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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Rum and coconut liquers.
Scotty Reference: Scotty! will ya stoppit woman! I'm not well at the mo and you make me wheeze Sorry you`re not well sprout <<<<<< Night Nurse. Add a dollop tae yer can and Bob`s yer uncle. [ more ]
Former Member Or not [ more ]
Triggers Reference: I can't drink for laffin at her Triggs If you were drinking out of a straw you could, Sprout [ more ]
See all 36 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Typical Saturday night nosh
Former Member Scorpion fish [ more ]
Former Member Oooooh, never heard of that Leccy. *Googles* [ more ]
Leccy Yeah, we call it dogfish and it's dead popular here. Mention it to someone from elsewhere and they look confused, say "Rock" they understand but wonder why we eat it There's another fish that we call pollymog, has a totally different name in the rest of the country...can't remember what it is right now. Pollymog is a Hartlepool word though, not sure what the rest of the NE calls it either (probably something different yet again) [ more ]
See all 104 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Do you think justice is served in this country for the victims?
Gouryella I always leave my Stanley at work.I keep the blade blunt though.Manys the time i could've given myself a sore one if it'd been a fresh blade. [ more ]
Carnelian I used to carry an knife all the time, but only because I used to work in a warehouse and forgot I still had my Stanley knife on me when I was off site or went home in overalls. Luckily, I was never stopped. [ more ]
Gouryella Hiya Cologne.Hope you're keeping ok?. Yeah.Haven't been around as much as i'd like.Wish i could restart the old C4 BB Forum again.Those were the days eh?. [ more ]
See all 16 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
This is very sad :(
Aimee This is so sad, she kept it quiet for so long as well, she was only saying the other day that her daughter was looking at the scan photo [ more ]
kattymieoww What a shame. [ more ]
Former Member Reference: People see every birth as just another bit of normality.But in reality it's far from it. I agree. And mothers still do die in childbirth... [ more ]
See all 20 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Dallas Returns
cologne 1 Soopse, if enough people put pressure on it, it will happen, as all these things have all over the years. It might take some time, I remember all the different attitudes going on in a wave of roughly a generation, the natural change of things, so I'm hopeful. [ more ]
stupidcupid I agree with everyone who says how amazing Linda gray looks for her age. The irony for me is that when dallas was originally on I thought she looked old next to Victoria principal who played Pamela Ewing. [ more ]
Former Member Reference: let's get back to some kind of normality where people just grow older withouth the pressure on them as is now. Agree Col' but can't see it happening somehow [ more ]
See all 51 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
What has Pete Burns done to himself
Ev (Peachy) What the hell has happened to his voice!!! ....I mean he has changed into The Cat woman II but jesus... that voice , its like he has been stuck in a Dr who character voice changer [ more ]
Ells He had the audacity to appear on a programme about plasitc surgery feck ups and was slating a lot of other people's plastic surgery work [ more ]
Former Member Agree with the majority on here. Pete Burns looked good in the 80s and was quite handsome actually. He has really messed up his face. And I also question what doctor(s) would do this. Like I wonder how or why any doctor(s) let Michael Jackson mess up his beautiful face. He was a lovely looking boy with a gorgeous smile, and he ended up looking like he wasn't even human, just like Burns. Difference between Burns and MJ though is that MJ wasn't a C-word of the highest order, and had an extreme... [ more ]
See all 50 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
May Day
cologne 1 Don't worry cariad It was 1975, just happened to be a date you'll not forget for several reasons. [ more ]
Cariad cologne hon ...sorry. I posted without reading to the end. You poor thing... [ more ]
Cariad My daughter would say NOOOO!! Her birthday is 2nd May which I think was damn good planning on my part. I don't know ... don't we have less bank holidays than any other country in Europe? Just add another ffs. [ more ]
See all 16 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ad blockers
Former Member Tis ok Pepsi Good stuff Avalon [ more ]
Former Member Reference: It does on my pooter Just tested it and it does on mine, too! [ more ]
pepsi Sorry Sprout - I went off to wash the dishes Glad PC sorted you out! [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Marvellous bargains!!
Ells No hot water bottles left I'm gutted, was looking forward to snuggling up to one tonight. Didn't get any bargains either and I was overcharged for lunch! [ more ]
Former Member Mint diamond faced Rolex for the old dear off E-bay ( from Singapore) - £1200. Listed at six and a half. [ more ]
Former Member Reference: His nibbs just rang informing me' he bought two shirts a king size duvet set and a game and had change from €50. gok I've trained him well You live with Gok? [ more ]
See all 52 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
POLL: Have you ever.....
Yogi19 @ Croc. [ more ]
Croctacus I once slid down the bannister coming downstairs from the bar at Queensway ice rink....with skates on.....the landing was very difficult and messy....and the crowd of people I scattered like tenpins were none too happy either. [ more ]
PeterCat Reference: I am a tad surprised how many people have been on skates I used to go skating at Richmond ice rink. Not that I could ever learn how to stop, so I used to have to crash into the side. [ more ]
See all 48 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The codeine linctus is wearing off...
El Loro Many many years ago I think we could buy over the counter with no prescription cough tablets with morphine in, I doubt if we could now. Codeine turns into some morphine in the liver, probably not much for most people though. [ more ]
Garage Joe I can't see the full title but must say that we both admire the work of Codeine Linctus. Impossible to get hold of nowadays. [ more ]
See all 2 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Peter Andre's baby joy.
longcat Katie Price behaves like men have been behaving for years and getting away with. [ more ]
Former Member It's a tangled web them celebrities weave. [ more ]
Former Member She gets more ridiculous by the day. You just know that Peter Andre seeing that Elen Rivas (not sure what to make of that...) is just killing her [ more ]
See all 49 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Former Member I'm sure Prom will take your comment on board sprout and modify his approach. ( ) [ more ]
Former Member Reference: Dire Straits fans are turds. I luuuurve I'm a turd... suits me ...He's obviously a shite guitarist.. in your ho....not in mine [ more ]
Former Member I would. Dire Straits fans are turds. [ more ]
See all 3 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Hey Elton tell us what you REALLY think!
Blizz'ard Reference: Karma Where is Hendrix from that list? Isn't it a bit late for Jimmy to get his act together? [ more ]
Prometheus Reference: Where is Hendrix from that list? I love him too but more of an enigma with a guitar than a legendary guitarist for me, soz [ more ]
Karma_ Reference: Apart from Johnny Marr, Angus Young, Brian May etc.... Where is Hendrix from that list? Brian May. Big hair but knows how to play a tune or 6 [ more ]
See all 34 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Malawi ban farting
Former Member Reference: What about the silent deadly do you prove them? Oh man I was at a family party once and dealt a "silent".I was in the kitchen with about six other folk...the cry went UP "Eeeeww, who did that! " Three of us including me walked away.. ROFL!!!!!!! [ more ]
Former Member Reference: Farting's rude imo. People who fart should have to go into those horrible little boxes they used to have in airports for smokers where they can only pollute each other in a confined space. But, but what do you do when needs must surely it's better in the ether [ more ]
Former Member I like doing really loud ones in cinemas in the dark. Always raises a titter. [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ice skating is so easy a Monkey could do it.
stonks Awww erinp you only posted it, your not the one who made the poor fecker perform, I won't watch cos that will only add to the views but it makes you wonder why people think making animals do this is good.... [ more ]
kattymieoww No Erin,you didn't mean any harm... I'm just against animals performing etc. [ more ]
Former Member I stupidly didn't think ,do you think I should remove it? [ more ]
See all 4 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Fernando Torres
Former Member FERNANDO TORRES last night insisted: I am no traitor. The star Spanish striker has been slammed by a string of former Liverpool greats for his £50million move to Chelsea. But Torres, who makes his Blues debut against his old club in a mouth-watering Stamford Bridge clash tomorrow, rapped: "I don't think it's fair to call me a traitor, though it's an opinion. "I will never talk badly about any ex-Liverpool players or staff. They can say what they want. I think 'traitor' makes no sense. I had... [ more ]
Croctacus Meanwhile back in Liverpoll Ansy Carroll will be wearing his shirt with just 'Roll' on it. The scousers have already nicked his Car! [ more ]
cologne 1 he's a loser, chealsea are the loser, sorry Prom. [ more ]
See all 21 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Rugby; England vs Wales
MrMincePie Chris Ashton... second try [ more ]
MrMincePie Laugh all you like, its true Union is simply a territory game... get the ball, kick for touch. Watching the game now, has there only been one try in 55 mins? Also, you only have to look at the talent that switches codes... Chris Ashton, tonights try scorer... former Wigan Rugby League player. [ more ]
SazBomb I agree with Ditty norrappy about this rugby... dad is watching it. He's been here for 5 hours and there is already sport on my telly [ more ]
See all 20 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
How do you make scrambled eggs?
slimfern Always put milk in mine - but the art is to take them off the heat just before cooked as the heated pan continues to cook them whilst buttering your toast! [ more ]
SazBomb Reference: No milk in either tbh. Touch of creme fraiche can be nice in scrambled but tbh butter, eggs, salt and pepper is all you need. Fresh dill rules if your doing it with salmon. One of me favourite, desert island combos mmmm, scrambled eggs, smoked salmon and creme fraiche *drool* On a toasted bagel, lovely (I don't like dill though ) [ more ]
SazBomb Reference: I've just had a look through an old cook book, and it goes with what I was always taught: milk in scrambled eggs (though it's really a matter of personal taste *), but definitely not in an omlette. you're going for a creamy consistency when scrambling, whereas an omlette needs to be a bit firmer... Thats what I do too! For those very reasons [ more ]
See all 75 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Kokuhaku (Confessions)
Scotty Thanks jaf! Jenstar sent me this link It looks good too. Veehd have some films on there as well. [ more ]
jackassfan One very good site i use is, You need to download a divx player to view the films though [ more ]
Scotty Reference: jackassfan Thanks to online streaming i have seen some great 2010 foreign language films Where can I find the online streaming jackassfan? Thanks. [ more ]
See all 6 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Question Time tonight
cologne 1 I got the impression that darling Damian got her to shut up with a wave of his hand, but when he interfered in her answer, nothing was said. Nuf said. [ more ]
suzybean Oh dear PC. I'll have to catch up tomorrow. Her OH is the Controller of BBC1 so may be she felt some pressure to make herself heard and understood and came over a little over-opiniated. [ more ]
PeterCat She was very shouty, Suzy, and at times was agreeing with Melanie [ more ]
See all 31 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Former Member I inadvertently told a sommelier I wasn't overly impressed with his Semillon once. I even described it as flaccid. I shouldn't be allowed out. [ more ]
Garage Joe Oddly enough Michael Winner gave his full opinion of Dinner Parties on R4 just before the Orchers last Sunder morning. [ more ]
Former Member Reference: pacifically ......that semillon/semi on comment really did have me LOL [ more ]
See all 51 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Gavin and Stacey actress Margaret John dies
Katerina Aww......very sad to hear this news. She was incredibly funny as Doris! This scene cracks me up: [ more ]
Temps Reference: Doris: Well, no, not nothing. A kiss, a cuddle, a cheeky finger ahh she was brill Gavin: Course, you don't wanna be sitting on your own Doris: Ah stop it you your a married man. Although if you are intrested in that sort of thing you know im very open minded and discrete okay ? [ more ]
RZB Very Sad, Loved the character Doris, v funny, made G&S for me. Doris giving Stackey tips on her first trip to London. Doris : Stace love you've got to chill out. The thing to remember is, don't go giving him nothing on the first night. Stacey : Really? Doris : Well, no, not nothing. A kiss, a cuddle, a cheeky finger. Just don't go selling him the whole farm. Stacey : Oh thanks, Dor. Doris : See you, love. [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Gaga Perfume
Karma_ I love the smell of petrol but don't know if I could go round reekin of the stuff. Oh! I just remembered that Eddie Murphy film, Boomerang, and Grace Jones was in it and she launched a perfume that had the odour of the lady garden post-jiggy jiggy [ more ]
Croctacus You really like Cherry pie! [ more ]
Croctacus Mine would smell of fresh cut grass and creosote. [ more ]
See all 8 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I've got Wind!!
Former Member I hate the noise of wind screaming. Our estate is badly designed with rows of tall houses and blocks of flats running parallel to each other. This creates a wind tunnel effect all over the place but it's really noisy outside our bedroom window. It used to drive our old cats and dog mad [ more ]
Dame_Ann_Average It's awful here in West Cumbria, they have forecast it all night and tomorrow dying down over the weekend . [ more ]
Ells I suppose it's better than the frost and snow but the way it is here it couldn't be much easier to drive in.......hope it doesn't last too long. [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Happy New Year!
kattymieoww Am I the only minkey?..... [ more ]
Elkie Im a Tiger too Marg [ more ]
Former Member You are a Dog Faithful, honest and ready to serve others. Believe in truth and justice and loyal to friends. Always willing to listen to people’s problems and is able to gain the respect of others. Will share their thoughts but do not easily forgive those who cross them. Trustworthy. Tend to worry too [ more ]
See all 23 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Facebook block facility
kattymieoww Stonks... [ more ]
Temps Ells, so sorry, I knew it was you, but I get confused when I see the full names Loving the smartness of the second kid nicking the sweets Ditty & co I'm not sure if he's ready or not, he just seems pretty fascinated with the loo, so thought I'd give it a whirl, if it works great, if not I'll wait till he's 2. But i never knew you could go straight to loo, so will try that first, I'd love it if it worked Again, so sorry for the hijack, just wanted to reply to those who offered their... [ more ]
Hobbes Ella block them QUICK!!!! [ more ]
See all 80 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Beauty & the Beast: The Ugly Face of Prejudice (Ch4)
pepsi Haha I used to snigger away at my ex neighbour ... stab in the back, evil bitch that she was!! [ more ]
SazBomb Reference: Hers used to be so thick you could have trowelled it off! and worst of all you could see the line around her face/neck where it stopped my aunt does that... orange face white neck! But she is a complete biatch, so me and my mam just snigger away [ more ]
pepsi I can't remember the last time I had make up on I hardly ever wear it ... only if I'm going out somewhere in the evening .... and I can't remember the last time I was out either My old next door neighbour used to have hers plastered on first thing in the morning and wouldn't leave the house without it on. Hers used to be so thick you could have trowelled it off! and worst of all you could see the line around her face/neck where it stopped [ more ]
See all 13 replies...

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