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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Check it out! I'm proper cooking!
Lori Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo: Might do it again soon and add a bit of cream cheese to it. Whoa! I better slow down, I'm talking crazy. Crazy always starts with cream cheese.... [ more ]
Rawky-Roo Ooh, crumbs! I didn't realise this thread had come back into fruition. In answer to Lori. It only bloody well got cooked in the over. T'was very edible. Might do it again soon and add a bit of cream cheese to it. Whoa! I better slow down, I'm talking crazy. [ more ]
cologne 1 I'm so proud of you. [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Brit Awards 2011...
darloboy (Play The Game!) Noel is better than Liam . [ more ]
Karma_ Originally Posted by MrMincePie: Just seen this in an article elsewhere... people saying there wasn't enough "rock n roll" at this years brit awards. "Next year KASABIAN will be back with COLDPLAY , ARCTIC MONKEYS , BROTHER , BEADY EYE and NOEL GALLAGHER ." WoOOOooot! It was seriously RnB heavy this year...too much. [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) Originally Posted by RZB: Originally Posted by darloboy (Play The Game!): Rihanna won an award . I've just had an email she's added even more night to the 02 this year, I think she's playing about 10 nights now. Awesome , it's because she loves it here in the UK and has said before that she wants to live here permanently at some point! [ more ]
See all 62 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
POLL: Choose your Christian
Former Member Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing: Christian Slater's main two rolls that I specifically remember are from 'True Romance' and 'Interview with the Vampire'. I loved him in Name of the Rose where he was really young and he gives a great performance in Murder in the First although he is overshadowed by Kevin Bacon who is just brilliant in that film. Actually this is my favourite Christian - Croc look away now!! [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing Originally Posted by Croc: And Bale has a weird widows peak thing going on as well.... Nothing wrong with a widows peak! *pulls hair forward* [ more ]
Croctacus And Bale has a weird widows peak thing going on as well.... [ more ]
See all 38 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ev (Peachy) Originally Posted by justafriend: tis important that eve Just seen this, Aye it is. Wonders how the sieved coffee is going? The filter i had this morning worked a treat. [ more ]
Former Member Nuts. I need a dump. [ more ]
Former Member Crotchless. It's not working. [ more ]
See all 30 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Blizz'ard Originally Posted by Karma_: Originally Posted by brisket: Up to now the most irritating has been the bright pink thing imposed on me Not subtle. Glaringly intrusive. A eyesore. A distraction. Been there, done that. You have my sympathies [ more ]
brisket Re: 5 [ more ]
Karma_ Originally Posted by brisket: Up to now the most irritating has been the bright pink thing imposed on me Not subtle. Glaringly intrusive. A eyesore. A distraction. Been there, done that. You have my sympathies [ more ]
See all 12 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Karma_ Oh how we love a ninja! Anyhooo, I'm in the middle of vomiting Back later maybe, ciao! [ more ]
Prometheus Originally Posted by Karma_: Originally Posted by Prometheus: Someone who hates football being fake interested. Can this thread get any weirder? But I'm not fake interested. I watched the whole thing and it was a bloody good match. A 95 minutes well spent I couldn't really enjoy the game I was distracted by my complete and utter hate for all things Barcelona. I even managed to forget I hate Arsenal too. It's all been a bit confusing [ more ]
cologne 1 Karma. [ more ]
See all 56 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Dame_Ann_Average Originally Posted by Carnelian: Ed seems ok to me, he's certainly not as polished as those two posh boys but he's got several points over Cameron and he has occasionally got under Dave's skin. I find Cameron's PMQ performances to reek of smug arrogance and self satisfaction. I find Cameron a arrogant tosspot, he's smug, he's personal in his attacks and comes across as a public schoolboy who is up his own a$se...oh hang on, he is one This had me fuming and this when we're all in it... [ more ]
Marguerita Originally Posted by Carnelian: Ed seems ok to me, he's certainly not as polished as those two posh boys but he's got several points over Cameron and he has occasionally got under Dave's skin. I find Cameron's PMQ performances to reek of smug arrogance and self satisfaction. I agree Carnelian.. good post [ more ]
Carnelian Ed seems ok to me, he's certainly not as polished as those two posh boys but he's got several points over Cameron and he has occasionally got under Dave's skin. I find Cameron's PMQ performances to reek of smug arrogance and self satisfaction. [ more ]
See all 8 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Lady Gaga's new song. About as authentic as Lolo Ferrari
Dirtyprettygirlthing ❤️
darloboy (Play The Game!) Well Madonna and Gaga are on friendly terms apparently, even got an email from her saying that she liked the single . Madonna has been around longer and it's obvious Gaga is influenced by her, she's 24 and has done quite a bit in a couple of years since coming on the music scene. I didn't like BTW at first but it's alright now, definetly her worst song so far but I got a feeling with the next track Judas which RedOne wrote and her songs with him have been her best she will redeem herself. [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by stonks: Originally Posted by Issy: I think she has more talent than Madonna So there Thats not hard though is it?.... true... I have always thought Madonna to be boring... I do not think La Gaga is boring....ever [ more ]
See all 43 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Argh! Firefox!
Carnelian Firefox has been ok for me but I only use it for this site and a couple of others. The rest is Opera. I wasn't very impressed with Chrome when I first used it as it seemed quite slow. Google hardly have a good reputation for the way they collect personal data, these days. I also got a bit fed up of Google programs constantly running in the background for no obvious reason or benefit. [ more ]
El Loro I have used Firefox for some time, but haven't had these problems. Have you looked at Add-ons (from the Tools menu) and checked that you haven't got 2 or more versions of the same add-on enabled. If you have, then things may improve if you disable the older versions. You need to look at Extensions and Plug-ins. You could also try temporarily disabling an extension or a plug-in to see if that helps. But only try this one at a time so that you can pinpoint the problem. And remember to... [ more ]
SazBomb Originally Posted by PeterCat: FF keeps crashing on me I'm seriously considering switching over to Chrome for everything. Thats why I switched to Chrome, am happy so far [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
UK Unemployment...
Marguerita They say they want people back into work and if you are on the dole for six months you could lose your money, people have and will be losing their jobs with all these cut backs, what is going to happen to them when their six months of being on the dole is up.. will they stop paying them and if so how are they suppose to live,a lot of the people on the dole will be those people they have put on the dole due to their harsh cuts. [ more ]
Croctacus Nearly a million of them are 18-24 year olds...another couple of months and there'll be another lot of school/uni leavers to add to that lot. [ more ]
Karma_ On this morning's news the Government said that latest figures show that unemployment is stabilising. Only someone who is unstable could make a remark like that. #shakycameron [ more ]
See all 10 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Iain Bloody Duncan Bloody Smith!
Carnelian Typical of a our class warfare obsessed government of millionaires to try and stigmatise those they've helped put out of work. But, hey, it's time to stop 'bashing the banks'! Funny how bashing the poor never goes out of fashion for the Tories. [ more ]
starbug15 'Right wing A-hole' is quite a compliment for the pretentious, arrogant, condescending f**king w**ker! Have ANY of these twats ever actually lived in the real world. like EVER?! [ more ]
Former Member "Iain Duncan Smith himself exaggerated statistics on housing benefit by claiming they came from the ONS, when in fact they came from a property website owned by the Daily Mail." No wonder he's such a right wing A-hole. He probably goes to the Daily Fail when he needs facisting up a bit. Can't let the bigotometer drop too far after all [ more ]
See all 4 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
2011. Men still wearing moustache's. No?
Scotty Re: 2011. Men still wearing moustache's. No? [ more ]
slimfern Originally Posted by Issy: Originally Posted by slimfern: Originally Posted by Issy: I don't mind chest hair - men who shave their chests are just a little bit odd IMO. Oh I don't mind that Issy - They can shave all over in my book Oh no..... Not natural Do you remember Tim from BB3 shaving his chest hair in bed? Yeah what a Twonk! that was because he was Ginger wasn't it ? [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by slimfern: Originally Posted by Issy: I don't mind chest hair - men who shave their chests are just a little bit odd IMO. Oh I don't mind that Issy - They can shave all over in my book Oh no..... Not natural Do you remember Tim from BB3 shaving his chest hair in bed? [ more ]
See all 31 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The Business 23.15.
Ensign Muf That depends on what the pate is made of.................woof! [ more ]
Former Member Don't get me's pish. And I say that as Danny Dyer's stunt double. [ more ]
Ensign Muf Originally Posted by Scotty: Not sure but I`ll give it go. Wish I`d known The War of the Roses was on before it though. Thanks for that, flicked it on +1 [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I know folk'll think " it's only a cat"..
kattymieoww The PDSA are bloody brilliant! RIO had a very savvy bun vet,he knew all about rabbits etc.He "Tranced" him...that is put the bun on his back in his arms and gently blew on his face/nose a few times.... I had no problems with the private vet etc..just the cost,fine if your working etc.A consul for the bun was £29.00 then the treatments costs,first visit was for Rio was £49...second visit a week later was £29.00.I now get housing benefit etc so I qualify for PSDA treatment..saying that he's... [ more ]
Scotty Good to see you here Slinki. I`ve been thinking about you today. Hope you`re ok. [ more ]
Former Member Thanks, really appreciate it xx Katty, glad Rio's doing ok Wondered how he'd got on .PDSA are brilliant [ more ]
See all 51 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I'm planning an axe murdering spree tomorrow starting with the Lollipop lady.
Prometheus The thing about lollipop ladies is they never actually give anyone any lollipops, they just keep walking across the street what's the bloody point in that? Yeah, go get her! [ more ]
Dame_Ann_Average Most of them are lovely Scotty, this one was an absolute idiot She spoke to people like 5 year olds....until one day, she never spoke to me like that again [ more ]
Former Member I can travel. [ more ]
See all 8 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
A ginger tom has just waltzed into my house
kattymieoww Ahh,Cologne it's best for her and you.The last thing you need is a pregnant cat with the potential of producing up to 6 kittens etc.It also helps them live longer.Well it does in doe rabbits.Their lifespan nearly doubles if you get them spayed.Un spayed does often get uterine,mammy tumours etc. Also cat re-homing centres are full of unwanted cats and kittens. [ more ]
kattymieoww Oh my cousin has a male Main Coon cat..he's beautiful, like a long haired tabby with the bushiest tail I've ever seen in a cat.He's long and lean too.He sits and begs and will give a paw for a treat,he too likes water,likes going into the shower.However he's about a year old and not neutered yet,he can pong when he wees. [ more ]
cologne 1 I really think that the tom has been done, he shows no interest in Mutley, just seems to like our company. What do I know? Mutts is going to be done on Tuesday, poor wee thing, I hope she appreciates it. [ more ]
See all 41 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Is BB going to be on Channel 5?
brisket The stupis logo is unbearable. Far too intrusive. More annoying than the pink one on BBC3. How ridiculous to stick such a logo on the screen.# No respect for viewers. Shan't be watching you much channel 5. [ more ]
brisket Hello spider........good to see you. If BB is not mentioned today I don't think that will mean it won't happen. I think today's re-launch of the channel is just an 'official' day of change following the take-over by the newspaper man (whose name I've forgotten.) As far as I can tell, the main noticeable change is the logo 5 inside a circle. So don't be disappointed if BB isn't mentioned. As far as I know negotions continue. [ more ]
See all 2 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Is Lady GaGa any good? (edit: & Imelda May)
Rawky-Roo *hides* [ more ]
Kaffs Ahem... watch it, Mr Roo [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing Originally Posted by RZB: Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing: It could have been worse... one of my friends took 7 kids to see Barney the Dinosaur & friends! my youngest first ever show was" The Tweenies" at the London Arena. He was then a 4 year old toddler, took his Milo toy with him, now as a 14 year old, We like to remind him I quite liked the Tweenies & Milo was definitely the best one! We had a Milo toy too! [ more ]
See all 57 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Dalziel and Pascoe now :applauds:
Former Member Originally Posted by Baz: I am watching the re-run of XFiles on Sky Atlantic.... Hard to find any new stuff on Sky these days though we pay for it. But repeats like these are better than Friends on other chanells. Good to see C5 has commisioned a new series of the Gadget Show, great show on showing the ups and downs of the latest gadgets. [ more ]
Baz I am watching the re-run of XFiles on Sky Atlantic.... [ more ]
sandra so far on catch up ........ JK ........... monk .......... D N P omg i will be up all night , aw no forgot coach trip ........... saw CDWM i corrie break am up nuvver couple hours x [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Can anyone solve this maths riddle?
Blizz'ard Originally Posted by Veggieburger: I worked on the assumption that none of the 3 'numbers' that were words would start with a zero - but that could have I suppose. I did too. I couldn't be bothered going down that route! [ more ]
Former Member You're well clever Blizzie innit!! I wouldn't have been able to do it without the solved ones that Snowdrops gave me. I worked on the assumption that none of the 3 'numbers' that were words would start with a zero - but that could have I suppose. [ more ]
Blizz'ard Originally Posted by Moonbeams (JJB52): Blizzy you missed this post didn't you? No!!! Maybe. [ more ]
See all 22 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
100 Quiz Questions
Dame_Ann_Average Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy: 29 Mungo Jerry 30 The Tamms correct Kaffy [ more ]
Dame_Ann_Average Originally Posted by El Loro: Great quiz The reason I knew the answer to 18 was Nietzsche was because Richard Strauss wrote the music Also Sprach Zarathustra based on Nietzsche's book. And that music is the famous music played at the beginning of the film 2001. I didn't know it El Loro, will put another one up at the weekend [ more ]
Kaffs 29 Mungo Jerry 30 The Tamms [ more ]
See all 83 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Grammy Awards Live...
Karma_ Quick recap of what I saw (had to go to bed): Gwyneth Paltrow singing with Cee-Lo and a load of life-sized muppet puppet things - brilliant! (She looked a-maaazing as well) Justin Beiber being upstaged by J Smith (Will Smith's son) *snigger* Red carpet stand outs: Selena Gomez (Beiber's bird) - looked stunning, as did Jennifer Lopez and Katy Perry. Trends: Women: Platform soles, ridiculous heels, nude and camel colours and metallics. Men: Gucci and Armani. (Some of the mens suits were on... [ more ]
Karma_ Don't think so, just looked like loops of earlier interviews. The justin tv one is brill, the comments in the chat box are hilarious! [ more ]
MrMincePie Is the actual awards not being shown on the website then? [ more ]
See all 11 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Bafta's 2011
Scotty Originally Posted by brisket: Thank you ever so much for that Scotty. I tried to mention it on GaGa previously, but I don't think I explained it well. But you clearly know what I mean. Thanks for the research and evidence. It is comforting to know I am not alone in disliking this strange way of speaking. Appreciated. Thanks brisket and you`re welcome I remember you mentioning it, and you explained it well. I`ve often thought, if these kids speak that way when/if they have their own children... [ more ]
Garage Joe Blimey! As someone who agreed with the OAP I searched through the electrical DVD recorder hard disc for previously recorded stuff. There were films going back to last year, so we watched "knowing" Oh Dear! That's the best part of a couple of hours we won't get back! Phooey! Just caught the back end of the BAFTAS and noted that "Inception" received a couple. That's the only one we've seen! [ more ]
brisket Thank you ever so much for that Scotty. I tried to mention it on GaGa previously, but I don't think I explained it well. But you clearly know what I mean. Thanks for the research and evidence. It is comforting to know I am not alone in disliking this strange way of speaking. Appreciated. [ more ]
See all 25 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Bands that should have been big but weren't.
Former Member I saw a band called Foil ( supporting Ash) a few years ago, they were brilliant - expected to see more of them but they vanished without trace - can't even find them on youtube. [ more ]
Former Member The Vaselines. [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Katerina: I loved(and still love) this band, they should have been huge but were only a tiny part of the 90s indie scene: Yup, they were magic! [ more ]
See all 43 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
How do you find groups/channels on Livecloud?
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Originally Posted by Rexi: Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing: Click on Hoop.La at the bottom of this page then scroll to the bottom of the next pade and click on 'blog' Cheers Fluffers Not exactly signposted well though, is it But didn't you know we're all supposed to have a crystal ball? [ more ]
Rexi Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing: Click on Hoop.La at the bottom of this page then scroll to the bottom of the next pade and click on 'blog' Cheers Fluffers Not exactly signposted well though, is it [ more ]
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Originally Posted by Rexi: I used to read the Social Strata blog - now, if I remember it, I have to Google it to find it, hence I don't read it very often. Shame really, as it was very interesting Click on Hoop.La at the bottom of this page then scroll to the bottom of the next pade and click on 'blog' [ more ]
See all 9 replies...

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