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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Tom cried
Saint Nicely said SOOZY That music was wot he danced to in the DR and cheered him up [ more ]
Soozy Woo Originally Posted by Renton: I unashamedly love Tom I liked and backed him at the begining Then he cried ... poor lamb Perhaps this just goes to show the pressure these poor souls are under in the name of our entertainment Hope he doesn't go tonight My heart broke for him a little bit last night when he realised that he has been the invisible man. Jay and Aaron have dominated the highlight show and Tom might just not have been there! If we were to be given stats on the amount of air time... [ more ]
stonks Originally Posted by erinp: Originally Posted by stonks: He's the only one I would'nt mind winning if Aaron does'nt.... No wonder you are in disguise ....Though saying that I will vote anyone but Jay if Aaron goes..noway would I let him win.... [ more ]
See all 12 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I've just had a horrible thought
Aimee Originally Posted by Tina: Originally Posted by Aimee: Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing: They definitely said lines would RE-OPEN. So it'll be a continued vote. They'd be lynched otherwise! Thank god for that phew you had me worried there jue I was having a blonde moment *grabs Erin drink* [ more ]
Tina Originally Posted by Aimee: Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing: They definitely said lines would RE-OPEN. So it'll be a continued vote. They'd be lynched otherwise! Thank god for that phew you had me worried there jue [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Aimee: Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing: They definitely said lines would RE-OPEN. So it'll be a continued vote. They'd be lynched otherwise! Thank god for that I think you need this Aimee [ more ]
See all 6 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Tonight's Eviction
Former Member Originally Posted by Renton: I get so morose as BB comes to an end Like i've lost me friends I cud mange Louise going but not TOM Louise and mange in the same sentence ,, seems appropriate [ more ]
Former Member Tom out . [ more ]
Senora Reyes Originally Posted by Eileen Over: I think it is inevitable that Aaron will win TBH. I liked Tom but to be honest all of them are pretty poor excuses for human beings. Even though I'd love him to win, I do think it will be Alex. [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Big brother 2011 The Mirror's view.
Aimee Originally Posted by Scotty: He single handedly destroyed the wolfpack with his subtle cleverness. Yes, he may have had a "game plan" but boy oh boy he played it well. BB threw everything they could at him, almost breaking him, but he`s still there. For me, Aaron is the best housemate ever to enter in the BB house. Btw, did I tell you I want Aaron to win? He has had the best game plan Ever but i fear people will be fooled by the *I'm an innocent girl me hun, game plan* even if Aaron doesn't... [ more ]
Baz I agree Kaytee Alex has had a free ride and I don't think she deserves it ... But if only Aaron can beat Jay .... [ more ]
Kaytee Aaron has played a blinder and for that I want him to win over the Alex....who hasn't [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Who, (if anyone,) should replace Frankie Cocozza (or whatever his name is?) from X factor?
Former Member Originally Posted by Moomin: AH yes cupcake - i remember now - he played the guitar didn't he? And Frankie Cokeupthenosea took his place. Right - well him or Amelia then. But it rightfully should be him as he is from the same mentor. But actually it is all a bit unfair as they have missed so many live shows, so could have an unfair advantage. That's the one. [ more ]
Moomin AH yes cupcake - i remember now - he played the guitar didn't he? And Frankie Cokeupthenosea took his place. Right - well him or Amelia then. But it rightfully should be him as he is from the same mentor. But actually it is all a bit unfair as they have missed so many live shows, so could have an unfair advantage. [ more ]
Clumsycat Originally Posted by Cupcake: Do love that Amelia. She was cute and really good too. I was gutted when she went. It wasn't even the public who voted her out, it was stupid KELLY, who let her go and put cruddy JANET in! yeah, stupid kelly cruddy janet....... [ more ]
See all 37 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Some friend you are Richard.
Former Member Aaron didn't look bothered, but I was shocked that his 'friend' said such things. [ more ]
Former Member I am convinced that it was a message to let Aaron know what coming when he leaves. [ more ]
MrsH Originally Posted by stonks: Found this on his wall, so could be sour grapes but who cares.... <h6 class="uiStreamMessage" data-ft="{"type":1}"> Hahahahaha fair play rich that was by far the best phone interview tonight. Are you sure your his mate or was that revenge for Aaron dropping you in the past lol. </h6> in all honesty the last couple of weeks on that wall havnt really been very pleasant I read back to launch night and things seemed fine then so why the change of attitude... [ more ]
See all 19 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
So Alex used to be an Air Hostess?
Saint She sed it cost her £2000 to training to be an air hostess the other day Is that true? Cos i wanna be a trolley dolly!! [ more ]
kattymieoww My sisters younger daughter is cabin crew for Ryanair(she's 23)they are Barstewards to their staff! She lives near Prestwick Airport (Scotland) and for her training had to go to London and pay for her course and uniform etc.It cost over £2,000 so that's maybe what Alex was talking about when she stated she wanted to pay back her grandad. My niece is now on low time...i.e not needed because Ryanair have cut back their winter schedules,she doesn't get paid unless she "flies".She's had to take... [ more ]
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Originally Posted by Cupcake: Did she really?????? I just wondered, because didn't she say she went to college? And she also went on snog marry avoid, and she used worked at McDonalds too, and she has been an air hostess too ??? How did she manage that? I mean, every place I have looked, you have to be 18 to be an air hostess, and she's only 18 now isn't she? I smell the smelly smell of something fishy and porky here. She supposedly was 19 yesterday. However there's something in the back of... [ more ]
See all 21 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
For those of us who thought BBBOTS was going to be a "lets put Aaron's head on a pole night" Will be pleasantly suprised!*Spoiler*
justafriend Aaron loves just gorgeous on that video [ more ]
MrsH Re: For those of us who thought BBBOTS was going to be a "lets put Aaron's head on a pole night" Will be pleasantly suprised!*Spoiler* [ more ]
MrsH Re: For those of us who thought BBBOTS was going to be a "lets put Aaron's head on a pole night" Will be pleasantly suprised!*Spoiler* [ more ]
See all 23 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Picture of Justin Waggot.
Yogi19 No words, just [ more ]
Sezit Originally Posted by erinp: AHHHHH...........Justin Wingnut I presume....... [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by erinp: Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x: Ahhhhhhahahahah!! Erin, where did you find that ? On another site ,I am always on the look out for new material. You're damn good at tracking it down Ta, that made me laugh [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Did you ever ask Jim to fix it for you?
Cinds Originally Posted by zazz: what did you ask him for. Cinds? First time I asked him to fix it for me to ride a pony, I drew a picture and everything I was devastated when he didn't reply, took me back to when I drew a picture for Prince Philip and put my phone number on it, did he ever call? Did he heckers like! Second time I was being all selfless and asking him to fix it for something for my eldest sister. Bear in mind I was only 5 and had no idea what I was actually asking him to fix. I... [ more ]
Former Member I wrote to him almost every week for about 2 years in the mid 70's because I wanted to meet the Bay City Rollers. He never replied and never fixed it for me. I did write to John Craven though around the same time really praising a programme he did on the BCRs and got a lovely reply from his assistant and then one from him with signed photos and various goodies. Bet if John Craven was fixing it instead of Newsrounding it I'd have got on and met them [ more ]
Soozy Woo Originally Posted by barney: i wrote and asked Jim'll if he could fix it for me to have a go in the red arrows while they were flying a display didnt hear anything back at all in the light of recent events it certainly wouldnt get past H&S nowadays unfortunately And again today . How very tragic must be a job they all dream of - so sad. [ more ]
See all 22 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Marguerita I agree it has not been good watching their scripted version of events I hope next year we will get LF ..without it the show is a big farce, also hope they get a new presenter to take Brian Dowlings place..he has been woeful..All is forgiven Davina please come back [ more ]
Soozy Woo We have seen the stories that they wanted us to see - anything that didn't fit into the script was never shown - surplus to requirements. I never thought that I'd see it through to the end but I have. I certainly wont be here next year if the format remains the same - it's been shameful! [ more ]
LowonIQ I thought that is what BB was for, live voyeurism viewing [ more ]
See all 5 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Happy Birthday emptybox!
Marguerita Happy birthday emptybox Hope you had a fab day [ more ]
emptybox Thanks guys. Lots of lovely messages and apt pictures. I do post a lot on here, but not usually in the BB section. Pgtips, I see it was your birthday as well, so Happy Birthday to you. [ more ]
kattymieoww Not sure,it's not a name I'm familiar with, I know on here it prompts birthdays..shrugs..sorry to those that know them. [ more ]
See all 22 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Favourite cooking show on TV:poll
Senora Reyes Come dine with me! I love it! [ more ]
Syd Originally Posted by Rexi: Originally Posted by Syd: Oh ta ... but I'm not sure I will be rushing to cook it ... soz 'n all Tastes better than it looks.....add crispy bacon chopped up into it and you are sorted.... [ more ]
SazBomb Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~: I like the bake off show and I loved the delicious miss Dahl oh yes, I liked a lot of her recipes too [ more ]
See all 45 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I detest Shitpot Jay and his smelly bint...
Aimee Originally Posted by spongebob squarepants: the main reason justin maggot struggles with aaron is cos aaron won't bow down to him and do exactly as he says....i think justin is used to people doing what he wants when he wants.and uses his build and size as a threat..and if they don't do what he says he lamps em one. course in there he can't.....but i think he fully expected to be the alpha male in there..he had plankton and hard on following around like puppies and fawning over him....and he... [ more ]
Senora Reyes Originally Posted by Sezit: I agree with every single poster in this thread. The man has behaved appallingly and yet poor Aaron is made out to be the bad bugger. I did notice though that in last nights HL show, that when Justin was shouting about kicking people in etc. that a look of worry fleetingly crossed loiuses face. ( who I cannot stand by the way, and I think is stunningly beautiful on the outside, but an ugly mare who is disingenuous on the inside) [ more ]
Sezit I agree with every single poster in this thread. The man has behaved appallingly and yet poor Aaron is made out to be the bad bugger. I did notice though that in last nights HL show, that when Justin was shouting about kicking people in etc. that a look of worry fleetingly crossed loiuses face. ( who I cannot stand by the way, and I think is stunningly beautiful on the outside, but an ugly mare who is disingenuous on the inside) [ more ]
See all 49 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
IACGMOOH Lineup....
stonks Originally Posted by Sezit: Originally Posted by Katerina: Sinitta has apparently pulled out at the last minute, due to her fear of snakes and bugs. FFS hasn't she watched the show before?! My goodness! I have just actually laughed aloud and snorted at that. What the eff planet does she live on? If anyone doesn't know by now what this programme is about then it doesn't bear thinking about. Surely to goodness her agent (which I would imagine is a prominent one) would tell her what the job is. [ more ]
Former Member Whoops I just posted a link to the lineup and then saw this so deleted the one I'd done. I can't believe Fatima Whitbread. I swear I thought she was a man that looked vaguely familiar. The Mcfly boy will probably be a laugh as they all seem a nice bunch when I've seen them on anything. And the one from Corrie who was in Queer as Folk I know too. Freddie Starr I detest so I hope many horrible things happen to him while he is there [ more ]
Sezit Originally Posted by Katerina: Sinitta has apparently pulled out at the last minute, due to her fear of snakes and bugs. FFS hasn't she watched the show before?! My goodness! I have just actually laughed aloud and snorted at that. What the eff planet does she live on? If anyone doesn't know by now what this programme is about then it doesn't bear thinking about. Surely to goodness her agent (which I would imagine is a prominent one) would tell her what the job is. [ more ]
See all 20 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
PeterCat Well I did think of giving him my business card [ more ]
Former Member Sounds like he's had a lot of bad luck...perhaps you should have paid him in counselling [ more ]
Rexi Originally Posted by PeterCat: Lol something like that, Rexi. Actually the training has helped. It's meant that i haven't bottled up the anger, but found safe ways to let it out. It's also helped me to be assertive without being aggressive. well done you ... hope the man comes good on Monday [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Jay how is Aaron ruining the last 4 days for everyone..When the other's including Lou Shady, seem happy?
Former Member Originally Posted by Moomin: What makes me laugh is that when Aaron is having some time alone, or "sulking" as the Aaron Haters like to call it, it's Aaron's fault and he's being a miserable git, but when Jay is sulking and going off on one, it's still Aaron's fault (according to Jay). Confusing. Annoying innit? [ more ]
Senora Reyes Originally Posted by suzybean: "I'm not shadeh, I'm dead normal me"...Louise after Heaven called her out weeks ago. Heaven was right. Case closed. Bring back Heaven! [ more ]
suzybean "I'm not shadeh, I'm dead normal me"...Louise after Heaven called her out weeks ago. Heaven was right. Case closed. [ more ]
See all 8 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The Impressions Show - BBC1
Former Member Originally Posted by starbug15: Yep, the only one I think is not good is Tulisa.. good look and everything, but the voice isn't there. True, but Louis is a good one [ more ]
starbug15 Yep, the only one I think is not good is Tulisa.. good look and everything, but the voice isn't there. [ more ]
Former Member And stacey solomon! [ more ]
See all 10 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Aaron will hear how much BB dislike him tonight.
Soozy Woo Oh FGS! I'm getting fed up of listening to how much BB hate him .............they have simply made him the sympathy figure by throwing everything at him - it's worked - people have picked up the phone in their droves. Does no one understand reverse psychology? He has been pushed down our throats from day one - all this talk of 'good edits' - bad edits .................he has comandeered the air time from day one. Take a step back from it and think about Tom NO EDIT - he might just as well... [ more ]
BARMYBRUMMIE - Slickman to WIN! Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair: Originally Posted by BARMYBRUMMIE - Slickman to WIN!: What time is BBOTS on plz - kidz are on the Wii and I cant check the feckin telly guide!!! tar xx It's 10pm on 5*: Channel 5 have changed the schedule tonight (Radio Times and other guides have it as 11pm) thank-u Eugene x [ more ]
Eugene's Lair Originally Posted by BARMYBRUMMIE - Slickman to WIN!: What time is BBOTS on plz - kidz are on the Wii and I cant check the feckin telly guide!!! tar xx It's 10pm on 5*: Channel 5 have changed the schedule tonight (Radio Times and other guides have it as 11pm) [ more ]
See all 25 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Good catch there Louise! Jay want's to kick Aaron's head in!
Former Member I don't think that Jay and Louise's 'romance' will last til Christmas eve TBH! Everything about it smacks of fake fake fake. And I don't believe for one second that Louise is the belchy farty dirtbag she pretends to be. I don't even think she actually smokes ... she is putting on a persona, and it's pathetic, [ more ]
spongebob squarepants anyone who looks at louise on the outside if jay is with her will probably end up having a 'meet and greet' with the pavement... i do think louise may be finding some of jay's outbursts a bit ott...she looked a bit horrified at him saying he'd been with a ladyboy...and when he was on about kicking aaron's head in.. still she'll stay with him til the mag deals are done..then she'll boot him into touch....if she's got any sense. jay is a mouthy,arrogant,thug...with as much charm as the 'shit... [ more ]
Baz Isn't he just Poolshark ... A horrid individual , who should have been booted out of the house for his behaviour !!! [ more ]
See all 4 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I am watching last nights highlights show, and...
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing And because they have got to the final they think gazillions of us love them and they can do no wrong - i.e. the can do what they please/ be as sleazy as they like and we will love them for it. But remember when the three little wolfies were up with Aaron and Jem? And although he appeared to get loads of cheers the only peeps he got more votes than were the other two wolfies. [ more ]
suzybean Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities: I am so glad I have not watched this years BB religiously from day one. To use the words of the thugs himself "if I had to watch the moron Jay week in week out, I would have kicked the f**k out of my TV". The only upside is we will not hear of him again when he leaves the house, well not unless he makes the news for violent conduct. Can anyone assure me that neither Jay nor his moll Louise stand the remotest chance of winning this year. [ more ]
Baz EC ... I guess it's each to their own , but it amazes me how anyone can see Jay's behaviour as anything but appalling . [ more ]
See all 6 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Jon Venables..Are they hiding something?....
starbug15 With pondscum like him; they need to bring back the rope! [ more ]
stonks Originally Posted by spongebob squarepants: Originally Posted by stonks: I agree Pengy and surely it cost more than a million pound to keep him in prison for life.. Well Joe people should think first before commiting such terrible crimes then they would'nt have to be protected.... Totally agree Sez but I think its time they stop protecting him inside, if he's not coming out the public have a right to know why.... We had a fella in our town who was on witness protection from England, he went... [ more ]
spongebob squarepants Originally Posted by stonks: I agree Pengy and surely it cost more than a million pound to keep him in prison for life.. Well Joe people should think first before commiting such terrible crimes then they would'nt have to be protected.... Totally agree Sez but I think its time they stop protecting him inside, if he's not coming out the public have a right to know why.... We had a fella in our town who was on witness protection from England, he went on to murder a young girl, once he'd done... [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Frankie booted off X Factor.
Katerina Originally Posted by MrsH: I dont understand why he was allowed to keep going out are they not housed altogether If he was breaking rules by going out then he should have been stopped the first time it happened not laughed about on the live shows they didnt get this freedom with Fame Academy JLS were on Radio One this morning and said that they had a curfew of 8pm when they were on the show! If the producers thought that exploiting Frankie would get them viewers and votes, then shame on them. [ more ]
Smarting Buttocks ❤️
Soozy Woo i loved Fame Academy - loved the live feed and watching them practice - the meal times - the sneaky little kiss between Malachi and Sinead and the Live Show - it was BRILL! Far better than X Factor IMO. [ more ]
See all 44 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
So..... Alex wins a dress and they give her
Baz Originally Posted by Pengy: Originally Posted by stonks: I think it sets off a bad message if they fit it that someone who could rob the blind could win BB, if Aaron does'nt win i'd rather Tom won, he's the lesser of two evils.... that's exactly how I see it Stonksy Me too... [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by stonks: I think it sets off a bad message if they fit it that someone who could rob the blind could win BB, if Aaron does'nt win i'd rather Tom won, he's the lesser of two evils.... that's exactly how I see it Stonksy [ more ]
stonks Originally Posted by Aimee: Originally Posted by Marguerita: It certainly looks that way ..did they not do the same for Josie last year? I dont want her to win but I think she probably will, if Aaron does not win I would rather it was Alex than any of the others, but she will be a dire winner I just found it really strange that they gave her something that was already her's she even said *have they gone to my house for this* it was as if BB wanted her to have her special dress I thought that... [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Saga Over .... Jay and Aaron Make Up
Baz Lol . Ok Mrs H Blizzie is doing a sterling job [ more ]
MrsH Originally Posted by Baz: Aaron is getting quite a bashing on FB But some of us are giving it right back Seriously , it beggars belief the number of people who think Jay's behaviour is acceptable give it some for me Baz - I only lurk as I have to be on good behaviour there after being bopped so often [ more ]
Baz Aaron is getting quite a bashing on FB But some of us are giving it right back Seriously , it beggars belief the number of people who think Jay's behaviour is acceptable [ more ]
See all 16 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I hope you all realise when this finishes on Friday
MrsH Originally Posted by erinp: Originally Posted by noseyrosie: Originally Posted by Gypsie~: Cant wait Ive not watched it this year, so I cant join in any of the threads. My love affair with BB is completely and utterly over!! I is freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Same for me too Gyps I will be joining the "I am BB free gang" on Friday night. and me ............ cant wait [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by noseyrosie: Originally Posted by Gypsie~: Cant wait Ive not watched it this year, so I cant join in any of the threads. My love affair with BB is completely and utterly over!! I is freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Same for me too Gyps I will be joining the "I am BB free gang" on Friday night. [ more ]
Former Member good feeling innit [ more ]
See all 30 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Freddie Starr and Crissy Rock....
stonks Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~: Stephanie Powers for me. She won't be frightened of the beastie bugs cos she lived in Kenya on a nature reserve for years. *cue screaming ab-dabs at the 1st sight of a fly* Noooo cosi we want the screamers thats the only reason I watch.... [ more ]
Cosmopolitan Stephanie Powers for me. She won't be frightened of the beastie bugs cos she lived in Kenya on a nature reserve for years. *cue screaming ab-dabs at the 1st sight of a fly* [ more ]
See all 2 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
In the whole history of BB
Saint Gosh - Lousie looks a tad like Pete Burns [ more ]
Aimee Originally Posted by pgtips: I don't get why they are all having this pampering done just because they are coming out on thurs (yes please louise) friday... Alex went in with bad extensions let her come out with bad extensions... Oh I forgot Alex needs to look good for the press cos she may win it !!! duh silly me ! Exactly i said the same earlier re Alex [ more ]
Baz Originally Posted by Senora Reyes: Louise looks like Mortisha Adams!.. Yes...... [ more ]
See all 17 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Mount Olympus *Olly* Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Rawky.. I agree with you on all of that.. from the supporting the one everyone loathes (or in my case the evil vile bulleh S ), to not giving a rats arse who wins it, to Ch5 doing it way waaaay worse than I had thought possible (& I was expecting it to be pretty poor) there were two of them forgot John James too legs it runs back to say I agree with the rest of your post tho Aaron would have got my approval as a winner but... [ more ]
GorgeousMimi I wouldn't mind at all if he won, in fact anyone other than Aaron can win. [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Senora Reyes: For a moment I thought Jay was going to have a fanbase.. [ more ]
See all 6 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I can't find what I'm looking for
~Sparkling Summer~ Thank you for all your helpful suggestions it's looking very likely that I'm going to have to buy online this year, I've seen no snowman paper in the shops. [ more ]
Cosmopolitan Yeah, Amazon will be stocking up soon enough, I should think. And I found this: Maybe try John Lewis too? [ more ]
Former Member Snowmen paper and you can personalise it [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Clip 2: Present-gate. Jay, Lou and Aaron.
Kaffs thanks for all the clips... finally got a chance to watch them all... I'm going to need a chaperone when I watch the final because of any of those two win I'm gonna be fit to be tied. [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo: Aww, I'm welling up. Jay's got such a kind heart I know Rawky ,it's so emotional. [ more ]
Rawky-Roo Aww, I'm welling up. Jay's got such a kind heart [ more ]
See all 36 replies...

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