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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Former Member Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average: I was bored shitless Ann we actually walked out of Cats before the second half... it was absolutely dire. [ more ]
Sezit Originally Posted by Soozy Woo: Sezit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ What a treat - thank you You are welcome Soozy. [ more ]
Scotty Originally Posted by RZB: Fav track from brilliant musical. Wow! I loved that. [ more ]
See all 74 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Channel 5 and BB
Rawky-Roo Watching that BB10 best bits clip has proven 2 things: 1) BB10 was Dire 2) I still love Bea [ more ]
Former Member I thought that this show was dead in the water a couple of years ago and am quite surprised to hear that anyone is willing to take it on. It'd be nice for the remaining fans, though, if it comes off. [ more ]
Former Member If they brought it back I would like to see all the HMs in at the beginning( none of this introducing more throughout the series nonsense(). I also do not think it should be overlong - it really does get boring at the end. If possible ban teens from watching it so we don't keep in the pretty boys for weeks and weeks (Okay that is a little dictatorial but one can hope... ). Bring back the boy and girl separate rooms cos that was funny. Don't allow them to sleep during the day - remember Josie... [ more ]
See all 44 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The down side to painting ya nails right before you go out
stonks Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing: Originally Posted by stonks: Thats what I do or do my nails then get in the bath for a soak then it all comes off.... Me too! I slap it on without a care in the world.. and it looks like a 2 yr old had done it.. then have a bath, & then it looks like its been done professionally! Same here I delibratly get it everywhere so there's no gaps, soak, who needs a manicure.... [ more ]
Triggers Originally Posted by Temps: Wow, go the new quoting system! 'S good isn't it Temps? [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing Originally Posted by stonks: Thats what I do or do my nails then get in the bath for a soak then it all comes off.... Me too! I slap it on without a care in the world.. and it looks like a 2 yr old had done it.. then have a bath, & then it looks like its been done professionally! [ more ]
See all 8 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Cannot wait
~Sparkling Summer~ Ah fantastic, well done you'll have great fun all year counting down to it [ more ]
Clumsycat Off down the bottom bit.. melbourne as that is where Mr Clumsycat hails from, then hiring a car and going to the hot bit in the middle, to see Ayers rock & all the kangaroos ...... joining a gym on friday as well, need rid of the flabby acres [ more ]
Croctacus That only leaves the really hot bit in the middle! [ more ]
See all 6 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
We have a new quoting function
Angel Excellent News !! [ more ]
Eugene's Lair Originally Posted by El Loro: Yippee, the new quoting function is here. I think Seattle did an update overnight.I May I echo that "Yippee"? As someone who's whinged in the past about the problems with quoting on this forum, I have to say that I think they've done a nice piece of work here. it's great to be able at last to quote from IE. [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Marguerita: I dont know what has happened but I am able to post and quote now thank goodness..touch wood Nice one Marguerita. [ more ]
See all 84 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Feck's sake - why can't I reply to certain threads.
Leccy NP Velvet. Marg [ more ]
stonks Originally Posted by Baz: Velvet, I sometimes can't post in threads with pictures, or video clips in them.... I don't know why it happens, but it was doing it even before the new update.... I'm the same with youtube threads Baz, my comp grinds to a halt and I have to clear all my data and reboot.... [ more ]
Former Member Et voila. Thanks Leccy [ more ]
See all 11 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
OMG life just does'nt get no better....
stonks Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic: Originally Posted by Cupcake: Shocking spelling and grammar And you're interested in/notice that when nekkid firemen are about Whah spellin.... [ more ]
stonks Originally Posted by ~Lee~: Originally Posted by stonks: Originally Posted by ~Lee~: Calm down Stonks,it's only a load of balls. And not a fecking sausage in sight.... Ahhhh but the thing is were they Denny's. No they were mine.... [ more ]
~Lee~ Originally Posted by stonks: Originally Posted by ~Lee~: Calm down Stonks,it's only a load of balls. And not a fecking sausage in sight.... Ahhhh but the thing is were they Denny's. [ more ]
See all 24 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Leona's shock makeover.
~Lee~ Oh dear what has she done.She was much much better before this makeover ,she now looks like a mannequin imo. [ more ]
Former Member She doesn't look too different facially - I wouldn't say she has had any surgery. However, the hairstyle does not suit her and that top with the lips is possibly the worst top I've ever seen. [ more ]
Former Member Not a good look for her,what the heck. [ more ]
See all 35 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ducky! (or Ditty can you tell Ducky!)
Former Member My advice: Encourage him to choose options mainly in the subjects he likes, (if I remember rightly he's v practical?).... Tends not to matter, in the long term, these days, what subjects the student opts for, unless they're hell bent on a particular career path/ a red brick uni place. ....But, I would encourage him to add at least one subject that's 'out of his comfort zone ' to provide 'balance' But hey, what do i know? [ more ]
Ducky No worries Karma. Glad you got it sorted Now I have a thread with my name on it, and I didn't even have to do any hard work. [ more ]
Karma_ Oh!! I've sorted it! Sorry, have had a bit of a roughan this evening only just got on properly. Thanks all xxx me loves oo laaang time [ more ]
See all 30 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Katy Perry and Russell Brand's marriage in trouble
Prometheus Originally Posted by Cupcake: SOMEONE would just HAVE to counter-act it and say, ' we only knew each other five minutes and had a baby within ten minutes, and were grandparents within a year blah blah blah. There's always one. Well you quoted what she said so we have to assume you read it first. They're still together 24 years later so what's your problem? It doesn't matter if it was just Croc who said it or 20 people said it she's just giving her own experience. Or are you saying she's lying? [ more ]
Former Member I think that a relationship is more likely to work if you get to know each other for longer than a few weeks before getting married, but it's not a given. And as for Karma's comments: I agree: I have actually known people together for 10 years and then get married, and they split up after six months! But many couples who knew each other/lived together for 3 to 5 years, seem to last well. It's odd. People who get married very quickly or who wait TOO long (like 10 years plus) before getting... [ more ]
Kaytee Originally Posted by Karma_: There are couples who have got married after years of being together and within a year they're divorced. Swings both ways! Maybe that's the problem [ more ]
See all 34 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Angry birds
~Sparkling Summer~ Yes I do cinds! and you can't say what goes thru ya brain most of the time either! [ more ]
Cinds Originally Posted by ~Sweet Snowdrops~: Cinds, that's funny! I know!!!! Do you know how difficult it is to try to be the sympathetic boss lady while trying not to burst out laughing. [ more ]
~Sparkling Summer~ Cinds, that's funny! We can talk angry women if you like lol yes it's a very addictive & frustrating if you're not good at it game Disley- it's right, it's too late, there no hope for you now. Good luck! [ more ]
See all 10 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Internet Banking,is it safe?
Kaffs I've used internet banking for years without a problem... current account, savings, three credit cards, mortage, the whole shebang. Only problem I ever had was when I left my debit card in the chip and pin in the Co-op. I foolishly didn't report it (because I phoned as soon as I got home and was told the young lad on the till had handed it into customer services) and two weeks later there was £30 on it for an American online gaming site, so the little scrote had obviously taken the numbers... [ more ]
Croctacus I have a random number to log in with then additional security password which has to be numbers and letters.,,,mine is 11 characters long and they ask for 6 random characters...that's RBS..,,I have managed to lock myself put before...damn caps lock.,,and had to phone the security centre to get it reset..,they wanted to know so much info as well as the security question befor they reset it. Any online purchases have to go through online security password checks again. [ more ]
Croctacus I have a random number to log in with then additional security password which has to be numbers and letters.,,,mine is 11 characters long and they ask for 6 random characters...that's RBS..,,I have managed to lock myself put before...damn caps lock.,,and had to phone the security centre to get it reset..,they wanted to know so much info as well as the security question befor they reset it. Any online purchases have to go through online security password checks again. [ more ]
See all 25 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Empty Room.....
Ells Firstly it would have to be sound proof then: A very large dressing table holding all the make up. perfumes and creams I would want. A sound system which has settings for different occasions A huge walk-in warcrobe with rows of lovely clothes and an abundance of shoooooooooooes!! Big mirrors....not for vanity reasons but purely because you need proper full length ones to make sure your outfit is right....well its a bit vain but ah well it's my room A huge TV for when XFactor and the likes is... [ more ]
Mount Olympus *Olly* I'd start off with some windows and a Patio door.. dunno what else would go in yet.. sooooo much choice, so little imagination [ more ]
Cinds Originally Posted by Croc: I don't even know what a worky ticket is...cept they were an FM on Spykas.... I had to try to explain what that meant when I was in the states recently, it's not an easy thing to explain. [ more ]
See all 80 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Train etiquette.
Blizz'ard I would possibly move, whilst muttering something about having to spread out, and thrush. [ more ]
Marguerita If the train was empty and I was sitting by myself and someone came on at the next stop and sat next to me I would wonder why, but I would not move to another seat unless they were making a nuisance of themselves,then I would start to worry and probably try to move to another part of the train [ more ]
Former Member Oh, I've met some v interesting people on trains who I'd never come across otherwise, (bit like here ) so I'd stay if they were interesting , and go if they were doing that "Don't speak to me" vibe [ more ]
See all 22 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Were/are you the favourite child? - Did/do you have a favourite child?
Dave Was In A Cave i would say it ruined my life. But this is the path i went down that led me to here so i dont know any different [ more ]
Clumsycat i am my grans favourite, probably got something to do with the fact I bother to visit her & the other 2 havent seen her since grandas funeral, bout 10 years ago..... so hey ho [ more ]
Yogi19 Reference: Cagney so my fave at the moment is the wee man who can't talk yet. That sounds fair enough to me. [ more ]
See all 36 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Beauty and the Beast
Leccy That sounds good Ditty, may have a look on 4od. (after I've finished shouting at Question Time) [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing I haven't seen the most recent episode Lecs... the first episode I was expecting it to be exploitative, and predictable... in fact pretty much like I am hearing this weeks episode was. But the one I saw was actually a pleasant surprise, the "beauty" was a girl who had mahoosive knockers & wanted a reduction... the (I can't even type beast), the bloke had suffered major burns as a child... the two of them ended up getting on really really well. He was shocked at the abuse she got when she... [ more ]
Leccy Keep meaning to watch it and keep forgetting. My memory is shot, only just turned QT on-half an hour after it started! Is it handled sensitively? If it's exploitative I may scream at the telly [ more ]
See all 3 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Which are you? Threadstarter, Firestarter, or Keen Observer?
Croctacus A bit of boring it would be to be, exclusively, any of them. [ more ]
Aquarius I voted observer, I seldom start a thread but I love reading everybody's comments. A lot of the people on here I've 'known' for years but they all seem to be much more interesting than me ~ hence my lack of thread starts [ more ]
Former Member Yes but now I have to post again I am going to have my dinner now so try not to kill any threads till I get back.. [ more ]
See all 71 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Woman dies after having plastic surgery abroad
Former Member This is awful and no I would never have plastic surgery. Why did she die though, when she was having bum implants? I am somewhat confused. From what I can see, the girl was pretty and attractive anyway, and didn't even need surg ery. [ more ]
~Sparkling Summer~ Poor girl obviously had issues, what a crazy stupid thing to go do tho!!!! [ more ]
Former Member I'll never understand cosmetic surgery, unless it's to try to overcome severe disfigurement. I find it hard enough to understand why any woman would want larger boob, but the idea of any woman wanting to have a LARGER BUM is quite beyond me. [ more ]
See all 3 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I think I just watched the worst show imaginable.
Former Member Was it that bad? LOL. Doesn't surprise me [ more ]
starbug15 Haven't watched this but I intend to now LOL. if it's anything like the Katona woman's drivel or the ghastly Katie Price's real life programmes, then it will be a waste if life But I will watch it anyway. [ more ]
Cinds I watched one of these a while ago, and have to agree it's rubbish. Although it did make me chuckle (even though I think it was all a set up) when her eldest daughters graduation cake turned up. They had asked for her name 'Phoenix' in the middle of the cake, when the cake arrived iced across the middle of the cake were the words ;Phoenix in the middle' [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sandwell Council's Linda Horton, said: "We can't comment"
Blizz'ard Reference: pretty_p They have only bought one side of the story out in the open though and for all we know it could be an article brimming with lies. The other side (police and social services) can't/won't comment, but this may get some resolution for the couple, at last. [ more ]
pretty_p Jeopardise the investigation? Can we focus on how long such an investigation can take? If the council had no prior involvement it won't take them long surely. As the Old Bill have a job to do shall we summarise the investigation for them: The daughter is dead, we know what from. Your only question is did the parents deliberately cause her death by withholding hydration and not seeking help for her skin condition. And the answer is the only people who know are the parents and if they did not... [ more ]
Kaytee Nothing to say other than I applaud GL's balanced post [ more ]
See all 44 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Desmond 'on verge of' bringing BB to C5?
Aquarius Being a BB fan from day one, I soooo hope Ch5 get it but I'm also with Veggie on this one. They must try to get back to the basics that made the show a hit in the first place ~ and that's got to be live feed. *Trying not to get excited* [ more ]
Kaffs fnds t hard to tpey wthi fngrs crsed and whlie jupng up and donw wth citemnt [ more ]
Yogi19 Reference: Ch5 have a second channel in Fiver so may get live feed. That would be great. BB isn't the same, without LF. [ more ]
See all 31 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
kattymieoww I usually only have them for about five minutes max. Useless information; rabbits have no diagphram therefore cannot get hiccups,they cannot vomit either,a lot of rodents are the same.Rabbits are not rodents though....... [ more ]
See 1 reply...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
So how old is too Young?
starbug15 SLIMFERN: That is disgusting slim, (the story about the little girl.. )and as for the post that cupcake posted, sadly there are more people than we realise who do this. (Use their kids for parenting.) Of course, having 4 to 10 kids or whatever, and having them babysit the younger ones occasionally, and have them entertain each other at times, and assist in household tasks occasionally is fine, but there are many people who do use the older children as servants frankly, and the mothers don't... [ more ]
Cagney Reference: I have 5 & yes they entertained each other, but would never expect them to do a parents job! Absolutely IF I leave mine it's only literally 2mins while I nip to the shop and even then I phone home to say I'll be 1 more min or I'm coming up the path That's only been the last few months though and I have to say it's very rare as I do a weekly shop costing a fortune coz of all the things that "appear" in my trolley. There is only one of them I'd leave to look after the baby... [ more ]
Blizz'ard Aww, that's awful, slim! [ more ]
See all 41 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
In defence of gypsies.
Cagney The only time I've met Gypsies or Travellers in person was when I went to visit my sister in the Highlands. They'd set up camp on a roundabout (well...the path running round it) and they had dogs sleeping in wheelie bins, all their washing hanging out, bits of scrap metal everywhere etc. They were blocking the whole path which was the only way to walk to town from hers. If you wanted past you had to walk on the grass verge right beside the road. She works in the local supermarket and said... [ more ]
Former Member Reference: I think the safest thing to do, is 'ate the 'orrible ones and like the rest. Same as the rest of humanity. [ more ]
jonono Apparently my 'uncle Bill' was a gypsy. He had romany roots, he wasn't even my real uncle. Anyway all I know is he never finished a drink, always left a little in the bottom of the glass. it was a superstition. It was my aunt (who was going out with him at the time for many years) who told me he was Romany but she also told me that my cousin Paul was a monkey she stole from the zoo and shaved so I'm not sure whether to believe the gypsy claim. [ more ]
See all 70 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
machel it took a little old lady (shades of chorlton and the wheelies!) while everyone else walked by............ [ more ]
Former Member She certainly very brave ,but I do agree that if she did not want the publicity they should have respected her wishes. [ more ]
Former Member [ more ]
See all 20 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Who owns who?
Ensign Muf Reference: my decision is mainly because of the way they have treated Cadbury's Cadburys used to have a message on their wrapper stating that no slave labour was used in the production of it's chocolate. Last time I checked, it has disappeared [ more ]
Marguerita Unilever's the same, they own half the world You are not wrong there it is amazing what they own all these big household brand names are owned by them,my works pension is Unilever I have got to say they are one of the best and safest pensions to have and very good to their pensioners.. [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing Coca Cola & Schweppes Proctor & Gamble etc etc etc... There is about to be an investigation into the companies that supply heating oil (which has been rising in price at a ludicrous rate lately)... there are rumours that all the companies listed on the couple of "best price" sites (e.g. boilerjuice) are all ultimately owned by the same company. [ more ]
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