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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Countries and States Quiz
Eugene's Lair Re: Countries and States Quiz [ more ]
Dame_Ann_Average @Eugine's Lair...your list is exactly the same as mine ...we can go ahead and submit the answers methinks [ more ]
Eugene's Lair Coming to this late as I've been away over the weekend. Difficulties with initially looking at these on a mobile phone (not least WRT the loss of scale on pictures such as #3 ) gave me some problems too. Here's my list: I know many of them have already been identified, but I found it easier to just go through them all. Hopefully my numbering works this time... Switzerland Papua New Guinea Vatican City Canada Germany Spain Ukraine (Note that Crimea is greyed-out!) Monaco India Philippines... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Kevin Anderson and John Isner - one of the great Wimbledon matches
El Loro Watch the clip at the start of the article for an astonishing piece of tennis which is quite something. If the final with Anderson and ? is as good, forget watching the World Cup final, watch the Wimbledon final instead. [ more ]
Saint Djockie vs Nadal right now !!!!! Djockie winning [ more ]
Saint Isner does look ridiculously tall - lanky [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Manchester under threat!
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing In Scotland we say K'-hoon - or very close. It's hard to describe a sound with accuracy. There's a half pronounced vowel sound after the initial 'K' sound, Sort of a cross between 'i' as in if and a as in hat. El Loro's 2nd link on pronunciation is how we say it, [ more ]
El Loro There's a BBC article on various names which people haven't been able to pronounce them correctly, Although most of the names do indicate how they should be said, one of them isn't. That's Colquhoun. I wonder how people here would say that. Here's some attempts on the "How to pronouce" site. And here's how I think it should be pronounced: [ more ]
Baz Horrendous ....and the weather over next few days won’t help it any [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Get you VHS players out - tapes are on their way back.
Saint I meant the general view - nostalgic, happy times [ more ]
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities Some of those titles are starting to appear on blu-ray, mostly released by niche labels. [ more ]
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities Me too. I have a JVC S-VHS recorder/player. The reason being is that I still have some tapes never released on DVD or Blu-ray. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Coffee shops
Syd A Cappuccino should be sipped when I say so.........(Even if the Italians frown on me) [ more ]
Sprout I may be more for them if I knew they all paid their proper taxes [ more ]
Cold Sweat I managed to do a pub and a Costa heading home this evening! I was a bit sniffy about them until around Jan/Feb this year I had a 50 minute wait on the concourse at Inverness railway station so rather than freeze I took the plunge with a mug of cappuccino within the confines of a warm Costa café. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Animal themed Quiz ....TIA :)
Dame_Ann_Average Eugine we had Vizsla, Velvet gave us it early on here are the answers Puppies photos 1 Chihuahua 2 Old English Bulldog 3 Black Labrador 4 Dalmation 5 Blue French Bulldog 6 Hungarian Vizsla 7 Miniature Dachshound 8 Standard Poodle Books with dogs 9 Call of the Wild/ Buck 10 Hooch 11 Old Yello 12 Snoopy Cats 13 Mr Bigglesworth 14 Nala 15 Thomas 16 Tom 17 Night at the museum 18 Wind In the Willows 19 Watership Down 20 Winnie The Pooh 21 water for Elephants 22 Just so Stories 23 Gorillas in the... [ more ]
Saint Nothing better than a dog with a light brown nose [ more ]
Eugene's Lair I apologise in advance, Damme, as I think this is going to be another of those "after the horse has bolted" jobs: I've just had a bit of a brainwave, and I think #6 is a Vizsla. It was the snout that was bothering me: all the other breeds we were looking at such as Ridgebacks have dark snouts, not light ones. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Betting Shops
Baz We’ve got a couple , but I’ve never been in one in my life [ more ]
Eugene's Lair I'm old enough to remember when - by law - you weren't allowed to see into a bookies from the street outside. It gave them a fairly seedy image. IMO, by trying so hard to get rid of that image, a lot of bookies instead now feel rather clinical. As I've said above though, they can get quite lively when there's a major race or other sports results coming in. The thing about "zero atmosphere" is that in the old days, many of those who regularly frequented bookies tended to retire to the local... [ more ]
Eugene's Lair A bookies? I thought most towns had several nowadays. My town centre certainly has loads - so many in fact that I've lost count. [I've just done a quick Google Maps search, it says there are 9 in the town centre area (which sounds about right), and another 5 within about half a mile of the town centre. In the centre, there are 3 William Hills within about 500 yards of each other, and a triangle of 3 Ladbrokes no more than about 300 yards from each other! ] Of course, it's the Fixed Odds... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Eunice Gayson has died (from Dr. No)
Eugene's Lair ❤️
Eugene's Lair It is extraordinary, isn't it? It's also extraordinary to think about the effect "Dr No" had when it came out. Audiences really hadn't seen anything quite like it before, and the way in which Bond was introduced - something which Eunice Gayson played a big part in, of course - had a lot to do with that... [ more ]
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities How coincidental. Just this morning I was reading an online article: JAMES BOND’S ALL TIME HIGH: REMEMBERING “OCTOPUSSY” ON ITS 35TH ANNIVERSARY. But as ever, this is sad news [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Saint Sadly at the end of the day a politicians loyalty lies with the party to which they belong, not their constituents. Unless there is something with which they vehemently disagree a politician will toe the party line. Although few, if any politicians completely approve of everything in their own party's manifesto [ more ]
Carnelian Absolutely, there are some really good MPs working hard for the betterment of the country! But I think most just work for themselves and their own enrichment. I don't think for one second that Cameron, Osborne or Johnson give nor gave a damn for this county or it's people's welfare. [ more ]
Sprout Most of them do, there are some good ones out there though [ more ]
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