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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Is this just too cheeky?
Former Member Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo: Fanks kiddiwinks. I've flicked the Angel off my shoulder...could've sworn it was flicking me the finger as it was fallen...oh well, will look into this more tomorrow. I'M TOO TIIIIIREED right the beddy byes *goes to seek sponsorship for the flicking the angel off the shoulder project* [ more ]
Rawky-Roo Fanks kiddiwinks. I've flicked the Angel off my shoulder...could've sworn it was flicking me the finger as it was fallen...oh well, will look into this more tomorrow. I'M TOO TIIIIIREED right the beddy byes [ more ]
Former Member That site looks fine Rawky - none of the other projects on there look to be charitable ? Good luck with the fundraising! [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I see nobody gives a toss
Elkie Hope you are on the mend and feeling better Cologne xx [ more ]
Former Member Cologne!$10049.aspx There's a link there to a website that sells the Method products. I'm going to give them a go -will keep you posted! [ more ]
The Devil In Diamante Cologne.....I'm not in here much myself these days....I do hope you are on the mend!!! (((hugs)))xxx [ more ]
See all 58 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Happy Birthday Eve Evelyn
Ev (Peachy) Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic: Originally Posted by Marguerita: O/T I am fine thank you Yogi I am in the process of selling my house as I am going to live with my daughter, I am just feeling a bit stressed out at the moment .. so much going on in RL and feeling very tired Ev' betcha had a great birthday Marge I hope that all of the stress is worth it in the end and you'll be very happy in your new home. Sure you will be Had a great night Supes xx Hope you settle in soon Marge ... xx [ more ]
Ev (Peachy) Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy: Originally Posted by Ev (Peachy): Thank you everyone... You lot are lovely Have some wine.. or summit is it too early? Or am I too late? Oh what the hell....... Cheers! Hope you had a great day, Ev! x Not too late ... Thank so much everyone xx [ more ]
Ev (Peachy) Originally Posted by Cinds: Huw man yee canny bairn I reely hope yee had ah magic borthday leek. (I did that in Geordie - I'm almost fluent now) Happy Birthday you old tart Truly hope you have had a spiffing day. I love this card Cinds Had a brill night xx [ more ]
See all 65 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I'm thinking about a signet ring for my pinkie.
suzybean Originally Posted by velvet donkey: Originally Posted by suzybean: Says what more Dinky? Pretentious twat. I agree. I don't like jewellrey on men. A good watch may be a wedding ring and you're good to go. [ more ]
justafriend im sure your pinkie will love it [ more ]
Karma_ Originally Posted by velvet donkey: Nothing says it more. (And that's finger btw...) Gwaaan wid yer bad self! [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Marcus Bentley to resume his role .
Former Member Actually found a link to this place searching for Marcus Bentley.;fp=96e11322d6deed39 [ more ]
Demantoid I can't stand the voice of the guy on Come Dine With Me. I've only ever heard bits of it, when it's been featured on TV Burp. But he makes me want to throttle him. Also loathe George Lamb. Marcus Bentley IS the voice of BB. [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by slimfern: video has been removed by the user [ more ]
See all 36 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The Fog (1980) - ITV...
Demantoid Saw that years ago. Only bit I remember is woman boss telling female underling: "You're the only person I know who can make 'yes ma'am' sound like 'screw you'." Underling: "Yes ma'am!" [ more ]
Baz I quite enjoyed that film... although I watched half of it from behind my fingers, or the cushion [ more ]
pirate1111 dunno- cos ive always liked that film-its a bit cheese filled now but its worth the watch to see jamie lee curtis not the best looking woman but very fit and attractive [ more ]
See all 3 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Laser Eye Surgery...
Cagney I had a squint when I was really little and it's resulted in a lazy eye. I was told they can't do it if you have that. I got put off anyway by my friend who had it done. She said the clamping of the eyelids were bad enough then she could see it all happening and to top it off they ripped the flap so she had to wear a contact lense until it healed. Nuff said....I'll stick to contacts [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing I know! [ more ]
Demantoid They open a flap on the front of your eye... [ more ]
See all 22 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
BB Forum Grand National Sweep.....
kattymieoww Maybe Joe,my late grandad who died over 30 years ago was a punter all his life and the National was the one race he said he'd never bet on. Mind you he was a flat race fan. [ more ]
Garage Joe I think that you would find most racing fans would like to see the end of this race too ! The only reason it exists is to satisfy some sorta ritual for the ordinary Joe. Otherwise, they are average horses, racing over an unsafe course for a ridiculously inflated prize. I saw the two dress rehearsals on Thursday and Friday and they weren't pleasant viewing. No-one expects weather like this in early April but it was rather unseasonal for this type of race. As someone who was brought up... [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by kattymieoww: They are discussing the national on the "The Wright stuff".The jockey of the winner has been censured because of "overuse" of the whip.In the final run in after the last fence he whipped that exhausted horse 16 times. The winner had to go straight to the stables because it was dehydrated and it needed to be given oxygen,three other horses in the top five couldn't go the winners enclosure either due to exhaustion.I'll not bet on racing again,even if it was a... [ more ]
See all 176 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Abbey and Peter Crouch ,getting married on June 31st!
Yogi19 Originally Posted by Demantoid: Originally Posted by Yogi19: Originally Posted by Demantoid: Crouch knows it, too. He realises exactly why a girl like Abbey would latch onto him. Remember what he said, when someone asked him what he'd have been if he wasn't a footballer? "A virgin!" There might be some truth in that. Yep. And your think Wayne Rooney would have attracted any woman with his looks, charm and charisma alone? No chance! [ more ]
Demantoid Originally Posted by Yogi19: Originally Posted by Demantoid: Crouch knows it, too. He realises exactly why a girl like Abbey would latch onto him. Remember what he said, when someone asked him what he'd have been if he wasn't a footballer? "A virgin!" There might be some truth in that. Yep. And your think Wayne Rooney would have attracted any woman with his looks, charm and charisma alone? [ more ]
Yogi19 Originally Posted by Demantoid: Crouch knows it, too. He realises exactly why a girl like Abbey would latch onto him. Remember what he said, when someone asked him what he'd have been if he wasn't a footballer? "A virgin!" There might be some truth in that. [ more ]
See all 10 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Nicola from Girls Aloud gets make over.
Blizz'ard Re: Nicola from Girls Aloud gets make over. [ more ]
slimfern Originally Posted by Karma_: Originally Posted by slimfern: Originally Posted by EllaBella: I like Sarah's new look, I think she's stunning with any kind of cut and colour. Gorgeous eyes. Yeah but you wud have never known it was her wud you ? It would have been one of those 'I'm sure I she's been on the tele' jobbies. She's had botox, a bit too much by the looks of it, but she still looks great. Nah! it is obvious that face has been tampered with - It's not a good look imo ... [ more ]
Karma_ Originally Posted by slimfern: Originally Posted by EllaBella: I like Sarah's new look, I think she's stunning with any kind of cut and colour. Gorgeous eyes. Yeah but you wud have never known it was her wud you ? It would have been one of those 'I'm sure I she's been on the tele' jobbies. She's had botox, a bit too much by the looks of it, but she still looks great. [ more ]
See all 38 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Former Member The Only Way Is Essex star Linzi Peel has claimed that the show is fake. Peel told the News of the World that her girlband Lola, which also included Mark Wright's sister Jessica, had to pretend to have a record deal with Universal. She also claimed that extras are hired to play the part of locals. "Viewers have no idea how fabricated it is," she said. "Most of it is staged, lines are rehearsed, some stars are genuine but not many. Scenes are stopped because someone hasn't shown 'enough... [ more ]
Karma_ Reem [ more ]
Former Member Poor episode. [ more ]
See all 21 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Is it me or is Golf insanely boring to watch?
Former Member Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing: *agrees with Rawky* golf is insanely boring to watch awww, no , it's not! I love it! Used to go to the Dunhill every year ( when it was just St Andrews they played) - was a ritual! Went up there to work one year and got the bug .. went back every year after that and trudged about the course spectating . It's a really skilful game, and the patter was good [ more ]
Prometheus Golf should be against the law but it's not alone. Cricket, Formula 1, tennis (to watch, not play), darts... if you really want to bore yourself to death golf is a good choice but it's not the only option. [ more ]
Former Member How's the film going Rawks? Any shooting planned - did you find some actors? [ more ]
See all 20 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
OH my god.... sky plus!!
slimfern Originally Posted by Carnelian: Originally Posted by slimfern: Originally Posted by Carnelian: Originally Posted by slimfern: Originally Posted by Carnelian: Originally Posted by slimfern: Originally Posted by Carnelian: Originally Posted by Karma_: Originally Posted by Carnelian: Can do something similar with Freeview, record two programs and watch a third as long as it's on a channel broadcast on the same multiplex as either channel you're currently recording. I've got built in Freeview on... [ more ]
slimfern Originally Posted by Abo: Originally Posted by slimfern: Originally Posted by Abo: well today I went & bought myself a freesat box (have been using old sky box with just freeview channels). OMG what a diff it is from sh!tty sky. Clearer, sharper, pic. I just dl everything else I want to watch or watch catch up cause tv & computer are hooked up I bet you bloody know how to work it too I don't know whether to take that as a compliment or not & you said you'd play wiv me lol Wot yoo... [ more ]
Carnelian Originally Posted by slimfern: Originally Posted by Carnelian: Originally Posted by slimfern: Originally Posted by Carnelian: Originally Posted by slimfern: Originally Posted by Carnelian: Originally Posted by Karma_: Originally Posted by Carnelian: Can do something similar with Freeview, record two programs and watch a third as long as it's on a channel broadcast on the same multiplex as either channel you're currently recording. I've got built in Freeview on my bedroom tele but I suppose... [ more ]
See all 132 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sun Tans
Former Member The sun is very dangerous and I think we all have to remember that... [ more ]
Former Member I love the sun and I could lay by the side of a nice swimming pool all day. I can honestly say that I can't remember ever being too hot in my life, inlcuding walking round Luxor at midday in the middle of July. But I'm very fair skinned, quite freckly, and burn easily, so have to be very careful. [ more ]
Dame_Ann_Average I used to love the sun, now I avoid it like the plague or use full sun block. I had a basal cell carcinoma removed from my side of my nose 12 months ago and required a skin graft...scared the life out of me. luckily basal cell can be easily treated, but also eats away at your skin before you realise it's something you need to be worried about. [ more ]
See all 48 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The Masters.
Former Member Son was saying yesterday that he was backing the Tiger. Against a British guy!! Must be all those golf games he's played on the PS over the years Bliddy American cultural imperialism [ more ]
Former Member Yep Veggie he is To think he was 28/1 before the first tee [ more ]
Former Member I see we are going to have the usual British chokeathon. They always make us think they are going to win going into the last round and then just implode! Tiger is in stonking form [ more ]
See all 12 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
New MP3 player.... how annoying
Former Member there's the same problem with ipods - the one I have I got as a replacement for one I dropped down the loo but the one I have now is lower in sound than the one I dropped [ more ]
Carnelian I had a Sony MP3 player a few years ago and found it to be somewhat quiet, but I've get tinnitus, probably due to cranking up headphones over the years, so the EU restrictions are probably for the best. I have an iPod now and that generally is loud enough and rarely gets turned up to top volume. [ more ]
Rawky-Roo Get an iPod...problem sorted. [ more ]
See all 4 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Everyone's gone to their baw baws.
slimfern Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing: Originally Posted by stonks: Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing: Isn't Velvet a she? Not last time he looked.... Right hands up who ended up watching the whole of IF?.... I've just looked at 'his' gingerbreadman and according to it 'HE' is a'SHE' Is this a cunning ploy? Wouldn't he be a gingerbread woman ? [ more ]
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Originally Posted by stonks: Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing: Isn't Velvet a she? Not last time he looked.... Right hands up who ended up watching the whole of IF?.... I've just looked at 'his' gingerbreadman and according to it 'HE' is a'SHE' Is this a cunning ploy? [ more ]
stonks Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing: Isn't Velvet a she? Not last time he looked.... Right hands up who ended up watching the whole of IF?.... [ more ]
See all 23 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Films that stick in your memory
brisket Originally Posted by brisket More recently Brokeback Mountain, an excellent adaptation from the short story, and I weep every time I see it. Brokeback is on Film 4 tonight at 11.05. No doubt I shall watch again and cry again. Oh those shirts and "I wish I knew how to quit you." [ more ]
Cagney The Entity [ more ]
Syd Originally Posted by pirate1111: Originally Posted by Syd: Oh and just remembered (well almost) the one with the ventriloquists dummy........that was scary too........ might of been anthony hopkins in that one-i think im pretty good on films but im pished at the moment sorry The dummy was his alter ego I think......could have been this one..... I know I saw the last one....but I think it was the first that scared me whitless...... [ more ]
See all 45 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
pirate1111 i feel sick hungover and ill can i sue the pub please..? [ more ]
Baz Originally Posted by Tina: Originally Posted by Baz: Originally Posted by Tina: any jobs going behind the bar? Hi Tina How is your little one now? Is he better? Hi Baz hes still a bit ill a horried cough but hes still having his bottles and he has no temp and still smile's loads thanks for asking x Awww bless him But as long as he is eating (and smiling)... Hope the cough clears up soon [ more ]
Tina Originally Posted by Baz: Originally Posted by Tina: any jobs going behind the bar? Hi Tina How is your little one now? Is he better? Hi Baz hes still a bit ill a horried cough but hes still having his bottles and he has no temp and still smile's loads thanks for asking x [ more ]
See all 125 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Later Jools Holland..
Karma_ Originally Posted by Syd: There is always next week Karma.......Don't like Liam, but no need to fall out over it But that isn't following internet protocol! People get beheaded for less! [ more ]
Syd There is always next week Karma.......Don't like Liam, but no need to fall out over it [ more ]
Karma_ I take it I've missed it again Well if VD's commentary is anything to go by then I haven't missed much. (Apart from Liam Gallagher who I like!) [ more ]
See all 41 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
What song is this?
Scotty Originally Posted by Triggers: Originally Posted by Scotty: Hello hen OT - ma wee sis loves your writings. She`s got a few bits and pieces. I`ll send you them x Oh please do Scotty! It is great to see you, I hope all is well x Great to see you too Triggs. Getting there. [ more ]
Triggers Originally Posted by Scotty: Hello hen OT - ma wee sis loves your writings. She`s got a few bits and pieces. I`ll send you them x Oh please do Scotty! It is great to see you, I hope all is well x [ more ]
Scotty Originally Posted by Triggers: Originally Posted by velvet donkey: Originally Posted by Scotty: Oh is it... St. Elmo`s Fire? She's good Merr than that - she's no hauf bad! Scotty Hello hen OT - ma wee sis loves your writings. She`s got a few bits and pieces. I`ll send you them x [ more ]
See all 43 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Jersey shore
Ells They were all strangers at the beginning, now most of them have swapped saliva at some point. [ more ]
~Sparkling Summer~ Did they all know each other or were they strangers? [ more ]
Ells Ahh I love it! The first season was like an 18cert Big Brother. 8 people put in a house together with cameras on 24/7 but unlike BB there was full on fights, sex in the hot tub and too much alcohol. The egos have now skyrocketed but the goal (for them) is the same, find a hot girl/guy and take them back to the house to 'smooch' even with your mates in the room watching They make me laugh though with their over inflated egos. [ more ]
See all 8 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Free carrot seeds in tomorrows' Daily Mail.
Yogi19 Originally Posted by velvet donkey: Aye Yogi - there's more to pirate than meets the eye So it seems. [ more ]
Former Member Aye Yogi - there's more to pirate than meets the eye [ more ]
Yogi19 Originally Posted by pirate1111: we've got a huge garden and OH has fenced the bottom bit for an allotment-she's a qualified summat or other to do with gardening-she had her own section at birminghams botanical gardens-anyway-we always have great fresh stuff from allotment-really nice-better than that supermarket crapola-hers is homegrown and orgasmic [ more ]
See all 65 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
have we got a forum pub..?
pirate1111 Originally Posted by erinp: Pub now open ,looking for staff. Bouncers on the door looking for Pirates im going to the pub to see if i can get back in-the gaffers not on duty so maybe the barstaff wont know im barred good luck with your new pub and watch out for trams.. [ more ]
Former Member Pub now open ,looking for staff. Bouncers on the door looking for Pirates [ more ]
slimfern Originally Posted by pirate1111: sorry that was a bit cheeky lol silly get! [ more ]
See all 121 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
BB on C5. Who should present it?
slimfern Originally Posted by ッmufッ: Originally Posted by slimfern: Originally Posted by Carnelian: an excitable 12 year old girl who's seen a boy's willy for the first time. I remember that moment Took me 4yrs to get over it Was it not what you were expecting? No! Scared me half to death it did Am over it now though [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by carpet: Jimmy Carr. He will rip into the big headed HMs bigtime. NOOOOO He has a face like a botty [ more ]
Ensign Muf Originally Posted by slimfern: Originally Posted by Carnelian: an excitable 12 year old girl who's seen a boy's willy for the first time. I remember that moment Took me 4yrs to get over it Was it not what you were expecting? [ more ]
See all 60 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
A treat pm BBC4
brisket Originally Posted by Croctacus: there's a Herb Alpert documentary as well that I have seen before but is worth another look. An excellent documentary. Very enlightening. And such a modest, almost shy, man. [ more ]
Mount Olympus *Olly* I rarely hear my upstairs neighbour but last night I did ..she had the telly on full blast and was singing non stop ..I had to close my windows [even tho twas hot] and turn my TV up so I could hear what I was watching cos it was so horrendous ..tis usually quiet as anything of a night round here.. dunno how Neil Diamond was but the neighbour could do with a few singing lessons ... or a gag [ more ]
Abo Originally Posted by slimfern: Originally Posted by Abo: Originally Posted by slimfern: Originally Posted by Abo: I know & my box is dying & won't let me watch most channels (have to wait till I can get a new freesat box on Sunday) AND I LOVE NEIL DIAMOND but shhhhh don't tell anyone I heard that ! But tis okay cos I like some of his stuff too oh bottoms wasn't quiet enough *hides eyes* You're not in Australia anymore love,,, well I was just showing ya me down under for good measure then [ more ]
See all 12 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I feel like a fart in a spacesuit
Ells Oh God that points system sounds awful! Karma there was the contractor supervisor but no-one from the Housing to check the work. I think the other residents in the street who've had the work done are going to ring this week aswell so hopefully there's enough complaints for them to listen to [ more ]
Aimee Originally Posted by EllaBella: Aimee I don't understand the points thing? We don't have that here. To add to my annoyance I now feel like I'm in a goldfish bowl as there has been a death next door and all the family members have gathered waiting for the body to be brought back. They have a raised porch which is level with my living room window so the crowd that will be standing there for the next 2 days will basically be looking right into my living room. I don't really want to draw my... [ more ]
Karma_ Originally Posted by EllaBella: Thanks Karma I think I will ring on Monday....actually no, I'll go into the office on Monday coz they have a new bollocks phone system in place.....and see the guy in charge of repairs and tell him exactly what I think. I know there are older people living in the area aswell who have had theirs removed and not put back and it's a disgrace that they expect them to either stand on a chair and do it themselves or fork out for a guy to come do it. Ah man that's... [ more ]
See all 23 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
It's been a while...
slimfern What browser are you using Moomin ? [ more ]
Moomin it's not that neil (welcome back to you btw) it's just that some of them are displaying as small boxes wit red crosses in them, the rest are visible. I had the same problem with avatars when this forum first started as did many others but I can cure that it's just the smilies now. [ more ]
neil3842 Welcome back moomin just come back yesterday myself. Oh yeah you have to flick the bar accross on the window to see rest of the smileys. [ more ]
See all 30 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Anne the Elephant - Update
pirate1111 i couldnt read the story cos it was too sad but i read the follow up-and the big girl looks like she's really smiling and having a good time-id like to open a greyhound rescue kennels-elephants would be a bit too big for my garden [ more ]
Yellow Rose Originally Posted by Miss S: Thanks YR Won't be able to read some of it but like the donation clicks. I'm a member there because of my interests Whatever feels right for you Miss S is just fine xxxx [ more ]
Karma_ Originally Posted by Miss S: Well I always think it's best to check anyway even we do make an ass of ourselves Now this is where we differ... when I was young we always had pets - hamsters, mice, budgies - and every time one of them died I was hysterical. I cannot have any pets now Karma - the thought of losing them is just too much to bear for me. My husband would love a dog as he always had one when he was young - and I would love a couple of budgies again - but I just can't do it - the... [ more ]
See all 32 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
C5 BB Forum
Crunchy Nuts Originally Posted by Karma_: Originally Posted by Crunchy Nuts: Originally Posted by Karma_: I'd love to see some of the oldies back again, C4 was manic back then but was good fun It was! It was just the mods that spoiled it. Though it was good fun trying to sweet talk them into unbanning And of course it's where you found me, isn't it? So obviously Channel 4 forums will always have a place in your heart, Karma Try further down. Then go round the back. You really do want me to smash your... [ more ]
Karma_ Not reaaaalllly You're an annoying little shit and have been a pain in my arris for years but you're a good lad deep down [ more ]
Karma_ Originally Posted by Crunchy Nuts: Originally Posted by Karma_: I'd love to see some of the oldies back again, C4 was manic back then but was good fun It was! It was just the mods that spoiled it. Though it was good fun trying to sweet talk them into unbanning And of course it's where you found me, isn't it? So obviously Channel 4 forums will always have a place in your heart, Karma Try further down. Then go round the back. That's where you are when I think of you (and not in a secs way) [ more ]
See all 119 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Should this Dog be sentenced?
Cinds I love love love this. I've just made boy Cinds watch it, he loved it too, but he did say 'MAM stop screeching like that when you're laughing' [ more ]
Yogi19 Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo: Don't bad mouth the owner. He has a website set up, due to the success of the video and now he raises money for cancer charities, he's a decent guy. In that case, he can come out of the kennel. Seriously though, good on him for raising money for cancer charities. [ more ]
Rawky-Roo Don't bad mouth the owner. He has a website set up, due to the success of the video and now he raises money for cancer charities, he's a decent guy. [ more ]
See all 27 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
For men, BB is the embarrassing skeleton in the closet.
Former Member My husband used to watch the early series' but I doubt he admitted it to his friends . Two of my male work colleagues love BB - in fact one if them is an even bigger fan than me and is quite open about it [ more ]
Crunchy Nuts Oh totally. No way would I even dare to hint that I watch BB on a footie forum. I'd have the piss ripped out of me so bad that I'd be bleeding! [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) At least some men do like BB. I think as a male, some men (or some people) do dislike soaps more than BB because they presume that it's mostly females that watch them, but as someone that loves the soaps I can only dispute this claim . [ more ]
See all 73 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Big Brother - The Return. Yay or Nay?
Soozy Woo Originally Posted by Clumsycat: i have watched every seroes since it started.. i will still watch Me too ................I'm not sure if I'll watch this one though. I got more and more disillusioned as the years rolled by. I kind of said goodbye at the end of the last series. I feel a bit liberated TBH ..............not making any promises though [ more ]
Rawky-Roo BB1 - BB2 - BB3 - BB4 - BB5 - BB6 - BB7 - BB8 - BB9 - BB10 - BB11 - So i think anyway. [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Cariad: Originally Posted by Issy: I suppose ( and I have said it before) I am not a true BB fan. I liked it when it was on - well the first 3 series and series 5. Then it began to get tedious. I probably overthink it.. I'd say you were a true BB fan Issy ... I loved the first 5 series too (yes, even 4 as it had my all time favourite housemate Mr Tickle). After that it got all "celebrity" and attracted some hideous applicants. I MUCH preferred the old "social experiment"... [ more ]
See all 110 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
so anyway..
Former Member nite pirate, took me a while to work out what HIGNFY was [ more ]
slimfern Originally Posted by pirate1111: im off to bed now-with my flask and hot water bottle 'HIGNFY' is on soon, so have a nice evening everyone Not been the same since Angus Nite nite [ more ]
pirate1111 im off to bed now-with my flask and hot water bottle 'HIGNFY' is on soon, so have a nice evening everyone [ more ]
See all 35 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
For Gawds Sake....BB is a light entertainment reality TV programme.
Carnelian BB is an intentionally provocative reality show. it's not what I'd call 'light entertainment'. Light entertainment is "The One Show", "Strictly", "Total Wipeout" not vicious wannabes fighting each other. [ more ]
pirate1111 Originally Posted by kattymieoww: Oh yes...the first series was more to do with a social exercise etc,but by now it's just a bit trashy TV,because there have been so many like minded shows since then.Anyway,I still luvs it! yep, i liked it better then-no wannabe 'stars' however i do like a rant and rave and fondly remember the kerrfuffel over rachel rice..such fun [ more ]
PeterCat Originally Posted by Syd: just moaning and clicking I find an osteopath is good for that. [ more ]
See all 11 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
What is with C4
neil3842 Originally Posted by slimfern: Originally Posted by neil3842: Originally Posted by slimfern: Reckon they will be bring out dvds of the series at some point - maybe! Maybe but it not going to cover every clip only clip of BB3 that seems to be viewable without fooling you tube intro thinking I am in the US is sandys escape. It just makes no sense for a UK series to be allowed to be watched evereywhere except the UK. All I can think of is C4 likes annoying us like they did with the unnessasary... [ more ]
slimfern Originally Posted by neil3842: Originally Posted by slimfern: Reckon they will be bring out dvds of the series at some point - maybe! Maybe but it not going to cover every clip only clip of BB3 that seems to be viewable without fooling you tube intro thinking I am in the US is sandys escape. It just makes no sense for a UK series to be allowed to be watched evereywhere except the UK. All I can think of is C4 likes annoying us like they did with the unnessasary SD's Am guessing that the UK BB... [ more ]
neil3842 Originally Posted by slimfern: Reckon they will be bring out dvds of the series at some point - maybe! Maybe but it not going to cover every clip only clip of BB3 that seems to be viewable without fooling you tube intro thinking I am in the US is sandys escape. It just makes no sense for a UK series to be allowed to be watched evereywhere except the UK. All I can think of is C4 likes annoying us like they did with the unnessasary SD's [ more ]
See all 5 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Tomorrow looks like a good day
Yogi19 Originally Posted by Cinds: Originally Posted by Yogi19: I showed your pics to my youngest son (aged 22), and he says "Congratulations Cinds, that takes some bottle ) He also says, one of these days, he's going to give it a go. Tell him to come and chat on here one night with Mr Cinds, we can arrange it. If anyone can persuade someone to do it, he can. It bloody worked on me. Noooooooooooo, he's daft brave enough to do it - and my nerves couldn't take it. [ more ]
Cinds Originally Posted by Demantoid: That is brilliant, well done Cinds! I really really really did love it, it shocked me how much I loved it [ more ]
Cinds Originally Posted by Yogi19: I showed your pics to my youngest son (aged 22), and he says "Congratulations Cinds, that takes some bottle ) He also says, one of these days, he's going to give it a go. Tell him to come and chat on here one night with Mr Cinds, we can arrange it. If anyone can persuade someone to do it, he can. It bloody worked on me. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
CHARLIE SHEEN to be in the new CBB on FIVE.
Former Member All we need's a hooker and a wardrobe. [ more ]
Videostar Originally Posted by kattymieoww: He's a total space cadet...good BB fodder.However on a serious note if he behaved the way he does with no money to his name,as in a poor junkie on the street ,beating up his wife etc would "we" love him..doubt it. His ex did attack him with a plastic fork dont forget. [ more ]
Videostar Originally Posted by Syd: He would go mental within the first few hours.....LOL...... He's already mental so who cares lol...but who wants to be sane. [ more ]
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