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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
This did my head in
Former Member Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x: Originally Posted by Gypsie~: Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x: Originally Posted by Gypsie~: Can i now just say, number 8, was sure it was popeye but it wasnt... but it could be *still wants it to be popeye* That's who I thought at first Popeye and .. ermm.. wasps YES!!!... He'll always be Popeye to us Popeye the beekeeper! ! Suppose Olive Oil did have a black and yellow skirt! [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Gypsie~: Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x: Originally Posted by Gypsie~: Can i now just say, number 8, was sure it was popeye but it wasnt... but it could be *still wants it to be popeye* That's who I thought at first Popeye and .. ermm.. wasps YES!!!... He'll always be Popeye to us Popeye the beekeeper! ! [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x: Originally Posted by Gypsie~: Can i now just say, number 8, was sure it was popeye but it wasnt... but it could be *still wants it to be popeye* That's who I thought at first Popeye and .. ermm.. wasps YES!!!... He'll always be Popeye to us [ more ]
See all 142 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Guess who's an Ambassador for Health?
Former Member Originally Posted by Carnelian: Guess who's the ambassador for class, according to the Guardian. LOL, obviously an April fool [ more ]
Former Member No parallels to self indulgance But they were bloody good.. [ more ]
Blizz'ard Originally Posted by Carnelian: Guess who's the ambassador for class, according to the Guardian. They must be twisting your Cantaloupes! [ more ]
See all 11 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Happy and hyper! :D!
Former Member Thanks! ! Still grinning ! [ more ]
Cosmopolitan Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x: Thankyou! ! Got a few ideas, but now I know they're possible I can start working towards them Happy wumman! Go grab it all by the throat, Slinks. Good luck [ more ]
Former Member Wishing you all the best Slinki Good luck with it! [ more ]
See all 29 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Nice shiny oven....
Former Member Originally Posted by Soozy Woo: Originally Posted by nuts: That ninja means something doesn't it Sooz.........c'mon.....spill! It means ........................I'm in your camp Nuts! I don't do mine that often at all - two or three times a year at most - a quick wipe out every so often Mine's lucky if it gets that, but I hate the cooker anyway [ more ]
Soozy Woo Originally Posted by nuts: That ninja means something doesn't it Sooz.........c'mon.....spill! It means ........................I'm in your camp Nuts! I don't do mine that often at all - two or three times a year at most - a quick wipe out every so often [ more ]
Former Member That ninja means something doesn't it Sooz.........c'mon.....spill! [ more ]
See all 41 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
teh keep fit thread..
~Sparkling Summer~ *high five* Yeah! Get on it, you'll soon feel the benefits [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Cagney: I'm the opposite. I run about 5-10 miles a day, do my aerobics for an hour a day and inbetween that run after a 2 year old Good luck with the exercise. It's not all about 6 packs. You'll be amazed how good you feel in yourself when you get healthy and fit Very impressive Cagney I'm trying to do 2 hours a day on the exercise bike. I watch telly as I cycle to ease the pain... [ more ]
zazz Tut bubble witch!!!! [ more ]
See all 5 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Those Who Kill
Yogi19 Originally Posted by Garage Joe: Now you have made me want to see it on catchup. Do it, Joe. [ more ]
Garage Joe Now you have made me want to see it on catchup. [ more ]
Yogi19 Originally Posted by Pengy: Originally Posted by Yogi19: Did anyone else stick with this series? Saw the last episode on Thursday night. I didn't expect that ending, did you? yes I loved this series - shame it's finishing and I cried a tear at the ending of Thursday's episode Me too, Pengy. I didn't see it coming. [ more ]
See all 35 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Do you feel the labour fans wanna shove it down your throat on here?
Carnelian Originally Posted by Garage Joe: Originally Posted by Carnelian: I do get a bit 'opinionated' at times. Fair point but then again, it's a forum and we all have our 'opinions' on matters. But I wouldn't call myself a 'Labour fan'. I'm not a particular fan of the last government. It did a load of things I didn't agree with. Partially agree! Although I would call myself a Labour fan. I'm a big fan of the party and all it stood for. I also liked the WEA and the idea of self improvement. Alas! [ more ]
Garage Joe Originally Posted by Carnelian: I do get a bit 'opinionated' at times. Fair point but then again, it's a forum and we all have our 'opinions' on matters. But I wouldn't call myself a 'Labour fan'. I'm not a particular fan of the last government. It did a load of things I didn't agree with. Partially agree! Although I would call myself a Labour fan. I'm a big fan of the party and all it stood for. I also liked the WEA and the idea of self improvement. Alas! That's all old fashioned. Unless Ed... [ more ]
Carnelian I do get a bit 'opinionated' at times. Fair point but then again, it's a forum and we all have our 'opinions' on matters. But I wouldn't call myself a 'Labour fan'. I'm not a particular fan of the last government. It did a load of things I didn't agree with. [ more ]
See all 24 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Jai who won BGT last year was abandoned by Simon Cowell
Blizz'ard I thought that there was a cash prize and a chance to appear in the Royal Variety Show. Any signings are a separate deal, surely? [ more ]
Yogi19 Jai has a quiet, pleasant and unassuming personality but has a fabulous voice. Cowell wanted Ronan Parkes to win but was twarted by the GBP - so he did his usual ie he sulked, then failed to market and promote Jai properly (IMO). [ more ]
Former Member Acts like this have no longevity. Cowell knows this so makes as much money as he can during this shows. Time and time again these acts are dropped within a few months because the audience has too many other shows to divert their attention. These acts know this and yet they continue to think they're so special, it will be different for them. You can probably count the acts that have had a modicum of success from these shows on one hand and yet people still audition year on year and the... [ more ]
See all 4 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Man V Food
SazBomb Originally Posted by Cinds: MAN V FOOD......MR CINDS even got knocked sick watching it tonight. B was watching it last week, I kept wandering through throwing disgusted looks at the TV. I hate the sort of celebration of gluttony, don't get me wrong, I love food and watching foodie TV shows but not things about how much food you can eat in a given time... I just think it's gross No one NEEDS that much food, and at a time obesity is on hte increase is this really something that we should be... [ more ]
Cagney Man V Food is one of my fave programmes. I love Adam. He lives quite healthily 6 days a week. Exercises twice a day before a challenge and doesn't eat the day of the challenge. The programme makes it look like he's a total pig but he does like one challenge a month. Love it [ more ]
Yellow Rose Having watched 2 docu's on this I still feel there's some missing information. Only when he's mentally well enough to go to Court in SA might more details come out, then again I'm not totally convinced he'd get a fair trial. Both families deserve to know the truth as the constant wondering must be a nightmare and stopping them from coming to acceptance. [ more ]
See all 11 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Infernal server error!
El Loro Brian Lenz has replied to my post: Thanks, El Loro. I'm guessing these internal server errors are just separate performance-related issues. Prior to yesterday, we were having much more frequent and regular occurrences of slowness and lockups across With the upgrades made yesterday, the general problem has been completely solved. If users continue to get these Internal Server Error pages, the more information that they can provide about the problems, the better (e.g. date/time of... [ more ]
Baz Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing: Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average: I tried three browsers the other night, FF, Chrome and IE...same problem on all three Well, that's that theory just gone up in smoke! Nice try though EFFT [ more ]
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average: I tried three browsers the other night, FF, Chrome and IE...same problem on all three Well, that's that theory just gone up in smoke! [ more ]
See all 97 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Student troll who posted offensive tweet about collapsed footballer Fabrice Muamba is sent to prison
Carnelian Many on the left are parading their anti-racist credentials by applauding the decision. I've read the tweets and they just read like a pissed up dick-head trying to wind people up. As far as I'm concerned the acid test for a prison sentence should be if society or communities are threatened to such an extent that prison is the only option to protect the public. In this case, where the threat is moronic racist postings on Twitter, that can't be true. Along with the over-the-top reactions and... [ more ]
Carnelian Originally Posted by Garage Joe: We've no chance of defining left and right!!! Having declared war on Cameron, Murdoch has declared war on the BBC who he described as a bunch of toffs and right wingers. He really is the most powerful man in the country. He's still in charge. Haddaway and shieght Dirty Digger! Murdoch described the BBC as 'right wingers'? Murdoch will support any government that's complicit with expanding his empire, his influence and allows him to spread his poisonous brand... [ more ]
Mount Olympus *Olly* ah hah. .. ta for that GJ .. |I am nowt but an ignoramus and cannot comprehend english when it strays from the very plain. . nearly had to look up soubriquet until I clocked what it probably meant. . [ more ]
See all 44 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
the footballer who had cardiac thing
Former Member Originally Posted by lal: Originally Posted by pirate1111: gotta go drunken person at my door Is it pengy???... Susssssh!! I was hoping he'd take me to the pub [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Garage Joe: Not that it isn't without humour. Our captain and defensive genius had a career ending type injury during the week. Someone has had a load of Pray4Bates shirts done for the trip to London-on-Sea at the weekend. [ more ]
lal Originally Posted by pirate1111: gotta go drunken person at my door Is it pengy???... [ more ]
See all 34 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Fabrice Muamba has tweeted his thanks to all
Former Member Excellent recovery and what a nice picture. His face. [ more ]
Baz Glad he is doing well [ more ]
Former Member I'm thrilled for him that not only is he well on the road to recovery but without any damage to his faculties as it were I'd say a lot of that is down to the excellent care he got both on the pitch by the paramedics and then the doctors/nurses etc., when he got to hospital [ more ]
See all 10 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ambassador for Health is?
jacksonb Originally Posted by erinp: Originally Posted by jacksonb: Originally Posted by Renton: And Katie Price won Mother of the Year Wud you like your mum to be getting her thingies out for a living? That's an odd choice too she's also, for a period of time coped with , and looked after and loved her disabled son, by herself She did/does, but so do many mothers who don't have the family or the financial back up that KP has . that isn't ,with respect, the point i am making. My point was to Renton... [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Blizz'ard: Originally Posted by erinp: Originally Posted by Blizz'ard: Sounds like her life is a health lottery, so why not? She yoyo diets ,smokes like a chimney and has taken back a partner that physically abused her .Great Ambassador. Exactly. If that's not a lottery, I don't know what is! [ more ]
Blizz'ard Originally Posted by erinp: Originally Posted by Blizz'ard: Sounds like her life is a health lottery, so why not? She yoyo diets ,smokes like a chimney and has taken back a partner that physically abused her .Great Ambassador. Exactly. If that's not a lottery, I don't know what is! [ more ]
See all 11 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I've had the day off, and what have I done all day?
Triggers I don't think you wasted your day if you had a nice time chillin in the house. It's not a crime not to go out in the sunshine - hope you had a nice day off. [ more ]
Poolshark Do you think Cheaters is real? I reckon I've seen every episode going, Judge Judy and Cheaters, 2 of my most favourite toilet programmes of all time! [ more ]
Saint Originally Posted by Poolshark: As a lot of you know I work in sales, the bosses said if you hit the the monthly target (as a team) by Thursday you can all have Friday off on us, so we did it by 1pm yesterday, all that work for nothing really. I'm also a bit skint even though it's actually pay day today, just trying to be carefull that's all. Got my night planned, gonna watch Judge Judy, then the repeat of BGT, then Independence Day, then 2nd part of Cheaters , then bed. OMG that is an... [ more ]
See all 12 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
When you were young
~Sparkling Summer~ Lol at all of the above I think I did well to have never been pranked! When I was qualified and started working full time, we all used to prank each other all the time though Texting the landline was very popular [ more ]
Sezit Where I worked in an office, the seniors used to send the new filing girls/boys to the hardware shop for tartan paint or rainbow paint. When I was doing admin. at an elecrical wholesalers, the store manager used to send the store lads up to the hardware shop for glass nails and sky hooks. They all used to fall for it as well. [ more ]
Kaffs don't think I was ever pranked at work - as a kid I was sent to the neighbour's to ask for a jar of elbow grease though. Thinking back too.. the science teacher at school used to send first years to other classes to ask for a long stand. [ more ]
See all 8 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
a question..(i dont want to *google*)
~Sparkling Summer~ I loved pugwall! I watched every episode [ more ]
Garage Joe One is old enough to remember "the adventures of the terrible ten!" and "the magic boomerang!" [ more ]
Soozy Woo I used to love watching Pugwall with my kids - it was on during the summer holidays. I remember feeling really sad on the last episode because the summer holidays had come to an end and they were going back too school. I hated the end of the summer hols - loved having the kids at home and wanted the break to go on longer. [ more ]
See all 10 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Living styles
~Sparkling Summer~ I like country style/vintage but with a non cluttery look [ more ]
Yogi19 Originally Posted by nuts: Originally Posted by Yogi19: Originally Posted by nuts: Originally Posted by Yogi19: Originally Posted by Baz: I guess I am olde world too...... I don't like too much clutter.... but I do love antique furniture.... and would love to live in an old cottage..... Ditto. Cottages........beams.. .........NO! I guess that's what makes us all different though ^^^^ That's aspirational. I live in a 30 year old, bog standard house, and my style is more traditional than... [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Yogi19: Originally Posted by nuts: Originally Posted by Yogi19: Originally Posted by Baz: I guess I am olde world too...... I don't like too much clutter.... but I do love antique furniture.... and would love to live in an old cottage..... Ditto. Cottages........beams.. .........NO! I guess that's what makes us all different though ^^^^ That's aspirational. I live in a 30 year old, bog standard house, and my style is more traditional than modern. LOL! Get me! I live in a... [ more ]
See all 26 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
How would you rate Mondrian?
Kaffs Scotty - that is a lovely picture - very talented - reminds me a bit of Vettriano's style. Cos, I'll sit in the 'frowned on' corner with you - I love Jack Vettriano's stuff too, especially the darker ones like you, I'm not quite so keen on his newer beach/trains stuff, was a wee it disappointed in his latest exhibition. One of my very favourites is the self portrait, Black Friday - just something about it - I can never explain why I like things (and before you wonder.. no.. he's not so... [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Gypsie~: think of the tea cakes... think of the tea cakes (by the way i want one too now, i love tunnocks tea cakes) You can have the teacakes, I'll have the caramel wafers [ more ]
Former Member think of the tea cakes... think of the tea cakes (by the way i want one too now, i love tunnocks tea cakes) [ more ]
See all 63 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
trying to change a pub..!?
kimota The first pub I ever drank in regularly, totally changed when new owners took over. They booted out the existing clientèle including me, who were mostly young (in some cases illegally so) and 'alternative' types (punks, hippies bikers ect. The decor and lighting were so different, that most didn't want to stay anyway! [ more ]
Garage Joe Don't know 'em either! [ more ]
Former Member Never heard of that pub, no sorry. [ more ]
See all 10 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Syd "Love" comes in different forms. The love of a partner usually starts off passionate and with all that passion entails, then if you see the passion through (good and bad) it turns into a less passionate but more comfortable love......hard to describe, but a love that is even closer than a family love. [ more ]
Garage Joe **feels lucky** [ more ]
Former Member Not sure how to answer that tbh. Love rarely lasts sadly. [ more ]
See all 20 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Who's got a dark secret they wanna tell us?
kattymieoww My cousins younger "brother" is actually her son... It's all good now he knows all about it he's a young man of 26 now.Strict catholic family etc...don't ask! [ more ]
Rawky-Roo Originally Posted by Jenstar: Ok, with rolling pin in the roof space? ...... alliteration! Alliteration? One thinks one needs to go and have lie down. Okay, I'll admit.... I did.... well look at the time, off to bed with me. [ more ]
Jen-Star Ok, with rolling pin in the roof space? ...... alliteration! [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I'll put the lights out then..
Jen-Star Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x: Originally Posted by Jenstar: *jumps out on Slinki in the dark* Night Waahhh!! ! ! ( that was some delayed reaction! ) [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by velvet donkey: Noite Mornin! [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Jenstar: *jumps out on Slinki in the dark* Night Waahhh!! ! ! ( that was some delayed reaction! ) [ more ]
See all 5 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
A good result for a change!
Former Member Originally Posted by kattymieoww: They drag these things out for a long time,same thing happened with the miners trying to get compensation.I assume they hope those trying to get compensation will die off meantime.I agree,Good result. It's disgraceful katty. Miners with silicosis and shipyard workers ( and the countless others that were exposed to asbestos, even when it was known it was dangerous ) got such a raw deal while Turner and Newell , then the employers, then their insurers, covered... [ more ]
kattymieoww They drag these things out for a long time,same thing happened with the miners trying to get compensation.I assume they hope those trying to get compensation will die off meantime.I agree,Good result. [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Jenstar: I hope anyone who has lost someone as result of asbestos during this fight feels good about this result! It's some kind of justice . A disgrace that some of the insurers went down that road though. Even the Association of British Insurers was pleased at the result. [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Cod liver oil and malt
Katerina Nope, closest thing I used to have was probably Minadex, an orange 'build-up' tonic when I got colds and stuff. I didn't mind it! Used to love chewing on Haliborange vitamins too. [ more ]
Former Member Nah, never had nowt like anyone has posted here. I'm from the Northeast. We're ard [ more ]
Former Member Never got cod liver oil, but we used to get Delrosa rosehip syrup in the winter - it was gorgeous! I vaguely remember the malt stuff [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Crazy Christian Lady
Clumsycat she needs to take the money.. buy a toothbrush you nutter.......her family need to section her [ more ]
Blizz'ard Originally Posted by jacksonb: Originally Posted by squiggle: Originally Posted by Yogi19: She's as mad as a box of frogs. I feel sorry for her kids. Me too, and her husband I see that someone said on the site that they bet Jesus hides when He sees her coming seriously doubt she's ever come in her life, it s the work of the devil that is... [ more ]
jacksonb Originally Posted by squiggle: Originally Posted by Yogi19: She's as mad as a box of frogs. I feel sorry for her kids. Me too, and her husband I see that someone said on the site that they bet Jesus hides when He sees her coming seriously doubt she's ever come in her life, it s the work of the devil that is... [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
My Big Fat Gypsy Discussion Thread
SazBomb Originally Posted by Cinds: Although I was puzzled as to why the interviewer would ask her about her Mother right in the middle of her getting her make up done for the wedding. I thought that was pretty cruel It was pretty obvious she was going to get upset! [ more ]
Former Member Was it my imagination or did they go into the church with beer cans at the Christening? [ more ]
Yogi19 Originally Posted by Aimee: Originally Posted by Cinds: Originally Posted by Aimee: I liked the couple last night, they really did seem to love each other but i did feel the girl was not in the right place emotional to go through with the wedding so close to losing her mum and the lad needing a smack round the chops for throwing her dad in the water and what was with the bloke holding the baby by the leg He threw her Dad in the river? I felt for that girl last night, in fact a few times when... [ more ]
See all 413 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I've got 21
Blizz'ard It's been bliddy bootiful here, all week. I've had most of it out. [ more ]
Former Member 18 for us here - beautiful day but chilly in the wind [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Ells: 18 for us tomorrow and it's the last day of the good weather I saw some strange sights in town today. Some people in tiny shorts and vests (not that warm) and others in parkas and woolly hats (really not that cold) so I don't think we know what to do with ourselves! ! Was like that here few folk hedging their bets, I saw a woman in a summer dress and wintery boots Lots of too tight shorts around, and topless blokes -like my friend said today " tis the season of... [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
wasting time..
Cinds Originally Posted by nuts: Originally Posted by Cinds: Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~: Or crank call my friends Is that you that keeps calling me telling me I have been paying PPI for no reason? I keep getting calls from these peeps too. I've got caller display and have been on the whocallsme site so I don't answer. I don't answer any number I don't recognise anyway The problem is they catch me on my mobile I normally don't answer a call from a number I don't recognise, but at present... [ more ]
Sezit Originally Posted by El Loro: Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~: Or crank call my friends I once rang a friend at home in Gloucester who worked in Cheltenham. I chatted with him on completely silly things. We had been talking for about 20 minutes when I suddenly realised that I had rung his works number but had rang Gloucester. I'd been chatting with a complete stranger who did sound like my friend and had been happy to go along with our talk. I said to him that I needed to go out, we said... [ more ]
Former Member Ive a great app on my phone that hangs up on any reported telemarketing / scam/ sales calls. its great! [ more ]
See all 8 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Some advice please ASAP if poss.
Former Member Originally Posted by Renton: Originally Posted by velvet donkey: Get a For Sale sign up. Let her read between the lines. . . . and place it in HER garden [ more ]
Saint Originally Posted by velvet donkey: Get a For Sale sign up. Let her read between the lines. . . . and place it in HER garden [ more ]
Former Member Get a For Sale sign up. Let her read between the lines. [ more ]
See all 41 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Those 'sort' of facebook friends.
kimota One who annoys me at times, is one who is unemployed and takes issue with anyone who moans about their job 'You're lucky to have a job' ect ect [ more ]
Kaytee Originally Posted by Soozy Woo: I removed a few yesterday - do people know of you've removed them? I was just having a clear out. Yes [ more ]
Ells I think I'm gonny need to add some more nutters coz my facebook is a bit boring these days. Nothing much going on. The one 'friend' who used to amuse me with her lovesick puppy routine has just had a baby and isn't posting much Apart from that most of my fb friends are sane [ more ]
See all 23 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
NOOOOOOOOOO! GAME- the games store - has gone into administration.
Carnelian A lot more to follow I'm afraid, the high streets of most towns and cities will look totally different in 10 years time. [ more ]
Carnelian I only went in there at Xmas to get tokens the rest of the time such stuff might as well be bought on line. Their used games were a ridiculous price. [ more ]
Jen-Star Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo: Originally Posted by SazBomb: Originally Posted by Jenstar: Originally Posted by SazBomb: Ugh, the shops were awful, always smelled of sweaty socks and BO You are so right! I've been in a couple of different branches and they all do seem to have a wiff about em! Yep, different branches, different cities they ALL smelled the same... was it piped in? It was to attract their biggest market I shouldn't generalise, cuz I am a gamer, but I am one of those rare ones... [ more ]
See all 24 replies...

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