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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
So what did you get?
Dirtyprettygirlthing I love everything I got this year.. Got a Boss Orange (for women) perfume & body lotion set (from MrD), Givency Ysatis (from daughter), Lush bath gift box (from the boy), posh face cream (from the dog), a cairn Terrier mug (from the dog)... and other bits & bobs... oooh & the fabbiest pair of fleece Next PJ bottoms & Banksy T shirt (also from MrD)... I'm a happy bunny! [ more ]
~Sparkling Summer~ I thought I'd already answered this! Ok here goes; A paramo walking coat A little miss Christmas t-shirt Amy wine house cd Big bang theory calender A border terrier mug (a dog is for life you know ) Ferrero rocher A port decanter A gorgeous champneys set A hand knitted jumper from my mum Betty's gift vouchers A selection box No socks though [ more ]
Saint I got a book on "The history of Mercedes SL" - lovely [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
the green man is to disappear
Saint Surely this is a crazy thing to do. How can an asexual person guide others? After all aint MEN that can find the way (without a map) In this case 'the way' being across the road!! I expect to find lots of directionless and lost people in the near future [ more ]
Syd Originally Posted by machel: in boston - only lincolnshire folk could waste money turning all pelican crossing signs of green "man" to green "person" and i thought april wasn't for another 4 months And to think they are getting paid whilst "Thinking how to make all things equal" [ more ]
Rexi Originally Posted by machel: Rexi its true [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I've got terrible wind :)!
Scotty ❤️
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing It's sleeting here and the wind's getting up again. Mr Fluffy Thing thinks we may have a broken tile or two....hope he's wrong. [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Dame Elf-on-a-Shelf: We're actually calming down here tonight, the last 24 hours have been mental.... I have been waiting to put my bins out, I didn't want thousands of empty can, wine bottle and vodka bottles all over the road mahhaahhhahh I keep my empties til recycling bin day - once a fortnight. Ohhh... I'm gonna have a sore back lugging them out [ more ]
See all 22 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I'm relaxing...
Syd ****Opens pressie**** Awwwww Cosmo, thank you...............I lubs the ickle wiggly germ like sweet xxxxxx [ more ]
Cosmopolitan Originally Posted by Syd: Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~: And the fact that lurgified people don't tell you that they're lurgified and STILL insist on inflicting their lurgy upon you makes me mad Christmas is a time for sharing.....tsk.... In that case.... Merry Crimbo, Syd! [ more ]
Syd Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~: And the fact that lurgified people don't tell you that they're lurgified and STILL insist on inflicting their lurgy upon you makes me mad Christmas is a time for sharing.....tsk.... [ more ]
See all 45 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Wtf? Kids being stabbed/shot the past couple of days ???
Aimee Originally Posted by Soozy Woo: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^How awful to be an onlooker and the first thing you think about is recording on your phone! I wonder though if it's sometimes useful to the pOLICE/ would you want your kid dying on the street on utube though? [ more ]
Rexi Originally Posted by Soozy Woo: I wonder though if it's sometimes useful to the pOLICE/ I think that too sooz - it might be a bit foolhardy to pile in ... but maybe recording it would help the police? I guess each situation is different [ more ]
Soozy Woo ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^How awful to be an onlooker and the first thing you think about is recording on your phone! I wonder though if it's sometimes useful to the pOLICE/ [ more ]
See all 10 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Military Wives 'leader' targeted by nasty internet comments.
Cosmopolitan The tattoos look horrible. MY opinion. I doubt she gives a toss what I think; nor should she. If she does, then she really should have thought about where she had them 'etched' because they are prominent and hard to not notice. I hope that all fathers, sons and husbands return home safely to their families. And given that it is the festive season and I'm at liberty to see EVERY member of my family whenever I choose to, I suggest we cut a bit of slack to those - regardless of our political... [ more ]
Syd I personally dislike tattoos, but HATE the Internet "Creepies" that spew, faceless, nameless, bile. [ more ]
kattymieoww It suits the politicians agenda to rack up the heroes tag etc,especially while making them redundant. [ more ]
See all 34 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Decided against
Baz Awww Carnelian [ more ]
Syd Originally Posted by Carnelian: Decided in favour - another drink, hmm, hic, emotional and tired confession coming up... maybe if I stay awake! **Gets matchsticks at the ready** (Could be a long night) [ more ]
Carnelian Decided in favour - another drink, hmm, hic, emotional and tired confession coming up... maybe if I stay awake! [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The soaps this Christmas
Rexi Originally Posted by Carnelian: I enjoyed the comical melodrama of EE this Xmas, not so sure about Coronation Street, as I don't get why camp Steve is supposed to be such a catch! Someone else on my wavelength Now Robbie in the Rovers - hubba whatsists (I know that's not his name in Corrie, but he will be forever Robbie to me ) [ more ]
zazz Originally Posted by Rexi: Originally Posted by zazz: Originally Posted by Syd: Love the desperate "soap drama " at Christmas, tis a shame that there wasn't any new "situation comedy drama" to be had.........real lack of new comedy on TV, even Absolutely Fabulous was a damp squib.. Ab fab was bloody legendary!!!!!!!!1 I fell asleep in the middle of it though I did record it, so that's on my "must watch" list too We are about to watch it (again) as somebody else I know fell... [ more ]
Carnelian I enjoyed the comical melodrama of EE this Xmas, not so sure about Coronation Street, as I don't get why camp Steve is supposed to be such a catch! [ more ]
See all 46 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
old but good :)
Former Member Originally Posted by nuts: *Wonders whether to click* did you? [ more ]
Former Member *Wonders whether to click* [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Gypsie~: That second one is particularly addictive I know just how he feels ! It blew me away [ more ]
See all 4 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Boxing Day
Soozy Woo Well ................Boxing Day is over ....................i've so enjoyed mine - love having all my fanily under one roof and playing silly games. I'm off to bed soon with a real;ly lovely warm glow! [ more ]
Former Member Re: Boxing Day [ more ]
Former Member Well zazz is working so im having to do the food I have my friend bringing her auntie round in at half 12 to see the cats, shes a real mad cat laydee who has dedicated her life to the cats protection league. Im still lying in bed and downstairs looks like a wii fit shaped bomb landed in the middle of a field of sweet wrappers.... should really move. [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The present you always get at xmas...
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Originally Posted by Baz-a-dazzle-Santa: Marachino cherries... which I treat myself too........ and tins of biscuits......... this year we got given 3 tins Of Maraschino Cherries?....or of biscuits? [ more ]
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Originally Posted by LowonIQ: Thornton's they last me ages but I love them Not something I always get, but this year I got a GINORMOUS box of Thornton's (1005g). If I have one a day I'll still be eating them well into March. Then there's the big box of Guyllian chocs to get through too. [ more ]
Clumsycat Originally Posted by Baz-a-dazzle-Santa: Marachino cherries... which I treat myself too........ and tins of biscuits......... this year we got given 3 tins marachino cherries... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm [ more ]
See all 21 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
KNACKERED! I might be off to bed soon!
LowonIQ Soozy it will be fine when they are found [ more ]
LowonIQ Mrs H clues are excellent , glad it didn't take too long to find xx [ more ]
Kaffs jeezo... I'm knackered. How much energy can one four year old have? Great nephew was on the go since 7.30 non stop till about 11 p.m. when he had to be dragged home kicking and screaming. Niece phoned five minutes later to say they got in the door and he said 'Oh.. that WAS a busy day, mummy' - can conked out.. I'm about to do likewise - hope you all had a good one, and I'm sure the prezzies will turn up Soozy, but I know you'll feel gutted right now. x [ more ]
See all 8 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
New TV Show Home for the Holidays.
Former Member Originally Posted by Aimee: Originally Posted by velvet donkey: Originally Posted by christmas fairy machel: so what happened?????? They ended up spilitting £300k between all those in the house - £16,500 each The engaged couple, who I liked, got a fully paid for slap up wedding with all the trimmings, honeymoon in the Maldives and a luxury car What a bunch of lucky sods so what was the bliddy point Dunno Aims - just looked like one big random freebie for some right horrible sorts [ more ]
Aimee Originally Posted by velvet donkey: Originally Posted by christmas fairy machel: so what happened?????? They ended up spilitting £300k between all those in the house - £16,500 each The engaged couple, who I liked, got a fully paid for slap up wedding with all the trimmings, honeymoon in the Maldives and a luxury car What a bunch of lucky sods so what was the bliddy point [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by christmas fairy machel: so what happened?????? They ended up spilitting £300k between all those in the house - £16,500 each The engaged couple, who I liked, got a fully paid for slap up wedding with all the trimmings, honeymoon in the Maldives and a luxury car What a bunch of lucky sods [ more ]
See all 128 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Track Santa
Former Member Originally Posted by Jingle B'Ells: I need my head testing I tracked Santa for hours last night and actually SCREAMED at my boyfriend that Santa was in Derry he just stared at me for a minute then laughed at my childishness. I didn't think he would stop at Derry on Norad because he usually just goes to Belfast. [ more ]
Ells I need my head testing I tracked Santa for hours last night and actually SCREAMED at my boyfriend that Santa was in Derry he just stared at me for a minute then laughed at my childishness. I didn't think he would stop at Derry on Norad because he usually just goes to Belfast. [ more ]
~Sparkling Summer~ He's arrived back at the north pole!!!!!! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
~Sparkling Summer~ I think NORAD really let themselves down this year [ more ]
Aimee Originally Posted by Jingle B'Ells: Originally Posted by ~Sweet Winter Wonderland~: Thank you Santa! I hope you had a smooth journey last night I think he might have had too many alcoholic drinks while leaving presents.....his journey on Norad was a bit strange, he left Ireland and went to Iceland then proceeded to travel back to Ireland which took 9 minutes! Drunk Santa needs a sat-nav. [ more ]
Ells Originally Posted by ~Sweet Winter Wonderland~: Thank you Santa! I hope you had a smooth journey last night I think he might have had too many alcoholic drinks while leaving presents.....his journey on Norad was a bit strange, he left Ireland and went to Iceland then proceeded to travel back to Ireland which took 9 minutes! Drunk Santa needs a sat-nav. [ more ]
See all 160 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
My next door neighbour has just been picked up by the police
Dame_Ann_Average Originally Posted by Aimee: she is the sort of person that will be laughing and calling the cops all sorts of names, i can't wait too see tomorrow and ask what swag she got i can just see her sitting in the back of the cop car with her roy cropper bag awww even my daughters laughing about it [ more ]
Aimee Originally Posted by Dame Elf-on-a-Shelf: Originally Posted by Rosgirl: Originally Posted by Dame Elf-on-a-Shelf: awww I know I shouldn't, but that made me laugh Pleased it all ended well for her Aimee same here dame but was really I laughed first then went aww and the laughed again Ros she is the sort of person that will be laughing and calling the cops all sorts of names, i can't wait too see tomorrow and ask what swag she got i can just see her sitting in the back of the cop car with her... [ more ]
Dame_Ann_Average Originally Posted by Rosgirl: Originally Posted by Dame Elf-on-a-Shelf: awww I know I shouldn't, but that made me laugh Pleased it all ended well for her Aimee same here dame but was really I laughed first then went aww and the laughed again Ros [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Are all of you sorted yet....?
Former Member Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~: Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic: Just quickly popping in to this one thread to say HAPPY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE Yup, all pretty much done: on the bubbly and the home made brandy and cointreau truffles, watching It's A Wonderful Life by a roaring fire on the Norfolk coast, with family and friends, whilst finishing off the stockings.... All is good in the world I'll drink to that Merry Christmas, Supes and have a wonderful time Ooooo Glad I didn't... [ more ]
Cosmopolitan Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic: Just quickly popping in to this one thread to say HAPPY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE Yup, all pretty much done: on the bubbly and the home made brandy and cointreau truffles, watching It's A Wonderful Life by a roaring fire on the Norfolk coast, with family and friends, whilst finishing off the stockings.... All is good in the world I'll drink to that Merry Christmas, Supes and have a wonderful time [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy: Happy Christmas Supes - that sounds so lovely! It is.. ..Kaffs, Soozy, Ditty. I can honestly say I can't think of anywhere I'd rather be or how I could be having a nicer time. Hope you are all enjoying too. Right, back to it [ more ]
See all 27 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Family traditions at Xmas
Former Member We always have croissants and bucks fizz for breakfast, although this year for the first time ever we are breaking with tradition. For years my sister and I would have a tradition of playing and singing along to (this is shameful) the frog chorus when we were drunk xmas eve, last thing before we went to bed [ more ]
Former Member Driving to Llangollen in Wales around 20 December to see a couple of our aunts and calling at Shrewsbury on the way down to middle England again to see a couple of other relatives. Then on Christmas day, we always go for a walk around our area to the woodland in the late afternoon (around 3.30pm.) Also, we always go to a few Christmas themed places (farms and themed fairytale type parks, and Christmas markets,) in early December. We have quite a few traditions and love Christmas so much... [ more ]
Ells I'd be disconnecting the phone Sweet!! That's a bit early! Every year my kids sleep til 8 or 9am but I'm wondering if they'll be up early this year. Although the lazy buggers didn't get up til midday today! [ more ]
See all 6 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Yorkshire Puddings
longcat Originally Posted by Clumsycat: Originally Posted by longcat: Asda 7p pancake mix mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm theyl;ook nice They were. I never fail with cheap pancake mixes and a muffin tin. [ more ]
Clumsycat Originally Posted by longcat: Asda 7p pancake mix mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm theyl;ook nice [ more ]
Rexi Originally Posted by Clumsycat: 2 words aunt bessies ahhh, my specialty - they work every time [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Blasts from the past...
Soozy Woo Arthur Mullard! I just came across this shambles [ more ]
Soozy Woo Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~: Originally Posted by Soozy Woo: i have a story about Peak Freans Biscuits. in 1979 - they announced big redundancies around Christmas Time. The artists working on the biscuit tin reworked their art ..............there was dog pooh and people shagging in the park on the picture on the Christmas tin .................................I think it was cottoned on to and production stopped but I saw one of them (living in Catford at the time) I'll bet those tins... [ more ]
Cosmopolitan Originally Posted by Soozy Woo: i have a story about Peak Freans Biscuits. in 1979 - they announced big redundancies around Christmas Time. The artists working on the biscuit tin reworked their art ..............there was dog pooh and people shagging in the park on the picture on the Christmas tin .................................I think it was cottoned on to and production stopped but I saw one of them (living in Catford at the time) I'll bet those tins would be worth a few bob now. [ more ]
See all 167 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Forum Christmas Party
machel drink needed, thought i had finished shopping, but accompanied eldest daughter this morning and somehow i managed to finds items i needed (including crackers which had disappeared from the tree) [ more ]
Rexi Originally Posted by Jenstar: Ow Rexi dont envy you! 11... Originally Posted by Baz-a-dazzle-Santa: 11 Rexi........ I'm impressed...... I would be a nervous wreck Everyone is bringing stuff and doing stuff. It's a joint venture between me, my sister, mum and MIL. It'll be fine It will be fine *quivers* [ more ]
Carnelian Hi all Ga Ga Joy Joyers, I hope you're having the best of Xmases but appreciate that some of you won't be and I hope things improve a lot in the future for you! Bizarre anecdotes of the season I had a bizarre act of human kindness today where someone delivered me a Xmas hamper for no obvious reason. I don't know where it came from but I hope whoever delivered it will realise it was sent in error and deliver it to the right person who deserves the hamper. It appeared as if it was meant for an... [ more ]
See all 48 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Christmas Day Facts!
Cinds Fact. In my house I always wake up before the boy because I am always so excited to see his face when he gets his presents. Another True Fact, both me and Mr Cinds have been known to dash across the landing to tap on the boys door in the hope it will wake him on Christmas morning. [ more ]
Jen-Star I'm not bothered with presents, i much prefer to watch the kids faces as they open theirs [ more ]
Syd Originally Posted by Soozy Woo: I open mine real quick ..............I have an effin dinner to get cooked FGS! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Why do i stay up so late?!?
Jen-Star Omg you bumped this thread! you trying to get rid of me Syd? lmao <-- vodka talking where did the smilie go?!?! [ more ]
Syd Have to turn in at least 15 minutes earlier recently, to turn off all the battery powered Christmas lights, and unplug all the rest....tis bliddy exhausting... [ more ]
Ells I'm a night-owl too. I hate going to bed before 1am because it feels like once the kids are in bed that it's my time to do whatever it is I wish, wether it be having a drink or watching TV. I loathe mornings though but having both kids at school is great coz once I get them out the door it's back to bed for me til around lunchtime. When the kids are off I tend not to stay up too late but often can't help it because I'm not tired enough. [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
George Micheal too hold a press conference on sky at 3
Kaffs Originally Posted by Soozy Woo: OMG ............he's obviously been really poorly - he hardly had the breath to talk - glad he's on the road to recovery - gay or not - he is my guilty secret fantasy! i was watching the video for Last Christmas the other day and lamenting what a waste he was! Of course, we didn't actually KNOW that at that time. [ more ]
Soozy Woo OMG ............he's obviously been really poorly - he hardly had the breath to talk - glad he's on the road to recovery - gay or not - he is my guilty secret fantasy! [ more ]
Cosmopolitan Originally Posted by Yogi19: It did cross my mind that George's lifestyle choices have made him likely to have contracted the HIV virus, but I hope that isn't the case and he makes a full recovery. Be a bl**dy shame if there is more to this illness than is being admitted, but we're all just speculating given how ill he's been... and how he still looks & sounds poorly. He's not had the best of personal luck really; lost his long term partner and his mother died at a pretty young age too. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
How many babies are Christmas babies?
Former Member Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy: hahah. i was just thinking that as I watched corrie. I loved the 'two wise elves' following the light of the Beetham Tower to the baby Joseph You can't beat Corrie for stuff like that. Yes that was a nice touch [ more ]
Kaffs hahah. i was just thinking that as I watched corrie. I loved the 'two wise elves' following the light of the Beetham Tower to the baby Joseph You can't beat Corrie for stuff like that. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The Killing
Yogi19 Originally Posted by velvet donkey: Originally Posted by Yogi19: Originally Posted by velvet donkey: Originally Posted by Yogi19: Originally Posted by velvet donkey: Originally Posted by Yogi19: Originally Posted by velvet donkey: Originally Posted by Yogi19: Originally Posted by velvet donkey: Roll on series three Lund....oh yes But she's such a misery guts. So am I Yogi - this is all a front I don't think you're a misery guts. Are you okay, Velvet? Great thanks Yogi - and I hope you are... [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Yogi19: Originally Posted by velvet donkey: Originally Posted by Yogi19: Originally Posted by velvet donkey: Originally Posted by Yogi19: Originally Posted by velvet donkey: Originally Posted by Yogi19: Originally Posted by velvet donkey: Roll on series three Lund....oh yes But she's such a misery guts. So am I Yogi - this is all a front I don't think you're a misery guts. Are you okay, Velvet? Great thanks Yogi - and I hope you are too Only joking up there ^ I'm glad. [ more ]
Yogi19 Originally Posted by velvet donkey: Originally Posted by Yogi19: Originally Posted by velvet donkey: Originally Posted by Yogi19: Originally Posted by velvet donkey: Originally Posted by Yogi19: Originally Posted by velvet donkey: Roll on series three Lund....oh yes But she's such a misery guts. So am I Yogi - this is all a front I don't think you're a misery guts. Are you okay, Velvet? Great thanks Yogi - and I hope you are too Only joking up there ^ I'm glad. I'm fine thanks, and all set... [ more ]
See all 144 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Good deeds @ Christmas?
Dirtyprettygirlthing Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy: Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing: I haven't got round to making a donation... tbh after spending £300 at Tesco it might have to wait. I did find, & hand in, someone's wedding ring on the floor in Tesco though... if that counts It doesn't really does it Not so much a good deed as just doing the right thing just think tho.. if you didn't hand it it, some scally might have it away to 'cash for gold' by now. Zazz.. that sucks (I hate, hate, hate... [ more ]
Kaffs Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing: I haven't got round to making a donation... tbh after spending £300 at Tesco it might have to wait. I did find, & hand in, someone's wedding ring on the floor in Tesco though... if that counts It doesn't really does it Not so much a good deed as just doing the right thing just think tho.. if you didn't hand it it, some scally might have it away to 'cash for gold' by now. Zazz.. that sucks (I hate, hate, hate bosses that screw with people's wages... [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing I haven't got round to making a donation... tbh after spending £300 at Tesco it might have to wait. I did find, & hand in, someone's wedding ring on the floor in Tesco though... if that counts It doesn't really does it Not so much a good deed as just doing the right thing [ more ]
See all 19 replies...

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