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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Former Member Tis dark now [ more ]
Former Member Ah right, being closer to 'the top' I guess? [ more ]
kattymieoww Originally Posted by sprout: Originally Posted by kattymieoww: 9.20 and sunshine in Glasgow.We have brighter nights here than the south. Yeah, it's got something to do with the equator I think Katty. It would probably be dark at my aunties in Watford now Yea but we get darker winters. [ more ]
See all 33 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
neil3842 Originally Posted by pirate1111: cos on a night when its half decent telly When did this happen? Did I fall into an alternate universe [ more ]
pirate1111 Originally Posted by Pengy: Originally Posted by pirate1111: but all is well in pirate world apart from the villa I hear ya on that Pirate - I shall shake my fist at the Holte End when I pass tomorrow you and my missus i just text her the news (shes babysitting) and i wouldnt dare repeat what she text me back lol [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by pirate1111: but all is well in pirate world apart from the villa I hear ya on that Pirate - I shall shake my fist at the Holte End when I pass tomorrow [ more ]
See all 61 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Do you remember that magic couple on BGT?
Poolshark I have to admit that 99% of the auditionees are absolute pants, and American dress soooo badly, also the judges are rubbish as well. They have Slimy Piers Morgan, the shite cow bitch Sharon no talent herself Osbourne, and some bloke called Howie who loves the camera. [ more ]
MrMincePie They seem to always have some similar to over here... its like when Paul Potts won, then we started seeing opera singers everywhere [ more ]
See all 2 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
eck and brum and now villa
Former Member Originally Posted by pirate1111: Originally Posted by Pengy: Originally Posted by pirate1111: eck is in, in the morning..villa paying 2million comp to small heath chavs (birmingham city) we don't bloomin' want him nah hes screwed over the blues anyone that hits and runs aint gonna be good like i said not a devotee but im not stupid either what are villa up to? any idiot that could let a manager of MON's caliber go isn't up to much - Learner is as tight on the purse strings as Deadly was so... [ more ]
pirate1111 Originally Posted by Pengy: Originally Posted by pirate1111: eck is in, in the morning..villa paying 2million comp to small heath chavs (birmingham city) we don't bloomin' want him nah hes screwed over the blues anyone that hits and runs aint gonna be good like i said not a devotee but im not stupid either what are villa up to? [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by pirate1111: eck is in, in the morning..villa paying 2million comp to small heath chavs (birmingham city) we don't bloomin' want him [ more ]
See all 17 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Former Member Originally Posted by pirate1111: well i did say id keep bumping the thread and when youve all gone out and got a greyhound-i'll stop bumping lol Pirate, I'd love to have a dog (and reading this thread I think I would quite like a greyhound) but it's just not possible as I'm out at work all day and it just isn't fair [ more ]
pirate1111 Originally Posted by cologne 1: I can't have one (though I'd love to), but I will find out about the charity and donate something monthly. thats great cologne you can sponsor one have a look at your local RGT website i dont get passionate about many things-but greyhounds are one and blondie is the other but your ok, you dont have to sponsor blondie [ more ]
cologne 1 I can't have one (though I'd love to), but I will find out about the charity and donate something monthly. [ more ]
See all 21 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
So that's why!!
Kaffs Originally Posted by jacksonb: they tested the bottom of women's handbags a while back.... the results weren't good... ...and that's why us ocd types are very good at holding our handbags in our teeth and opening doors and with our elbows [ more ]
jacksonb they tested the bottom of women's handbags a while back.... the results weren't good... [ more ]
stonks Could you imagine if you swabbed and tested a lot of mens ties what you would find on them..quite a few dodge the soap after a pee but they all fiddle with their ties.... [ more ]
See all 40 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
joss stone..
Temps I'm just you just go into a body bag shop and say, I'd like an extra large please? [ more ]
Former Member My brother keeps his Christmas tree in a body bag, fully decorated in the shed coz hes too lazy to decorate it every year so he just zips it in a body bag god, my family! [ more ]
Blizz'ard Originally Posted by Temps: where do you buy a body bag?? [ more ]
See all 22 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Cameron thrown out of hospital ward...
Saint That surgeon/doctor prob has a very small willy - a very big ego . . . and an inclination to boss everyone around *proof if it were needed that a good education does not necessarily produce good people* [ more ]
kattymieoww Again hospital staff can't force folk to wash hands etc.(They should be able to!)There are hand cleansing units etc outside every ward/room.A couple pf years ago I was kept in overnight for tests etc,acute admissions..come visiting time only two or three folk used the cleansing washes. This was when MRSA etc was all over the news,I mentioned this to the senior charge nurse that very few were using the hygeine washes etc,etc.He stated tell me about it,we can't enforce it on ordinary wards... [ more ]
Eugene's Lair Originally Posted by sparkles: I am not a fan of Cameron or Clegg now for that matter, but found this unceccessary. The guy who chucked them out, looked like a rude old git. What was wrong with just asking them politely to leave? TBH, I can understand why he might have been a bit narked. Hospitals are continually getting stick from politicians and journalists over cleanliness issues, both of whom often don't understand just what's involved. Remember the 2005 election? Michael Howard's Tories... [ more ]
See all 17 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Historical chat
Former Member No hesitation: my mum, I'd like to ask her thoughts on some of the things that have happened in the years since she passed away. Oh and if there is a Heaven, as she firmly believed and if so what it's like?......But most of all I'd just like to see her again and have a hug [ more ]
Syd Hitler....Just to ask him why? and if at the END he had any regrets....... [ more ]
Garage Joe I would like to return to ask Edward VI who his father was. [ more ]
See all 33 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Has anyone ever suffered from shingles?
Jenny Originally Posted by Soozy Woo: When my son had Chicken Pox (aged 16) I found a cream called Eurax's like Calamine Lotion but in a creamy form - easier to apply and stays in one place. Give it a go. Thanks Soozy, I've got to go out today,so I'll see if I can get some of that cream. [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing Originally Posted by Jenny: Hi Ditty. No, Doc didn't say when they would start helping. Since I went to her, I've still been developing new rashes. The tablets haven't had any noticeable effect yet, but I'm hoping they are working in the background at least! I guess it doesn't help that I already have a suppressed immune system due to the treatment for RA, maybe that's why I succumbed to it in the first place. I'm dabbing calamine lotion on the blisters, and that helps for a few minutes. The... [ more ]
Former Member Hope it eases soon Jenny [ more ]
See all 45 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Baz Originally Posted by Syd: Originally Posted by Garage Joe: ***starts a Madonna tribute act clique*** ***Pokes old 60's conical bra out with pride*** [ more ]
Syd Originally Posted by Garage Joe: ***starts a Madonna tribute act clique*** ***Pokes old 60's conical bra out with pride*** [ more ]
Garage Joe ***starts a Madonna tribute act clique*** [ more ]
See all 51 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Former Member Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~: Pirate, I've had that ruddy FUNKY PIDGEON DOT COM song in my head for hours!!!!!!!!! I have the bliddy funky gibbon in mine. [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by pirate1111: and ive just set myself up for an insult there haven't i? well off to the public house and i'll drink one for brisket I have bumped the forum Pub ,have we decided when we are doing the toast to brisket?Friday night maybe ? [ more ]
~Sparkling Summer~ Pirate, I've had that ruddy FUNKY PIDGEON DOT COM song in my head for hours!!!!!!!!! [ more ]
See all 17 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
£800 million pounds donation to other countries for vaccines. Is it right... POLL...
Former Member Originally Posted by jacksonb: Originally Posted by erinp: It's said the drug companies that supply the vaccine,do so at a very high profit.I do hope that is not the case. no it's not the case. the drug comanpy involved is supplying at cost. Glad to hear that,cheers. [ more ]
jacksonb Originally Posted by erinp: It's said the drug companies that supply the vaccine,do so at a very high profit.I do hope that is not the case. no it's not the case. the drug comanpy involved is supplying at cost. [ more ]
Garage Joe The firm who spent 200 million on a meningitis - diphtheria - pertussis vaccine will never get their money back. I think another firm tried to sue South Africa for using generic drugs but in general I understand that the vaccines used are dirt cheap and probably out of licence. [ more ]
See all 34 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Terry Pratchett - anyone watch it?
Former Member I watched it ,but I really wish I hadn't. [ more ]
Blizz'ard I thought I had recorded it, but I just managed to get the debate programme. Anyway, having watched that dramatised version about the English Doctor, who chose to end her life there, I'd much rather have a doctor give me a shed load of Morphine, in my own country, preferably in my own bed. I hope, by the time my time comes, that we will be offering as much dignity to humans, as we do to our pets. [ more ]
jacksonb i would think if you asked just about anyone 'are you afraid of dying?' many people would reply' no not afraid of dying,but of how it's going to happen' i didn't watch the programme, but i've always believed in the right to choose. [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Demantoid Originally Posted by Veggieburger: I saw that show yesterday (not having internet for a few weeks forced me to watch more tv than I have in months). Those people that you are talking about were slapworthy to the max - I was in full stabby rage mode as Saz would say. But I was rofl at the guy who was carried off the stage by the security guard and was clinging to the doorway as he was being taken off Like a Chad Valley Huggy Bear? [ more ]
Former Member I saw that show yesterday (not having internet for a few weeks forced me to watch more tv than I have in months). Those people that you are talking about were slapworthy to the max - I was in full stabby rage mode as Saz would say. But I was rofl at the guy who was carried off the stage by the security guard and was clinging to the doorway as he was being taken off [ more ]
Ev (Peachy) Originally Posted by Demantoid: Originally Posted by Ev (Peachy): Agree They (the producers, the show, Kyle etc) want the public up there in the spotlight to air their dirty washing , then he can morally come along to slap it out of them, and make them a better person.... might work only that Mr. Kyle probably has more dirty washing than some of the lot he dictates with his rod iron mouth too. I know viewers love it, but i find after a few episodes, it all blends into the same programme, you... [ more ]
See all 20 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The Waltons Sextuplets
RZB Originally Posted by Demantoid: Missed it, but I bet any boyfriends they've had need to be brave men. FIVE sisters, all sitting on the sofa with their arms folded, scrutinising every poor bloke one of the sisters has now set up home with a B/F.....she was convinced it was one of the other sister he first fancied, he wasn't too sure either. [ more ]
liverbird Aww Soozy I watched it and thought the same - what a lovely close family they are! I've always watched programmes on them but can't believe they are 27 as I remember a programme when they were 18 and I swear it was only 2 or 3 years ago! The Mum and Dad are brilliant and I particularly like the Dad - he just loves his girls and doesn't like them leaving home [ more ]
Demantoid Missed it, but I bet any boyfriends they've had need to be brave men. FIVE sisters, all sitting on the sofa with their arms folded, scrutinising every poor bloke [ more ]
See all 19 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ev (Peachy) Some of you sort of had a feeling about brisket very early on when he was first missing, even with him being away for those couple of short days.... straight away you posted asking after him... anyway i thought of this on awaking this morning, we are closer than you think us forum folk. brisket's rose. [ more ]
Former Member Brisket [ more ]
Demantoid Olly, you're right Brisket was always so kind to Chicken. [ more ]
See all 136 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Rihanna- Man Down
Demantoid Originally Posted by Carnelian: Yes she does have a harsh voice. It works well on some songs and can grate on others. There seems to be a whole load of singers who've cropped up in recent times who are imitating her style . Oh, and she's propa fit, as starbug15 says. I've noticed that. Jessie J, Pixie Lott, etc. You could sandblast walls with their voices. Awful! [ more ]
Syd Originally Posted by Garage Joe: Ah well! Mrs jer always accuses me of being a musical snob. I have no idea about her new gramophone record. [ more ]
Garage Joe Ah well! Mrs jer always accuses me of being a musical snob. I have no idea about her new gramophone record. [ more ]
See all 11 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Do you have any regret's?
Garage Joe My maternal grandfather, a railway worker, was younger than me when he was hit by a train on a foggy day. His wife went into immediate decline and died of complications caused by 'flu. Paternal grandfather was an old guy who'd married twice fathering a dozen kids, my dad (86) being the second youngest. That grandmother died of cancer. I would have loved to have met the former since apparently I am in his image, character, even down to the regular nose bleeds. [ more ]
kattymieoww Well being an older bint (55) I only knew one grandparent.My mothers dad.He was brilliant , he introduced me to gardening etc and an interest to garden wildlife.His wife, my granny died when I was two,so I have no memories of her.He died from stomach cancer in 1969.He did live to see the first men on the moon."Load of rubbish!" he called it. [ more ]
Baz Originally Posted by Soozy Woo: My (maternal) grandad was simply the best. The nicest man I ever knew. I lived next door to him until I got married. This whole brisket thing has made me sad grandad was lovely - mot a bad bone in his body and never a bad word to say about anyone - I think briske was probably like that. Sorry - I'm a little bit emotional [ more ]
See all 83 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Tennis at Queen's (Final 12:30 Monday now)
LowonIQ Well done Murray [ more ]
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Originally Posted by Avalon Moonlight: Saw a glimpse of the final on the news. Am I mistaken or is young master Murray starting to get a bit thin on top? Can't say I was paying much attention to his hair. [ more ]
Former Member Saw a glimpse of the final on the news. Am I mistaken or is young master Murray starting to get a bit thin on top? [ more ]
See all 55 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
FAO El Loro
squiggle Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~: Don't worry squiggle, when I win the lottery I'm going to buy everyone on the forum an iPhone Thank you Sweet Summer (you are aptly named ) [ more ]
Yogi19 Originally Posted by El Loro: Originally Posted by Yogi19: Dod-to-dot, El Loro - whatever next. My son and his friends are going on holiday next week. One of the friends has had to buy a new passport, because his parrot ate the original one. It's true. The parrot saw that the friend had been to the Canaries, so ate it [ more ]
El Loro Originally Posted by Yogi19: Dod-to-dot, El Loro - whatever next. My son and his friends are going on holiday next week. One of the friends has had to buy a new passport, because his parrot ate the original one. It's true. The parrot saw that the friend had been to the Canaries, so ate it [ more ]
See all 8 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Tom Hanks...
Former Member Originally Posted by sparkles: Originally Posted by Temps: I love Tom Hanks...always have done...I wish he'd come away from the Oscar seeking films though and go back to doing funny ones. I didn't like Road to Perdition at all, yes he can do serious, and he's proved lets see him go hunt down Jack Sparrow! I love him too, but also think he should try and do some comedy or something light hearted... he used to do it in the 80s... Big/Bacheclor Party/Sleepless in Seattle etc.. Leo... [ more ]
Garage Joe After reading the papers, doing the crossword, watching our excellent television, cycling, and doing things around the house, I have little time to watch filums. The last time I went to the cinema was to see "independence day" sometime in the 90's. I only occasionally see a film on the tellybox. However, for me, Johnny Depp is a long way ahead of the rest. IME Tom Hanks seems to specialise in emotional/maudlin shite and George Clooney is good in adverts. Lastly, I bet I have been to Villa... [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Temps: I love Tom Hanks...always have done...I wish he'd come away from the Oscar seeking films though and go back to doing funny ones. I didn't like Road to Perdition at all, yes he can do serious, and he's proved lets see him go hunt down Jack Sparrow! I love him too, but also think he should try and do some comedy or something light hearted... he used to do it in the 80s... Big/Bacheclor Party/Sleepless in Seattle etc.. Leo DiCaprio is the same, a good... [ more ]
See all 91 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Invisible you
Temps I'd follow Robbie Williams into the shower and lock the door so he'd have to stay there for the full 24 hours [ more ]
stonks Originally Posted by Ducky: I'm not sure I can woooooo that loud. I allowed an invisible megaphone? [ more ]
Ducky The forum killed off my need for a TV near enough completely Summer! [ more ]
See all 26 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
F1 - Canadian Grand Prix...
Garage Joe They timed it rather well! Was able to watch the football and then catch this! Kate Atkinson will have to wait. [ more ]
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing: Originally Posted by Katerina: Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing: I don't think Button will have anything to worry about. I'm pretty sure it was Hamilton's fault. He was also involved in the passing move with Alonso that ended his race.......but I didn't see a replay of it though. Hopefully he'll be okay. Oooh, just read back my race report (not typed up yet) Button also to be investigated for speeding behind the safety... [ more ]
MrMincePie Haha, it looks even better the second time... I honestly thought he was gonna get run over. [ more ]
See all 33 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
panic of girls
pirate1111 lol syd, girlie girlie God i love debbie harry and the lads but debbie harry..dont care if shes an OAP shes a MILF but without kids lol [ more ]
Syd Originally Posted by pirate1111: OH said i shoulda spent it on food i said i wont eat, i'll stare at debbie harry i got a punch in the ribs lol Hold on................ I can feel a "Country and Western" song coming on...... [ more ]
pirate1111 Originally Posted by Syd: Plethora of P*ss*d Pirates... About to be released on Pirate Radio.. Some good tunes.. ive got the souviner (sp) thingy pics and badges and stuff 15 notes OH said i shoulda spent it on food i said i wont eat, i'll stare at debbie harry i got a punch in the ribs lol [ more ]
See all 4 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Look who I've baby sat all day
~Sparkling Summer~ Also, that's my favourite chair I only let her on it long enough to take a quick pic hehe [ more ]
~Sparkling Summer~ Bolton, I'm envious of your mum! I agree they have a lovely temperament We're hoping to have one of streams future pups, likely next year [ more ]
Bolton Fan She's lovely. My mum has a Border Terrier just as cute but doesn't have so much white on her chest. She has a great temperament [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Scotty's the Birthday Girl!
pirate1111 Originally Posted by Scotty: Edit: Do you mean dumps? belated happy birfday spotty i mean scotty hope you had a great day x [ more ]
Ev (Peachy) Originally Posted by Scotty: Originally Posted by Ev (Peachy): Have a very Happy Birthday Scotty. Thank you Ev. That`s beautiful. They are real. [ more ]
Scotty Originally Posted by Roxan: Has anyone given you the bumps? Nope. My back would be broken. Edit: Do you mean dumps? [ more ]
See all 70 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
is anyone Diabetic on here?
Baz Originally Posted by Tina: Originally Posted by Baz: Originally Posted by Tina: thanks Baz smarting thanks will look at that now Your welcome Tina That is a very good website Hope the family are doing well. familys well thanks baz x just looked at the website its more about feet tho will have to keep looking looked at a few more websites where people have said they had weak arms to Glad the family are well Tina, and that the docs visit goes well tomorrow. [ more ]
Tina Originally Posted by Smarting Buttocks: Originally Posted by Tina: Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing: my hubby is DM2 also... he's not had the arm weakness.. but he does feel tired (& thirsty & is as grumpy as hell).. when he lapses with his blood sugar control (i.e. stuffs his face with bloody magnums)... agree with Buttox... hubby uses that website too xx lol the grumpyness My niece has moments of grumpiness as well , but as she is also a hormonal teenager its hard to pin... [ more ]
Smarting Buttocks Originally Posted by Tina: Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing: my hubby is DM2 also... he's not had the arm weakness.. but he does feel tired (& thirsty & is as grumpy as hell).. when he lapses with his blood sugar control (i.e. stuffs his face with bloody magnums)... agree with Buttox... hubby uses that website too xx lol the grumpyness My niece has moments of grumpiness as well , but as she is also a hormonal teenager its hard to pin the cause of the grumpiness. Hope all... [ more ]
See all 10 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Dirtyprettygirlthing Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic: Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing: Originally Posted by SazBomb: Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing: ello JAF... glad you're ok oh bloody hell, I didn't recognise you I wish everyone would stop changing their avs I don't recognise me! I definitely don't remember you having that avvy Ditty....given that you were one of the people who were most welcoming and friendly to me when I first joined, think I would have remembered if you did... [ more ]
Yogi19 Originally Posted by justafriend: i am yogi honest its all ok. I'm pleased to hear it. [ more ]
justafriend i am yogi honest its all ok. [ more ]
See all 43 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
For a million part 2
Former Member Originally Posted by SazBomb: I live in a rented flat, can I still set fire to it? Judging by my own experiences as a tenant I'd say it was mandatory tbh. [ more ]
Saint WHICH TWO people have voted to push over a pensioner YOU SWINES !!! SAZ - burn it down hunny LOL [ more ]
SazBomb I live in a rented flat, can I still set fire to it? [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I was cacking myself
kattymieoww I don't know if you are aware of the sectarian issues we have up here in the west of Scotland.Celtic/rangers rubbish.Neil Lennon the manager of Celtic was getting threats to his life and his famlies posted on the net,via blogs and facebook etc. He actually was sent bullets and a nail bomb.The culprits for that have been arrested.The Scottish government are bringing in new laws to prosecute anyone posting such threats to people regarding their religion ect, on the net as a "Hate crime". [ more ]
Ducky We had a similar thing happen here...... but with a restaurant. A local butcher put his dead pet dog in the freezer and was of course reported to Environmental Health. The "story" got out but not the facts......and rumours were spread on FB etc that it was actually found at chinese restaurant.....and the poor owner was subjected to all sorts of vandalism and abuse. The internet depresses me at times. Or maybe that's kinda like a workmen blaming his tools......people depress me at times. [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by kattymieoww: He should be able to get the original culprit traced through facebook,surely that's libel. Agree Katty.... [ more ]
See all 4 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
My son made this video for his friends band
Former Member Very good Longcat. Your son and his pals should be proud. [ more ]
longcat Originally Posted by sparkles: Longcat, I really really really really really really really  THIS!..... THANK you for sharing.... Are they REALLY people you know?! They're great! I have two teen daughters who actually tought they were fab and very cute too. There's some real potential here. Trouble is, we have talent like that who are virtually unknown and unheard of, while the likes of Chavryl shitty Cole hog number one! It's such a cute song! And the video is cute too.. VERY VERY... [ more ]
Former Member Longcat, I really really really really really really really  THIS!..... THANK you for sharing.... Are they REALLY people you know?! They're great! I have two teen daughters who actually tought they were fab and very cute too. There's some real potential here. Trouble is, we have talent like that who are virtually unknown and unheard of, while the likes of Chavryl shitty Cole hog number one! It's such a cute song! And the video is cute too.. VERY VERY impressed.! [ more ]
See all 11 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
What local saying's have you got in your area?
Soozy Woo Originally Posted by Rexi: Originally Posted by Croctacus: if you were having a period you were 'on yer bike we were 'on the rag' here ... how gross is that? We were 'Got the painters (decorators) in' [ more ]
Croctacus Originally Posted by Renton: Around our way they say, "Get away from our children or i'm calling the Police" . . . at least that's wot they say to me Only joking - heh heh!!! well from some things I've read I can well believe it. [ more ]
SazBomb Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~: Oh, and I love "wind ya neck in" or "reel ya neck in" And "have a word with yaself!" I like have a word wi yaself I also can't believe I forget Howay! [ more ]
See all 66 replies...

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