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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Question About Tax Credit's
SazBomb Originally Posted by Aimee: Originally Posted by sparkles: Hi Aimee. Is there such a thing as a student buspass where you are from???: I think it's called an oyster card in London..... She can probably get a pass for the whole week for the price of 5 to 8 rides or something... 4 buses though?! That's extreme; it must take her 2 hours to get there by bus! How far is it from where you live? In most cases, colleges tend to be within 10 miles of someone's home, It may be worth having a word with... [ more ]
Aimee Originally Posted by longcat: I would just like to say if your not sure always get in touch with the Tax Credit office otherwise you could finish up owing them money. I speak from experience. Even though I thought I told them everything I still ended up having to pay back a lot of money. Thanks Longcat, i will go in touch with them once i have all the information i need, i didn't want too ask them before she got a job incase they started thinking she was working before she actually was [ more ]
Aimee Originally Posted by sparkles: Originally Posted by Aimee: Originally Posted by Croctacus: Ema finishes with the current year 13s Aimee. Oh daughter seemed too think it was starting back up again, she does think the college will help with bus passes, as she will need too catch 4 buses in one day and there is no way i can budget for that, unless i don't eat Hi Aimee. Is there such a thing as a student buspass where you are from???: I think it's called an oyster card in London..... She can... [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Michele Bachmann
Former Member The ascendency of folk like her are hefty evidence that while the 20th century may very well have been the American Century, the 21st surely won't. [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Veggieburger: Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x: Tom Petty's taken legal action to stop her using " American Girl" at rallies and events He should dedicate one of the other tracks from Full Moon Fever to her............. 'Feel a Whole Lot Better When You're Gone' Or possibly Zombie Zoo to describe her party!! Don't Come Around Here No More maybe [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x: Tom Petty's taken legal action to stop her using " American Girl" at rallies and events He should dedicate one of the other tracks from Full Moon Fever to her............. 'Feel a Whole Lot Better When You're Gone' Or possibly Zombie Zoo to describe her party!! [ more ]
See all 22 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
How did you meet your Other Half?
Cagney He lived next door [ more ]
kattymieoww Don't have one....too fussy. [ more ]
suzybean He was hosting a party in his student digs that his cousin (my friend at uni) had invited me to. I'd originally turned down the invitation and then changed my mind when I finished my essay in record time so made my own way up to Manchester to join my pals. He opened the door to me, fell in love with him on the spot and spent most of the evening following him around without saying too much. He let me crash on his bed, he slept on the floor and we chatted all early morning. We had a lovely... [ more ]
See all 45 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Google self diagnosis - nowt like it to get the heart going
Demantoid Re: Google self diagnosis - nowt like it to get the heart going [ more ]
Temps Originally Posted by Demantoid: Low-lying placenta? Does that cause rain, or thunder? no that's a low flying polenta [ more ]
Temps awww good to hear it Suzy Ah, I'm sure the docs will explain all, I was just interested in the meantime Yogi I'm just glad I googled from my phone and not on the lappy...could you imagine the photos that would have come up [ more ]
See all 22 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
a free concert..
Former Member the best concert that I heard for free via Villa Park was Bruce Springsteen in the 90s but so many residents complained about the noise they've only recently started putting concerts on again at VP [ more ]
Syd Originally Posted by Syd: Free "Real" Concerts may be great (as long as they are not Take That)...........I got mislead and thought about "loud" neighbours concerts of their own musical choice........... Not mislead.......misread......... [ more ]
Syd Free "Real" Concerts may be great (as long as they are not Take That)...........I got mislead and thought about "loud" neighbours concerts of their own musical choice........... [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Imagine on the beeb
Blizz'ard Originally Posted by ッmufッ: Loved the deaf/blind people using tactile sign language, it was almost like a dance Amazing stuff! I didn't do any touchy stuff, whilst watching. [ more ]
Ensign Muf Originally Posted by Blizz'ard: Just watched it. Fascinating stuff. I did a lot of one eye shutting, throughout . Lol Me too Loved the deaf/blind people using tactile sign language, it was almost like a dance [ more ]
Blizz'ard Just watched it. Fascinating stuff. I did a lot of one eye shutting, throughout. [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Lori *waits for the video* [ more ]
Baz Originally Posted by Pengy: Originally Posted by Lori: I'm a tiger. Pengy, is that your dog?? What a cutie! Doesn't look much like a penguin, tho... yes that's Milo Lori - I'll dye him black and white and make him waddle for you Poor Milo.... [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Lori: Originally Posted by Baz: I'm a penguin *looks around for Pengy* Oooo! *I* wanna be a penguin! What'd you say to get picked as a penguin? me too I'm a rhino [ more ]
See all 45 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
What happened to the goodnight brisket thread from the 'stickies' above?
Former Member I noticed there were hardly any posts on it either... maybe because (as a few people have pointed out.) there were other brisket threads where people could chat about him and say goodnight.. So maybe thats why the OP asked for it to be unstickied, because if people want to say anything, they can go on the other brisket threads. [ more ]
Lori Yep, I just unstickied it because Soozy (OP) asked me to. It's still there if you want to say goodnight! [ more ]
Sezit I think it may have been one thread too many. The other threads cover everything Sparkles. [ more ]
See all 8 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Woman who was in paralympics complains about unfair treatment by the DWP
Former Member Originally Posted by Veggieburger: Nah, they can't deny her benefits because she's peed them off but they can be obstructive - or more obstructive than they usually are. She hasn't done herself any favours with her attitude though Agree with that. [ more ]
Former Member Nah, they can't deny her benefits because she's peed them off but they can be obstructive - or more obstructive than they usually are. She hasn't done herself any favours with her attitude though [ more ]
Former Member Pretty much agree with Veggie and EL, and the people on the message boards, that the woman is actually not being asked anything ludicrous. It's just what anyone else would have to do. Question is, is she using her disability to get people to support her/feel sorry for her? Or is she using the fact that she is was in the paralympics? Whatever it is, I think it's a bit daft that this story has even been published, because she is not being asked to do anything any different to everyone else. [ more ]
See all 5 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
BB 24 hour live feed/split screen to return
kattymieoww Oh gets a little excited...well we don't really expect true "Celebs" on these shows these days. [ more ]
Ev (Peachy) So Channel 5 will first run Celebrity Big Brother for four weeks in August. That would then be followed immediately by the more traditional Big Brother for a 13-week run in September. [ more ]
Aquarius Oh I'm liking this already But Andy Gray??? Not so sure about that. He's got to be the controversy factor hasn't he. Bring it on!! [ more ]
See all 10 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Please let this come true! Crap Cheryl moving to Spain.
Blizz'ard I love that, zazz! [ more ]
zazz I thought she was last seen with her Mam, skyping will I am .... This video still makes me laugh! [ more ]
Blizz'ard Originally Posted by Cupcake: That really worries me, that someone like HER and Katie chavvy Price are worshipped by young girls... God help humanity is all I can say! Blimey! I'm not sure that I would compare the two. I think Cheryl was very lucky to get into Girls Aloud, I think Girls Aloud were lucky to get really catchy songs, and I'm not sure any of them would have had much success without the songwriters. However, since she started on the X Factor, I think Cheryl has become more... [ more ]
See all 61 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
a battle of wills..
Jen-Star Originally Posted by Blizz'ard: I'm going to tidy up, once they've all left home. I may be including Mr Blizz in that. to be honest theres no point in doing before that, i may take on that approach myself, i've just told MrJen 'we need to make some changes around here' [ more ]
Blizz'ard I'm going to tidy up, once they've all left home. I may be including Mr Blizz in that. [ more ]
Ells That's a good plan Jen I did change used to being called Ells on msn by some old c4 friends. Even went to visit one recently and spent the weekend being called Ells which was a bit strange [ more ]
See all 24 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ensign Muf Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing: Originally Posted by ッmufッ: Originally Posted by Syd: Smootching with myself to a bit of............."what are you goin to do?..........get down on it!" QoTSA back on Am jellus! After an almost obsessional determination I am bloody fab at playing "No-one Knows" on guitar hero! But when I listen to the song, in the car or sommat... I get all stressy butterflys when the guitar solo bit comes up... cos its dead hard... just thought you might like to... [ more ]
Former Member One of Camerons buddies found dead at Glasto. Found dead in one of the VIP porta-loos. [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing Originally Posted by ッmufッ: Originally Posted by Syd: Smootching with myself to a bit of............."what are you goin to do?..........get down on it!" QoTSA back on Am jellus! After an almost obsessional determination I am bloody fab at playing "No-one Knows" on guitar hero! But when I listen to the song, in the car or sommat... I get all stressy butterflys when the guitar solo bit comes up... cos its dead hard... just thought you might like to know that [ more ]
See all 161 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
So, who is Sunday drinking?!
Former Member Originally Posted by velvet donkey: Hope it's the 4mg. Still a bugger to light though. Am finding myself trying to light my Biro whilst in my mouth. [ more ]
Former Member Hope it's the 4mg. Still a bugger to light though. [ more ]
Former Member Drink is the demon of modern society- steer clear of the demons of modern society. Drugs etc; Must admit i have the occasional ciggy though. Have got the nicotine patches and chewing gum to try to alleviate the cravings. [ more ]
See all 29 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Am off to bed now-but?
Syd Originally Posted by Croctacus: A post was deleted Syd...... Phew! are my marbles intact then?...........gawd knows what my reply meant (Memory is a thing of the past) but .....just but ..... [ more ]
Croctacus A post was deleted Syd...... [ more ]
Syd Originally Posted by Lori: Bit of a weird response, Syd? OP is just trying to get a discussion going, don't you think? Looking at the post,and my reply, yes Lori .........either the original post changed or I have lost me marbles..... [ more ]
See all 41 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Car Insurance
Clumsycat odd isnt it, churchills, direct line and privelege are the same company.. used to work for them and you would get a `whisper` at the start of the call saying which company was coming through................................ [ more ]
Former Member Legal cover and breakdown bump mine up. Anyone got independent breakdown - just noticed you can do this last night on go compare?? [ more ]
pretty_p I chose mine through cheapest quote for everything I wanted - I change every year. [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
If you ever go into Central London...
Rexi Originally Posted by PeterCat: Stockpot is cheap and there's one quite near Trafalgar Square / Piccadilly: Blimey Peter - that looks nice (and cheap). I shall bookmark that for the next time I am in London. Cheers [ more ]
Kaytee No good to veggies, but I like Biguns Ribs near Victoria station [ more ]
Saint I'm veggie - well i do eat fishy bits now and then I'm a presbytarian or something LOL Can i still hav DimSum ?? [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
It's Prom day Tomorrow
Aimee Originally Posted by Angel: Aww she looks lovely I hope she had a lovely time My daughter has her prom this thursday evening Where have all the years gone? loving the boots .... I love quirky things like that .... good for her for wearing what she wanted to wear & not feeling pressured into something she would have felt uncomfortable in. My daughter doesn't wear heels either so she's chosen some lovely gladiator strappy jobs from Top Shop Thank you, everyone at the prom thought it was a... [ more ]
Angel Aww she looks lovely I hope she had a lovely time My daughter has her prom this thursday evening Where have all the years gone? loving the boots .... I love quirky things like that .... good for her for wearing what she wanted to wear & not feeling pressured into something she would have felt uncomfortable in. My daughter doesn't wear heels either so she's chosen some lovely gladiator strappy jobs from Top Shop [ more ]
Aimee Originally Posted by SazBomb: That pic of you both is lovely, she looks like one of those delicate porcelain dolls And I'm loving the boots, that's a brill pic Thank's Saz everyone say's she look's like a doll, till you see her on a hockey pitch and then you run from her [ more ]
See all 97 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Anyone been here before?
kattymieoww You won't get me up in no flying tin can..Fool! [ more ]
Rawky-Roo Originally Posted by kattymieoww: I wouldn't trust those zip wire things.Didn't someone get killed on one a month or so ago? Maybe, but that's the same with everything really, accidents can happen with anything. It doesn't really phase me though...well apart from flying, how can something THAT heavy, stay in the sky? Its madness i tell you, MADNESS! [ more ]
kattymieoww I wouldn't trust those zip wire things.Didn't someone get killed on one a month or so ago? [ more ]
See all 16 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The island of Taransay.
Marguerita I love Ben Fogle .. [ more ]
Rawky-Roo There was a 2nd series. It was set in New Zealand. They fobbed it off as if they were stranded on an island but there was an actual town nearby where they filmed. It bombed just like the first series. [ more ]
machel There was only the one because it was done for the millenium (2000 !) and was cast as a year long "adventure" as opposed to a series [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Song Lyrics
Rexi Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo: " Hannah's screaming out for more!" S Club Party by S Club 7 "Paul's getting down on the floor" They don't write them like that anymore Rawky [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Soozy Woo: Cats in the Cradle - Harry Chapin *Goes to tube* I know the song but need to remind meself [ more ]
Former Member This seems to sum me up on here unfortunately and totally wrong. [ more ]
See all 10 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Embarrassing moments....
Former Member Renton!............norty boy! but funny! [ more ]
Saint So . . . i did a stint of elderly care once I was told if this old dear i was attending would not answer the door i shud not be concerned as it was usual. I was told to sing, yes ... SING into the letter box to bring her round to answering the door!! As expected she wud not answer - so i bent over towards the letter box Her neighbour suddenly came out and sed, "Wot on earth are you doing?" "I'm erm . . . " Thank God i never began to sing - I'm a FireStarter - twisted FireStarter LOL [ more ]
Former Member I'm sayin nowt about any embarrassing moments [ more ]
See all 37 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Former Member Originally Posted by Syd: Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x: So long as he's laughing ,and winding me up,( that's his hobby!) all's well What can I say.. but.. xx Syd, ta! [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by ッmufッ: Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x: So long as he's laughing ,and winding me up,( that's his hobby!) all's well Lol My parents are the most infuriating people I know....besides my kids It's in their job description [ more ]
Ensign Muf Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x: So long as he's laughing ,and winding me up,( that's his hobby!) all's well Lol My parents are the most infuriating people I know....besides my kids [ more ]
See all 37 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
columbo has died
Carnelian Originally Posted by Pengy: I'm sorry that he's passed over but I hated Columbo (the character not Peter Falk) with a passion RIP Peter Falk but I too didn't like Columbo. As a rule I don't like the cheesy idiosyncratic 'sleuth' genre and really can't stand Agatha Christie stuff. [ more ]
~Sparkling Summer~ Loved this show! My bestie loves columbo! RIP Peter [ more ]
Videostar Just one more thing....I loved Columbo. BUT I have the whole boxset of DVD's of every show ever made to honour the great man. [ more ]
See all 77 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Jedward liked to CBB?
Eugene's Lair Originally Posted by darloboy (Play The Game!): They're just so eccentric and have lots of energy. Sometimes they do put on an act or use diversion tactics to avoid certain questions in interviews. I believe that whilst the twins look stupid in fact they're not and are quite shrewd in terms of the marketing of their band plus having a good PR/management team to work with. They don't get bored either and design videos etc basically entertaining themselves until work is lined up not sitting... [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) Originally Posted by erinp: Originally Posted by darloboy (Play The Game!): I think Amy Childs will probably be a certainty as it looks like she won't be in TOWIE next series . Back in September . I thought she was one of the big players in TOWIE. She is, think she quit to pursue her own career etc . [ more ]
Former Member C5 are doing a great job in keeping things quiet so close to the start of CBB. Hope the silence turns out to be the way forward. [ more ]
See all 29 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Hope this ain't true
Former Member Emma or Brian???? Lets have your opinions. ( Dont know ho to do a poll yet. ) The pro's and cons of each of them. IMO- Brian is a past housemate- bad for a presenter, he is a me me me type of guy, and he talks too fast. Emma- is a huge BB fan, has been recommended by Davina and has experience from presenting the Jungle prog. Oh- and she is Fit. [ more ]
Saint Its gonna be Emma Willis bet ya . . . . [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) Brian has denied saying that on Twitter . He would be fun though IMO! [ more ]
See all 20 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Corrie Discussion Thread
Garage Joe I've had to divert m'wife's gaze as we pass through the supermarket checkout. She loves "roots" and doesn't like spoilers thus I don't want her to view the scratter mags. [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) Steve and Becky never worked as a couple, the actors do have good on screen chemistry though. Disagree about Sophie though as I think Brooke Vincent is a good actress but can see why some people find her annoying. RE Stella and Leanne- Spot on [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by darloboy (Play The Game!): I felt so sorry for Carla . Alison King is a fab actress and really glad she got more screentime. These next couple of months can't come quick enough for when Becky leaves. Leanne hypocritical yet again in her rant to Peter when she had the affair. Bookies robbery laughable. Liked the up-to-date party theme in the rovers apart from Becky again . Agree with your post a lot. I like Carla too..... And Becky is so annoying and predictable. I mean,... [ more ]
See all 915 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
8 out of 10 cats
Former Member I agree Veggie. [ more ]
Former Member I'm sure a lot of the shows are just vehicles for their pet presenters. I remember when C4 actually meant something, when they championed alternative culture and viewpoints. Such a shame what it's become [ more ]
Former Member Seriously, that programme on channel 4! They have ACTUALLY made an entire programme about what type of food goes best on TOAST! FFS! What a load of dire shite! I have actually turned if off now, because I can NOT watch it anymore! [ more ]
See all 6 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Learning to drive
stonks My instructor was Trevor Kearon aka Trev the rev..he was the one on that Ben Fogle programme where they were Castaway..ooh he was a right one.... [ more ]
Ells Originally Posted by Katerina: I can't drive. I got my provisional licence 10 years ago(it's about to run out I think), but have never booked lessons. I think I'm scared that I won't concentrate enough.....I'm quite unobservant and accident prone at the best of times and I have no confidence that I'd be any good. Sometimes I hate getting public transport though. You lot have inspired me a bit......maybe I should take the plunge and try one or two lessons. I say go for it Katerina, if you... [ more ]
Katerina I can't drive. I got my provisional licence 10 years ago(it's about to run out I think), but have never booked lessons. I think I'm scared that I won't concentrate enough.....I'm quite unobservant and accident prone at the best of times and I have no confidence that I'd be any good. Sometimes I hate getting public transport though. You lot have inspired me a bit......maybe I should take the plunge and try one or two lessons. [ more ]
See all 21 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Burglar stabbed in salford....
pirate1111 i just know i'd defend my family by whatever means-i could shout-'im calling the police' and they might leg it or if i shouted the same thing and they continued to rob my home i might take a different attitude-which would involve me protecting family/property and i couldnt give a flying f*ck how i did it-cos they shouldnt be there in the first place [ more ]
Former Member so they've let the young man and his girl friend from the property go but kept the father. Apparently the burglar that died was on bail for another burglary in Tamworth just down the road from me and they (Police) have arrested another member from the group that did the burglary curiouser and curiouser said Blizz'ard [ more ]
Blizz'ard Originally Posted by stonks: You old cynic you, he might have been a young christian starting his own bible group.... [ more ]
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