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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Awww Michael and Frankie....
Former Member Originally Posted by stonks: Originally Posted by Eileen Over: I wish Michael would adopt Frankie - I get the feeling that he thinks Frankie should not be in the limelight and should concentrate on getting himself together. But that odious family of his will push him the wrong way sadly. I honestly think he will take him under his wing Eileen.... I really hope so and not in the way of taking him to Hollywood and trying to make an actor of him either [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing Originally Posted by Ducky: You made me clench! Oh god. This is all going so wrong! *extracts herself from thread* [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by ~Lee~: Originally Posted by Eileen Over: I wish Michael would adopt Frankie - I get the feeling that he thinks Frankie should not be in the limelight and should concentrate on getting himself together. But that odious family of his will push him the wrong way sadly. I agree Eileen....Begs the question is his rude crude and crassness everyday speech in the home,if so they've a lot to answer for. I am convinced of it. When I saw his Dad boasting in the paper what a lad he... [ more ]
See all 20 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Flash me your boobies thread....
zazz Re: Flash me your boobies thread.... [ more ]
Ducky Originally Posted by Gypsie~: Delete it delete it. lori will have a fit Did you catch a glimpse of Soozy's pic before she deleted it? I thought she was a gonna for sure [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Gypsie~: No nudity remember ... *ive saved it anywhoo* . I wonder how much time we have all spent googling boobies today None! I've been a good girl and been at work and am now cruisin the web looking for Wii games and stuff [ more ]
See all 36 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Baz Originally Posted by Jenstar: Originally Posted by zazz: Originally Posted by Jenstar: You're a secret Boobette!! if Frankie was to leave tonight, I would then want Denise to win! Not because I like her, particularly, but because I would love to see the other housemates faces!! Thats exactly why i support her, she has had me really entertained... but i wouldnt want to spend too much time with her! Ditto [ more ]
Jen-Star Originally Posted by zazz: Originally Posted by Jenstar: You're a secret Boobette!! if Frankie was to leave tonight, I would then want Denise to win! Not because I like her, particularly, but because I would love to see the other housemates faces!! Thats exactly why i support her, she has had me really entertained... but i wouldnt want to spend too much time with her! [ more ]
zazz Originally Posted by ~Lee~: I wish to hell she would keep them in. I bet her tits are out before the housemate leaving tonight is out [ more ]
See all 10 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Are the twins hypocrites?
Sezit Kaffy. I hadn't thought of that, I do see what you mean though. [ more ]
jacksonb I'd say that on balance Karissa is quite reserved, she's about the only one that kept her clothes on throughout this BB. *snarl* [ more ]
Kaffs Originally Posted by Sezit: Originally Posted by kimota (Corin's Crib #1) FAKER # 1: I can agree that they are wrong in criticising Denise for jumping in the jacuzzi with Frankie, but not that Karissa is wrong to feel upset that Denise pulled her trousers down and then looked like she was attempting it again. If Karissa had a history of yanking down the trousers of others and was insistent that there was nothing wrong in doing so , then yes she would be a hypocrite. Just because she chooses... [ more ]
See all 73 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
So do you want to stay tonight Denise?
Baz Originally Posted by Syd: Originally Posted by Baz: *bangs head on wall* Moves Baz to padded cell, for your own safety you understand Baz ( xx) Syd I have repeated the same thing so many times now that it's making me dizzy [ more ]
Syd Originally Posted by Baz: *bangs head on wall* Moves Baz to padded cell, for your own safety you understand Baz ( xx) [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing Originally Posted by Baz: My sentiments exactly Blizzie..... they both need their heads banged together.... worse than a couple of stroppy teenagers ( apologies to any teenagers .), but the only one who seems to be getting their head banged is Denise... so I'm trying to even the score [ more ]
See all 56 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Gareth describes Wales
Amythist Originally Posted by Soozy Woo: I've always wanted to go to Wales but .......are there any castles there? we have a lush one in our village with its own ghost [ more ]
Soozy Woo I've always wanted to go to Wales but .......are there any castles there? [ more ]
Amythist Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing: Originally Posted by Amythist: Originally Posted by Baz: I like Gareth and would be quite happy if he won.... he seems like a very nice person... Yep if I vote it will be for him cant stand the twins or Nicola who I hope will leave tonight Michael hasn't lived up to his early promise so its gentle giant Gareth for me Then again, maybe he has - and we just haven't been shown that side of things. Just as we haven't seen much of Gareth and... [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
My nightly Nicolla thread
Former Member Mind you, I always loved Michelle Bass I could never understand the dislike of her. She was my favourite female HM after Aisleyne. [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by GorgeousMimi: Originally Posted by Rexi: Originally Posted by ~Lee~: Originally Posted by jacksonb: she's got little piggy eyes. Shark eyes,like that Michelle Bass. Oh yessssss When people have eyes like that I tend not to trust them...I dunnoo why!?. What? Bit unfair, no? - Michelle Bass was the central HM in the funniest ever BB episode - the bedsit - she was such a laugh in it. - She was never a biatchy HM - the only one she was really nasty to was Ahmed - deservedly! [ more ]
Baz Originally Posted by GorgeousMimi: Originally Posted by Rexi: Originally Posted by ~Lee~: Originally Posted by jacksonb: she's got little piggy eyes. Shark eyes,like that Michelle Bass. Oh yessssss When people have eyes like that I tend not to trust them...I dunnoo why!?. I agree...... and nice to see you Mimi [ more ]
See all 23 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Romeo is simply gorgeous and lovely..
Former Member Thanks Baz. [ more ]
Baz Originally Posted by sparkles: Originally Posted by Yellow Rose: I know nothing about Romeo's career, had never heard of him till he went in the house. Like Cupcake said Frankie and Kirk should learn from him on how to think of and treat women. When I see so many online and on tv cheering Frankie as a winner it's another reminder about what's going so wrong in the uk today. I see the excuses that's he's a young lad...he's 19, not twelve! there are tens of thousands of "young lads" but they... [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Yellow Rose: I know nothing about Romeo's career, had never heard of him till he went in the house. Like Cupcake said Frankie and Kirk should learn from him on how to think of and treat women. When I see so many online and on tv cheering Frankie as a winner it's another reminder about what's going so wrong in the uk today. I see the excuses that's he's a young lad...he's 19, not twelve! there are tens of thousands of "young lads" but they don't all talk, behave, and act... [ more ]
See all 19 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The winning Euro Lotto ticket was
Former Member Originally Posted by Aimee: Originally Posted by Skylark24: Originally Posted by Aimee: Originally Posted by Skylark24: Oh Aimee How much, dare i ask??? £40m Oh blimey . Reminds me of when i went to the bingo years ago, and let a woman go in front of me to get her books as she wanted to go to the loo. She won the national £100k, i felt sick for days. Have a hug Ohhh that is sickening, have a hug back Thanks i am over it now, well almost ! [ more ]
Aimee Originally Posted by Skylark24: Originally Posted by Aimee: Originally Posted by Skylark24: Oh Aimee How much, dare i ask??? £40m Oh blimey . Reminds me of when i went to the bingo years ago, and let a woman go in front of me to get her books as she wanted to go to the loo. She won the national £100k, i felt sick for days. Have a hug Ohhh that is sickening, have a hug back [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Aimee: Originally Posted by Skylark24: Oh Aimee How much, dare i ask??? £40m Oh blimey . Reminds me of when i went to the bingo years ago, and let a woman go in front of me to get her books as she wanted to go to the loo. She won the national £100k, i felt sick for days. Have a hug [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
PML @ Michael in the Diary Room...
Marguerita Originally Posted by Yellow Rose: Originally Posted by Senora Reyes: Absolute quality! he is so funny, without even trying! I enjoyed that too Sometimes his wit is dry, sometimes sarcastic, sometimes growly but I like him Ditto [ more ]
Yellow Rose Originally Posted by Senora Reyes: Absolute quality! he is so funny, without even trying! I enjoyed that too Sometimes his wit is dry, sometimes sarcastic, sometimes growly but I like him [ more ]
Senora Reyes Originally Posted by erinp: "When the bottles come out she going to kick off again " [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ok, Help me out here...Why is Nicola upset again?
Kaffs Originally Posted by Senora Reyes: Who is she trying to kid? i hope she's first out, scheming little bitch! i knew there was good reason why i disliked her so much..Denise should give up ignore her, and move on.. the only thing wrong with your post Senora is the words 'moving on' don't figure in Denise's vocabulary. [ more ]
Former Member I am bored with them all now. Great load of wallies [ more ]
Senora Reyes Originally Posted by ~Lee~: Originally Posted by Eileen Over: I just asked that Senora. I think she just enjoys the martyrdom of it all. St Nicola of the gorgon hair [ more ]
See all 12 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Former Member Re: 11.15 [ more ]
Rexi Originally Posted by nuts: Dirty stopout As if [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Rexi: hello and night night ... I've just got in - and I think it's my bedtime too zzzzzzzzzzz Dirty stopout [ more ]
See all 5 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Look at me
Former Member Madam! How dare you even think such a thing [ more ]
~Lee~ You on Viagra too Nuts? [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Soozy Woo: Originally Posted by nuts: PMSL! I'm sorely tempted to post the next line! I think it may be apt under the circumstances ROFL! [ more ]
See all 25 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Romeo is a Fit Fence sitter..
Senora Reyes Originally Posted by darloboy (Play The Game!): I'm glad that Romeo stayed out of it and agree he does not like conflict. Some think he's boring, fair enough and he is hardly shown but he will come out not having embarrassed himself too much in there. There are already enough loud/opinionated characters in there, so I actually find the laidback personalities of say Romeo and Gareth refreshing even if they are not perceived to offer much because of course everyone is different. [ more ]
Senora Reyes Originally Posted by Marguerita: He did the right thing not getting involved none of the men were there when it all started to kick off Frankie got more involved when the twins had a snipe at him, Denise tried to drag Gareth into the arguement he firmly put her in her place and said he was not taking sides.. I applaud him for that,four woman screaming at one another was bad enough all the men getting involved would have made matters so much was not their arguement. Agreed Marg! [ more ]
Aquarius I agree with you Syd, I wish sometimes he'd get more involved, but those four women would scare the wotsits out of me if I were a man. It would be a brave man who stepped into a fight with FOUR ranting women. The male 'rule book' must read " a mile" [ more ]
See all 23 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
If Denise(or a laydee of similar age) pulled down your pants...
Senora Reyes I found Denise's pants pulling and boob honking really creepy, and I would have been pissed off if she did it to me...She needs to stay off the booze. [ more ]
Former Member Re: If Denise(or a laydee of similar age) pulled down your pants... [ more ]
~Lee~ Originally Posted by nuts: Originally Posted by ~Lee~: Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*: With me it's the sneak up from behind and no warning that sets me off into slappy mode.. I think if I'd a drink in my hand I'd give them the pleasure of cooling their courage,chuck it over them, if I'd a handbag,on second thoughts no,my bags are always filled with so much it could be viewed as a deadly weapon. Depends if I'd paid for it Don't matter chuck it,I'll replace it for you. [ more ]
See all 43 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
My husband might be in America filming a movie....
~Lee~ Originally Posted by Senora Reyes: Originally Posted by kattymieoww: That made me really laugh when she came out with that line last night. I nearly peed myself, absolute quality... Wishful thinking on her part perhaps. [ more ]
Senora Reyes Originally Posted by kattymieoww: That made me really laugh when she came out with that line last night. I nearly peed myself, absolute quality... [ more ]
~Lee~ Originally Posted by stonks: Yes but i loved him best as Pete Callan..he was a bad ass then.... A real bad ass, yes. [ more ]
See all 32 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
oooh and what would you do if Denise, or someone of similar age flashed their bits at you...
~Lee~ Originally Posted by Ells: Originally Posted by ~Lee~: Originally Posted by Ells: I was sat behind her so I had the rear view all night Ells imo no *True* friend would stand by and let that happen,why let someone you allegedly care about have folk laugh at them,not with them but at them. That's what I thought Lee They applauded her and whooped as she got more drunk and more daring. They're lovely,not!....A good laugh for them and others at that girls expense,the bouncers should have a a word... [ more ]
Ells Originally Posted by ~Lee~: Originally Posted by Ells: I was sat behind her so I had the rear view all night Ells imo no *True* friend would stand by and let that happen,why let someone you allegedly care about have folk laugh at them,not with them but at them. That's what I thought Lee They applauded her and whooped as she got more drunk and more daring. [ more ]
~Lee~ Originally Posted by Ells: I was sat behind her so I had the rear view all night Ells imo no *True* friend would stand by and let that happen,why let someone you allegedly care about have folk laugh at them,not with them but at them. [ more ]
See all 23 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Vaccinations info
MrsH Originally Posted by Aimee: Thanks After a quick scan of that she should be able too get a tetanus for free have a word with your doctors Aimee - if a friend has got the jabs for free then maybe there may be a way round it depending on your circumstances if you dont ask - maybe you dont get - no harm in asking first though [ more ]
Sezit I thought Tetnus was free thats why I looked it up. Glad I could help. [ more ]
Aimee Thanks After a quick scan of that she should be able too get a tetanus for free [ more ]
See all 4 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
This isn't going to be a popular view on here...but...
Baz Originally Posted by Aimee: I didn't mind them at first but have now gone right off them Ditto..... [ more ]
Aimee I didn't mind them at first but have now gone right off them [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by darloboy (Play The Game!): They're fab , total hypocrites but I love the way they have took a BBUSA approach in there. I've seen both the positive and negative sides to them in the heavily edited footage we get to see and so glad I had a turnaround in opinion from launch night . Hi Darloboy Yes I love how they see it as a GAME. Of course other HMs do too [probably] but at least the twins are honest.. [ more ]
See all 34 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Right Moral Dilema. Have you ever stuck your nose in where its not asked.
~Lee~ Say nothing Gypsy.As difficult as it will be don't alienate her she needs you,criticising him will put her in a position she'll feel obliged to defend him,if she asks for advice then yes,until then no. [ more ]
Former Member Thats a good outcome pengy, glad she saw him for what he was. Its good advice. I dont think my freind would stand for any physical abuse, im fairly certain of that. Its just the emotional stuff that is the issue with her. I see her very depressed, and its sad. thanks everyone for letting me vent and the advice. For now my mouth is staying shut. [ more ]
Former Member I was quite norty with my friend who like yours was in a terrible relationship with a controlling man who used to phone her every 5 minutes to see where she was and asked to be put on the phone to me if she told him she was at my house just to make sure. (We all knew he was cheating on her and was checking that she was no where near where he might be playing away) Anyhoo I was very pensive one lunch date and she asked what was wrong and I told her that I had a friend that was in a terrible... [ more ]
See all 29 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sunshine on a rainy day
Scotty ❤️
Blizz'ard Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo: Y'know wot Blizzie... I'm really regretting asking you to come back here [ more ]
Rawky-Roo Originally Posted by Blizz'ard: Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo: "Does she ever stop talking for five minutes?" , he moaned. Perhaps he thinks the show is about talking to the cameras, instead of to each other?! Y'know wot Blizzie... I'm really regretting asking you to come back here [ more ]
See all 10 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
What a Show!!!
Mount Olympus *Olly* I've gone completely blank on who Sherrie was. .kinda rings a bell the name but can't visualise them in the LUT but then again the minute BB is over I can't recall anybody who was in it nowadays. .10 yrs older in body since it started, but brain died 5 yrs ago I reckon.. [ more ]
Baz Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing: Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*: last nights show made me really miss the old times with LF. .I remember having it on Internet streaming in the background [no ADDS yay!] and half listening in then something would start to kick off and we'd all rush to the LUT to get it down for those with no LF. .then watch it the next day on the HL show to see how they edited it.. Can't LUT anymore brain fell out but it used to be so much fun. .hardest... [ more ]
Mount Olympus *Olly* awww it so brings it all back. .the fall out after a huge row. .different people in corners talking about their versions of it. .I really miss LF tweety birds an all. . the internet variety was the best cos of no adds and they always cut in on the best bit on the box. .sometimes used to run both during the day when nowt else was on, the box for the larger screen and the internet to listen properly via the headphones and also for the continuation when the box had a ADD BREAK <----- old LUT... [ more ]
See all 41 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Is Natalie Cassidy thick?
Yogi19 Originally Posted by stonks: Originally Posted by Yogi19: Originally Posted by Skylark24: Wish she would also stop saying...."I did 2 weeks of a 3 week show, so i did a third of it and i am happy" She must have been absent when they were doing fractions at her school. I thought that was just me..I was it must be me thats wrong.. .. No, it's definitely her, Stonks. [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by stonks: Originally Posted by Yogi19: Originally Posted by Skylark24: Wish she would also stop saying...."I did 2 weeks of a 3 week show, so i did a third of it and i am happy" She must have been absent when they were doing fractions at her school. I thought that was just me..I was it must be me thats wrong.... [ more ]
longcat They don't do washing up bowls either. [ more ]
See all 11 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
BB Bit on the side
Cinds Originally Posted by Cinds: Originally Posted by Jenstar: I dont watch it Joe it's just on in the back ground tonight and they carried Pete Burns in on a gold thing (can't think of the right name for it right now) Hmmmm He's cut throat with his critic but come on! if hes the best they have to offer i'll pass in future! I rarely watch it Jen, but for whatever reason last week, I decided to set it on series record on sky+. I started to watch the first one and Pete Burns came on. Then they... [ more ]
Marguerita I watched it last night and the celebs were very anti American saying BB is a british institution and the brits should win and they will ..I have always thought there is a lot of wave flagging when it comes to our reality shows..why do they bother asking other celebs from different countries to take part.. [ more ]
Jen-Star Originally Posted by Cinds: Originally Posted by Jenstar: I dont watch it Joe it's just on in the back ground tonight and they carried Pete Burns in on a gold thing (can't think of the right name for it right now) Hmmmm He's cut throat with his critic but come on! if hes the best they have to offer i'll pass in future Yup, it's a load of old pants. McCririck old pants! [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Perpetual victim.
longcat Originally Posted by Scotty: Originally Posted by Amythist: Didnt Tim Healy threaten the awful Jason Gardner for being poisonous about his wife. Jasons revenge was to say that his breath smelt of alcohol and fags Here it is Amythist. and here is Jason Gardiners reply to Tim “Those who think I was rude to Tim Healy can shove it. “He got in my face with breath that smelt of stale p*ss and alcohol whilst I was talking. I’m not perfect but at least I have oral hygiene.” [ more ]
Scotty Originally Posted by Amythist: Didnt Tim Healy threaten the awful Jason Gardner for being poisonous about his wife. Jasons revenge was to say that his breath smelt of alcohol and fags Here it is Amythist. [ more ]
Amythist Didnt Tim Healy threaten the awful Jason Gardner for being poisonous about his wife. Jasons revenge was to say that his breath smelt of alcohol and fags [ more ]
See all 46 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
It's like Bill v Eric now!
Dirtyprettygirlthing Originally Posted by stonks: TBH I always gave him a chance cos he's only young and we all make mistakes when we're young and he's made me laugh while he's been in the house.... yeah... he's made me laugh as well [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing Originally Posted by Xochiquetzal: I hate it when I change my position on TV stuff! So Ditty and me have had a long battle about who is the bestest vampire in Trooooo Blooooood, coming to a screen near you soon. I of course battled in defence of Bill. And then I began to change. It happened when Erik wore a dress. Ditty had turned me! Now I hate myself for being so judgemental of Frankie. hahahahahahahaha Love Eric... I can't say I love Frankie... when I have just used the love word for... [ more ]
Former Member I think the best thing for Frankie to do after this is to disappear for a while because he has a lot of growing up to do and a lot of soul searching. I think this experience has been good for him BUT what exactly could he be famous for. Yes he is a decent young man underneath all of the blagging BUT he does not have any talent to warrant him being famous. I 100% blame his parents for not giving him loving guidance and advice. You only have to look at how he responds to Michael to see how... [ more ]
See all 4 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Any Denise converts out there?
Former Member Nah, wouldn't go that far, she's just a friendly person, like him [ more ]
Former Member Maybe turned Gareth [ more ]
Dame_Ann_Average Originally Posted by Aimee: Originally Posted by Jenstar: Originally Posted by Rexi: I've always liked her nutty one - she's made the show for me Are you joining the boobettes then Rexi? Btw where is Aimee today? I is here must say i am worried for Denise's sanity though she'll be fine...out by the end of the week and a couple of bottles Vodka's and she'll be bouncing and flashing all over Boreham Wood [ more ]
See all 47 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
All the women seemed to have gone mad!
Syd Originally Posted by Xochiquetzal: Originally Posted by Gypsie~: Its a sad sad day when the only voice of reason is frankie * splutters over screen * Ain't that the truth! [ more ]
Xochi Originally Posted by Gypsie~: Its a sad sad day when the only voice of reason is frankie * splutters over screen * Ain't that the truth! [ more ]
liverbird Originally Posted by Gypsie~: Its a sad sad day when the only voice of reason is frankie I know - I'm in shock!! [ more ]
See all 12 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Can someone explain to me what this has got to do with Nicola??
Baz Originally Posted by Pengy: Originally Posted by Eileen Over: Originally Posted by Pengy: Originally Posted by Gypsie~: Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr... *pulls hoochies troosers down* Pengy...shes mental, i wish she would scuttle off and stop clinging to airtime I'm hoping there's no more reality programmes she can take part in unless she becomes one of those wedding planners No!! There is Strictly and then there is Come Dine with me and then there is Dancing on Ice NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO they'd never... [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Eileen Over: Originally Posted by Pengy: Originally Posted by Gypsie~: Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr... *pulls hoochies troosers down* Pengy...shes mental, i wish she would scuttle off and stop clinging to airtime I'm hoping there's no more reality programmes she can take part in unless she becomes one of those wedding planners No!! There is Strictly and then there is Come Dine with me and then there is Dancing on Ice NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO they'd never take her would they??? [ more ]
Senora Reyes Originally Posted by erinp: Originally Posted by Senora Reyes: Nicola is a nosey bitch who loves drama...Hence all the Twitter Wars... And Natalie defended her when she came out of the house [ more ]
See all 30 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
All right everyone, lets just calm the eff down and have some strawberries.
SazBomb ooohh strawberries, don't mind if I do [ more ]
Sezit Originally Posted by jacksonb: Originally Posted by Sezit: Here is Kill Bill in Bunnyvision: And Reservoir dogs:Warning it contains bunnies swearing. class. I loves the Bunnies J.B. [ more ]
jacksonb Originally Posted by Sezit: Here is Kill Bill in Bunnyvision: And Reservoir dogs:Warning it contains bunnies swearing. class. [ more ]
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