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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Why can't I change my profile pic?
Ev (Peachy) Oh, right. [ more ]
suzybean Originally Posted by Ev (Peachy): Originally Posted by suzybean: Originally Posted by Ev (Peachy): Originally Posted by suzybean: Originally Posted by Ev (Peachy): Originally Posted by suzybean: Aww, you know you're in GaGa when you see a cat piccie. She was nearly swayed by the Huge sun. She's the cat's mother LOLz See! Brainwashed you an' all lol Who/What has? Genuine inquiry? Not that brain isn't clean lol It was a jest at being brainwashed by cats when you come to gaga.. or summit like... [ more ]
Ev (Peachy) Originally Posted by sparkles: Originally Posted by Ev (Peachy): Is that your cat Sparkles? No Ev but I do have one very similar. Very cute. Catch you later. [ more ]
See all 33 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
A big question
squiggle Originally Posted by Skylark24: Originally Posted by squiggle: Yes Skylark in an ideal world we could reply 'yes' to being religious but in my part of the world it has been hijacked to a certain extent to be synonymous with the type of nutter who recently announced (purely under his own bat seemingly without reference to The Almighty) the Second Coming Ok , ? I know i should know of whom you speak, but i dont ....x The guy (don't know his name) who predicted the world would end on Saturday. [ more ]
suzybean It's all here....take it away Whitney and Mariah *sways* [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by squiggle: Yes Skylark in an ideal world we could reply 'yes' to being religious but in my part of the world it has been hijacked to a certain extent to be synonymous with the type of nutter who recently announced (purely under his own bat seemingly without reference to The Almighty) the Second Coming Ok , ? I know i should know of whom you speak, but i dont ....x [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Imogen heading for the jungle?
Former Member Originally Posted by Blizz'ard: When there are important, investigative journalism stories being gagged, then I'd have the opposite view (Trafigura, for example), but newspapers, or journalists, making money from Kiss and Tells, or even bare faced lies about people's sex lives, deserve everything they get, IMO. [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Videostar: Everyone should be allowed a private life unless the break the law, this footballer has not broken any laws other than falling for Imogen's charms. OMG Vids, we agree ...(plus public interest imo)....Goes off to rethink position [ more ]
Videostar Originally Posted by stonks: Originally Posted by Videostar: Originally Posted by Jonesy: I just hope no member on here has repercussions from revealing the name of the said Prem footie player. ANYONE who names this footballer should be in the courts in my opinion, theres no evidence at all that this footballer in question even knows Imogen. Everyone thinks they are so smart and they know who this guy is, but they dont know for sure, NO ONE DOES. Yes we call know who that is, but that... [ more ]
See all 63 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Cinds YES! Fantastic, even though it rained and rained and rained some more, I have had the most perfect weekend. [ more ]
Former Member It was OK thanks. A bit fed up of the rain and wind though. I much preferred the sun we had in April [ more ]
Kaffs Originally Posted by zazz: She is okay though, had to wash it all off her paws, it was like squeezing out a big fluffy paint roller hahahah ... this made me chuckle - I can just imagine it. [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Won't let me have a profile pic
Former Member Thanks Yogi. It's weird, it kept 'sticking' and wouldnt let me activate the 'update profile' button, til tonight: you and veggie are good omens! [ more ]
Yogi19 Bumping this thread for Sparkles, hopefully there's some useful info in it. [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Veggieburger: Originally Posted by Crunchy Nuts: Originally Posted by Veggieburger: Hi Lori Can you unfix the fix that you did for Crunchy so he can't have an avatar please? Only that pic he has at the moment is of his team beating my second team in a cup final at Wembley I'm willing to offer bribes It's staying! It's staying until our crown is taken from us, but as we nearly always get to the final of this competition I wouldn't bet against me having a similar avatar a... [ more ]
See all 57 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Remember when BBGF closed at midnight
Baz Originally Posted by Marguerita: Originally Posted by Baz: Yes... I remember that.....everyone posting like mad and saying nite nite before the curfew Lol Baz that was a pain I do miss a lot of the FMS from CH4 who never made it here ..shame really.. Wasn't it just Marg But we had quite a few giggles, trying to get the post counts up, shopping lists, songs etc [ more ]
Smarting Buttocks That wasn't the worst thing they imposed on us C4 members. The worst was the "Hot Topics" system. And they cleared the boards on a daily basis. [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Carnelian: Ah Veggie, an eve forum. But do they have the same ultra sensitive attitude to profanities like the good old C4 BB site? Do they let trolls fire off thread after thread on the same subject? Do they let good threads fly off the board in a matter of minutes to be replaced by multiple threads telling us that "X footballer is a fake"? They sure do, 10 out of 10 for consistency for Tempero eh [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Rexi I loved Venice Syd ... I went for a day back in the 1980s and said that I would go back. I haven't yet, but I will [ more ]
Syd All my destinations have been great..........only two I hated were here in GB....Wales and Hampshire..... Slovenia was the most beautiful place I have visited.... Venice was all that I expected.... All the others have been Sun Sea and Sand types....... Haven't been further than the USA tho....... [ more ]
Former Member Turkey was fantastic ,lots do do. Rome was everything and more for me ,cant wait to return. [ more ]
See all 16 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
48 hours without Coffee ,Never again.
Former Member Originally Posted by Smarting Buttocks: Originally Posted by erinp: I had my teeth lasered on Friday,had to refrain from Coffee,Tea(never drink it )Red meats ,red wine ,eat only white foods.Having no Coffeee for that time screwed ny life up. Having my first coffee through a straw,life is wonderful again. Could you have had White chocolate? I suppose I could have,but dont like white chocolate. [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~: I've quit tea because of the tooth stains, well done for getting yours done- may I be rude and ask if it was expensive? £299,took an hour,the mouth guard was the most uncomfortable part of the procedure. I suffered slight sensitivity for the first 24 hours only. [ more ]
Smarting Buttocks Originally Posted by erinp: I had my teeth lasered on Friday,had to refrain from Coffee,Tea(never drink it )Red meats ,red wine ,eat only white foods.Having no Coffeee for that time screwed ny life up. Having my first coffee through a straw,life is wonderful again. Could you have had White chocolate? [ more ]
See all 8 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Clutch of punts
Former Member Originally Posted by machel: stating that its an adult forum doesn't excuse using obscene language Agree. [ more ]
Ev (Peachy) Originally Posted by Soozy Woo: Originally Posted by Ev (Peachy): Originally Posted by Moonbeams: right read it. meh. You mean you don't read the first threads and work your way down. Or do you do what i do and read the last one and work up. I think we all do that don't we? Sometimes, unfortunately we get the wrong end of the stick in a big way Well for the first time i read your thread and read the first post ONLY. Just now lol [ more ]
Soozy Woo Originally Posted by Ev (Peachy): Originally Posted by Moonbeams: right read it. meh. You mean you don't read the first threads and work your way down. Or do you do what i do and read the last one and work up. I think we all do that don't we? Sometimes, unfortunately we get the wrong end of the stick in a big way [ more ]
See all 50 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Quite a few Emmerdale departures (spoilers)
PeterCat So glad to hear that Kelly is leaving. She's got a face like a spoon. A wrinkled one at that. [ more ]
PeterCat Originally Posted by machel: sorry to see jackson and his mum going they were a good team to watch, not bothered by the rest except who is scarlett nicholls? Jimmy & Carl's sister. [ more ]
machel sorry to see jackson and his mum going they were a good team to watch, not bothered by the rest except who is scarlett nicholls? [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
What mobile
Saint It seems a good intro into the touch screen, multi function mobiles it calls, it texts - it has a good camera - simples (and its about 70 pounds) [ more ]
slimfern Originally Posted by Renton: RIGHT - i'm pooped looking at all the flamin' options out there!! Some say the love a mobile and then . . .someone else hates it - sigh i'm going for the LG VIEWTY SNAP Thank you for all your help Perhap JK ROWLING missed trick and shud have gone in with a deal and called it the LG VIEWTY SNAPE . . . lol Wot do you mean, I'm childish (snigger) 'like' [ more ]
Saint RIGHT - i'm pooped looking at all the flamin' options out there!! Some say the love a mobile and then . . .someone else hates it - sigh i'm going for the LG VIEWTY SNAP Thank you for all your help Perhap JK ROWLING missed trick and shud have gone in with a deal and called it the LG VIEWTY SNAPE . . . lol Wot do you mean, I'm childish (snigger) [ more ]
See all 31 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Cat Deeley looks a bit freakish
suzybean Originally Posted by Scotty: Originally Posted by suzybean: Originally Posted by Scotty: She`s got a heid like a 30 bob cabbage. 10p a lb. Ouch! Ouch indeed. Must be hard to balance it. Scotty you baaaaad [ more ]
Scotty Originally Posted by suzybean: Originally Posted by Scotty: She`s got a heid like a 30 bob cabbage. 10p a lb. Ouch! Ouch indeed. Must be hard to balance it. [ more ]
suzybean Originally Posted by Scotty: She`s got a heid like a 30 bob cabbage. 10p a lb. Ouch! [ more ]
See all 23 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I know nobody cares but...
Ells Originally Posted by EllaBella: I did tell him Veggie.....he never listens properly Sorry that was in response to Sprout I blame the wine. [ more ]
Elkie I never felt sick.. [ more ]
Videostar Originally Posted by Cupcake: I just ate 7 fairy cakes in a row, with buttercream and icing and all sorts of chocolate topping and all sorts. And I don't even CARE! I feel a wee bit sick though Nah, go on, have fun, we are a long time dead....enjoy. [ more ]
See all 26 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Piers interviewing Des O Connor.
Former Member I missed it [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Cupcake: Oh yes I never thought of them Miss S. maybe in real life it's frowned upon more... I mean with us ordinary folk. Then again, I guess an ordinary man of 65 who was dating a 28 year old would be frowned upon too. Well, anything goes in the world of celebrity it seems. [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Garage Joe: Did you know that he had an affair with another journalist? Of course that was in the days before our obsession with the heinous crime of adultery! I hope he didn't have a super injunction! [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Decent Film Remakes.
Former Member Deep Groat was a 50/50 in Chateau Profile. Not sure of the combination of medieval degradation and soft focus .... degradation. Props for trying though. [ more ]
Crunchy Nuts I've seen both of The Parent Traps. I seen the remake 1st when i was about 11, y'know the one with 2 LiLo's in it.... then one day the old (original) one was on TV so thought i'd watch it and I have to say the remake is definitely better. [ more ]
Rawky-Roo Will do Sooz. I like to watch the originals before the remakes. [ more ]
See all 26 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
For yogi
~Sparkling Summer~ Aw thanks yogi I'm glad she liked it! Yes, we love our walks, we asked a lot of questions about the breed before deciding that it was the right one for us Mr summer had a 15 year old lurcher, she passed away weeks before I met him, everyone tells me she was a tremendous dog [ more ]
Yogi19 Summer, I showed the pic to my son's fiancee - she thinks the dog is gorgeous. She said to tell you that they can be very energetic little dogs, which would suit you and Mr Summer because you like to go on long walks. [ more ]
~Sparkling Summer~ Aw deman, what a bittersweet story! Some of them take themselves off to die don't they Least captain phil will eternally drive me around [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
5 more mins..
~Sparkling Summer~ Fluffy, I did drag myself out and I did get to work on time And now I'm reunited with my cosy mattress and no alarm in the morning Sooz, coming online on my phone helps wake me up in the mornings, I'd go back to full asleep again if I dont stimulate my brain [ more ]
Former Member LOL, that is a massive mistake for me, to switch off my alarm... because I almost ALWAYS go back to sleep. [ more ]
Rexi Re: 5 more mins.. [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ray Quin - what a knob!
Ells Originally Posted by Cupcake: Ella Bella! Ray is talented, but still quite annoying. Very talented but very very annoying. I think I just liked most of the mens asses on DOI, especially the skaters. [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing: I can't believe his agent didn't suggest he change his name... the non ray fan changing nn to an m was always gonna be a sure bet So true [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing I can't believe his agent didn't suggest he change his name... the non ray fan changing nn to an m was always gonna be a sure bet [ more ]
See all 26 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Tomorrow night's television awards
Former Member Originally Posted by Garage Joe: ..... Or Vera! Dreadful choice! Time to get out the Spiral boxset! I tried watching this and yes it is bloody crap. [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Miss S: Pineapple Dance Studios? I mean why would that even get nominated? Awful pile of shit. [ more ]
Former Member Thank you Brisket... i didn;t know [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
'Glee' third season to air on Sky, I don't have SKY!!!!
Former Member Such a shame that Glee has gone to Sky, because not everyone can afford it. I didn't much care that LOSt went though.... I thought it started off well, and then went crap rather quickly. Like Flashforward...... remember that?! [ more ]
oleary91, Santana makes glee good. lovesher [ more ]
Temps I found the last series really's all gone a bit teenagey. Sue Sylvester has lost her viciousness. Brittany is hilarious though, she has fantastic one liners [ more ]
See all 17 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Kathy Kirby RIP
Dame_Ann_Average Originally Posted by Veggieburger: Yeah I think you're right Dame, but for some reason I seem to think there's a Kathy in there somewhere Don't know Veggie, but I remember his wife was loads older than him and her name rang a bell [ more ]
Former Member Never heard of her. I think it's because I am not old enough. [ more ]
Former Member Yeah I think you're right Dame, but for some reason I seem to think there's a Kathy in there somewhere [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Former Member Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy: I risked.... Tolkein's 'reserved' now. Slinki...... have you put my name on him? awwww.. I did think about it Mizz Baffy will collect his lordship [ more ]
kattymieoww Was at my nieces' yesterday,Hugo is growing,his coat is beautiful,lovely marble swirls and spots.He's been taught to play "fetch",he likes to scuttle along the floor after a pencil ,he will pick it up and bring it back to you to throw again.Bengals can be also be taught to sit,give a paw and beg like a dog. [ more ]
Kaffs I risked.... Tolkein's 'reserved' now. Slinki...... have you put my name on him? [ more ]
See all 225 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Imogen thomas on This Morning(update)Justice Eady's ruling
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Originally Posted by spongebob squarepants: they don't use their proper initials...when john terry had his super injunction it refered to him by different initials That makes it beside the point surely? Judge: You must not stalk/bother PML Accused: That's OK It's RG I'm after anyway. [ more ]
spongebob squarepants they don't use their proper initials...when john terry had his super injunction it refered to him by different initials [ more ]
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Originally Posted by Garage Joe: I'll use this one then ........... Thank Bog that no-one on here mentioned the footballer concerned. I see that they are after Twitter with the intent of prosecution. Even though it is predicted that he will be named in parliament this week. Meanwhile..... Did anyone understand the logic behind that LibDem gobshieght grassing up Freddie the Shreddie? Why was it in the public interest? He seemed to be suggesting that the long predicted collapse of western... [ more ]
See all 94 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Just been dumped
machel Originally Posted by Crunchy Nuts: I'm fine. I remember probably about 5 years ago when I was 20 being an absolute state coming on C4 forums after finishing with a girl, I'm not going to be like that this time. I'm disappointed it's over but I'm not gonna let it get to me. Best to just forget about her and move on. and there was me thinking you were an old codger!!! *note to self: revise perceptions of people on here [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Crunchy Nuts: The Marrakech thing may have been a factor, I don't know. She just said it's fun but wants to go our separate ways now. I don't think the not taking her to Radio 1's Big Weekend thing will have helped either mind. I think you may well be right there Crunchy! [ more ]
Garage Joe Dry your eyes mate! Plenty more fish in the sea! Etc. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
chris huhne
Garage Joe I wonder what material HIGNFY would have used otherwise? [ more ]
pirate1111 May 17th, 2011 Chris Huhne misses a golden opportunity to deny the allegations: CH: The only way they can stand that up is by getting you to talk to them. There is simply no other person who could possibly tell them whether it is true or not. VP: It’s one of the things that worried me when you made me take the points. CH: I honestly don’t think, I really don’t think, that it is sensible to have these sorts of conversations over the phone, well, if that dont finish off his career lol ps... [ more ]
Aquarius It couldn't happen to a nicer guy. Forgive me, couldn't resist that. The pleasure you get when one of these 'higher beings' gets their comeuppance is just delicious. Right, gloat over. [ more ]
See all 27 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
RIP Randy Savage....
Blizz'ard RIP Savage (real name, Randy Poffo) [ more ]
stonks Originally Posted by MrMincePie: Loved his work towards the end of his career on WCW... also him and ric flair were bossing it on wwf, he certainly put on a good show. Last week I watched the wrestling, never have I seen such boring sh*te. If anyone watches that week in week out then they seriously need their head sorting. The producers totally lost the plot after 2003 and killed it. TNA is going in the right direction, but they need to bring in some new blood... at the minute the "oldies"... [ more ]
stonks Originally Posted by Antiope: Queue jumper. [ more ]
See all 5 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
HAHAHA Revenge is mine........
Dirtyprettygirlthing Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x: Originally Posted by Ev (Peachy): We don't know the name of the clacker, or the nosie it makes either, but it just sort of clicks very softly, but if your the other person on the other side of the bed, ( i am not) your lying in the dark waiting for that next click, and you never quite know when its going to come pmsl.. eeek you'd think i could do it on purpose in my sleep It's the uvula.. the dangly bit Was marking an anatomy and physiology exam paper... [ more ]
Lori Wait! Did you order it?? Huh? I'll share my mushy peas with you.... [ more ]
Former Member Better go and try and sleeeeeeep too.. night folks! Hope it's a quiet one for everybody! [ more ]
See all 103 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Big Brother Channel 5,first Ad aired.
Baz Originally Posted by ~hoochie~: Originally Posted by Baz: Originally Posted by erinp: Originally Posted by Baz: OMG.... *shields eyes* She's a braw lass...not. It's a bit like looking in the mirror nice shoes Baz! [ more ]
Starfleet Admiral hoochie Originally Posted by Baz: Originally Posted by erinp: Originally Posted by Baz: OMG.... *shields eyes* She's a braw lass...not. It's a bit like looking in the mirror nice shoes Baz! [ more ]
Former Member I have never seen that picture and by god I wish I hadn't now [ more ]
See all 27 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
~sigh~ so long, little furball...
Former Member Originally Posted by sprout: . *Mops own brow* [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Miss S: Originally Posted by sprout: Originally Posted by Miss S: Originally Posted by sprout: I was kinda wondering too Ev I'm hoping that wasn't meant to be as insensitive as it seemed. Nooo! I was referring to Erin's post So was I Sproooot! - not your post you daftie I've edited I thought I'd said/done something wrong there. *Mops own brow* [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by sprout: Originally Posted by Miss S: Originally Posted by sprout: I was kinda wondering too Ev I'm hoping that wasn't meant to be as insensitive as it seemed. Nooo! I was referring to Erin's post So was I Sproooot! - not your post you daftie I've edited [ more ]
See all 52 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Parmesan cheese
zazz Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic: Originally Posted by zazz: Not one bugger has admired my muffins!!!!!!!11! Nice buns [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by zazz: Not one bugger has admired my muffins!!!!!!!11! Nice buns [ more ]
zazz Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x: Originally Posted by zazz: Not one bugger has admired my muffins!!!!!!!11! ooohh, nice muffins! ( they do look bloody lovely! ) Thank you!! They were rather tasty!! The cats havent found them yet, though they do like a cupcake! [ more ]
See all 43 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Playground problem
Former Member Originally Posted by jujubedoo: Aw god veggie so many of my friends say make the most now, late teens to twenties are the worst, think parenting is one long guilt trip, eldest is 15 uni years approaching, jeez , gonna get a vino now and a calculator Hee hee xx Glad you're feeling better about it JuJu [ more ]
Baz Originally Posted by jujubedoo: Aw god veggie so many of my friends say make the most now, late teens to twenties are the worst, think parenting is one long guilt trip, eldest is 15 uni years approaching, jeez , gonna get a vino now and a calculator Hee hee xx Mine are in their late 30s, and they still manage to push the guilt button every now and then! [ more ]
jujubedoo Aw god veggie so many of my friends say make the most now, late teens to twenties are the worst, think parenting is one long guilt trip, eldest is 15 uni years approaching, jeez , gonna get a vino now and a calculator Hee hee xx [ more ]
See all 22 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Child sex abuse victims should just say no.
Temps Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic: Originally Posted by Soozy Woo: Am I really naive? Isn't this a step in the right direction? It's virtually impossible to reach babies and infants - but - if young children at school are made aware that it is wrong - and that they can say no (even if it's not listened to they know it's wrong). So many kids being sexually abused within their own home really don't know thAt it's just not right until years later. Honestly - can someone please spell it... [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Blizz'ard: Thanks all. I must admit, I'm sightly allergic to the woman! Great post though Blizz [ more ]
Demantoid She's a horror. Came out very badly when the Torygraph did that expenses expose, too. [ more ]
See all 91 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
If you have a min, please could you vote hubby's photos....
Former Member Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing: Originally Posted by James: Voted Ditty, I don't think the site is fair. It's hard to go through the pictures. Your links helped us but what about other people. what about other people! this is not a time for objectivity & fairness James [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing ooops.... nearly missed Granny! Thank you grannyg xx [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing Originally Posted by The Devil In Diamante: Done...I'll vote from work on Monday as well...from a different PC...should work xxxx Thank you DiD xx [ more ]
See all 71 replies...

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