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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
East Enders ........ooooooooooooh Ben
Blizz'ard Originally Posted by Garage Joe: Can I do my, Eastenders went downhill after Reg Cox died, material? ...... Again Yes, cos I love it! [ more ]
Senora Reyes Originally Posted by pirate1111: Originally Posted by Senora Reyes: I still can't get over Mandy! give her a fiver and you can [ more ]
Rexi Originally Posted by pirate1111: Originally Posted by pirate1111: what did he do? he didnt nick one of christians vests did he? that would be soooo wrong ben looks like the product if a kray twin and a proclaimer had sex [ more ]
See all 27 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
wine :poll
Ells White with white lemonade. I don't like the taste of it on it's own but I love it with the lemonade. I used to love Rose but it gives me headaches so I steer clear of it now. Red wine, to me, is vile. I've had an unfortunate incident with my first ever taste of it and a cream carpet. [ more ]
scatterby I quite like them all, but my fave by far is red [ more ]
Katerina I don't drink lots, but I like a dry white, sometimes a rose, but my absolute favourite is red, Rioja is my preference. It gives me a headache sometimes though [ more ]
See all 56 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
If you're in the BB House...
Dirtyprettygirlthing but as one of them said earlier in the week (& I think it was Aaron.. though I could be wrong) when they were divvying up the money.. its all a drop in the ocean compared to what they will earn from PA's & magazine interviews etc when they leave the house.. Its been a long time since the prize money has been the incentive to win [ more ]
Kaytee Jay and louise did it for brownie points with the public and to make Aaron look they could spend most of last night's show going on and on about it.There was nothing *nice* or altruistic there, just naked self-interest. I agree with Aaron, I woudn't spend that amount of money on anyone for a single present, unless I was rolling in it of course and then the amount would mean nothing [ more ]
stonks Originally Posted by Eileen Over: Originally Posted by stonks: . For two Louise has done movies and modelling And OMG the movies she has done Well I mean.... My point is £500 might not seem much to her and going on the people on here that have cried poverty over time I'm surprised at some of the responses.... [ more ]
See all 34 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Firework display had one of those unfortunate premature moments
Dirtyprettygirlthing just re read my post.... *wonders who will be first to do the innuendo on the "people having a nice time oohing & ahhing for an hour" bit* [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing Even if I had been there.. been one of those "poor parents with my disappointed kids" I would have found it really really funny... its hardly the end of the world is it? This news story has been the highlight of my bonfire night season (anyways... I am uber biased on this one.. I struggle to justify the upset in millions of households with stressed frightened pets all for the sake of people having a nice time oohing & ahhing for an hour) [ more ]
Yogi19 Originally Posted by LowonIQ: All the poor parents with their disappointed kids I'm sure I heard on the Scottish news, that the pyrotechnic company are going to put on another firework display later this month to compensate for their error. [ more ]
See all 16 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
A gift for you all....
Former Member You call that a gift pfffft I would have thought that you would have spent at least five hundred quid [ more ]
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities: Imogen, Imogen, Imogen. Oh oh and the awful Grace. Where are they now! It's probably best we don't know! [ more ]
Yogi19 Hahaha, I loved Sezer's shocked expression when Davina called his name. [ more ]
See all 4 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
BBBOTS Live from the house .
Former Member Originally Posted by BARMYBRUMMIE - Slickman to WIN!: what an utterly crap idea - why cant they just leave things alone and make the housemates wait til they get out to get the vibe as to whether they're liked or not and to answer for themselves, now they will all get an idea of whats what outside and have LOADS of time to think up their excuses I think thats why it's being done,and to Aaron bash. [ more ]
BARMYBRUMMIE - Slickman to WIN! what an utterly crap idea - why cant they just leave things alone and make the housemates wait til they get out to get the vibe as to whether they're liked or not and to answer for themselves, now they will all get an idea of whats what outside and have LOADS of time to think up their excuses [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by MrsH: thanks erin interesting - wonder who their fabulous panel will be I do hope that each HM has someone on the panel that supports them. Faye should be on BBBOTS this week but I doubt she will be on tomorrow. I do hope Harry /Anton are not part of the show . [ more ]
See all 5 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Vanessa defends Aaron over Presentgate on oktv and the presenters agree.
Former Member We should bombard them with the same question,we should agree on one and go for it . [ more ]
Former Member As someone said on another site does Louise give her friends and family gifts with the price left on ? [ more ]
Cosmopolitan Brilliant! She's got Lou and Jay bang to rights Oh and Jay can articulate ok enough with his fists when he choses, so no sympathies there from me. He's sobbing like a baby 'cos he's been rumbled. [ more ]
See all 25 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Quote of tonights HL show.
Baz Another way that C5 has trampled on the show .... At least in C4 days they would have been warned for such things ! [ more ]
MrsH Originally Posted by LowonIQ: MrsH ah the C word, a funny line for them to draw on C5! unless I find it to watch again I am not sure Low - something got bleeped and that was my guess [ more ]
LowonIQ MrsH ah the C word, a funny line for them to draw on C5! [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Day 61: Present-gate comes to a head
MrsH " Oh Dear" pace and space the days out - Aaron got a bad highlight show last night - tonight will be better as they had a fun task yesterday Jay WASNT going to speak for the remainder of the duration so what has BB been talking about in the DR to prompt this about turn and yes we get another bad edit for Aaron Wednesday night - just before the final round of voting for Thursdays secret eviction [ more ]
LowonIQ Loo needs the loo, she's bricking it [ more ]
See all 2 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
LowonIQ Thanks Baz Yep Mrs I don't want to miss a thing, as the song goes. I can go on pc to look at stuff on utube but prefer the 'magic' chair grins [ more ]
MrsH Oh .... bad luck ... get it sorted pretty quick if it is an app problem you dont want to be missing the good bits the clips and pics show and have to rely on the telly to see the miserable side to Aaron only [ more ]
Baz *pops in very quickly , cos I am supposed to be elsewhere Low , I am getting the same prob of getting kicked out of certain threads when on the Ipad or Iphone ...e.g Scotty's Twitter thread . It's an app problem I think ( we have had it before ) ... I will PM Lori about it later about it . As you were folks AARON TO WIN [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Nasty, just nasty.
Aimee Originally Posted by kattymieoww: I'd love to know about the things he's alluded to in his past.Though he did state a good night out was DJaying some tunes ,getting in the the drink and having a fight...cretin that he is. It makes you wonder what it was he got kicked off that Katie Price show for [ more ]
kattymieoww I'd love to know about the things he's alluded to in his past.Though he did state a good night out was DJaying some tunes ,getting in the the drink and having a fight...cretin that he is. [ more ]
BARMYBRUMMIE - Slickman to WIN! He's quite a disgrace, him and his bitch over the prezzie thing. Anyhow, if ANY paper would be in the slightest bit interested in these two wastes of space, they would have pics of Jay beating the sh!t out of some innocent bystander and Louise looking shockingly pretty whilst letting one out - that's what our kids aspire to??? [ more ]
See all 11 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Patronising Git
MrsH Originally Posted by Blizz'ard: I notice that BB didn't show him joining in, at all, although we saw pictures of him dancing, on Twitter. Yes and this is the problem and what we are all griping about - they portray him in a completely different light through Twitter and face Book - there chosen platforms and then hash the edits for the highlights show IF peeps are only watching the 45 mins a day then I do understand the side they are seeing !! [ more ]
Saint Originally Posted by Soozy Woo: if it's someones birthday and there's a party - isn't it all about making them happy and making it a night to remember. Never mind about not buying a present - he could have made a joke about it and turned it into a laugh ..................NO- he chose to go and whinge in the DR and sulk. He put a damper on the party ........................WHY? Because it's all about him. What a selfish individual .....................people say he's being reaL... [ more ]
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Originally Posted by Soozy Woo: iNO- he chose to go and whinge in the DR and sulk. He put a damper on the party ....................... Did he? I didn't notice the rest of them NOT having a good time. Tom and Alex certainly were all bubbly and enthuiastic in the DR talking to BB. He didn't know about the presents until the moment they were brought into the room which was the same moment Tom and Alex 'unwrapped themselves' and the music started. You (plural) moan about him putting a dampner... [ more ]
See all 17 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Aaron - wots his problem?
Saint Regardless of Aaron's reasons for being angry he had no right to ruin Tom's 21st Aaron really is a piece of work He shud have put his personal feelings towards Jay and Louise for Alex and Tom's sake. But did he - nope!! Self indulgent, rude and without any conscience [ more ]
Former Member Aaron officially pisses me off big time! I think his constant mithering and misery and maudlin may cost him the crown. Alex will win for sure IMO. [ more ]
scatterby I can totally understand it too - with those four [ more ]
See all 51 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
what would you rather: poll
lal I went for other...I would rather have a paper cut... [ more ]
Baz Headache...... in fact anything rather than sickness or nausea [ more ]
Former Member Sickness and the runs, coz when i have it, it would last only about 12 to 14 hours. Other complaints you listed would last longer...Apart from that, when I have the shits and the pukeys, I lose about half a stone! [ more ]
See all 17 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Mighty Quinn Originally Posted by BARMYBRUMMIE - Slickman to WIN!: IMO it appears MJ WAS an addict and Murray was his dealer (shame he forgot he was a DOCTOR first and foremost - 'do no harm' and all that) i agree. he must have missed the hippocratic oath lectures at med school. [ more ]
BARMYBRUMMIE - Slickman to WIN! IMO it appears MJ WAS an addict and Murray was his dealer (shame he forgot he was a DOCTOR first and foremost - 'do no harm' and all that) [ more ]
MrMincePie Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo: Originally Posted by MrMincePie: At least they didn't blame it the sunshine, didn't blame it on the moonlight, didn't blame it on the good times, just blamed it on the Doctor. *groany McGroaner* I miss MJ. I really dug his music. [ more ]
See all 22 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
My award for the most disliked HM this year
kattymieoww Aaron is the only one that makes me watch this Godforsaken show,I'd have given up on it otherwise,the rest of them in there are dross.Jaylooroll,partners in shit!.A very dubious Desperate Dan chinned dame,and an amimated skeleton. [ more ]
Soozy Woo Originally Posted by Azure.: Aaron the self centered attention seeking whinge has to be the winner. I agree the early days I couldn't see for the life of me all this talk about game plaYING. It has become abundantly clear in the last few weeks ..............he has written himself a plan (after years of careful studying) he's the poor misunderstood geeky guy has backfired IMO. He should have been more flexible - to spend so long sulking and being moody... [ more ]
Azure. Aaron the self centered attention seeking whinge has to be the winner. [ more ]
See all 22 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Carole Was Robbed.....
Starfleet Admiral hoochie Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo: Originally Posted by ~hoochie~: Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo: Think its time to send in the Bea Brigade to sort this nonsense out *stands ready for the battle* *sends in Mildred* [ more ]
Rawky-Roo Originally Posted by ~hoochie~: Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo: Think its time to send in the Bea Brigade to sort this nonsense out *stands ready for the battle* *sends in Mildred* [ more ]
Dame_Ann_Average Originally Posted by ~hoochie~: Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average: Originally Posted by Syd: (Made me self go all funny posting that .) Carole's legacy never to be forgotten! *shakes head* [ more ]
See all 52 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Shady Louise and the chicken nuggets.
Triggers Sleekit. I've noticed a change in her since Faye went out and she stayed in. Scotty [ more ]
Senora Reyes I've been seeing this sly side of Louise since day 1, she's awful. [ more ]
Former Member She got her sly did in saying "Trust Aaron to grass me up " she then wondered how he would have known and Jay told her that Aaron was there at the time she ate them .Shady,sly, biatch. [ more ]
See all 4 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Aaron was not told about the birthday gifts.
Soozy Woo Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*: What a pallaver .. . then the rest of the house have a bitchfest about Aaron.. tho I really don't think Aaron did himself any favours with his sulks there either.. he needs to grow up and deal with situations in a more mature manner and quit that sulking lark cos it is now playing into BB's hands hugely.... it has always played into their hands ...........he's done it since day one - bit late to change now! Personally I think people can call bad... [ more ]
vikinggal Had to laugh at the dreadful shoes,looked like £20 off the market! Bet they last five minutes, Hope she snaps 'em before she even leaves the house . Fully expect Aaron to get shafted again tonight now after watching the bitching videos [ more ]
Bethni I just bought more credits on FB.... i'm going thru them like water voting for Aaron. Maybe it's because there's no livefeed but i've never been so wound up about BB before! I hate injustice and this bias is making me sick [ more ]
See all 57 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Brian Belo just told Faye what he thinks of her and Aaron.
Aimee Originally Posted by longcat: Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing: Originally Posted by longcat: He just asked her if she was brainwashed by Aaron. She said "I do have a brain of my own" She should have continued.'...unlike you!' I wish she had. He's being ripped apart on twitter from Aaron fans. and i think that's why he has done it IMO, he's just jumping on the band wagon [ more ]
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Originally Posted by Eileen Over: Playing devil's advocate here.... Would you all have been as outraged had Brian said similar to Louise about her relationship with Jay? Yes. It's not his place to cast jugement and basically dictete how she should feel. We mat be saying that we cannot understand how Louise can be attracted to Jay, who appears to be such a gross person, but no-one is advocating telling her What she should think of him. [ more ]
longcat Originally Posted by Eileen Over: Originally Posted by longcat: Originally Posted by Eileen Over: Playing devil's advocate here.... Would you all have been as outraged had Brian said similar to Louise about her relationship with Jay? I don't think anybody's got the right to tell someone else what they think or feel about their relationship least of all when they don't actually know the people involved. Fair enough and yes you are completely right. The trouble is with flipping BB is that... [ more ]
See all 17 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Advice on new fridge/freezers
zazz Originally Posted by Pengy: Originally Posted by Aimee: Originally Posted by Pengy: The advice I had 2 weeks ago with my new freezer was to let it stand for 24 hours before plugging it in Would that be your free freezer well done on the win Yes my gorgeous new smeg freezer that I got from that Clarence the polar bear how is the FREEzer missus?! [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Aimee: Originally Posted by Pengy: Originally Posted by Aimee: Originally Posted by Pengy: The advice I had 2 weeks ago with my new freezer was to let it stand for 24 hours before plugging it in Would that be your free freezer well done on the win Yes my gorgeous new smeg freezer that I got from that Clarence the polar bear does it say Helllllooooooooooooo there Pengy fish for tea, tricky when you open the door no and I'm really disappointed that Denis Leary (comedian... [ more ]
Aimee Originally Posted by Pengy: Originally Posted by Aimee: Originally Posted by Pengy: The advice I had 2 weeks ago with my new freezer was to let it stand for 24 hours before plugging it in Would that be your free freezer well done on the win Yes my gorgeous new smeg freezer that I got from that Clarence the polar bear does it say Helllllooooooooooooo there Pengy fish for tea, tricky when you open the door [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
How do you spend Christmas?
justafriend Originally Posted by Yogi19: Originally Posted by Renton: YOGI - i seriously had you about 30-35 Crazy young fool LOL Aww, I love you for that, Renton. I'm 51, but don't tell anybody else, okay? aww i love yogi, Ren shes been like my 2nd mum on here shes a real diamond just like my real mum.but yogis helped me so much and wont ever forget it. gone off subject, love christmas open house here for anyone to wander in, same every year i think mum looks after everyone to much cos they keep coming... [ more ]
Soozy Woo Awwwwwww Olly - I'm just really glad you have your cat for company. I guess you get used to your own company - I hope the new year will bring some improvement to your condition - it can't be easy [ more ]
Mount Olympus *Olly* awww Soozy .. nice offer but for a start I have agoraphobia now and can't go anywhere apart from a quick dash to the local small shops/Docs or Chemist once a month or so.. and very occasionally, on a very good day which is very rare, a visit to my mates fiancées house cos that isn't too far from me but I can't stay long and have to get home asap. .am so used to being on my own as well now that when my mate pops around now and then I get stressed if they stay too long too... and even if I nip... [ more ]
See all 26 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Mount Olympus *Olly* oh and I think it's very wrong to start celebrating Xmas before Remembrance Sunday has passed.. so ner [ more ]
Mount Olympus *Olly* Originally Posted by Cupcake: <snip> I never can fathom why anyone hates such a lovely time of year... All i can put it down to is that they must have had parents who hated it, and/or grown up in a family who didnt celebrate it much [1] <snip> <snip> I genuinely feel sorry for people who loathe and despise Christmas, as much as []2 people who loathe it appear to feel contempt for people who enjoy it! Still, different horses for different courses eh?! <snip> 1] What an... [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by sparkles: Anyone excited yet? or is it still to early for some? It's way, way too early to be thinking about Christmas - it's only early November! I'll start thinking about the dreaded day on about 20 December at the earliest. [ more ]
See all 31 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ch5 have Louise evicted.
Aimee Originally Posted by squiggle: Originally Posted by longcat: Originally Posted by squiggle: Originally Posted by longcat: Shame it's not for real. There's still time Yes but 8 weeks too late True true, I would much rather Maisy was in there. When I look back at Louise nominating her every week 'because she's watching me' how come I didn't see how shady she actually was? I think Maisy should have stayed as well when it get's too this time of the series, i always want too watch the first... [ more ]
Former Member Louise's voting gave her game away. She wanted to be the only gay in the village...and in the final week she is. [ more ]
squiggle Originally Posted by longcat: Originally Posted by squiggle: Originally Posted by longcat: Shame it's not for real. There's still time Yes but 8 weeks too late True true, I would much rather Maisy was in there. When I look back at Louise nominating her every week 'because she's watching me' how come I didn't see how shady she actually was? [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Did you like Jade when she was in the house?
longcat Never liked her on any BB show or anything she appeared on after. I thought she was horrible. I never understood why anybody liked her. [ more ]
jackassfan No i didnt, she was not a nice person at all and her bullying of Sophie was horrible to watch I still remember when she was in the diary room for hours (Under the guise of seeing a psychologist) and then suddenly came out a changed woman and apologised to Sophie, i still think Big Brother told her how she was being percieved by the public and told her to change her ways Sadly it fooled a lot of people and she became popular [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Baz: I never saw Jade in BB.... only in CBB... and I certainly didn't like her in there..... Same here [ more ]
See all 17 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
So Alex would like to model, but she does.
Former Member Originally Posted by strike: hiya Alex welcome to the forum [ more ]
strike hiya Alex welcome to the forum [ more ]
Former Member Hey, my name is Alex and I'm based in the North East of England, primarily the Newcastle and Sunderland area. I have been modeling for 2 years now and I am very experienced, having worked with a handfull of photographers but mostly my experience has been promo shoots for the various companies I used to work for. (Taken from her site) [ more ]
See all 3 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I'm peeeeeeshed!
Rocking Ros Rose AWWWWWWWW just popped in - so sorry to hear this slinki - i can't add anything that hasn't been said already - so a big for you. We are all here for you [ more ]
Yogi19 Slinki, whether you need to cry, scream, shout or laugh, your forum friends will be here for you. [ more ]
Rexi Slinki - I've just got back from a weekend at the seaside ... what a horrid week you've had Hope the black clouds are clearing a bit and chinks of light are coming through [ more ]
See all 92 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Top Five
Teo Puff1 5 - Tom 4 - Louise 3 - Jay 2 - Alex 1 - Aaron [ more ]
Saint I aint warmed to anyone The only person i have enjoyed watching is Aaron - just for the turmoil Alex is a worhty winner and a nice person But it aint been a classic [ more ]
Scotty Originally Posted by erinp: 1-Aaron The rest .Dont give a Rats behind Love your new avi, erin. [ more ]
See all 20 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Big Brother is not the same..
Saint Alex and Tom are basically Luke and Rebekah (BB9) [ more ]
Saint I'm overjoyed BB survived - for that reason alone, I watch Sadly Ch5 have whimped out - they could have been brave with a brave new format - but no. Instead we have a feeble repeat of the last Ch4 format that had long since lost its way. Even the choice of HM are very similar to previous HM's Jay is Jason (BB5), Alex is Jade Goody, Faye is Channel, Aaron is Ziggy - yeah? Brian as presenter was a whimp-out, a clean break from Ch4 was needed. Hideous Lauren Harris, that bearded tramp Jamie... [ more ]
Former Member I have enjoyed it, but also feel that it's not QUITE the same as it used to be. [ more ]
See all 37 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Jay is a..
Former Member Jobbie. [ more ]
Syd Jay is a...........Stupid bloke that thinks that muscles, tattoos and bed count, count for everything...He need to grow up and shut the toilet door!........... [ more ]
longcat Originally Posted by Scotty: Originally Posted by longcat: Originally Posted by longcat: I don't know who's fetish it is after last night. Jay "I would do anything for you" Louise "Would you let me poo on your head?" Jay "I am not in to that but" Scary people. 5 mins in. Senora posted a thread about her possibly being on drugs. I`m now beginning to think the same, but if she`s not...there`s something seriously wrong with her. [ more ]
See all 12 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Last nights BBBOTS
Syd Makes me laugh (in the unfunny way)......The jumped up comedienne laughs (titters) at this "SMUT", but I am sure in her growing up comedy days, would have "mocked" Benny Hill.... [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by velvet donkey: Another one for the highlights to avoid. For sure. [ more ]
Former Member Another one for the highlights to avoid. [ more ]
See all 4 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Do we think Alex will go ahead with the
Former Member Originally Posted by Aimee: Originally Posted by erinp: She let Jay know that she didnt understand the hands part( were they swore on their mothers life to share) so thats her got her get out clause sorted .Alex stole from a blind woman to get her lunch so she is hardly likely to settle for ten grand when at this moment she has thirty. Do you think she will if sje wins the main prize? and what was not too get about swearing on it She knew that the hand thing was symbolic ,she is no fool.I'm... [ more ]
justafriend i dont think she will stick to it she needs 10 grand to sort her hair out [ more ]
Cosmopolitan Originally Posted by Baz: I don't trust Alex ... Everything that I've read suggests she is probably the biggest fake in there . Totally agree. Life may be just about to start catching up with her...... [ more ]
See all 9 replies...

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