]
See all 30 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
loooonnnngggg posssstssss
Former Member No, i never read the long posts, or very rarely. I come here for a short sharp fix [ more ]
Temps It depends who writes them...if it's some one on a rant I skim over and just look for the juicy bits. If it's an intelligent post(er) who's put a lot of thought into what they have to say, I'll read it [ more ]
stonks Thanks Blozz.... [ more ]
See all 21 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Waterloo Road returns! Series 6, second half.
charlisock New character profiles are up! They do contain spoilers though so be warned Bex - with an incredibly adorable photo in my opinion: Nate Adanna Kyle - which says he's in a different year group than what the BBC's description says, but what's the difference in a year eh It seems that most of the character pages have been updated to reflect this side of the series and there are some shockers I can tell ya but what's most exciting (for me) (yes a SPOILER is coming up) is that Sambuca's coming back [ more ]
charlisock Next Wednesday's as good as ever day to start watching Sparkles, cos we all do at one point, for whatever telly programme in fact Here's a particular favourite if you want to whet your appetite. S06E08 part 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 [ more ]
Former Member You know I have never watched this. I really must do one day as everyone I speak to seems to think its good. [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Employment agencies and their staff! Evil scum?
Dirtyprettygirlthing he's already got out of vacuuming cos I won't let him near my dyson, cos he trashed the last one. & he's often excused from cooking cos of the stress of cleaning the ceramic hob I think I am gonna switch tactics... start to play him at his own game [ more ]
Former Member Ooh they are all like that Ditty, the male of the species. I swear to God they deliberately do housework badly to get out of doing it in the future. Funnily enough, my two were like that as teenagers. The one still at home (28) is still like that, the married one (26) is brilliant now around his own home. My DIL thinks I trained him right [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing Reference: Re Mr Ditty - see, you requested a multi tasker from the agency who could load and unload the dishwasher and they sent you the one that didn't have that in their cv and hoped you wouldn't notice he is totally capable of doing it the right way, and rinsing or at least scraping plates before loading them... its a little thing, that has the ability to really pish me off, and make me unhappy. But it was his reply "well if I can't do it right best I don't do it then" that really pushed... [ more ]
See all 30 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Das Experiment - has anyone seen it?
cologne 1 I'll watch it tomorrow prom. I get the gist of it, but can't say anything because I havent't seen it. [ more ]
Former Member Yeah I've seen it Prom Some domestic channel attempted a rehash a couple of years ago - interesting viewing indeed. Some of the "cons" in ours got way out of hand. It was cut short. [ more ]
Dame_Ann_Average I've read about the experiment, but never had the urge to watch the film. I can't to this day watch Schindler's List [ more ]
See all 12 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Any Red Dwarf fans on here?
Katerina I think it went downhill when Chloe Annett joined the cast, it just didn't work for me. [ more ]
starbug15 Red Dwarf is one of the most AWESOME sitcoms ever! But I agree that the series 9 was not brilliant. I know it sounds daft, but not having a laugh track made it a bit shit. I have watch it about 5 times and it hasnt got much better,. But all the other series... brilliant. [ more ]
Katerina The old days of Red Dwarf were hilarious.......Mr Flibble was absolute genius. But the recent revival was very poor, with the attempted in-jokes etc. I wish they wouldn't try and bring some things back, it won't work this time IMO. [ more ]
See all 10 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
If your husband/wife/partner.....
pepsi I couldn't give a fig either Suzie Oh ... back on topic... I am sat downstairs posting on the O/H's ( sorry Saz ) Facebook while he is upstairs posting back to me on it lol! [ more ]
Suzi-Q TBH, I really don't care, for the most part, on who is who or used to be who or who was banned and is now back with a new ID and expects to be incognito. Big Brother is over, so for the most part, anyone who comes in is most likely to be someone who was banned or left, or is trying to make a fresh start. If a "newbie" is decent, posts without trying to stir, has something thought provoking to say - what business is it of mine to "out" them? [ more ]
pepsi It's usually so easy to guess who it is anyway I don't know why people bother to try and hide their identities under a new name! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Suzi-Q I was just a bit dumfounded that a month after being informed that the deliveries were stopping, I get the survey. Of course, it doesn't take much to confuse me these days! [ more ]
Jen-Star It will have been a blanket mailing to everyone they have details for, the new method does sound much better though seeing as you see doc every 2months and get 4months supply each time, wonder why they dont do this more, i used to have my meds delivered a few years ago and they used ice packs and lots of packing materials to keep them safe and usable i always thought it was wasteful in that way [ more ]
Former Member Dunno Suzi, perhaps they will use to results of the customer survey to either try to get the hospital to keep the current system or they will be looking for a new contract somewhere else and want to use customer satisfaction as a selling point. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Former Member Reference: Did you see the mention I gave to your atheist cat in rawkys road rage thread? NOO I will go and have a look [ more ]
Former Member *is scared* Did you see the mention I gave to your atheist cat in rawkys road rage thread? [ more ]
Former Member Reference: agrees with Growly and PeterCat* Agree with me as well dammit [ more ]
See all 66 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ban on DS..
Former Member I know exactly what you mean Sparkles but not so much with tv as I really only tend to watch something I like - and there isn't much of that on. But I listened to Capital Radio for years and years, I absolutely loved it; the songs, the DJs, the gigs they did etc. Then the playlists starting getting more and more dance/r & b based but I stuck with it. Then the DJ's I liked starting leaving and in the end I just stopped listening. I think with a lot of things we just outgrow them. [ more ]
Former Member LOL Veggie. I knew someone would ask this. Why does anyone watch anything that they don't like much anymore and then moan about it? LOL. (and plenty do it.) I don't know really. But it seems to be (usually) because its a programme they once enjoyed and still perhaps like to watch now and again...and they hope it may improve again. Or maybe its a habit. Sounds daft to some maybe, but thats the only theory I can come up with. I mean there are some programmes I have tried to watch that I found... [ more ]
Former Member PMSL Sparkles Why do you watch it? [ more ]
See all 41 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Former Member The Times lot would win a fight as they'd get all their serfs from their country estates to come at you with pitchforks. I hardly ever read a paper but if I did it would be the Indy or the Grauniad [ more ]
Karma_ Reference: who'd win a The Guardian lot wear proper shirts and have good hairdressers. The Daily Mail lot have scuffed toed shoes and wear cheap hair gel. [ more ]
Garage Joe I'll read anything but I have the grauniad delivered. I think in general peeps read the paper which represents their views. However if the Mail put in a transfer offer for George Monbiot and Paul the crossword compiler I would not object. [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
can i do a film review sticky thing..
kattymieoww Though I did like the fifth Element, even with it's over the top crap etc...the story was actually quite good. [ more ]
kattymieoww Oh I like SCi fi stuff...not star wars or independance day shit.I love "Blade Runner" and "2001,a space OdysseY"..".Open the pod bay door HAL" I'm sorry Dave but I can't do that"... but I loved the send up of Indepenance day "Mars Attacks" actually because I'm old enough to have colled the original " Tops" cards.. [ more ]
pirate1111 one more recommened film vanishing on 7th street proper good old fashioned sci fi stuff bloke wakes up-goes outside everything has gone-people have gone and survivors have to fight against the oncoming dark really good if you like that kinda stuff x [ more ]
See all 32 replies...

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