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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Rumours are that Paddy is going back into
Former Member Celebrity Big Brother winner Paddy Doherty will re-enter the famous Elstree house tonight as part of this week's Paranormal Activity task. Doherty, who triumphed in the first Channel 5 run of the show earlier this year, will be among a celebrity guestlist making cameo appearances in the house this evening. His arrival is part of the Paranormal Activity 3 premiere at Elstree Studios. The Big Fat Gypsy Weddings star, Imogen Thomas , Dane Bowers , Lauren Harries , Michelle Heaton and many other... [ more ]
Aimee Originally Posted by erinp: 1 Day 41: Task - Supernatural activity day 3 24 mins ago Today Big Brother is hosting the world premier of Paranormal Activity 3, and 4 lucky housemates will have the chance attend, going outside to watch the movie on the special live stage cinema. Big Brother has told the housemates that four of them will be able to win tickets to tonight’s premiere. To do so, they must be judged as the most entertaining housemates by the viewers. What they won’t be told is that... [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Aimee: the house [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Noms and Twist Reveal
Former Member 1 Day 41: Task - Supernatural activity day 3 24 mins ago Today Big Brother is hosting the world premier of Paranormal Activity 3, and 4 lucky housemates will have the chance attend, going outside to watch the movie on the special live stage cinema. Big Brother has told the housemates that four of them will be able to win tickets to tonight’s premiere. To do so, they must be judged as the most entertaining housemates by the viewers. What they won’t be told is that the viewers are in fact Jay... [ more ]
Yogi19 Originally Posted by stonks: Originally Posted by Baz: I think it is all a big *twist* designed to give Jay exactly what he wanted ( food) and make sure he is safe Trouble is if he is put up against Aaron in a straight two way fight he could actually win Not while I have breath in my body and a credit card in my dying hand Baz.... I'm with you all the way, Stonks. [ more ]
Baz Originally Posted by stonks: Originally Posted by Baz: I think it is all a big *twist* designed to give Jay exactly what he wanted ( food) and make sure he is safe Trouble is if he is put up against Aaron in a straight two way fight he could actually win Not while I have breath in my body and a credit card in my dying hand Baz.... Good on ya Stonks..... I have to admit that I would have to put a few votes Aaron's way too....... I detest Jay with a passion [ more ]
See all 31 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ch5 terms and conditions
Former Member No messing with the noms BIG Brother bosses have revealed some sexy secrets about the new Channel 5 show. Housemates will have the chance to get their kit off in the hot tub and at saucy poolside barbecues. Producers will even turn up the heating so the girls strip off more often like they did in spin-off show Celebrity Hijack in 2008. In an exclusive interview, co-executive producer Katy Smith also revealed that when the show returns in August, the house will be designed for summer and... [ more ]
Smarting Buttocks Originally Posted by erinp: look at Channel 5's BB voting T&Cs and came across this clause: Quote: 36. Channel 5 may amend, suspend, withdraw, cancel or re-set the Vote for any reason at its sole discretion and at any time . ( taken from DS) Doesn't surprise me considering Richard Desmonds tendency (always denied of course) to edit the media he owns to his own satisfaction (Disclaimer: allegedly) [ more ]
Carnelian When C4 contrived to put Nikki Grahame back in after she was voted out they said it was 'a great twist'. A few years later they admitted it was a grave mistake. With T&Cs like c5 have, why bother to waste your time and money? [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
*SPOILER* Who nominated who week 6
stonks So she's been a modull for 3yrs only just going into training for flight attendant and now she works at mcd's..That would make her around 22 minimum..but she's meant to be now we know she makes a good liar.... [ more ]
Senora Reyes Originally Posted by erinp: I still like Alex its Louise I want up and out. [ more ]
kimota Originally Posted by Baz: I think the reason Anton and Jay didn't vote for Aaron is that they know he got the most votes to save, and think it would make them unpopular ! Also worried about being up against him again! [ more ]
See all 24 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
BB clips today are all Aaron
Aimee Thanks Scotty latest on the news page, all the HM's are cleaning but Aaron is nowhere too be seen but they then added pictures of him cleaning, everyone on there calling BB bias [ more ]
Scotty Here it is Aimee. [ more ]
Baz Originally Posted by erinp: Jay and Anton think they've uncovered Aaron. Aaron's habits exposed. Harry and Aaron's sauna session. Harry and Aaron talk Jem. Aaron v Alex. [ more ]
See all 6 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The Good, The Bad..And the downright nonsense!
Baz Originally Posted by Aimee: I'm still watching it for now and am mostly liking it and i agree the downside is no Live Feed i think they should bring back BBLB as their new show is terrible I agree Aimee.........I have tried to watch it twice now.... just to get the nominations results and have given up....... BBLB was far better....... [ more ]
longcat The editing and lack of LF ruined it for me. I still don't have any clear opinions on the HMs because I have seen so little of them. 45mins of very edited HLs just doesn't do it for me. [ more ]
Aimee I'm still watching it for now and am mostly liking it and i agree the downside is no Live Feed i think they should bring back BBLB as their new show is terrible [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
stonks Originally Posted by Yogi19: Originally Posted by stonks: Originally Posted by Yogi19: I hope Anton is up this week - and goes this time. It will be a hard choice if Jay is up with him Yogi.... I would love Jay to go but (for some reason I don't understand) Jay seems to have a lot of support out there. If your going on the cheers on Friday, they were family and friends bused in, it says alot when a female HM got more votes when he's meant to be such a sex god.... [ more ]
Yogi19 Originally Posted by squiggle: Originally Posted by Yogi19: I hope Anton is up this week - and goes this time. I agree but what about his twisted thinking, the way to get himself through to the final is now to play the villain, what planet is this guy from? He has totally lost the plot - if he ever had it in the first place. [ more ]
Yogi19 Originally Posted by stonks: Originally Posted by Yogi19: I hope Anton is up this week - and goes this time. It will be a hard choice if Jay is up with him Yogi.... I would love Jay to go but (for some reason I don't understand) Jay seems to have a lot of support out there. [ more ]
See all 28 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Betting Odds after Friday's Eviction
Eugene's Lair Originally Posted by Yogi19: Why is Harry so far down the betting? - He is miles better than Jay and Faye. I love Harry. That's got to be one of the key questions of the series so far. I should stress that he isn't out of the running by any means: he and Fay have remained in touch with the leading pack, and I'm reminded of Paddy's odds in CBB. Also, he's consistently been 2nd favourite on DS (although he's recently lost support to Alex and Aaron). But still: he's been a major player this... [ more ]
Starfleet Admiral hoochie ❤️
Baz Originally Posted by Yogi19: Originally Posted by Baz: Originally Posted by Yogi19: Why is Harry so far down the betting? - He is miles better than Jay and Faye. I love Harry. Me too But as long as Jay keeps heading south t hen I can live with it...... cos Faye will trip herself up sooner or later.... Hi Baz. The further south Jay goes, the better! You are right, Faye's mood swings and mean she will fall from grace. Amen to that..... the basement would do for me..... [ more ]
See all 5 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Jay has been in bed sulking.
Baz Originally Posted by MrsH: Originally Posted by Yogi19: Watching that clip, I got the impression that Tom and Louise are very wary of Jay when he is in a mood. I wonder if BB will show Jay's two day sulk, like they did with Aaron when he was in a mood . I would be very surprised Yogi - the dispicable things he has apparently done and the reprimands that have been covered up make me think he is the chosen one this year I agree Mrs H! [ more ]
MrsH Originally Posted by Yogi19: Watching that clip, I got the impression that Tom and Louise are very wary of Jay when he is in a mood. I wonder if BB will show Jay's two day sulk, like they did with Aaron when he was in a mood . I would be very surprised Yogi - the dispicable things he has apparently done and the reprimands that have been covered up make me think he is the chosen one this year [ more ]
Baz Originally Posted by Tayto.: Originally Posted by erinp: I wish it was shown on the HL show.Louise giving Jay praise for not smashing up the house! Well isn't he wonderful! Can't stand to even look at him. On that we can agree Tayto.... I think he is horrid...... [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Aarons prize
kattymieoww "Celebs" ex housemates probably. [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by kattymieoww: They are showing that new film "Paranornal activity 3" in the house. Said on BBBOTS Premiere of Paranormal Activity 3 at the Big Brother House on October 19th a red carpet will go through the house and their will be celebs walking through but the HMS will not be allowed to speak to them .They also said that not all HMS get to go!. [ more ]
kattymieoww They are showing that new film "Paranornal activity 3" in the house. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Lookie-Likey Thread
Scotty ❤️
Baby Bunny Some of you may wish to replace "prat" with an alternative rhyming noun . [ more ]
Aimee Originally Posted by Renton: HM's remind me of OTHER HM's Here goes . . . JAY reminds me of BB5 Jason the gaping weight lifter fron Scotland and also LIAM BB8 TOM reminds me of BB6 KEMAL AARON reminds of BB3 ALEX AARON and FAYRE remind me of ZIGGY and CHANNEL HARRY reminds me ever so slightly of BB1 ANDREW . . . can you manage to think of any others? I get the Jay and Liam one [ more ]
See all 104 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Aaron and Faye!!
Aimee Originally Posted by Triggers: Originally Posted by Aimee: Don't crush the frosted flakes ...or any bananas [ more ]
Blizz'ard Originally Posted by Triggers: Hello Blizzums Hi Triggs [ more ]
Triggers Originally Posted by Blizz'ard: Originally Posted by Triggers: Originally Posted by Aimee: Don't crush the frosted flakes ...or any bananas Filth! It has been 7 years! Hello Blizzums [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
HM lookee likee
Scotty Originally Posted by Blizz'ard: Brilliant find, Scotty! I'm nicking one for t'other thread. I laughed out loud all over again Blizzie...hope you did too. *runs off to t`other thread* [ more ]
Aimee First time i've seen this thread and i'm crying with laughter [ more ]
Scotty Originally Posted by kimota (Corin's Crib #1) FAKER # 1: Originally Posted by Scotty Harryettie #4: I was searching for Blizzie`s HM lookee likee thread and came across this.... Aww the memories...what a laugh! That was good Scotty! Kimota [ more ]
See all 354 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Crossword help part three!
Garage Joe Wow! Once again I thank you! Political group reported means "sounds like" I think! [ more ]
El Loro I think the answer to the first clue may be CAUCASOID. It fits and means relating to caucasians, ie people from Europe, Asia and parts of Africa. In modern times, there are those who use it as a term for white people in America, but it has racial overtones. A caucus is an American political group, but I don't see why the u becomes an a in the answer. The OID at the end is an anagram of "do I" being bothered about. [ more ]
El Loro The answer to the second clue is BOSWELL - Part of body = BO, important person = SWELL. Boswell's biography of Samuel Johnson is regarded as the first major biography written in the English language. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Anton`s - I`m on one.
Saint It amazes me how he's the only guy in the house NOT to get close to a girl [ more ]
Kaytee Spongeeeeeee [ more ]
Former Member I can't understand how hoards of people haven't rushed right out and bought that song I mean the fact that he has the luck of the Oirish and the swagger of Jamaicans - he should be a sure fire hit or mebbe not cos it's carp [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Carnelian Wednesday, hmm, it's the middle of the week, still a long way from the weekend and TV is always shit on a Wednesday. Too far from the weekend to go on the drink, if you're that way inclined - and if you do, you'll regret it! [ more ]
Carnelian Monday if you're in work as the rest of the week's ahead. If you're out of work, Sunday as nothing's going on. [ more ]
~Sparkling Summer~ Life is too short to be bored [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Syd But there must be one Adult out there, with the skill to make me want to watch.. [ more ]
Former Member It's unwatchable. [ more ]
Baz Lol. I must admit I never used to like the after programme show that C4 did either ... It always seemed either a bit crude or childish ... Or both [ more ]
See all 5 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
RIP Betty Driver
scatterby RIP Betty [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Skylark24: R.I.P Betty, she was a lovely lady P.S Erin, i recall BF saying it was her son and a player , if i remember correctly x cheers [ more ]
Former Member R.I.P Betty, she was a lovely lady P.S Erin, i recall BF saying it was her son and a player , if i remember correctly x [ more ]
See all 32 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
It's Getting Exciting.....
Soozy Woo Originally Posted by erinp: Poke needles in my eyes quicker than watch Jay/Anton/Louise/ as for Jay animals dont sh*t in the place they eat and sleep. Guinea Pigs do. [ more ]
Former Member Poke needles in my eyes quicker than watch Jay/Anton/Louise/ as for Jay animals dont sh*t in the place they eat and sleep. [ more ]
Baz Sorry Elkie , I would much rather watch Harry and Aaron play chess than watch the childish ( and often gross) behaviour of most of the other housemates ... In fact , come to think of it , I would rather watch paint dry than watch Jay and Anton [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
O/T Pregnancy and Anti-depressants
AngnLis Thanks for the reassurance, I almost had a little smile then for the first time in while! You said before, that you were about 8 weeks when you found out and you'd been partying until then. That's something else that's worrying me, until I found out, I'd been going out quite a bit and having the odd few drinks and smoking. I mentioned this to the Doctor and she said as long as I've stopped that now, then not to worry, but....I'm still worried!! [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing I was just as scared as you.... and I only know I was brave when I look back on it with hindsight.. at the time I didn't feel brave. I wouldn't normally say this, not when someone was uncertain.. but I think you'll make a great mum xxxx I say this cos you sound exactly like me when I found out I was pregnant.. I was having all those thoughts too. This is gonna sound a bit slushy for me.. but, after I'd had her & I was back in my room at the hospital, I looked at her & everything... [ more ]
AngnLis Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing: Awww.. I've had my world turned upside by unexpected pregnancy too Angenlis... was nearly 19 years ago for me.. and.. I didn't realise I was pregnant til I was about 8 weeks... and I was still raving & partying hard up until the point I found out... so I understand your concerns about the antidepressants. I really wanted to post more about the turmoil & confusion towards the pregnancy.. for me, I was 22, my relationship was on the rocks... [ more ]
See all 27 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Flippin Eck!
LowonIQ Originally Posted by Triggers: Aaawww he's gorgeous! Yes deffo the gorg, and what a brill name, he does York proud [ more ]
Former Member Nice dog but to large. [ more ]
Former Member I know Triggs! If I was at home all day, I'd have one [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Former Member Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~: Sprout for president I'd do a bloody better job than the shower that's there Sweet [ more ]
~Sparkling Summer~ Sprout for president [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by sprout: It's these people that need to be clamped down on Pengy expensive sport to keep up, so now we know how he could afford it - can't believe he was able to do it for years and get away with it [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Roast spudz!!!
Former Member Originally Posted by Syd: Originally Posted by Growlybear: Originally Posted by Syd: All I can say is have never tasted a real home cooked roast potato, well seasoned and cooked either in Olive Oil or Duck fat.....nothing plain about that..... I can assure you that I haven't got to my age without having tried proper home cooked roast potatoes - I;ve always been told that my roast potatoes are wonderful. I've tried them cooked by many other people over the years, inlcuding... [ more ]
Soozy Woo TBH life wouldn't be the same without roast dinners. It was a big family thing when I was a kid's even bigger now - every Sunday with all the family sat round catching up - I'm sure it's boring to most but's our family tradition. [ more ]
Syd Originally Posted by Growlybear: Originally Posted by Syd: All I can say is have never tasted a real home cooked roast potato, well seasoned and cooked either in Olive Oil or Duck fat.....nothing plain about that..... I can assure you that I haven't got to my age without having tried proper home cooked roast potatoes - I;ve always been told that my roast potatoes are wonderful. I've tried them cooked by many other people over the years, inlcuding potatoes cooked in goose fat,... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
O/T I hate bullies
Former Member Originally Posted by Pengy: Originally Posted by sprout: Originally Posted by Pengy: Originally Posted by Rexi: Well done Pengles - it needs people to stand up to these cowardly swines I will Rexi and one of these days it's gonna get me into trouble but I can't stand by and see people abused like they are being as both my Polish neighbours are lovely people and having a learning disabled brother, it upsets me to see anyone with this disability abused. Yeah Pengy, I work with a Polish girl... [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by sprout: Originally Posted by Pengy: Originally Posted by Rexi: Well done Pengles - it needs people to stand up to these cowardly swines I will Rexi and one of these days it's gonna get me into trouble but I can't stand by and see people abused like they are being as both my Polish neighbours are lovely people and having a learning disabled brother, it upsets me to see anyone with this disability abused. Yeah Pengy, I work with a Polish girl and she's one of the nicest... [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Pengy: Originally Posted by Rexi: Well done Pengles - it needs people to stand up to these cowardly swines I will Rexi and one of these days it's gonna get me into trouble but I can't stand by and see people abused like they are being as both my Polish neighbours are lovely people and having a learning disabled brother, it upsets me to see anyone with this disability abused. Yeah Pengy, I work with a Polish girl and she's one of the nicest girls you'll ever meet [ more ]
See all 19 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I love Jay fretting....
Baz Originally Posted by stonks: Originally Posted by MrsH: Originally Posted by Cupcake: Well the audience reaction was not a very good guide was it? they booed Aaron and he came first, and they cheered jay and he only came third. Shame Anton didn't go this week; he is a tosser. info this year is so spaced out and not contained to one place but apparently from Jays fan page on FB it was the 200+ supporters that came up for Jay that were in control of the Aaron booing and Jay cheering so a very... [ more ]
stonks Originally Posted by MrsH: Originally Posted by Cupcake: Well the audience reaction was not a very good guide was it? they booed Aaron and he came first, and they cheered jay and he only came third. Shame Anton didn't go this week; he is a tosser. info this year is so spaced out and not contained to one place but apparently from Jays fan page on FB it was the 200+ supporters that came up for Jay that were in control of the Aaron booing and Jay cheering so a very false judge of the general... [ more ]
MrsH Originally Posted by Cupcake: Well the audience reaction was not a very good guide was it? they booed Aaron and he came first, and they cheered jay and he only came third. Shame Anton didn't go this week; he is a tosser. info this year is so spaced out and not contained to one place but apparently from Jays fan page on FB it was the 200+ supporters that came up for Jay that were in control of the Aaron booing and Jay cheering so a very false judge of the general public's feelings [ more ]
See all 10 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Hms get mail
Baz Originally Posted by erinp: I can see this ending in tears,I hope BB quote from Faye she has been talking about Aaron behind his back today after "Frostie gate".Does she not realise its because of Aaron that she didnt face Anton in a two way eviction vote. It would serve her right Erinp..... [ more ]
Former Member Harry fails to get his letter (he spoke with her last week no surprises there) Tom gets his mail [ more ]
Former Member I can see this ending in tears,I hope BB quote from Faye she has been talking about Aaron behind his back today after "Frostie gate".Does she not realise its because of Aaron that she didnt face Anton in a two way eviction vote. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Anti-immigration march
Garage Joe You are all in luck! The Labour government was voted out many months ago. [ more ]
machel Originally Posted by Garage Joe: On a serious note...... If the people from Boston and the surrounding Lincolnshire area have a word with their MP I'm sure that he'll explain how the local Market economy works. Let's hope that they didn't vote a laissez faire marketeer in, otherwise one might wonder why they complain. Our wonderful mp has refused to comment, as it "is an extremely sensitive issue", although he was "worried that the then labour government had lost control of the immigration ... [ more ]
Former Member Or Frankie Boyle, and equally vile creature... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Jay..Don't trust the cheers....
stonks Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing: I'm afraid to say it... but I think Jay may have quite a significant following.. He's the "jack the lad" of the house.. he's also shown he has a romantic side (cynical side of me thinks that was with the aid of a script provided by the production team), he works out so has a good body.. etc etc. The pooing in the fridge thing isn't known by most people.. and tbh whilst totally disgusting etc .. some will overlook that cos they like the rest of the... [ more ]
Scotty Originally Posted by Aimee: Originally Posted by Scotty Harryettie #4: Originally Posted by Aimee: Originally Posted by Scotty Harryettie #4: Notice the leader of the house says " Me shoppin`budget." I think he will start to try and get friendly with Aaron now, especially with Aaron coming first again and one of his pack leaving should be interesting to see how Anton behaves this week Yes I can see Aaron being polite to them but there`s absolutely no chance of him joining the wolfpack. The... [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing For the record.. I can't stand him I don't like any of the blokes in there.. so I have degrees of dislike.. they are either wetter than [ saying removed cos it was a bit rude ], annoying little gobshites or plastic gangsters with over inflated egos. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I don't mind women burping. makes me laff!
Scotty Originally Posted by velvet donkey: Originally Posted by Scotty Harryettie #4: Jeezee peeps - I didn`t half witter on last night. That was nothing Scotty! I'm still recovering from my witterings over the past couple of months My witterings are better than your witterings.... fiiiiight! Hello velvet x [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Scotty Harryettie #4: Jeezee peeps - I didn`t half witter on last night. That was nothing Scotty! I'm still recovering from my witterings over the past couple of months [ more ]
Soozy Woo Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo: However, random farts always make me chortle Random eno ugh for you? [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Will Louise now make a play for Aaron, now she realises meathead is not so popular?
Aimee Jay looked so smug when his name was cheered and then Aaron was saved first it must be eating him up inside [ more ]
squiggle Originally Posted by Baz: I think he and Anton are so deluded that they won't be able to believe that people actually like Aaron cos he is nicer than they are, so they will convince themselves that it must be the * romance * keeping him in. Spot on Baz [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by erinp: She is back with Chunka OMG, are you kidding?! What is that silly bint playing at?! Thanks for this Erin... [ more ]
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