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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Mass Debating Thread....
Former Member Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing: Originally Posted by Syd: Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing: Originally Posted by Carnelian: Roger Moore was the best Bond. He managed to bring humour to the role while still looking the part. Sean Connery forever!!! Roger had a certain smile about him........ He was good as The Saint, but Sean Connery WAS James Bond . [ more ]
Baz *shouts even louder than Yogi* NO IT BLOOMING WELL ISN'T RAWKY ! [ more ]
Yogi19 Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo: Giving birth is a piece of piss... NO, IT ISN'T!!! See what you've done Rawky, you've made me shout. [ more ]
See all 68 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I have been a bit naughty.
Former Member Originally Posted by Soozy Woo: Originally Posted by Syd: Originally Posted by Soozy Woo: I've cooked Christmas dinner (Turkey) for 36 years .............a few years ago I discovered the Phil Vickery way ..............unbeatable IMO ..........all the family agree! Deep fried??????? NO .............steamed! A steaming turkey ? I know one of them [ more ]
Lori In which case I would have been naughty. Aaaaaaand.....we've come full circle. Sort of. [ more ]
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing I like muffins. Tesco do blueberry ones. Four in a peck for £1 (last time I bought them) from the bakery counter. The mini ones (12 in a box) are quite good too, but you get tempted to eat more of them in one go than you should. [ more ]
See all 67 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
who do you follow on twitter?
Baz Originally Posted by Pengy: I follow Stonks, Baz and Rawky and my dog I have to admit I still don't totally understand this twitter thing apart from being able to put a status up that's about it Me neither..... [ more ]
Cinds Dom Joly is good to follow, he likes to call some people that tweet him some very naughty names. I also follow Diana in Heaven. Simon Hickson also amuses me. (Simon is one half of Trevor & Simon 'Swing your Pants') [ more ]
Baz Originally Posted by Garage Joe: I'm Aries. I don't follow anyone. .... as one my children is also Aries I can confirm that!!! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
YAY Christmas has officially started.
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Originally Posted by Rexi: Originally Posted by Soozy Woo: OMG!!!!!!!!!! ..............I'm (almost) starting to panic ............we have only just started re decorating our front room..............God only knows when it'll be done ..........God only knows when we'll be on civil terms again OMG sooz - that is me too, except hubby has just decided to redecorate our hall, landing and stairs. I don't care so long as it's all finished and cleaned up for when the decorations go up ... so he's got... [ more ]
Rexi Originally Posted by Soozy Woo: OMG!!!!!!!!!! ..............I'm (almost) starting to panic ............we have only just started re decorating our front room..............God only knows when it'll be done ..........God only knows when we'll be on civil terms again OMG sooz - that is me too, except hubby has just decided to redecorate our hall, landing and stairs. I don't care so long as it's all finished and cleaned up for when the decorations go up ... so he's got about 10 days ... [ more ]
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Originally Posted by ~Sweet Winter Wonderland~: No problem cinds! The more festive areas the better I'll take anyone's share of mince pies if they don't like them then Sweet, you can have mine too, [ more ]
See all 41 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Mend and make do
Garage Joe We kept ducks and chickens and used to have a regular trip around houses collecting bread and other perishables to feed them. After the pig business in geordie land I'm not sure whether this is allowed now. [ more ]
Baz We certainly did Renton ... Lots of pocket money to be made out of those pop bottles . And I can also remember something called a pig bin at the bottom of the street , where we put all our perishable scraps , and it was then presumably taken to a local farm . [ more ]
Saint Recycling? Didn't we do it with milk bottles and Barr pop bottles off the back of a van years ago We are the recycle generation!! [ more ]
See all 30 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Wheres Blizzie??
Yogi19 Originally Posted by Blizz'ard: Originally Posted by Yogi19: Col has been back a couple of times. She said she's still in a lot of pain and I think posting is quite difficult for her. Thanks Yogi. Sometimes these things take ages to heal. I'm sure Col mentioned that she really ought to have had surgery on her arm, but it wasn't possible due to her other health problems. [ more ]
Blizz'ard Originally Posted by Yogi19: Col has been back a couple of times. She said she's still in a lot of pain and I think posting is quite difficult for her. Thanks Yogi. Sometimes these things take ages to heal. [ more ]
Yogi19 Col has been back a couple of times. She said she's still in a lot of pain and I think posting is quite difficult for her. [ more ]
See all 24 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Aaron to win....*The A-Team HQ*....Aaron The Winner Of BB 2011....
Former Member Tweets between Aaron & Jamie. I wonder what CBB has planned for Aaron & Faye. holymoly Jamie East @Aaronspoppets awesome news mate. You well? 12 hours ago. @Aaronspoppets Aaron Allard-Morgan @holymoly Life's good at the moment!! Been kept busy. Think I'll be seeing plenty of you in the new year..xx 12 hours ago. holymoly Jamie East @Aaronspoppets I'm sure you will! I started back last week! Say hi to Faye and see you in jan. 11 hours ago. (taken from DS) [ more ]
Eugene's Lair Not specifically Aaron news, but this seems as good a place to post as any as it follows on directly from earlier discussions... I heard a rumour that Tom had tweeted about the money split recently, so I checked it out: TomOConnell_BB Thomas O'Connell @ @ abbiemorrisx @ RealJayMcKray @ cliffe1 @ Aaronspoppets Alex is sorting it the weekend bab x 23 hours ago [In response to:] abbiemorrisx Abbie Morris @ RealJayMcKray @ cliffe1 @ Aaronspoppets @ TomOConnell_BB did you guys and alex share the... [ more ]
Eugene's Lair Originally Posted by Syd: "Jay & Louise split"......Devastating, Shocking, news...... Heheh - didn't notice that when I posted. Freudian Slip - honest... Oi! Who just said "Wishful thinking" there? SHAME ON YOU! Can't you see the young couple are in LURVE? [ more ]
See all 444 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
RIP Ken Russell
Former Member Have to admit: I thought he'd died years ago. Still sad though. [ more ]
stonks Awww RIP Ken..I think his film season is coming up soon on film 4.... [ more ]
El Loro I have created a thread about Ken Russell in the film section. This has an obituary about him from the BBC website, a complete list of the films he directed, and also the drama-documentary he made in 1962 about Elgar which was one of the best things he did. Link to thread [ more ]
See all 3 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Tom and Alex on gabby.
Former Member Originally Posted by stain: Thank you for that, I really enjoyed it. I thought Alex should have won though. You're welcome....delivered all the way across the interweb from the N Yorkshire moors Yes, Alex was v marginally more amusing, but, they were both pretty dire [ more ]
stain Thank you for that, I really enjoyed it. I thought Alex should have won though. [ more ]
Former Member I wouldn't bother, but it's on Demand5: [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
RIP Gary Speed
Cinds Genuinely shocked. Not a huge football fan, but over recent months have been watching a bit more. Had a massive conversation about Gary Speed with Mr Cinds on Saturday after watching Football Focus. Terrible. You just don't know what is going on in someones head. Real thoughts go out to his family and friends. [ more ]
Former Member Terribly sad, yes i agree erin, i hope the press leave the family to mourn such a loss. R.I.P [ more ]
Former Member Read about the guy today , so sad that he was in such a dark place that death was his only option.His poor wife and kids I do hope the Press leave them alone. [ more ]
See all 21 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
bollocks to healthy eating.
pirate1111 off to the chippy so i can look like david van day oooh hang on.. [ more ]
Kaffs Originally Posted by Syd: Originally Posted by SazBomb: Originally Posted by Syd: Originally Posted by ~Sweet Winter Wonderland~: That's an unfair comparison.. Gillian is clearly in the jungle without make up, and nigella is fully made up.. I agree Sweet.... The McKeiff is a miserable auld hag even fully made up, I think its all the bitterness Granted she has not got the beauty of Nigella, but as Sweet says you cannot compare the two photos fairly.... But presumably when she was on her telly... [ more ]
Syd Originally Posted by SazBomb: Originally Posted by Syd: Originally Posted by ~Sweet Winter Wonderland~: That's an unfair comparison.. Gillian is clearly in the jungle without make up, and nigella is fully made up.. I agree Sweet.... The McKeiff is a miserable auld hag even fully made up, I think its all the bitterness Granted she has not got the beauty of Nigella, but as Sweet says you cannot compare the two photos fairly.... [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Breaking Dawn
~Sparkling Summer~ ^ I have to say, she was the best Victoria, it's a shame she wasn't in eclipse [ more ]
Saint I love Twilight I miss Rachelle Lefevre [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing I did like her transformation... holy moly though they did her looking rough really really well... she'd looked bloody awful.. and sooo thin... MrD reckoned they superimposed Calista Flockhearts body onto her for those bits [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
kimota It's Fenton, not Benton! [ more ]
longcat They found Fenton. [ more ]
Moomin Many years ago, our dog did that when walking in the countryside on a hill and she saw some sheep at the top and chased them down again. Don't know how she wasn't shot, as I believe the farmer is quite within their rights to do so. Scared me s**tless I have to say. Rather funny watching it happen to someone else though!! [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Barrymore arested on cocaine and drink drive charges.
Sezit Originally Posted by machel: i do not like him and have never found him to be funny, to me he is like bruce forsythe (another "comic/presenter" i dislike) who make their jokes at someone else's expense I agree with you Machel I think exactly the same about Bruce Forsythe and Michael Barrymore.They always had to upstage people and tell you that they were the ones who did the "jokes". [ more ]
machel i'll agree to disagree, i couldn't watch his game shows without cringing at how he set people up and made fun of them, he also believed his own hype "isn't this what genius' do" was the reply during an awards ceremony when he climbed/messed around on the stage props [ more ]
stain I have to disagree, Barrymore usually relied on visual gags using himself as the bait. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Pomegranate jelly? Anyone?
Garage Joe Bless you! I never turn down a recipe. I read 'em all and amidst much experimentation cobble together my own! [ more ]
Yogi19 Originally Posted by Garage Joe: The pomegranates are 10p each!!! I'll be making the jelly! Ooops! Anyway, at 10p each, I'd have a go at making the jelly. I've even found you a recipe (which you probably don't need ). [ more ]
Garage Joe The pomegranates are 10p each!!! I'll be making the jelly! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I miss Brisket! :(
Former Member Originally Posted by Renton: Do we have a photo? Dunno why but a face to a name is something special Think his posts and wit and kindness were more special than any photograph/ face to a name. [ more ]
Aimee Originally Posted by Yellow Rose: I only heard about the sad passing of brisket recently as I haven't been here for a while. Like everyone else I was deeply shocked and upset. I agree with every comment and tribute paid to him by everyone here, he was everything everyone noticed about him. I doubt he knew how many people loved and appreciated him being here as part of the Community, I hope and believe he does now and will probably feel embarassed as he wasn't one to seek personal attention,... [ more ]
Yellow Rose I only heard about the sad passing of brisket recently as I haven't been here for a while. Like everyone else I was deeply shocked and upset. I agree with every comment and tribute paid to him by everyone here, he was everything everyone noticed about him. I doubt he knew how many people loved and appreciated him being here as part of the Community, I hope and believe he does now and will probably feel embarassed as he wasn't one to seek personal attention, he was more interested in other... [ more ]
See all 26 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Emma Willis has had a baby boy
Cosmopolitan Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy: OK.. I Googled.... in her defence ... 'Ace' was christened Jason. (was hayley mills... I didn't even know she'd been with Leigh Lawson.... you are the font of all knowledge Mrs Politan) It's amazing what (pretty useless stuff) lurks in the ol' grey matter, eh? I don't mind the name Ace or Billy; am not so sure it works as a double barrelled first name though (if that's what they intend to do). [ more ]
vikinggal Whatever the baby is called,best wishes Emma and Matt. xx [ more ]
Kaffs OK.. I Googled.... in her defence ... 'Ace' was christened Jason. (was hayley mills... I didn't even know she'd been with Leigh Lawson.... you are the font of all knowledge Mrs Politan) [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
SCD (spoiler)
Yogi19 Originally Posted by Aimee: Originally Posted by Yogi19: Originally Posted by Aimee: Originally Posted by Pengy: I would have preferred Alex Jones me too, not warmed too her at all I can't warm to Alex either, but I'm still quite happy with Anita leaving. Anita has done alot better than other older contestants True, but I think her time was up. [ more ]
Aimee Originally Posted by Yogi19: Originally Posted by Aimee: Originally Posted by Pengy: I would have preferred Alex Jones me too, not warmed too her at all I can't warm to Alex either, but I'm still quite happy with Anita leaving. Anita has done alot better than other older contestants [ more ]
Yogi19 Originally Posted by Aimee: Originally Posted by Pengy: I would have preferred Alex Jones me too, not warmed too her at all I can't warm to Alex either, but I'm still quite happy with Anita leaving. [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
In a word how are you feeling this sunday?
Dirtyprettygirlthing Originally Posted by Scotty: sod Ten Inch.. I want that kettle!!! [ more ]
Scotty Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing: Originally Posted by Scotty: Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing: Originally Posted by Scotty: She shouted at me for making him a coffee. YOU MADE TEN INCH COFFEE??????? I am now probably the most jellus I have ever been on here! I did, sowwy Ditty. I`ll set the scene. ( to make you feel better of course ) I was sitting next to him in the Rep green room, as I did most days during that play, knees almost touching, chatting away about this and... [ more ]
Scotty Originally Posted by Gypsie~: Scotty!!! Dr who, aww im glad he was a nice bloke though. Im not a big dr who fan, but I know a lot of ladies are going to be well jel *Doesn`t mention Ditty* [ more ]
See all 68 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
For the record, I am not a Mysogynist!
suzybean Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic: Originally Posted by suzybean: Originally Posted by Eileen Over: fair enough Suzy - maybe it is just me then I do try and stay away -but sometimes I do get very upset I don't think it is just you, to be fair. And there's no reason for you to be upset, in the grand scheme of things you shouldn't really give a flying one what he thinks. If you like any of the people that he has a grumble about and you feel strongly then have your say and right to... [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Syd: Originally Posted by Soozy Woo: ..b Soozy, you should shimmie across the living room floor on your bum 2 hours a day.......will sort you out big time..... ass etc. isn't q that big, but, if it was, could I give a fig NO! [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Eileen Over: BUT I am being made to feel the villain for saying something offends me. can ' make you feel' please tell me, after all that you've been 'through that's just a turn of phrase [ more ]
See all 115 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Former Member Originally Posted by Cinds: I love love love love cooking. However, I don't think I could do 'Come Dine With Me'. I like to know what people like and try to accommodate for them. Edit to add...I can't do cakes Oh I know I couldn't. The pressure of being watched - I would be all fingers and thumbs. It also seems to me that some people forget it is all about the food and the whole experience and that a simple dish beautifully served and seasoned is oftenbetter than some complicated nouveau... [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Gypsie~: for you my dear, i shall dig it out and send you it Thank you xxxxx [ more ]
Cinds I love love love love cooking. However, I don't think I could do 'Come Dine With Me'. I like to know what people like and try to accommodate for them. Edit to add...I can't do cakes [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
would you name your child after a footballer.
Cinds My son has an unusual name, (not a footballers name)...he's called Umbro-Mitre. [ more ]
Dame_Ann_Average Originally Posted by Bethni: My middle son is named Jaime after a portugese friend of my husbands he served with in the forces. People never spell it right but he's proud of it and loves his name. I'm proud of my grandsons name Bethni and the sentiment behind it [ more ]
Bethni Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average: It doesn't mean because a child happens to have the same name as someone famous, that it was called after that person or their parents be chavs My grandson is named Rio James, his mother doesn't support any football team and her husband supports Newcastle and hates Manchester United. My grandson was actually named after my daughter and husbands best friend who was killed in Cyprus at the age of 24 serving in the I actually love the name and... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Christmas 24 channel..
~Sparkling Summer~ ^ [ more ]
Bethni Originally Posted by Baz: Originally Posted by Syd: I don't want you lot mocking me when I ask for tissues when I watch... I will start watching myself once December comes, and I get my tree you might have to share you tissues! I always tune in from the 1st dec..... but ive started early this year. Hubby things i've got the flu and i daren't tell him i'm crying at films again [ more ]
scatterby Oh wow - thanks baz - this is a wonderful find!!! off to find that channel now! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
If you are a parent give me your advice on this please.
Former Member Re: If you are a parent give me your advice on this please. [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Gypsie~: Im disgusted and amazed all at once. Firstly I cannot fathom how a woman who has had children can possibly bring herself to engage in sexual 'relations'. She has had children ffs, surely she knows now her life is now over!!!. AND how the hell did she get the chastity belt off in the first place?????? [ more ]
spongebob squarepants she's a single girl and can do as she pleases,unless the kids are being neglected,beaten,forced to watch her having sex with these men i can't see the problem...or why it's any of your business to need advice on it,you're judging her as a 'dirty slapper' for having sex? women do like sex yer know!! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
More advice needed from you parents, don't worry not gossip.
Poolshark I just googled what Autism is. Autism is a lifelong developmental disability that affects how a person communicates with, and relates to, other people. It also affects how they make sense of the world around them. It is a spectrum condition, which means that, while all people with autism share certain difficulties, their condition will affect them in different ways. Some people with autism are able to live relatively independent lives but others may have accompanying learning disabilities... [ more ]
Rawky-Roo Originally Posted by machel: carry on as before, don't make it an issue, ask his mum/dad for advice if possible That's your best bet, his parents will know more than we do, especially his Mum. [ more ]
machel carry on as before, don't make it an issue, ask his mum/dad for advice if possible [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
For all the shoe lovers
Dirtyprettygirlthing I like the first pair best [ more ]
Former Member There are some great bargains to be had in Kurt Geiger sale:;limit=all&p=13 I bought the Cairo ones, reduced from £195 to £69 and the Azalia ones reduced from &130 to only £39 [ more ]
Ells Sooz most of my shoes are normal safe heel size too.....I'm more keen on enjoying the dancing on a night out than having on skyscrapers but I just have a shoe obsession and have lots of pairs that are for one off occassions (like a party that I know I'll be sitting down for most of the night lol). I also don't mind lending my mates a pair when they ask, I just like knowing that the poor things are actually getting an outing (the shoes, not my mates ) I'm really glad that block heels have... [ more ]
See all 23 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Amazing weird Lottery win, not rigged, ya gotta see this!
Poolshark I watched the interview he had with Ellen on her show after his win, he took the 2 million dollars, bought a bigger house, and his wife and daughter were in the audience. Ellen asked his daughter what she wanted most now they had the money, and all she asked for was a kitten, as they could not have one in the house they used to live in before. [ more ]
longcat Originally Posted by Renton: LOVE stuff like this - bring it back!!!! This was my favourite Christmas show it always made me cry. [ more ]
Soozy Woo That's brilliant [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Burglar's 'restorative justice' letter
Former Member Originally Posted by kimota (Corin's Crib #1) FAKER # 1: Generally restorative justice is a good thing, but in this case it was badly handled. They should at least vet the letters before sending them. Still, at least the burglar gave some handy tips on home security I always moan when people leave ground floor windows open at night! I am so glad someone said that because that is exactly what I was thinking, As for the rest - well I think that it is very sad that a 16 year old is acting like... [ more ]
Former Member This is sooo odd, just before this letter was in the news I was having this very discussion. I was asked (when waiting in the car for lil gyps to finish a lesson, and gazing into other peoples houses) If you were a burglar wouldn't you be tempted to just rearrange things or tell them to change their wallpaper? And i was saying, Yes, i could leave them notes saying these curtains are horrible and your feng shui is all wrong, if you didn't have that mirror facing south you probably wouldn't... [ more ]
Syd Originally Posted by Aimee: Originally Posted by Syd: Says to me that he has not got a family to disappoint, never been afraid of consequences within the family.... This i agree with my daughter has been brought up in a single parent household on a council estate, she has gained every award going and is now training to be a sport's teacher, has got herself a part time job for abit of pin money and she has never caused me a day of worry BECAUSE see know's the family would be down on her... [ more ]
See all 17 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
If you were a Z List Celebrity...
Yogi19 Originally Posted by Aimee: Originally Posted by Yogi19: Originally Posted by Aimee: Olly it would be BB for me i'm good at sitting on my backside in a house Same for me, Aims. we will stick together when they call us up for it [ more ]
Garage Joe I wouldn't call The Apprentice intellectual mind! It's about business. You don't need intellect or qualifications to do business! Hard work and gumption will do! [ more ]
Aimee Originally Posted by Yogi19: Originally Posted by Aimee: Olly it would be BB for me i'm good at sitting on my backside in a house Same for me, Aims. we will stick together when they call us up for it [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Having a lazy afternoon!
Rexi Hi Chicken You remind me of my son - he's home from uni for the weekend and is sprawled on the sofa with a bottle of beer in one hand whilst the other is dipping into the tin of Christmas Celebration chocs Well, you've gotta kick back sometimes - I hope you have had a lovely day [ more ]
Yogi19 Hi Chicken. I have been looking online for ideas for Christmas gifts - haven't been very successful though. [ more ]
Baz Lol . Hi there Chicken Lovely to see you . I am also having a lazy day ... Watching a DVD of New Street Law , and eating a bag of crisps ... Before I start the ironing ;D [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Did anyone watch Living with The Amish?
Former Member I loved it - so glad they made one of British children trying out Amish life. I loved their hosts Jonathan and his wife were lovely and I agree that the boy from the hostel seems to have led a very sad life and will probably get the most out of this [ more ]
Jen-Star I just watched my recording and i thought it was good too! I felt sorry for the lad who grew up in care aswell, i thought he'd want to stay/go back and become a member of their community. [ more ]
Soozy Woo Just watched it on 4 OD - what a lovely couple - I think the boy from the hostel (can't remember his name) really touched Jonathan's heart and vice versa. Poor boy - he seems to have had a bit of a sad life - hope he finds something in this experience. I'm sure they all will TBH. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Little white lies
Saint LOL Ells that is sooooo "Mum" Gypsie - that is a great quote!! My Mum used to write our Xmas notes to Santa on toilet paper and let it go up the chimney - saying Santa wud catch it!!! LOL [ more ]
Former Member Ahhhh white lies. All the time, can you imagine if you told people the truth, nobody tells people the truth, we would have no friends. (Q) Did i look/do/ ok? (A) OF COURSE you did I once heard a dead good quote, cant remember it word for word but it was something like " People lie to themselves all the time, what makes you think they wont lie to you". [ more ]
Ells My kids always wondered how Santa could see them no matter where they were. I told them he had cameras in every light bulb in every room and the street lights and so on it was a bit silly coz their mates have never heard that lie but my eldest is 9 and still believes it. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Do you own a shite shirt?
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo: Not sure about shirts....ties on the other hand [ more ]
Rexi You were my first thought when I saw this thread title Rawks [ more ]
Rawky-Roo Originally Posted by stain: post a pic rawky-roo There's a famous thread out there, all about my tie...I actually thought it looked nice, but the mocking and teasing that followed was borderline 'jellus bullying'...and slightly racist [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
30% off clothes at Tesco online for the next 24 hours...
Jen-Star Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing: Originally Posted by Jenstar: Good idea! You dont want the household getting that ontop of flu/cold Innit! I have issued everyone with their own little bottles of the stuff and told them to keep it on them at all times Good to see you btw Jen You too Ditty, hope you all feel better soon mate xx [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing Originally Posted by Jenstar: Good idea! You dont want the household getting that ontop of flu/cold Innit! I have issued everyone with their own little bottles of the stuff and told them to keep it on them at all times Good to see you btw Jen [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing Awww Sooz... your poor niece! I had chicken pox when I was 19 and it was really really horrible! I was proper ill with it. I was relieved when my kids got it when they were little, cos as unpleasant as it was for them then, it was a lot worse when I had it as an adult. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Soozy Woo A quote from one of my favourite songs Old friends - they mean much more to me than new friends. Cos they know who you are and they know where you've been. [ more ]
Jen-Star I have a plaque with "Friends are for life, not just a crisis" it sits on my window sill behind my kitchen sink [ more ]
Soozy Woo I really love this one .....................don't know who said it but i had a wall plaque with it written on once really freaked me out when it fell to the ground and broke . Never the less I still take comfort from it! Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday [ more ]
See all 88 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Biggest Loser trainer found dead.
Clumsycat Originally Posted by sparkles: I don't know who this lady is, but I have heard of the programme (never watched it though..) But this is dreadful.. I havent read the article. Why did she do it? recently split from her partner, also struggled with drink/drugs/self esteem issues in the past. tragic really... [ more ]
Former Member I don't know who this lady is, but I have heard of the programme (never watched it though..) But this is dreadful.. I havent read the article. Why did she do it? [ more ]
stain Originally Posted by Renton: Often people say suicide (if thats wot it was) is a cowards way out Well i disagree - everyone has their limit, not everyone can cope And to leap from beachy head ... well to me it takes huge,huge courage to face that. Rest in peace - poor soul A lot of people manage to get their hands on the drug that knocks you out for an operation, take it and tumble. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Someone has hacked my daughters e mail account
Soozy Woo Thanks everyone - she's working away for a couple of days but I'll get her on to it tomorrow evening! How does this sort of thing work - could it be someone she knows? [ more ]
El Loro Have a look at this link which specifically deals with where a Yahoo mail account has been hacked. Try to get her password changed on a clean computer rather than hers. Also on the clean computer send emails to all her contacts advising them not to open a recent email from her - it could contain a virus. On her computer do a full virus check before she starts using her email again. [ more ]
Syd Oh, I read recently that Facebook people were getting crude things sent to their friends. I hope your daughter gets it sorted soon Soozy, she must be really embarrassed ...x [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
strange habits...
kimota Originally Posted by jacksonb: i think the sofa thing is probs comfort related, sittin on the left means you use your right arm to recline and your right leg tucked under you, i can therefore state with out fear of contradiction that suze and baz are both right handed!! I'm right handed , but I'm more likely to recline on my left, leaving the right arm free! [ more ]
Soozy Woo Originally Posted by jacksonb: i only like to drink tea out of bone china cups or mugs i can't stand drinking it out of coffee mugs, altho i do drink coffee from coffee mugs. I'm with you on the bone china .......................I hate drinking tea from builders mugs! [ more ]
jacksonb i only like to drink tea out of bone china cups or mugs i can't stand drinking it out of coffee mugs, altho i do drink coffee from coffee mugs. [ more ]
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