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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
My recent weeks... it's been a rocky
Jen-Star Big time, i was saying to my friend i should buy a lotto ticket [ more ]
Lori Sounds like things are looking up a little! [ more ]
Jen-Star Aww you guys! You're all what every girl needs in her life! Your messages have really meant a lot tonight. FiL was discharged back to the villa today less than a week after his major Op. He's doing well though Thank you all for your support and sorry i took til late tonight to reply... Today i had Docs for eldest blood tests, then onto dentist for her to have a baby tooth removed that had literally cracked down the middle with the adult one growing through (poor thing was like a pin cushion... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Look at this..........
Carnelian Daily Mail comments: Look at that yob millennial swan, attacking people. I bet it doesn't have a job nor pay any tax. Just sponging off hard working taxpayers sitting in a river all day expecting charity rather than getting a job. What does it do when someone doesn't respond to its aggressive begging probably for avocado on toast? Violence! Typical of the left, a typical Labour voter! [ more ]
Moonie He is a big lad I have been surround by ten almost fully grown cygnets and two parent several times and believe me when they are on land and fully upright they are HUGE but really gentle creatures The thing is when they are nesting and have little ones they can be so fierce One of nature’s truly beautiful and majestic creatures 😊😊😊 [ more ]
Yogi19 That’s one scary swan [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Facebook wants your naked photos
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities Yes, I think there may be those out there who are tempted to download any old nudey pictures and upload them to Facebook, just for the fun of it, a bit like that Walkers fiasco. But, yes, seriously, we discussed this at work and could see lots of holes in the idea. [ more ]
Eugene's Lair In all seriousness, though: I saw this article when it was first published, and my immediate reaction was: "Yeah; like that will fly..." [ more ]
Eugene's Lair ❤️
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Drones predicted to give British economy a £42bn lift by 2030
Moonie When I saw the first word of this thread I was thinking, this is another JRM thread [ more ]
Carnelian Well, yeah, I'm sure Jeff Bezos the owner of Amazon be will coining it in big style but I can't see that UK retail workers, delivery drivers and postal workers are going to be quids in. So the British economy will be 'worth' £42bn extra but ALL of that extra wealth will be in the pockets of the ultra elite while British workers see their opportunities evaporate. A UK neoliberal wet dream! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Moonie Re: GRENFELL TOWER [ more ]
Moonie It’s all about money Velvet Who gonna foot the bills, can money be made somehow? Who’s gonna gonna foot the compensation bills? No one gives a toss about the poor people who have died, the ones that are gonna die from the injuries received and the ones who are left to grieve their lost loved ones 😞😡 [ more ]
Moonie I guess if I had lost a loved one I would probably want it removed and some kind of memorial erected but I haven’t so that is just a personal opinion. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Well, our local supermarket IS doing people out of a job, as far as I can see. They are open from 6 am, but have NO manned tills until 9 am. So if you need some shopping before 9 you HAVE to use the self-service tills. [ more ]
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities I actually like those express tills. If they are used for what they are intended (small number of items) then they work well, what annoys me is those stupid individuals who push through with a trolley full of food. They should be using the larger checkouts. I'm not convinced that it would put anyone out of work as the main tills and express tills serve different functions, also the supermarkets know their busy and quiet periods and staff accordingly. Also I think it would be a waste of my... [ more ]
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities I can tell you from a solid base of fact that I see far too many cases of stranger grooming of young children. It certainly is a problem and that is why the government is now running a campaign aimed at young children. It is way too easy to setup a social media account, pretending to be say a young boy or girl, then lure in other children of a similar age. For me the social media companies need to take far greater steps in protecting young and vulnerable children from these types of deception. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Quiz : Can you tell which countries are missing from the map?
Baz Lol , just wracked my one remaining brain cell [ more ]
Carnelian 8/10 - didn't get the middle east one and the Caribbean one [ more ]
Eugene's Lair Ah, right. You were a little too cryptic for me there, Saint: I thought "AI" meant "Anglesey Island". I had picked the map to show Anglesey missing (which has become a common, local, version of the "New Zealand effect"), but then noticed just before posting that the IoM was missing too. I can sort-of understand why the Isle of Man sometimes gets left off maps, but the way in which Anglesey is often left off just seems plain weird to me. When I was young, I thought it was just part of the... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Tests, tests and more bloody tests!
Jen-Star @the free for all, i suppose it's good to get a few out of the way at the same time xx [ more ]
Rexi Awww Jen ... because of the ages of my children I had nine years of exams ... I tell you, I was so glad when the youngest dropped out of uni and spared me those few years. Wine for you, bacon sandwiches for them ... that worked for me till middle one became a vegan ... then I just gave up and it became a free for all!! [ more ]
Baz Awww [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Michael Anderson, director of The Dam Busters and Logan's Run had died
Eugene's Lair A great body of work, and very influential. I remember the director Alex Cox saying that "Logan's Run" should be compulsory viewing for everyone on their 30th birthday... Also, his film "All the Fine Young Cannibals" gave the band its name (although it was itself adapted from a novel). RIP [ more ]
Eugene's Lair ❤️
Yogi19 A great body of work and he had a good innings. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
London Marathon: MasterChef semi-finalist Matt Campbell dies
Baz Awww how lovely , but what a shame it’s needed [ more ]
El Loro The One Show yesterday from 25 minutes 30 seconds is about people who are running the last few miles which Matt didn't get to complete in order to raise futher money for the fund (now over £200k). It ends with a message from Monica Galetti. [ more ]
Eugene's Lair ❤️
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Films, Films, Films, Films, Films, Films, Films, Films!
El Loro For anyone interested in film archive/Hollywood films made on the dawn of colour or sound films, this was published by the BFI (British Film Institute) today. You may have seen it mentioned on the BBC news. For those interested in such things, this is a fascinating clip. [ more ]
Carnelian Thanks EL for your take, better than mine I must admit. I don't know if it's a film I'd watch again knowing unremitting misfortune placed on the lead character but definitely one that blew me away and one I'd recommend anyone to try, with the proviso that they may hate it. Oddly, I've a lot more time for JL as an actor than JL as a media personality, which is where her popularity lies. I find her quite annoying as a media personality but as you say, she's taking risks, pushing boundaries and... [ more ]
Eugene's Lair Re: Films, Films, Films, Films, Films, Films, Films, Films! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
News for anyone who uses Freeview devices which are not connected to the internet - reminder
Sprout Ah thanks RL. I've done it on my d/stairs TV. I'll have a look at the other stuff later [ more ]
El Loro As an example this is what to do for a Panasonic HDD recorder models DMR-HWT 130 and 230. From the Function Menu, go to Others at the end of the menu. (the Tuning option at the top of the menu is used for getting channel updates - that's not the one to use - that's not affected by the change) From Others select System Update. Select Software Update Now (Broadcast) Press Yes and wait for the result to appear - takes about 3 minutes. It will probably say that it's up to date so that's it. If... [ more ]
El Loro The frequent channel updates will continue as at present. Those are done where there's a new channel, an exisiting channel has been amended by either a different transmitter or a different channel number, or removing channels which are no longer operating (for instance channel 602 was a temporary channel for the BBC for the Commonwealth Games and that has now gone), The updates which will cease are the rare ones issued by a manufacturer for a system/software update. A manufacturer might... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Dale Winton
Eugene's Lair I didn’t get to see a lot of his shows for largely practical reasons, but he came across as a genuinely nice and enthusiastic guy: one of those “true professional” hosts who make it look so easy. Also partly responsible for one of my most surreal movie-going experiences, when he appeared in “Trainspotting”... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Grand National
Saint Humans are a disgrace to this world We should be ashamed [ more ]
kattymieoww Agree,one horse was destroyed at a race on Thursday at Aintree,fell at canal turn.Six horses died at the Cheltenham meeting in March.☹ [ more ]
Eugene's Lair There's been a lot of confusion about what exactly caused the concern at Becher's Brook (I saw a BBC News piece which incorrectly claimed they were swerving to avoid Saint Are), however the final word appears to be this: "Of the 26 who failed to complete the course, Saint Are, ridden by Ciaran Gethings, a late replacement for Adrian Heskin, who took a tumble in an earlier race, was treated on the course and then moved to the Aintree stables for further assessment. The field bypassed Becher's... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Are you a Google account user? Find out what they know about you
Eugene's Lair Sort-of related: I don't have a Google/Gmail account myself, but this made me sit up: The way in which Gmail's rather bizarre handling of the use of "."s within Gmail addresses (which Google - as the article points out - considers a useful feature ) could be used by phishing scams to attack Netflix (and presumably other accounts) is subtle. Most systems would consider the addresses and to be... [ more ]
Yogi19 I don’t have a google account [ more ]
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