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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
TV Tipoff: The League of Gentlemen (BBC TWO) @ 10pm
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities ...or it could be some of Hillary Briss' "special stuff" @Jen-Star [ more ]
Baz Now you’re talking El [ more ]
Jen-Star Love it.. I work in a local shop for local people and there's an old fella who pays for his cobs and we put them in a small black bag in a fridge under the cabinet... Always think of the league of gentlemen when he collects them and we just pass him the bag from under the counter I noticed tonight that the old stuff is on Netflix [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
R.I.P. Cheggers.
Saint Info suggests he was a heavy smoker - I never knew [ more ]
Carnelian Pirate1111, I can't say I was his biggest fan either. I expect he wasn't the sort who would inspire fan worship. To me, he came across as a fun, happy-go-lucky , unpretentious bloke in his work despite his various demons. I'm of a certain age where Cheggers was the guy who 'played pop' and was on "Swap Shop" . It's sad that another one from my formative years has gone. RIP Good old Cheggers! [ more ]
pirate1111 i cant say i was his biggest fan but i didnt dislike him cos he always seemed happy & up for anything & he came across as a genuine bloke [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Apparent change to format of SCD final
Yogi19 Re: Apparent change to format of SCD final [ more ]
Baz Thanks El Loro [ more ]
El Loro BBC's blurb about the final next Saturday from 18.30 to 21.00: Tess Daly and Claudia Winkleman host the grand final of Strictly Come Dancing. Fifteen couples started the competition, and now we are down to just four, all hoping to win the Glitterball Trophy. Tonight, in one live show, it's a Strictly first as all four couples dance three times. Firstly the judges pick a dance from the series which they think the couple can improve upon. Next the couples each perform their showdance - with no... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Eugene's Lair Well... Maybe up to a point, but the thing she kept repeating (both on the Live Chat and in interviews) was that anyone who met her in real life wouldn't recognise her from the "Lesley" in the house as she's much livelier and "up for a laugh". I suspect that more simply she reacted as many HMs have in the past and just found the experience so overwhelming that she retreated a bit into her shell. [ more ]
Saint Me too - I thought she was ill informed to enter BB at all Out of comfort zone when it was clear what BB was about. [ more ]
Eugene's Lair ❤️
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I have done something really stupid
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities Hi, Kaytee, El Loro, Yogi, Baz, Moonie, Eugene, Rexi, Dame, Saint, Fluffy, Jen-star, Captvimes, and videostar. Thanks for all your posts, advice and comments. I did email them back straight away and have just found an email from them (to be fair to Amazon they were very quick in responding, so quick I missed the email!). Anyway I explained what had happened and they said that they could see from my account that it was a mistake and I could either keep the subscription, cancel straight away... [ more ]
Videostar OMG I did that, signed up for Amazon prime without knowing it. But we got it cancelled. [ more ]
Jen-Star @Enthusiastic Contrafibularities We are all waiting. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Prince Harry & Meghan are engaged!
Yogi19 Thanks Carnelian, your post gave me food for thought. I’m C of S but Mr Y is C of E and he agrees with the bits in bold. Others may disagree, of course. [ more ]
Carnelian Thanks Yogi, I've liked your reply. Although an atheist, I respect that people have faith and that while a faith in a god or gods cannot be proven false, the idea of elevating a mortal political figure such as a monarch as above God as the C of E does seems a nationalist and political perversion of Christianity and incredibly oppressive .... However, I'm not stupid nor strident enough to assert that people of the C of E faith really do think the Queen has an elevated status in their god's... [ more ]
Yogi19 Carnelian, I’m not an athiest so don’t share your opinions on religion but I can see that there comes a point when tradition might be viewed as archaic and antiquated. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Traditional Ayrshire Dunlop Cheese and Leek Tart
Saint Aherm - I do the jokes What's the difference between a prostitute and a poor road surface? One knackers your tyres - the other tires your knackers I'd just like to apologise for the terrible drop in standards there EC made me do it [ more ]
Baz Re: Traditional Ayrshire Dunlop Cheese and Leek Tart [ more ]
Baz Re: Traditional Ayrshire Dunlop Cheese and Leek Tart [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Trade directory phone calls
Baz Yes, I had a very strange sounding Sebastian today , wanting me confirm my postcode ....I just kept saying * who are you ? * ... in the end he lost his rag and said he’d told me three times his name was Sebastian 🤣🤣At that point I put the phone down on him [ more ]
El Loro It's remarkable that so many people ringing from Asian call centres (typically in India or the Phillipines) have English first names [ more ]
Baz Ditto Jen [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Formula One - 2017 - Abu Dhabi
Saint Well that was good for Bottas but a bit meh overall Hoped for more incidents and racing Ferrari didn't turn up Massa in top ten Looking forward to next year - new rules, some new drivers, halo ... more Kimmi and hopefully Kyvatt [ more ]
Saint AND OF COURSE MASSA . . . its been a blast [ more ]
Saint Good luck to Kimmi and Valteri ... and Grosjean who I like a lot [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
AC/DC sad news
Cinds It’s so sad, their older brother George Young (The Easybeats) only died last month. Still grieving one brother then to lose another is just awful. [ more ]
Rexi I did think of you when I read this news (and Hoochie and Saz) xxx [ more ]
Cinds Absolutely gutted that Malcolm has died, and an absolutely horrible way to go. R.I.P. Malcolm [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The Likely Lads actor Rodney Bewes dies
Eugene's Lair I had the pleasure of seeing him perform "Three Men in a Boat" (an award-winning one-man show) on stage some years back. In his later years he did a fair bit of theatre, including another one-man show based on "Diary of a Nobody". RIP. [ more ]
Rexi I loved the Likely Lads too ... that episode where they try to avoid knowing the football score creases me every time Pretty good legacy to leave Mr B [ more ]
Baz Very sad ... I loved the Likely Lads ...RIP Rodney [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
"Car Share" to return
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities ❤️
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities I have mixed feelings because what they had written and put out was excellent. I was somewhat resigned to never actually knowing. I will watch it. BTW going to buy series two on blu-ray to go along with my series one blu-ray. Both series stand up to repeat watchings. [ more ]
Moonie I can only put up with Peter Kay for very short periods [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
children in need..or..
Yogi19 Wot Baz said ^^^^ [ more ]
Saint Pirate you make a fair point. I don't doubt that CiN do some great work I don't doubt some Celeb's are bandwaggoning off the back of a good cause. And I must question where the money goes. Many years ago a bunch of well fed, beautifully dressed teens walked into CiN playing musical instruments, "With your donations School X have been given new trumpets" WHAT!! Children in need of a new trumpet? And recently a bunch of iPhone wielding teens were talking about a drop in centre where they could... [ more ]
Baz I’m cynical too Pirate ....but I guess it does raise quite a bit of money for good causes , so... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
just thought id share a really good site with you
Saint Lillymay who joined 2 days ago and resurrects a thread from 7yrs ago Call me cynical [ more ]
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Don't worry about it lillymay, you're not the first person to resurrect an old thread and you probably won't be the last! Sometimes it's an accident and sometimes it's intentional as there is something relevant to add! All is perfectly OK. Welcome to our little family! [ more ]
Rexi Well! I thought Kelly had returned! Hi lillymay [ more ]
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